Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20161109-00879 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


November 9, 2016

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

        Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate an 8.1 meter Ku-band Antenna at
                Intelsat’s Napa, California Teleport

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”) herein requests a grant of Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)1 for
60 days, beginning December 1, 2016, to allow Intelsat to utilize an 8.1 meter Ku-band antenna located
at its Napa, California teleport to provide telemetry, tracking, and command (“TT&C”) and
communications services for the Intelsat 8 satellite (S2460)2 at 168.9° E.L. Intelsat has a pending
permanent license application for this antenna.3

The proposed TT&C services will be performed in 13998 MHz (Earth-to-space) and the proposed
communications services will be performed in the 14000 – 14500 MHz (Earth-to-space) and 12250 –
12750 MHz band (space-to-Earth).

In further support of this request, Intelsat hereby attaches Exhibits A and B, which contain technical
information that demonstrates that the operation of the earth station will be compatible with its
electromagnetic environment and will not cause harmful interference into any lawfully operating
terrestrial facility. In addition, Intelsat will take all practical steps to protect radio astronomy services
and will operate on a non-protected, non-interference basis. In the extremely unlikely event that harmful
interference should occur, Intelsat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate the interference.

Grant of this STA request serves the public interest by enabling Intelsat to provide continuity of service
to customers at the nominal 168.9° E.L. location.

 Intelsat has filed its STA request, an FCC Form 159, a $200.00 filing fee, and this supporting letter
electronically via the International Bureau’s Filing System (“IBFS”).
 See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-01139, File No. SAT-MOD-20151021-00073
(Feb. 26, 2016) (Public Notice).
 See Intelsat License LLC Request for Authority to Operate an 8.1 meter Ku-band Antenna at Intelsat’s Napa,
California Teleport, File No. SES-LIC-INTR2016-02431 (filed 11/09/2016).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 9, 2016
Page 2

Please direct any questions regarding this STA request to the undersigned at (703) 559—6949.

Respectfully submitted,

Cynthia J. Grady
Regulatory Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

Ce:    Paul Blais

Document Created: 2016-11-09 15:09:55
Document Modified: 2016-11-09 15:09:55

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