Attachment Radiation Hazard Ex

This document pretains to SES-STA-20161123-00909 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          Form 312 STA
                   Interactivation Health Networks LLC
                                         November 2016


FCC OET-65 RF Exposure Study - Satellite Uplink Facility
4.57m Ku Band Antenna - The Wellness Network, Melbourne, FL

FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure Levels                  Source                         Units
Public/uncontrolled area exposure limit                  47CFR §1.1310                1 mW/cm
Occupational/controlled area exposure limit              47CFR §1.1310                5 mW/cm

Input Data
Antenna Diameter                                         datasheet                457.0    cm
Antenna surface area                                     calculated             164030     cm2
Sub-reflector diameter                                   measured               74.000     cm
Sub-reflector area                                       calculated                4301    cm2
Feed flange diameter                                     measured               17.800     cm2
Feed flange area                                         calculated                 249
Frequency                                                (entry)                 14250     MHz
Wavelength (speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s)            calculated               2.104    cm
Transmit power at flange                                 Application             40000     milliwatts
Antenna gain                                             datasheet                 54.9    dBi
Antenna gain factor                                      calculated             309030
Height of base of antenna above ground                   measured                  0.68    m
Height of center of antenna above ground                 measured                    2.3   m
Minimum Elevation Angle                                  (entry)                      20   degrees
Minimum Elevation Angle                                  calculated            0.34907     radians
                                                                                                            FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Results calculated using FCC Bulletin OET-65 (Edition 97-01 August 1997)                                      Uncontrolled            Controlled
Maximum power density at antenna surface              Eq. 11 Pg 27     0.97543358          mW/cm             Below FCC MPE         Below FCC MPE
Power density at subreflector                         Eq. 11 Pg 27      37.202032          mW/cm 2          Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Power density at feed flange                          Eq. 11 Pg 27     642.969092          mW/cm 2          Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Extent of near-field                                  Eq. 12 Pg 27          24818          cm
Maximum near-field power density                      Eq. 13 Pg 28     0.64725771          mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Aperture efficiency                                   Eq. 14 Pg 28     0.66355898
Distance to beginning of far-field                    Eq. 16 Pg 29     59563.1712          cm
Power density at end of the transition region         Eq. 17 Pg 29     0.26969071          mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Maximum far-field power density                       Eq. 18 Pg 29           0.277         mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE

Main Beam Far-field region safe exposure distances
Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure        Eq. 18 Pg 29       313.635391 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle             calculated         109.569622 meters
   Horizontal distance                                   calculated         294.720863 meters

Minimum distance for occupational/controlled exposure    Eq. 18 Pg 29       140.262011 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle             calculated         50.2724331 meters
   Horizontal distance                                   calculated         131.803177 meters

Off-Axis Near Field/Transition Region safe exposure distances from antenna
(20 dB reduction in power density at distances greater
than one antenna diameter from the main beam center.) OET-65 Pg 30
Maximum off-axis near field power density              Eq. 13 Pg 28        0.0065 mW/cm                      Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Public/uncontrolled exposure off-axis distance         Diam/or Eq 17          4.57 meters
Occupatonal/controlled exposure off-axis distance      Diam/or Eq 17          4.57 meters

Off-Axis Far Field safe exposure distances from the antenna
(Based on side lobe attenuation required by FCC 25.209(a)(2))
Angle off main beam axis (1 to 48 degrees)                (entry)                   20 degree(s)
     Off-axis antenna gain factor                         OET-65 Pg 30*              1
     Minimum distance for uncontrolled MPE limit          calculated        0.53105264 meters           Not valid if distance less the start of the far field
     Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure    Eq. 18 Pg 29 **   595.631712 meters
 * Gain converted from dBi to linear multiple
 ** If calculated distance is less than the start of the
   far field region, the distance to the start of the far
   field region is used.
                                                                                                                         Prepared by Jim Lyons - TWN, 11/22/2016

FCC OET-65 RF Exposure Study - Satellite Uplink Facility
2.4m Ku Band Antenna - The Wellness Network, Melbourne, FL

FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure Levels                  Source                         Units
Public/uncontrolled area exposure limit                  47CFR §1.1310                1 mW/cm
Occupational/controlled area exposure limit              47CFR §1.1310                5 mW/cm

Input Data
Antenna Diameter                                         datasheet                240.0    cm
Antenna surface area                                     calculated              45239     cm2
Sub-reflector diameter                                   measured               24.000     cm
Sub-reflector area                                       calculated                   11   cm2
Feed flange diameter                                     measured                 8.000    cm2
Feed flange area                                         calculated                   50
Frequency                                                (entry)                 14250     MHz
Wavelength (speed of light = 299,792,458 m/s)            calculated               2.104    cm
Transmit power at flange                                 Application               9170    milliwatts
Antenna gain                                             datasheet                 48.9    dBi
Antenna gain factor                                      calculated              77625
Height of base of antenna above ground                   measured                  0.68    m
Height of center of antenna above ground                 measured                    2.3   m
Minimum Elevation Angle                                  (entry)                      20   degrees
Minimum Elevation Angle                                  calculated            0.34907     radians
                                                                                                            FCC Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE)
Results calculated using FCC Bulletin OET-65 (Edition 97-01 August 1997)                                      Uncontrolled            Controlled
Maximum power density at antenna surface              Eq. 11 Pg 27     0.81080602          mW/cm             Below FCC MPE         Below FCC MPE
Power density at subreflector                         Eq. 11 Pg 27     3334.54545          mW/cm 2          Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Power density at feed flange                          Eq. 11 Pg 27     729.725414          mW/cm 2          Potential Hazard       Potential Hazard
Extent of near-field                                  Eq. 12 Pg 27            6845         cm
Maximum near-field power density                      Eq. 13 Pg 28     0.49001166          mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Aperture efficiency                                   Eq. 14 Pg 28     0.60435128
Distance to beginning of far-field                    Eq. 16 Pg 29     16427.3646          cm
Power density at end of the transition region         Eq. 17 Pg 29     0.20417152          mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Maximum far-field power density                       Eq. 18 Pg 29           0.210         mW/cm 2           Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE

Main Beam Far-field region safe exposure distances
Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure        Eq. 18 Pg 29       75.2626899 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle             calculated          28.041356 meters
   Horizontal distance                                   calculated         70.7237943 meters

Minimum distance for occupational/controlled exposure    Eq. 18 Pg 29       33.6584981 meters
   Height at minimum antenna elevation angle             calculated         13.8118844 meters
   Horizontal distance                                   calculated         31.6286423 meters

Off-Axis Near Field/Transition Region safe exposure distances from antenna
(20 dB reduction in power density at distances greater
than one antenna diameter from the main beam center.) OET-65 Pg 30
Maximum off-axis near field power density              Eq. 13 Pg 28        0.0049 mW/cm                      Below FCC MPE                Below FCC MPE
Public/uncontrolled exposure off-axis distance         Diam/or Eq 17           2.4 meters
Occupatonal/controlled exposure off-axis distance      Diam/or Eq 17           2.4 meters

Off-Axis Far Field safe exposure distances from the antenna
(Based on side lobe attenuation required by FCC 25.209(a)(2))
Angle off main beam axis (1 to 48 degrees)                (entry)                   20 degree(s)
     Off-axis antenna gain factor                         OET-65 Pg 30*              1
     Minimum distance for uncontrolled MPE limit          calculated        0.25426831 meters           Not valid if distance less the start of the far field
     Minimum distance for public/uncontrolled exposure    Eq. 18 Pg 29 **   164.273646 meters
 * Gain converted from dBi to linear multiple
 ** If calculated distance is less than the start of the
   far field region, the distance to the start of the far
   field region is used.
                                                                                                                         Prepared by Jim Lyons - TWN, 11/23/2016

Document Created: 2016-11-23 21:19:21
Document Modified: 2016-11-23 21:19:21

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