Attachment Narrative and Annexe

This document pretains to SES-STA-20171011-01135 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



        O3b Limited (“O3b”), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission’s rules, hereby respectfully
requests special temporary authority (“STA”) to operate an earth station in Ceiba, Puerto Rico (“PR 2.4m
Earth Station”) that will communicate with its satellite system, which has been authorized to serve the
U.S. market.1 In this filing, O3b seeks a 30‐day STA for the period between October 11, 2017 and
November 10, 2017.

         The PR 2.4m Earth Station will be integrated into a temporary system with other operators to
help restore local wireless service in Puerto Rico. As discussed below, grant of the requested authority is
in the public interest as it will allow O3b to provide services that will benefit the population in Puerto
Rico as it recovers from the recent hurricanes and rebuilds its telecommunications infrastructure.

Operational Details and Public Interest Showing

        The PR 2.4m Earth Station will communicate with O3b’s UK‐authorized, Ka‐band, Medium Earth
Orbit, non‐geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) Fixed‐Satellite Service (“FSS”) system and O3b’s
gateway earth station in Hortlandia, Brazil.

         The frequencies to be used by the PR 2.4m Earth Station are:

                 27.6‐28.4 GHz (uplink)
                 17.8‐18.6 GHz (downlink)

       The PR 2.4m Earth Station will consist of two (2) 2.4‐m AvL antennas. O3b has previously been
granted a license to operate an identical 2.4‐m earth station at the O3b facility in Manassas, Virginia.2

         In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, Puerto Rico lost most of its wireless coverage across the
island, leaving residents without cellphone service.3 In recent reports, the Commission estimates that
the vast majority of cell sites remain out of service.4 Grant of this STA request will serve the public
interest because the PR 2.4m Earth Station will be used to bring local wireless networks in Puerto Rico
online while the terrestrial infrastructure is being repaired.

  See Applications of O3b Limited, Call Sign S2935, IBFS File Nos. SAT‐LOI‐20141029‐00118 and SAT‐AMD‐
20150115‐00004 (the “U.S. Market Access Petition”), granted Jan. 22, 2015 (the “Market Access Grant”).
  O3b Limited, Call Sign E160129, File Nos. SES‐LIC‐20160712‐00640 (granted Nov. 7, 2016) (the “Manassas AvL
Earth Station”).
  See Elizabeth Weise, Puerto Rico is nearly entirely cut off from cellphone service, leading to low tech solutions,
(Sept. 28, 2017),‐rico‐cell‐phone‐service‐tmobile‐att‐
  See, e.g., “Communications Status Report for Areas Impacted by Hurricane Maria,” (rel. Oct. 7, 2017), available

Earth Station Technical Parameters

       The following documents containing technical details of the operations proposed under the
requested STA are attached:

                Annex 1: FCC Form 312, Schedule B. O3b proposes to operate the PR 2.4m Earth Station
                 during this 30‐day term in accordance with the parameters specified in the attached
                 Schedule B.5
                Annex 2: Characteristics of the 2.4m AvL Antenna are provided for the Commission’s
                 convenience. O3b previously submitted this information to the Commission.6

        Further, O3b incorporates by reference the information regarding the technical parameters of
the O3b satellite system that O3b submitted with its U.S. Market Access Petition as well as the 28 GHz
band antenna performance data for the 2.4m antenna O3b supplied to the Commission in a previous

Proposed Spectrum Use

      Operations of O3b’s proposed PR 2.4m Earth Station in shared bands are consistent with the
Commission’s rules and policies. O3b addresses each of these bands below.


27.6 ‐ 28.35 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary terrestrial stations

       The 27.6 ‐ 28.35 GHz uplink band is allocated to the Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service
(“UMFUS”) on a primary basis. FSS operations are allocated on a secondary basis in the same band.
Accordingly, O3b’s proposed operations in this band must not cause harmful interference to primary
UMFUS stations.

       O3b does not seek a protected interference zone for its operations in this band. O3b will
operate the PR 2.4m Earth Station on a secondary basis and immediately shut down transmit
transmissions in the event of harmful interference to primary terrestrial operations.

          However, as noted below, O3b requests a waiver of the coordination requirements articulated
in 47 C.F.R. 25.136(c)(4) and 47 C.F.R. 101.103(d). The required coordination report would take a
significant amount of time to procure, and delivering the O3b service in a timely manner is critical to the
population of Puerto Rico. Additionally, due to the state of the terrestrial infrastructure in Puerto Rico,
it is unlikely that there are any in‐band terrestrial operations at this time with which O3b transmissions
could interfere.

  O3b is providing a Schedule B containing technical parameters for the Commission’s convenience.
  See Application for Manassas AvL Earth Station, Annex 2.
  See Application for Manassas AvL Earth Station, Annex 6.


28.35 ‐ 28.4 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary GSO FSS stations

       The U.S. Market Access Grant authorized the O3b satellite system to use the 28.35 ‐ 28.4 GHz
band, which has a primary allocation for GSO FSS systems, pursuant to the secondary allocation for
NGSO FSS systems. O3b’s PR 2.4m Earth Station transmissions in this band will be consistent with their
secondary status vis‐à‐vis GSO FSS transmissions.

         As a secondary user of the 28.35 ‐ 28.4 GHz band in the United States, O3b makes no claim of
protection from interference from U.S.‐licensed GSO FSS networks in this band segment. O3b’s uplink
operations in the 28.35 ‐ 28.4 GHz band comply with applicable ITU equivalent power flux density
(“EPFDup”) limits designed to protect co‐frequency GSO FSS operations from unacceptable interference
from NGSO FSS systems operating in the same frequencies. O3b previously demonstrated that earth
stations operating above 17.9°N when operating at the authorized power levels will meet the applicable
ITU EPFDup limits in all frequency ranges where these limits apply, due to the inherent angular
separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits when viewed from the Earth at latitudes away
from the equator.8 The PR 2.4m Earth Station is located further north in latitude than 17.9°N,9 which
results in an even greater angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits as viewed from
the Earth and an even greater assurance that the applicable ITU EPFDup limits will be met by O3b’s
proposed operations.


17.8 ‐ 18.6 GHz

        The 17.8 ‐ 18.3 GHz frequency band is allocated on a primary basis to the terrestrial fixed
service. The 18.3 ‐ 18.6 GHz band is allocated in the United States on a primary basis to GSO FSS. O3b’s
space stations transmit in this band pursuant to the Market Access Grant, and operations of the space
stations with the PR 2.4m Earth Station will comply with the conditions specified in that authorization.10

Waivers Requested

Waiver of Coordination Requirements in Sections 25.136(c)(4) and 101.103(d)

         FSS earth stations in the 27.6‐28.35 GHz band are typically required to coordinate with primary
terrestrial licensees pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.136 and 101.103(d). O3b requests a temporary waiver
of this requirement in order to provide its service in the above‐mentioned time frame.

        It is in the public interest for the Commission to waive the coordination requirement for short
term O3b operations in Puerto Rico in the 27.5‐28.35 GHz band. Local terrestrial operators are not likely
to be providing service in Puerto Rico during the term of this STA under the current circumstances. O3b

  See O3b Limited, Call Sign E140101, File No. SES‐LIC‐20141001‐00781 (granted June 8, 2015) (“O3b Blanket
License Application”), Technical Annex at A7 (demonstrating that earth stations communicating with the O3b
system can protect GSO systems down to 17.9° N).
  The PR 2.4m Earth Station latitude is 18° 14' 24" N.
   Market Access Grant, Paragraph 4.


is in the process of seeking a coordination report for extended operations in Puerto Rico, and will cease
transmissions in the event that it receives a complaint of harmful interference.


         The requested STA will allow O3b to help connect wireless services for the people of Puerto Rico
as the local terrestrial networks are being repaired. Accordingly, and for good cause shown, O3b
respectfully requests that its STA be granted in time for it to commence testing under this 30‐day STA on
October 11, 2017.


ANNEX 1 – Form 312, Schedule B

       The Form 312, Schedule B is provided on the following pages.


                                            SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                      FCC Form 312 - Schedule B:(Technical and Operational Description)

Location of Earth Station Site
E1: Site Identifier: Ceiba                                                                E5. Call Sign:
E2: Contact Name: Network Operations Center                                               E6. Phone Number: 703-366-1500
E3. Street: 12811 Randolph Ridge Lane                                                     E7. City: Ceiba
                                                                                          E8. County: NA
E4. State: PR                                                                             E9. Zip Code: 00735
E10. Area of Operation: Fixed
E11. Latitude: 18° 14' 24" N
E12. Longitude: 65° 37' 48"W
E13. Lat/Lon Coordinates are:                                                                NAD-27                                NAD-83
E14. Site Elevation (AMSL): 7’                                                                                                                              N/A

E15. If the proposed antenna(s) operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) with geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s)     Yes     No
comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer's qualification                                 N/A
measurement? If NO, provide a technical analysis showing compliance with two-degree spacing policy.
E16. If the proposed antenna(s) do not operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS), or if they operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)   Yes     No
with non-geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s) comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a2) and                      N/A
(b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer's qualification measurements?
E17. Is the facility operated by remote control? If YES, provide the location and telephone number of the control point.                       Yes                No

E18. Is frequency coordination required? If YES, attach a frequency coordination report as                                                      Yes          No

E19. Is coordination with another country required? If YES, attach the name of the country(ies) and plot of                                      Yes              No
coordination contours as
E20. FAA Notification - (See 47 CFR Part 17 and 47 CFR part 25.113(c)) Where FAA notification is required,
have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854 and or the FAA's study regarding the potential
                                                                                                                                               Yes          No
hazard of the structure to aviation?
Satellite Name: | | Eq. If you selected OTHER, please enter the following:
E21. Common Name:                                                                                      E22. ITU Name:
E23. Orbit Location:                                                                                   E24. Country:
E25. Site Identifier:

E26. Common Name:                                                                 E27. Country:
               E28.           E29.                            E31.    E32. Antenna           E41/42. Antenna Gain Transmit and/or
  Site ID                                E30. Manufacturer
            Antenna Id       Quantity                         Model        Size                  Receive (   dBi at     GHz)
                                        AvL Technologies     2.4MO3
Randolph    AvL2.4m      2                                   B        2.4m              Receive Gain (51.0 dBi at 18.56 GHz)
                                                                                        Transmit Gain (54.7 dBi at 28.3 GHz
                                         E35. Above               E37. Building   E38. Total Input   E39. Maximum                E40. Total
  E28.                                              E36. Above
              E33/34. Diameter             Ground                 Height Above       Power at        Antenna Height             EIRP for al
 Antenna                                              Sea Level
             Minor/Major(meters)            Level                 Ground Level     antenna flange    Above Rooftop                carriers
   Id                                                 (meters)
                                           (meters)                 (meters)          (Watts)           (meters)                   (dBW)
AvL2.4m 2.4/2.4                         1.0         2           0                 40               0                           73.0
   E28.          E43/44.        E45.
                                             E46. Antenna        E47. Emission    E48. Maximum EIRP E49. Maximum ERIP Density
 Antenna       Frequency        T/R
                                        Polarization(H,V,L,R)      Designator      per Carrier(dBW)   per Carrier(dBW/4kHz)
    Id        Bands(MHz)        Mode
AvL2.4m 17800 18600           R       Left and Right Circular   1M00G7D           0.0                       0.0
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 18800 19300           R       Left and Right Circular   1M00G7D           0.0                       0.0
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 17800 18600           R       Left and Right Circular   216MG7D           0.0                       0.0
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 18800 19300           R       Left and Right Circular   216MG7D           0.0                       0.0
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 27600 28400           T       Left and Right Circular   1M00G7D           70.0                      38.9
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 28600 29100           T       Left and Right Circular   1M00G7D           70.0                     38.9
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 27600 28400           T       Left and Right Circular   216MG7D           70.0                      22.7
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet
AvL2.4m 28600 29100           T       Left and Right Circular   216MG7D           70.0                     22.7
E50. Modulation and Services QPSK, 8PSK, 16PSK, 32PSK and Internet

                                                                               E56. Earth            E57.    E58. Earth       E59.
                                                                                 Station           Antenna     Station       Antenna
 E28.                                      E52/53.             Range of                                                                       E60. Maximum EIRP
                 E51. Satellite                                                 Azimuth           Elevation   Azimuth       Elevation
Antenna                                   Frequency            Satellite                                                                       Density toward the
                  Orbit Type                                                      Angle              Angle     Angle          Angle
  Id                                     Limits(MHz)           Arc E/W                                                                        Horizon(dBW/4kHz)
                                                                                Eastern             Eastern   Western        Western
                                                                                  Limit              Limit      Limit         Limit
AvL2.4m      Non-Geostationary          17800 18600          0.0              121.0             7.0         239.0         7.0             0.0
AvL2.4m      Non-Geostationary          18800 19300          0.0              121.0             7.0         239.0         7.0             0.0
AvL2.4m      Non-Geostationary          27600 28400          0.0              121.0             7.0         239.0         7.0             -23.3
AvL2.4m      Non-Geostationary          28600 29100          0.0              121.0             7.0         239.0         7.0             -23.3

E61. Call Sign                                                                                                            E65. Phone Number

NOTE: Please enter the callsign of the controlling station, not the callsign for which this application is being filed.
E62. Street Address

E63. City                                                                E67. County                                              E64/68. State/Country   E66. Zip Code

ANNEX 2 –Terminal Characteristics

Model 2470
2.4 m Motorized FlyAway Antenna

The AvL 2.4 m MEO Tracking
Ka-Band Antenna offers
the power of O3b’s
high throughput,
low latency connectivity
in a transportable design.

AvL’s 2.4 m MEO tracking Ka-Band antenna is a transportable,
rapid-deploy, tactical terminal with a geared drive for continuous
operation. The antennas operate in tandem pairs with
make-before-break communications, and are designed to be
transported in durable transit cases and to be set-up and
on-the-air within 120 minutes.

• Designed for high duty cycle MEO satellite tracking
• Make-before-break handover on two antenna systems
• Within 120 minutes set-up
• Standard RX/TX feed                                                • Other options
  - 2-Port Ka-Band Commercial (CP)                                     - Single or Dual antenna systems available
• Optional RX/TX feeds                                                 - Vehicle or Trailer or Pole Mount options available
  - 2- or 4-Port Ka-Band (MIL or Commercial) (CP or LP) (WGS)          - BUC/LNB integration
  - 2 or 4-Port Ku-Band Precision (standard Cross-Pol comp.)         • Standard colorization (optional colors available):
  - 2 or 4-Port Ku-Band Mode-Match (enhanced Cross-Pol comp.)          - White
  - 2- or 4-Port C-Band CP                                             - OD Green
  - 2- or 4-Port C-Band LP                                             - Desert Tan
  - 2-Port C-Band Troposcatter                                       • Antenna size options:
  - 2-Port X-Band with optional RX/TX reject filter kit                - 1.8 m, 2.0 m, 2.4 m
• 2.4 m segmented 9-piece carbon fiber reflector                     • Operates with O3b Networks, virtually all GEO SatCom systems

                                                                                                                       Configuration                           Five rugged, weather-resistant plastic cases
 Mechanical                                                                                                               Motorized Positioner and             30.1 x 30.1 x 16.4 inches, 170 lbs.
 Az/El Drive                                Motorized Dual Slew Drive Positioner                                          Cables                               (77 x 77 x 42 cm, 77 kg)
 Polarization Drive System                  Motorized rotation of feed (LP only)                                          Feed Mast, Ref. Supports             62.3 x 27.3 x 21.6 inches, 150 lbs.
 Reflector Construction                     Segmented 9-piece carbon fiber                                                                                     (158 x 69 x 55 cm, 68 kg)
 Axis Travel                                                                                                               Tripod                              62.3 x 27.3 x 30.6 inches, 170 lbs.
    Azimuth                                 350 degrees                                                                                                        (158 x 69 x 78 cm, 77 kg)
                                                                                                                           Feed, Boom, and BUC*                62.3 x 27.3 x 21.6 inches, 145 lbs.
      Elevation (operational)               5-90 degrees
                                                                                                                                                               (158 x 69 x 55 cm , 66 kg),
      Polarization                          ±95° Adjustable to within 1° (LP – Feeds)
                                                                                                                                                               *weight varies based on SSPA or BUC
 Az/El Speed                                                                                                               Reflector Panels                    38.7 x 38.7 x 25.0 inches, 155 lbs.
      Slewing/Deploying/ Tracking 4 degrees/second. Az; 1 degree/second El                                                                                     (99 x 99 x 64 cm, 70 kg)
 Motors                                     24VDC variable speed, constant torque                                      Environmental
                                                                                                                       Wind – Survival (anchored)              80 mph in zenith stowed position
      TX Input                              Waveguide flange (cover) @ Feed; 50 ohm connector
                                                                                                                       Wind – Operational
                                            @ Lower I/O panel
      RX Input                              Waveguide flange (cover) @ Feed; 50 ohm connector                              Without Anchoring                   15 mph
                                            @ Lower I/O panel                                                              With Anchoring                      35 mph gusting to 45 mph
      BUC (& other CFE) Mounting            Directly to feed OMT or on the feed boom                                   Pointing Loss:
      Electrical                            48VDC Input (28VDC optional) (Power supply and cord                           Ka-Band RX                           Typical        Max
                                            optional)                                                                                                          1.0 dB         2.0 dB
 Manual/Emergency Drive                     Manual adjustment with hand crank for each axis                            Temperature:
                                                                                                                           Operational                         -22 °F to 125 °F (-30 °C to 52 °C)
                                                                                                                           Survival                            -40 °F to 140 °F (-40 °C to 60 °C)

                                                                                          Opt. 2-Port
                                                 Std. 2-Port Ka-Band                                                                                            Opt. 2-Port X-Band                 Opt. 2-Port Ka-Band
                       Feed Type ⇨                                                     Precision Ku-Band                     Opt. 2-Port C-Band
                                                     Commercial                                                                                                  (Military/WGS)                   (Commercial/Military)
                                                                                 (DBS-Bands available upon request)
 RF Parameter ⇩                                Receive           Transmit           Receive              Transmit         Receive          Transmit         Receive           Transmit           Receive           Transmit
                                                                                                                                                                                                19.2 - 21.2       29.0 - 31.0
                                                                                                                                                                                               (military) or     (military) or
 Frequency Range (GHz)                       17.85-19.30       27.65-29.07        10.95-12.75        13.75-14.5         3.625 - 4.20     5.85 - 6.425       7.25 7.75         7.9 - 8.4
                                                                                                                                                                                                17.7 - 20.2       27.5 - 30.0
                                                                                                                                                                                              (commercial)      (commercial)
                                                                                   Orthogonal Linear, Optional
 Polarization Configuration                      RHCP or LHCP Co-pol                                                      Linear or Circular Options           Circular RHCP or LHCP                 Circular or Linear
                                                                                         Co-pol Linear
                                                                                                                                                                                              51.5 @ 19.7       54.9 @ 29.5
 Gain (dBi @ mid-band or GHz)                    51.0               54.5              47.3                 48.8             37.7              41.6            43.3*             44.1*
                                                                                                                                                                                              52.0 @ 20.7       55.2 @ 30.5
 VSWR                                           1.30:1             1.30:1            1.30:1               1.30:1           1.30:1            1.30:1           1.30:1                             1.30:1
 -3dB Beam width (mid-band)                      0.5˚               0.3˚              0.8˚                 0.6˚             2.3˚              1.5˚             1.2˚              1.1˚              0.4˚              0.3˚
                                                        FCC 25.209,                FCC 25.209, ITU-R S.580-6,            FCC 25.209, ITU-R S.580-6,                                                    FCC 25.209,
 Radiation Pattern Compliance                                                                                                                                    MIL-STD-188-164A
                                                       ITU-R S.580-6                        IESS 208                              IESS 207                                                          MIL-STD-188-164A
 Ant. Noise Temp.
                                                104o K                 -             61o K                  -              49o K                -             59o K                -          104o K @ 20.7           -
 (mid-band or GHz, 20o el)
                                                                250 watts                            500 watts                            1000 watts                        1000 watts                           250 watts
 Power Handling Capability                         -                                    -                                    -                                   -                                  -
                                                                 per port                             per port                             per port                          per port                             per port
                                                                                                                                                                                              28.9 @ 20.7
 G/T (dB/°K) with LNB, @ Mid-band,            27.9 (with                          26.5 (with                            19.3 (with                         22.7 (with
                                                                       -                                    -                                   -                                  -          (with 100o K
 clear horizon                               100o K LNB)                          50o K LNB)                            20o KLNB)                          55o K LNB)
 Axial Ratios
                                                1.8 dB            1.8 dB                                                  2.3 dB            1.3 dB           1.21 dB           2.0 dB            1.5 dB            1.0 dB
      On Axis (minimum)                                                                 -                   -
                                               (CP only)         (CP only)                                               (CP only)         (CP only)        (CP only)         (CP only)         (CP only)         (CP only)
 Cross-Pol Isolation
      On-axis                                      -                   -              35 dB             35 dB          35 dB / 30 dB    35 dB / 30 dB            -                 -                -                 -
                                                                                      28 dB             30 dB
      Within Pointing Cone                         -                   -                                                     -                  -                -                 -                -                 -
                                                                                    standard          standard
                                                                                   25 dB MM          35 dB MM
      Within Pointing Cone                         -                   -                                                     -                  -                -                 -                -                 -
                                                                                     option            option
                                                                     80                                   80                                  105              115               115                                 80
 Feed Port Isolation – TX to RX (dB)              30                                   35                                   65                                                                     30
                                                                (incl. filter)                       (incl. filter)                       (incl. filter)   (incl. filter)    (incl. filter)                      (incl.filter)

                       Controller ⇨         AvL AAQ
 Features                                   AvL one button auto-acquisition of selected satellites, including peaking and optimization of cross pol. Internal movement detector and automatic stow.
                                            Optional hand-held control and separate power supply. Certified for auto-commissioning on most satellite services.
 Size                                       Embedded ACU with separate 1 Rack Unit Controller Interface Panel (CIP) power supply with LCD and keypad.250 W and 500 W
                                            (1.6m and larger antennas) versions available.
 CIP Input Power                            120/240 VAC 60/50 Hz, 6/3 A Max. Power consumption is antenna size dependent: During acquisition 150 W or 300 W is typical, ~ 50 W Idle

 Available options, upgrades and services
 •   Optional feeds and filters available                                                            •     Grounding options (lightning conductor)
 •   BUC/HPA mounting                                                                                •     Anchoring kit options
 •   Optional 75 ohm coax                                                                            •     Custom logo on reflector face (1- or 2-color; per AvL & O3b logo policy)
 •   Waveguide interconnect options                                                                  •     DVB-S2 Receiver kit
 •   Beacon receiver                                                                                 •     Spare parts kit

                                                                                                                      AvL Technologies                                      O3b Limited
                                                                                                                      15 North Merrimon Avenue                              3rd Floor Anley House
                                                                                                                      Asheville, NC 28804                                   Anley Street
                                                                                                                      USA                                                   JE2 3QE Jersey
                                                                                                                      Tel: +1 828 250 9950                                  Tel: +44 1534 828 590
* excludes filter

Copyright © 2015 AvL Technologies. All specifications subject to change without notice.

Document Created: 2017-10-11 11:54:30
Document Modified: 2017-10-11 11:54:30

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