Attachment SESSTA2017030900253.


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20170309-00253 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         E140005     SES—STA—20170309—00253   1B2017000634
                                         Anadarko Petroleum Corporation

                                                                                                                   Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 Anadarko Petroleum Corporation seeks to operate under STA with the added Emission Designator IM38G7W to its Earth Station
license currently authorized under Call Sign E140005 (Lucius).
 1. Applicant

           Name:        Anadarko Petroleum Corporation      Phone Number:                    202—434—4100
           DBA Name:                                       Fax Number:                       202—434—4646
           Street:      Suite 500 West                     E—Mail:                 
                        1001 G Street, NW
           City:        Washington                         State:                            DC
           Country:     USA                                Zipcode:                          20001       —
           Attention:   Telecom

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Applicant: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Call Sign: E140005
File No.: SES—STA—20170309—00253
Special Temporary Authority (STA)

Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is granted special temporary authority, for 60—days, beginning
March 16, 2017 to operate its fixed earth station on the Lucius Spar Oil Platform in the Gulf of
Mexico with currently authorized satellite points of communication using emission designator
IM38G7W in the 5425—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space) and 3700—4200 MHz (space—to—Earth)
frequency bands under the following conditions:

1. Operations in 5925—6425 MHz frequency band shall not exceed the EIRP density limits
specified in the current earth station authorization. .

2. Operations, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from,
interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it shall cease transmission(s)
immediately upon notice of such interference.

3. Grant of this STA is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission may make
regarding any Anadarko Petroleum Corporation‘s future applications.

4. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this STA is solely at
Anadarko Petroleum Corporation‘s risk.

5. The licensee shall take all necessary measures to ensure that the antenna does not create
potential exposure of humans to radiofrequency radiation in excess of the FCC exposure limits
defined in 47 CFR 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 wherever such exposures might occur. Measures must
be taken to ensure compliance with limits for both occupational/controlled exposure and for
general population/uncontrolled exposure, as defined in these rule sections. Compliance can be
accomplished in most cases by appropriate restrictions, such as fencing. Requirements for
restrictions can be determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling, or by field
measurements. The FCC‘s OET Bulletin 65 (available on—line at
provides information on predicting exposure levels and on methods for ensuring compliance,
including the use of warning and alerting signs and protective equipment for workers.

6. This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. §0.261, and is effective immediately.

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2. Contact

             Name:         Timothy Doughty                     Phone Number:                         202—434—4271
             Company:      Keller and Heckman LLP              Fax Number:                           202—434—4646
             Street:       1001 G Street NW                    E—Mail:                     
                           Suite 500 West
             City:~        Washington                          State:                                 DC
             Country:      USA                                 Zipcode:                              20001       —
             Attention:                                        Relationship:                          Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
3. Reference File Number or Submission ID

 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
& IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
g¢4 Governmental Entity      o Noncommercial educational licensee
«3 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

 gy Use Prior to Grant                            4 Change Station Location                          , Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. CityGulf of Mexico                                                     8. Latitude
                                                                          (dd mm ss.s h)    26   7   54.8    N

9. State                                            >                       10. Longitude
                                                                            (dd mm ss.s h)    92    2    25.1   W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Request for STA                      Attachment 2: Path Data Sheet                        Attachment 3: Section 25.220 Cert.

12. Description.    (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
    Anadarko Petroleum Corporation seeks to operate under STA with the added Emission
     Designator 9M38G7W to its Earth Station license currently authorized under Call Sign
     E140005       (Lucius) .

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is                Yes        y No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                   15. Title of Person Signing
   Peter DeHart                                                                 Staff ITS Administrator
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burdenit causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsorthis collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control numberorif we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                                                   Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
                                                              Fixed Satellite Service, Earth Stations


        Anadarko Petroleum Corporation ("Anadarko"), pursuant to Section 1.931 of the Rules
and Regulations of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission"),
respectfully requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") effective as soon as possible for a
period of 180 days, or until it has secured regular authority for modifications to its Earth Station
licenses identified by Call Signs E140005 (Lucius Spar), E030216 (Marco Polo), and E150008
(Heidelberg), (the "Earth Stations") as discussed below.


        Anadarko is among the largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and
production companies in the world, with approximately 2.06 billion barrels of oil equivalent of
proved reserves at year—end 2015. Anadarko‘s operations are weighted towards resource plays in
Texas and the southern US, the Rocky Mountain region in Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah, as
well as the Appalachian region and Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania and the Gulf of Mexico.
Anadarko‘s Earth Stations provide voice and data services to personnel on its Lucius Spar,
Marco Polo, Heidelberg, and Independence Hub oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico.

                                      Special Temporary Authority

         The Commission may grant STA "in emergency situations," "to permit restoration or
relocation of existing facilities to continue communications service," and "in othersituations
involving circumstances which are of such extraordinary nature that delay in the institution of
temporary operation would seriously prejudice the public interest."‘ Anadarko‘s C—band Earth
Stations provide critical broadband connectivity for voice and data transmissions to and from its
oil platforms. The bandwidth currently authorized underits Earth Station licenses is not
sufficient to support Anadarko‘s communications requirements.

        Anadarko seeks STA to permit operation of its Earth Stations with the added Emission
Designator IM38G7W. Micronet Communications, Inc. has completed its initial frequency
coordination review and has certified that all sites pass with the requested bandwidth and
Micronet has certified that the Maximum EIRP Density will not increase beyond what is
currently authorized under the existing licenses. Moreover, Anadarko will submit regular
authority modification applications to add the new Emission Designator once frequency
coordination is complete.

        Without increased bandwidth, Anadarko‘s satellite communications capabilities will be
limited during the pendency of its modification applications, which will limit critical
communications supporting Anadarko‘s oil production in the Gulf of Mexico. Reliable
broadband connectivity is critical to operational integrity and the safety of personnel and the
environment. Anadarko‘s C—Band transmissions are the most important component of its
communications for its production platforms.

47 C.FR. § 1.931(b)(2)GD,(v).

                                                                Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
                                                            Fixed Satellite Service, Earth Stations

        In light of the foregoing, Anadarko submits that grant of the requested STA will serve the
public interest, convenience, and necessity and favorable Commission action is warranted.

                                            *       *#      *

       Should the Commission require additional information, it is asked to contact Wes Wright
or Tim Doughty of Keller and Heckman LLP, 1001 G Street NW, Washington, DC 20001;
(202)434—4296; e—mail:; (202)434—4271; e—mail:

                             Micronet Communications, Inc.
                                720 F Avenue, Suite 100
                                  Plano,    Texas     75074

File:   M1703015

Company:                                Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
Site Name,    State:                    Lucius, GM
Call Sign:                              E140005
Latitude                                   (NADS83)                26     7   54.8    N
Longitude                                  (NADS83)             92    2       25.1 W
Elevation AMSL                             (ft/m)             109 .91             33 .50
Receive    Frequency Range                 (MHz)
Transmit Frequency Range                   (MHz)              5925—6425
Range of Satellite Orbital Long.           (deg W)             74 .00            139.00
Range of Azimuths from North               (deg)              143 .52            247 .64
Antenna Centerline                         (ft/m)               0 .00              0 .00
Antenna Elevation Angles                   (deg)               53.45                 30 .30

Equipment Parameters                                          Transmit

Antenna Gain, Main Beam                    (db1I)              41 .70
15 DB Half Beamwidth                       (deg)                1 .20

Antennas           Transmit:   SEATEL   9797

Max Transmitter Power                      (dbW/4KHz)                            —22.82
Max EIRP Main Beam                         (dbW/4KHz)                             18 .88
Modulation / Emission Designator               ANALOG    9M38G7W

Coordination Parameters                                       Transmit

Max Greater Circle Distances               (km)            120      .04
Max Rain Scatter Distances                 (km)            100      .00
Max Interference Power Long Term           (dbW)          —154      .00
Max Interference Power Short Term          (dbW)          —130      .80
Rain Zone / Radio Zone                                         1                 A

Routine Licensing for Antennas Smaller than 4.5 meters

Pursuant to 25.220 of the Rules and Regulations ("Regulations") of the Federal Communications
Commission ("Commission"), the operator of an antenna smaller than 4.5m in the 4/6 GHz frequency
bands must demonstrate the unacceptable interference will not be caused to any and all affected
adjacent satellites. The proposed antenna in this application is a Seatel 9797 antenna, which was
previously applied for and granted under application SES—LIC—200505—00538, call sign EOS50O131. This
system will operate with an EIRP density of —22.14 dbW/4kHz, well below the required limit.

Document Created: 2017-03-23 13:22:16
Document Modified: 2017-03-23 13:22:16

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