Attachment STA Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20170109-00018 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                   )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                )         SES-STA-________-_____
                                                  )         Call Sign KA288
For Special Temporary Authority to                )
Perform In-Orbit Testing for SES-10 at 68.5° W.L. )


               By this application, SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom” or “SES”)

respectfully requests special temporary authority (“STA”) for a period of 30 days, beginning 11

days following launch of SES-10, to permit SES to receive signals from the SES-10 satellite at

68.5° W.L. using its KA288 antenna in Somis, CA, as part of SES-10 in-orbit testing. The

satellite is currently scheduled to launch in mid-February 2017 and will ultimately operate at
66.9° W.L. Following the completion of in-orbit testing at 68.5° W.L., SES-10 will drift to its

final orbital location at 66.9° W.L. SES Americom will separately seek authority to allow

ongoing operation of the earth station with SES-10 at 66.9° W.L.

               SES Americom’s affiliate, New Skies Satellites B.V. (“NSS”), received authority
to provide service into the United States using SES-10 at 67° W.L. on June 23, 2016. NSS has

  See New Skies Satellites B.V. Market Access Application, File No. SAT-PPL-20160117-00005
(“SES-10 Petition”), granted on June 23, 2016 (“SES-10 Grant”). The grant was based on SES-
10 operating at 67.0° W.L., but NSS has filed a modification of its authority to operate the
satellite at 66.9° W.L. pursuant to the Commission’s expedited process set out in Section
25.117(h)(1). New Skies Satellites B.V. Modification, File No. SAT-MPL-20170108-00002,
(Call Sign S2950), filed Jan. 8, 2017.
  Id. SES Americom incorporates by reference the technical information submitted in the SES-
10 Petition.

requested that SES Americom assist with testing the satellite at 68.5°W.L. SES Americom,

therefore, requests STA to use its earth station to receive signals in the 11050 MHz, 11035 MHz

and 11572 MHz frequency in order to test an uplink originating in Lima, Peru.

               The proposed operations will be coordinated with all satellite operators that use

the same frequency bands within six degrees of 68.5° W.L. and those within the drift path. All

operators of potentially affected satellites will be provided with an emergency phone number

where the licensee can be reached in the event harmful interference occurs.

               Grant of STA Will Serve the Public Interest. Grant of this STA request is in the

public interest. The requested authority to test SES-10 will ensure it is capable of providing

valuable services once it begins full operation.

               No Harmful Interference to Other Spacecraft. All operations with SES-10 while

it is located at 68.5° W.L. will be on a non-harmful interference basis. SES has commenced

coordinating the proposed IOT operations in the Ku-band with satellites positioned near 68.5°

W.L., including Nimiq 5 (72.7° W.L.), Arsat 1 (71.8° W.L.), Star One C2 (70° W.L.), Star One

C4 (70° W.L.), Star One C1 (65° W.L.) and Telstar 14R (63° W.L.). The drift of the spacecraft
will be coordinated with other satellite operators consistent with industry practice.

 The 24/7 point of contact for the proposed SES-10 operations is the SES Payload Management
Operations Centre (PMOC) in Woodbine, MD, 1 800 772 2363 or 1 410 970 7570; e-mail:


               For the foregoing reasons, SES Americom respectfully requests special temporary

authority for its earth station to receive signals from SES-10 for a period of up to 30 days to test

the communications payload at 68.5° W.L. as described herein. Grant of the requested authority

will promote safe operation of the satellite during and after it is tested.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                               By: /s/ Petra Vorwig

Of Counsel                                         Petra Vorwig
Karis A. Hastings                                  Senior Legal & Regulatory Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                     SES Americom, Inc.
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                     1129 20th Street NW, Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004                             Washington, DC 20036
Tel: (202) 599-0975                                Tel: (202) 478-7143

Dated: January 9, 2017


                                      ATTACHMENT 1

Call Sign: KA288

Site Details

Contact Information:                            Address:
Dave Coyle                                      5990 Solano Verde Dr.
805-386-2712                                    Somis, CA
Geographic Coordinates:
Latitude: 34° 19’ 31.0" N                       Longitude: 118° 59’ 44.4" W

Site Elevation:
311.0 meters

Antenna Details
Antenna ID:                          TK1
Manufacture/Model:                   Vertex/6.1 KPK
Antenna Size:                        6.1m
Antenna Gain Transmit:               57.1 dBi at 14.0 GHz
Antenna Gain Receive:                58.5 dBi at 11.725 GHz
Height Above Ground Level:           7.0 meters
Height Above Sea Level:              318.0 meters
Total Input Power at the Flange:     650 watts
Total EIRP for all Carriers:         85.2 dBW

Operational Details

Frequency         Transmit/   Polarization   Emissions         Max EIRP       Max EIRP
(MHz)             Receive                    Designator        per Carrier    Density per
                                                               (dBW)          Carrier
10950-11200       R           Horizontal     100KG7W
                              and Vertical
10950-11200       R           Horizontal     36M0G7W
                              and Vertical
11450-11700       R           Horizontal     100KG7W
                              and Vertical
11450-11700       R           Horizontal     36M0G7W
                              and Vertical

Document Created: 2017-01-09 13:36:30
Document Modified: 2017-01-09 13:36:30

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