Attachment SESSTA2017101901187.


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20171019-01187 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


           E990067      SES—STA—20171019—01187
           Denali 20020, LLC

                                                                                                         Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 STA for TT&C E990067
 1. Applicant

           Name:         Denali 20020, LLC                     Phone Number:        509—689—1000
           DBA Name:                                           Fax Number:          509—689—3798
           Street:        66 C Teleport Drive                  E—Mail:              TOCC@usei—

           City:          Brewster                             State:               WA
           Country:       USA                                  Zipcode:             98812       —
           Attention:    Mr Darryl White

                                                 I7:crnational Bureau

                                                             | File g%&%fi%ga\w,g\fij
                                                              §1CS\%§B\°—\ Grant Date\=\Q=\Z
                                                              (or other identifier)
  Applicant: Denali 20020, LLC                                                 j
  Call Sign: E990067                       GRANTED            Fro=:\=                             :   AX
  File No.: SES—STA—20171019—01187ntornational Burcau                                         '
  Special Temporary Authority (STA) ————————_J Approved:

 Denali 20020, LLC is granted special temporary authority for 60 days beginning January 15,
 2018 to operate its fixed earth station in Brewster, Washington to provide launch and early orbit
 phase (LEOP) services and telemetry, tracking and command (TT&C) services for the SES—
  16/GovSat—1 satellite (licensed by the Luxemburg Administration) as it proceeds to its 21.5° E.
 orbital location on the following center frequencies: 7901.0 MHz (Earth—to—space), and 7748.50
 and 7729.50 MHz (space—to—Earth) under the following conditions:

  1. Uplinks from all supporting ground stations will be restricted to a single 1 MHz emission
     centered at 7901.0 MHz.

 2. Downlink will be restricted to a single 1 MHz emission centered at 7748.5 MHz except:
       a. During the first hour of operation after spacecraft separation (given the projected
          latitudes and longitudes), downlink can also use the 1 MHz emission centered at
          7729.5 MHz.

 3. If a primary downlink anomaly requires the use of the alternate downlink frequency (7729.5
    MHz), immediately: contact via phone:
         a. Notify the following point of contact via phone: US DoD Wideband Watch Office
            (24/7 operations center) at +1 719—554—1854
         b. Notify the following contacts via email:
                 b1. Jimmy Nguyen, Air Force Spectrum Management Office,
                 b2. Travis Inghram, US Army Space and Missile Defense Command,

 4. Provide and a, a 24/7 point of
    contact phone number in case harmful interference is encountered and requires resolution.

 5.   Denali 20020, LLC shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection
 from, interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it shall cease
 transmission(s) immediately upon notice of such interference.

 6. In the event that there is a report of interference, Denali 20020, LLC must immediately
 terminate transmissions and notify the FCC in writing.

 7. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this special
 temporary authority is solely at Denali 20020, LLC risk.

_ 8. Denali 20020, LLC shall take all reasonable and customary measures to ensure that the earth
  station does not create a potential for harmful non—ionizing radiation to persons who may be in
  the vicinity of the earth station when it is in operation. The earth station operator shall be

'responsible for assuring that individuals do not stray into the regions around the earth station
 where there is a potential for exceeding the maximum permissible exposure limits.

This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated authority,
47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.

2. Contact

             Name:         Levin M. Borm                       Phone Number:          .             6465843703
             Company:      Regent Square Group LLC             Fax Number:
             Street:       225 Broadway                        E—Mail:                              levin.born@regentsquaregroup.
                                                                                ‘                   com
                           Suite 3400
             City:         New York                            State:                                NY
             Country:      USA                                 Zipcode:                              10007     —
             Attention:                                        Relationship:                         Other

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
   4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
C Governmental Entity        3 Noncommercial educational licensee
C Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

 g4 Use Prior to Grant                             4 Change Station Location                        . Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date

7. CityBrewster                                                            8. Latitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)    48     8        47.2   N
9. State   WA       ‘                                                      10. Longitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)     119       42     79   W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Form 159                            Attachment 2: Narrative                               Attachment 3: FCC E990067

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     Request for Special Temporary Authority to Utilize New Transmit and Receive Frequencies
     for Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C)                         services on Call Sign E990067

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes        ll:\:,.No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                  15. Title of Person Signing
   Darryl White                                                                Manager

                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

17 October 2017

Attention: International Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission
Subject: Request for Special Temporary Authority to Utilize New Transmit and Receive
Frequencies for Tracking, Telemetry and Command {TT&C) services on Call Sign E990067

To Whom It May Concern,

We have been instructed to file this application on behalf of Denali 20020 LLC, which seeks a
Special Temporary Authority from the FCC to utilize new transmit and receive frequencies to
provide TT&C services on Call Sign E990067.

These services are intended to provide support to the SES—16/GovSat—1 satellite immediately
following its launch and for a ten—day period thereafter during its transfer orbit as it travels to
its final orbital position of 21.5E.

Currently, the launch of the SES—16/GovSat—1 satellite is scheduled for the 16°" of December
2017 (12/16/2017) with a secondary launch date on the 27"" of December 2017 (12/27/2017).

Denali 20020 LLC seeks a 90—day Special Temporary Authority from the FCC beginning on the 1°"
of December 2017 (12/01/2017) and ending on the 1" of March 2018 (03/01/2018). This will
allow for any delays or launch date changes.

Antenna Information

Call Sign: E990067
Site ID: BREW—3
Latitude: 48° 8‘ 47.2" N
Longitude: 119° 42‘ 7.9" W
Diameter: 7.6 Meters
Manufacturer: NEC
Model Number: G2573C
Site Elevation: 382.8 Meters
Maximum    Antenna Height: 394.7 Meters AMSL / 11.9 Meters AGL
Maximum    Gain{s): 50.3 dBi at 5.2000 GHz and 52.7 dBi at 7.0250 GHz
Maximum    Total Input Power at Antenna Flange: 1175.0 Watts
Maximum    Aggregate Output EIRP for all Carriers: 81.0 dBW

                           225 Broadway, Suite 3400, New York, NY 10007

Transmit and Receive Frequency Information and Parameters

                          TC—1 UL           TC—2 UL            TM—1 DL           TM—2 DL
  Tx Center Freq.      7901.00 MHz       8399.00 MHz
  Rx Center Freq.                                            7748.50 MHz       7729.50 MHz
     Bandwidth           820 kHz            820 kHz             200 kHz           200 kHz
    Polarization           LHCP              LHCP        .       RHCP              RHCP
         Bit Rate         1 kbps            1 kbps             4.8 kbps          4.8 kbps
   Modulation           BPSK (FM)          BPSK (FM)          BPSK (PM)         BPSK (PM)
  Emission Code         820KF7D             820KF7ZD          200KG7D           200KG7D
 Tx Antenna Gain         52.7 dBi          52.7 dBi
 Rx Antenna Gain                                               52.7 dBi          52.7 dBi
                        750 Watts         750 Watts
     Tx Power           28.8 dBW          28.8 dBwW
                      EIRP 81.5 dBW     EIRP 81.5 dBwW
  Rx Interference                                             —136.8 dBwW      —136.8 dBW
    Threshold                                                /N = —~10 dBw    1/N = —10 dBw
                                                             EIRP 0.5 dBw     EIRP 0.5 dBw

We have attached the following documents to this application as annexes:

    1.    FCC File Number SES—RWL—20090402—00399
    2.    Form 159

We remain available to you for any clarifications required or document needs to further your
assessment of our request.

We thank you for your consideration and attention to the matter.


Levin M. Born
Regent Square Group LLC
+1 (646) 584 3703

                        225 Broadway, Suite 3400, New York, NY 10007

31 October 2017

Via Electronic Filing

Mr. Paul Blais, Branch Chief
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau Satellite Division
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, D.C. 20554

Regarding:        Denali 20020 LLC
                  Call Sign E990067

Dear Mr. Blais,

Pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, Denali 20020 LLC, by
instruction to Regent Square Group LLC, hereby updates the information furnished in the
above—referenced application for continuing accuracy and completeness in the following

The licensed administration that will be registering the SES—16/GovSat—1 to the UNOOSA
registry on behalf of the operator is Luxembourg.

Please feel free to reach out to us should you have any further questions or require any further
clarification on the matter.

We thank you for your consideration and attention to the matter.


Levin M. Born
Regent Square Group LLC
+1 (646) 584 3703

cc: Ms. Trang Nguyen

                           225 Broadway, Suite 3400, New York, NY 10007

Document Created: 2018-01-18 12:20:39
Document Modified: 2018-01-18 12:20:39

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