Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20180116-00031 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of

Application of Alaska Communications                )   Call Sign: E170205
Internet LLC for 60-Day Special Temporary           )
Authorization (“STA”) to Operate a Network          )   File No. SES-STA-________________
of Earth Stations Operating in Portions of the      )
3700-4200 MHz and 5925-6425 MHz Bands               )


          Pursuant to Section 25.120 of the rules of the Federal Communications Commission (the

“FCC” or “Commission”), 47 C.F.R. § 25.120, Alaska Communications Internet LLC (“Alaska

Communications Internet”) respectfully seeks 60-day special temporary authorization (“STA”)

commencing on January 20, 2018, to operate a small network of two (2) very small aperture

terminals (“VSATs”) and an associated hub earth station in portions of the 3700-4200 MHz

(space-to-Earth) and 5925-6425 MHz (Earth-to-space) bands (collectively, the “C-band”) at fixed

locations in Alaska while communicating with the EUTELSAT 115WB satellite located at the

114.9° W.L. orbital position. Alaska Communications Internet requests this STA to allow it to

continue operations consistent with its current STA authority1 until its commercial license

application, which was placed on Public Notice on December 27, 2017,2 is acted upon by the


          Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest because it will allow Alaska

Communications Internet to continue uninterrupted broadband communications services while the

1See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File Nos. SES-STA-20170925-01054 (granted on
September 28, 2017) and SES-STA-20171116-01258 (granted on November 21, 2017), Call
Sign E170205 (together, the “VSAT Network STA”).
2See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign
E170205 (“VSAT Network License Application”); Public Notice, “Satellite Radio Applications
Accepted for Filing,” Rept. No. SES-02021 (rel. Dec. 27, 2017).

Public Notice period for the company’s commercial license continues to run. It will thus ensure

continued connectivity to Alaska Native and other remote communities and businesses in the Alaska

Bush3 that lack terrestrial broadband service while the VSAT Network License Application is

considered by the Commission.

       I.      Background

       Alaska Communications Internet is an affiliate of Alaska Communications Systems

Group, Inc. (“Alaska Communications”), a publicly-traded company that provides terrestrial

wireline telecommunications and broadband-enabled services throughout Alaska as the largest

incumbent local exchange carrier in the state.4 Alaska Communications Internet provides

essential broadband and voice-over-Internet Protocol (“VoIP”) services to enterprise, business,

educational, health care, and residential customers throughout the state.

       This STA and the recently-filed VSAT Network License Application are required to

enable provisioning of broadband satellite services to users in remote locations, where traditional

communication services are generally unavailable. Specifically, with this STA, Alaska

Communications Internet seeks to continue supporting the Tanadgusix Corporation (“TDX”), an

Alaska Native corporation created pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

3   Unlike Alaska’s three largest population centers, and the surrounding rural communities,
    Alaska Bush communities are isolated geographically from infrastructure resources commonly
    available elsewhere in the state, and the nation as a whole. Most Bush communities cannot be
    accessed by road, and are not connected to the state’s power grid. To reach these communities,
    people, as well as goods and services, must arrive by plane, barge, snow machine, all-terrain
    vehicle, or other off-road transportation means. Communications services in these
    communities generally must rely on satellite or terrestrial point-to-point microwave transport
    links to Anchorage, Fairbanks, or Juneau.
4   The incumbent local exchange carrier (“ILEC”) subsidiaries of Alaska Communications are:
    ACS of Anchorage, LLC; ACS of Fairbanks, LLC; ACS of Alaska, LLC; and ACS of the
    Northland, LLC; and ACS Long Distance, LLC. See also ACS Systems, Inc., File No. ITC-
    214-19980112-00019 (International Section 214 authorization).


(“ANCSA”), as it has been doing under the previous VSAT Network STA. In doing so, Alaska

Communications Internet will continue to deliver the improved and innovative broadband

communication services it currently provides to the primarily Alaska Native population of St.

Paul Island. At roughly 40 square miles, St. Paul Island is the largest of the Pribilof Islands. It is

located in the Bering Sea some 300 miles west of Alaska’s mainland, and is one of the most

remote locations in the nation.

       As discussed below, this STA is necessary to ensure the uninterrupted delivery of

broadband services to St. Paul Island, following the upcoming expiration of Alaska

Communications Internet’s existing STA authority, which will occur before the end of the Public

Notice period for its VSAT Network License Application. Moreover, a start date of January 20,

2018 is imperative to ensure Alaska Communications Internet can continue to operate after the

expiration on that date of its current VSAT Network STA and in accordance with the updated

earth station operating parameters stated in the VSAT Network License Application. Alaska

Communications Internet will continue to adhere to the conditions imposed by the Commission

in its previous STA grants.5 Moreover, Alaska Communications Internet incorporates by

reference the additional information provided in support of its VSAT Network License


        In the attached as-filed FCC Form 312 Schedule B and Technical Appendix, which were

also included in the VSAT Network License Application, Alaska Communications Internet

5   Supra n.1.
6   See Alaska Communications Internet LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20171116-01257, Call Sign
    E170205, Section 1.65 Letter Regarding Application for C-Band Very Small Aperture
    Terminal (“VSAT”) Blanket License.


provides relevant information relating to the proposed operations, including earth station

operating parameters and performance information and radiation hazard analyses. As discussed

below, each of the proposed earth station antennae are on the Commission’s Approved Non-

Routine Earth Station Antennas List (“Non-Routine Antenna List”) 7 and Alaska

Communications Internet will operate the earth stations below the maximum EIRP spectral

density (“ESD”) levels previously approved by the Commission.

       II.     Discussion

       This STA request authority to operate a C-band VSAT network consisting of a single hub

earth station and two VSAT remote terminals at previously coordinated locations.

               A.      Site Locations and Operating Parameters

       Under this STA, Alaska Communications Internet proposes to continue to operate a

single hub earth station and two VSAT remote terminals at previously coordinated locations.

The hub earth station – the 3.8m Prodelin GD Satcom Series 1383 (the “3.8m hub”) – is located

at the Dimond D facility in Anchorage, Alaska (geographic coordinates: 61° 8' 28.4" N, 149° 52'

30.7" W), where it was previously authorized by the Commission for similar hub earth station

operations.8 The former owner, Futaris Inc., ceased operations at the Dimond D site, and

7   See Approved Non-Routine Earth Station Antennas,
    routine-earth-station-antennas. Regarding the Prodelin Model 1244, see Harris Corporation,
    File No. SES-LIC-20060302-00342, Call Sign E060075; Intelsat LLC, File No. SES-LIC-
    20091027-01364, Call Sign E090186; Globe Wireless LLC, File No. SES-LIC-20120116-
    00058, Call Sign E120017. Regarding the Prodelin Model 1383, see RCN License
    Subsidiary, Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20050114-00077, Call Sign E050016; RCN License
    Subsidiary, Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20050517-00611, Call Sign E050142; Public
    Broadcasting of Colorado, Inc., File No. SES-MOD-20060608-00951, Call Sign E030163;
    New Life Evangelistic Center Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20080427-00495, Call Sign E0800.
8   Futaris, Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20151117-00847, Call Sign E150139 (granting authority to
    operate the 3.8m Hub to support fixed C-band operations in Alaska).


surrendered its license to operate the facility early this year. 9 Alaska Communications Internet

seeks to continue commercial service to St. Paul Island, in order to avoid a lapse in vital satellite

communication services to this remote region.

        The Prodelin 3.8m antenna is on the Commission’s Non-Routine Antenna List and is

authorized thereunder to operate at ESD levels substantially higher than those proposed in the

attached as-filed FCC Form 312 Schedule B. The hub (and associated VSAT terminals) is

supported by transponder capacity on the Eutelsat 115WB satellite, a Permitted Space Station

List satellite whose operational parameters are well known to the Commission.10

        One of the remote sites, St. Paul Island, Alaska (geographic coordinates: 57° 9' 35.99"N,

170° 13' 11.99"W) (the “3.8m remote”), will utilize an identical 3.8m Prodelin antenna to the

3.8m antenna located at the Dimond D hub. There, it will continue to provide satellite

connectivity to residents and businesses, improving the economic opportunities for the island


        The second remote site will be located at the Alaska Communications headquarters

(geographic coordinates: 61°11'10.50"N, 149°52'15.57"W) less than five miles from the 3.8m

hub. That site will use a 2.4m Prodelin Model 1244 (the “2.4m remote”), an antenna that has

been previously authorized for similar C-band operations and is on the Commission’s Non-

Routine Antenna List.11 That site is used to provide operational support and for testing purposes.

        Although these antennae do not comply with the gain mask in Section 25.209 of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.209, Alaska Communications Internet demonstrates in the

9    See Futaris, Inc., File No. SES-LIC-20151117-00847, Call Sign E150139, Surrender of
     Authorization Letter (filed on March 31, 2017).
10   See Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V., File No. SAT-PPL-20150227-00008 (Call Sign S2938).
11   Supra n.7; see, e.g., Harris Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20060302-00342, Call Sign E060075.


attached as-filed FCC Form 312 Schedule B that it will operate the terminals at maximum ESD

levels below those previously approved by the Commission. Moreover, Alaska Communications

Internet will continue to operate the earth stations in compliance with the ESD mask set forth in

Section 25.218(d) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.218(d).

                B. Frequency Coordination

         Alaska Communications Internet engaged Micronet Communications, Inc. (“Micronet”)

to perform frequency coordination in support of the underlying VSAT Network License

Application, which is also provided as part of this STA request. Pursuant to Sections

25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115(c)(2)(ii) and 25.203,

Micronet has conducted a coordination analysis on behalf of Alaska Communications Internet

and provided Prior Coordination Notices (“PCNs”) to all existing, proposed and prior

coordinated microwave facilities within the contours of each proposed earth station at the

locations identified herein.

         As demonstrated in the attached frequency coordination reports, the proposed operations

have been coordinated and limited as necessary and there is no potential for interference into

other users of the C-band spectrum sought herein by Alaska Communications Internet. At the

Dimond D hub and St. Paul Island remote site, Alaska Communications Internet’s proposed

operations in the 3704-3776 MHz (space-to-Earth) and 5929-6001 MHz (Earth-to-space) bands

are fully compatible with other FCC-licensed operations in the band. 12 At the Anchorage remote

site, Alaska Communications Internet will receive in the 3704-3776 MHz band (space-to-Earth)

12   When transmitting from the Dimond D hub using a 3 MHz carrier bandwidth, Alaska Internet
     Communications will limit its operations to the 5929-5944.85 MHz band (Earth-to-space) to
     avoid potential interference to adjacent incumbent microwave operations.


and limit its transmit operations at all times to the 5929-5944.85 MHz band (Earth-to-space) to

prevent interference to a nearby microwave site that is operating at 5974.85 MHz.13

         Such spectrum limitations facilitated Alaska Communications Internet’s waiver request

in the VSAT Network License Application to permit use of the full 72 MHz transponder on

EUTELSAT 115WB. Alaska Communications Internet requested the waiver to ensure it has the

long-term operational flexibility and capacity to serve these remote Alaska communities,

however, the waiver is not required nor requested in the instant STA request and Alaska

Communications Internet will operate fully consistent with the parameters in the frequency

coordination reports and the parameters for the hub and two remote sites specified in the Form

312 Schedule B associated with the VSAT Network License Application.

         III.    STA Request & Public Interest Considerations

         Section 25.120(a) provides that an STA request should be filed at least three business

days prior to commence of proposed operations. Here, Alaska Communications Internet has

timely filed this 60-day STA request so that the Commission may permit operations by January

20, 2018. Moreover, Section 25.120(b)(3) states that the Commission may grant a temporary

authorization for up to 60 days if the STA request has not been placed on public notice and if a

request for regulatory authority will be filed by the applicant. As noted, Alaska Communications

Internet has already filed an application for a C-band network license for the operations proposed

herein. This interim authority during the pendency of Alaska Communications Internet’s

commercial license application is critical to ensure delivery of satellite services to the population

13   Alaska Communications Internet reserves the right to modify its license to transmit in the
     entire 5929-6001 MHz band upon successful coordination with incumbent spectrum users.


of St. Paul Island, Alaska, which is unable to rely on other forms of communication for basic

connectivity needs.

       Grant of the requested 60-day STA will strongly serve the public interest by allowing

Alaska Communications Internet to ensure uninterrupted broadband services to remote Alaskan

communities that rely on these services for basic connectivity needs. Grant of the STA will

allow Alaska Communications Internet to continue serving underserved Aleut communities in St.

Paul Island, and help improve the local economy and well-being of its residents, helping to

bridge the digital divide. This service will enable users to have broadband Internet access, e-

mail, voice and data services, greatly enhancing economic opportunities in these remote


       IV.     Conclusion

       Based on the foregoing, Alaska Communications Internet requests that the Commission

grant Special Temporary Authority, as requested herein, to permit it to continue operation of a

small network of C-band VSAT earth stations for a period of 60 days to serve remote Alaskan

communities, commencing on January 20, 2018, or as soon as practicable thereafter.


Document Created: 2018-01-16 19:01:37
Document Modified: 2018-01-16 19:01:37

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