Attachment STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20161007-00831 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                              Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                                         Call Sign E7451 Earth Station STA
                                                                                                Page 1 of 3

                      Description of Operations and Public Interest Statement

         Pursuant to 47 CFR 25.120 of the Commission’s Rules, Lockheed Martin Corporation
(“Lockheed Martin”) hereby requests Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for a period of
thirty (30) days to operate its Carpentersville, New Jersey fixed earth station (Call Sign E7541)
to provide telemetry, tracking and control (“TT&C”) functions during the post-launch and early
orbit phases (“LEOP”) of operation for the EchoStar 23 satellite.

         EchoStar 23 is a Space Systems Loral Model SSL-1300 Ku-band Broadcasting-Satellite
Service (“BSS”) satellite authorized under Brazilian authority for operations at the 45º W.L.
orbital location by EchoStar 45, an EchoStar affiliate. The satellite will provide direct-to-home
(“DTH”) television service to Brazil from its assigned orbital location.

       The satellite is scheduled for an upcoming launch aboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 launch
vehicle from Cape Canaveral, Florida, as early as October 25, 2016.1 Accordingly, Lockheed
Martin respectfully requests authority to begin test transmissions on that date. Further, Lockheed
Martin is requesting that the duration of this STA be a total of thirty (30) days to cover any
slippage in the anticipated dates of the various phases of operation; it nonetheless expects that all
Carpentersville operations in support of the launch will be completed within ten (10) days after
the EchoStar 23 satellite is launched.

         1.       Requested STA Operations

        Lockheed Martin specifically seeks authority to transmit telecommand signals at the
center frequencies 17305.0 and 17791.0 MHz for in transit telecommand communications
(Earth-to-space), and to receive telemetry signals from the satellite on 12207.0 and 12208.0 MHz

        The proposed TT&C operations in support of the EchoStar 23 launch will be on a strictly
non-harmful interference, non-protected basis. Lockheed Martin’s proposed transmissions will
use total input power and emissions for Ku-band telecommand that will fall below the highest
input power, EIRP, EIRP density, and bandwidth prescribed for the telecommand carriers in its
above-referenced FCC license. When no commands are being sent, a CW carrier that is within
the emission of the licensed operation would be present. However, in the case of an anomaly,
extraordinary measures, such as increasing power, may be necessary; if such measures are
required during this STA period, Lockheed Martin will notify the FCC within seven (7) business
days that such measures were needed.

 As the Bureau is aware, recent events at the Cape Canaveral launch facility have resulted in unforeseen delays.
Because of the uncertainty related to the actual launch date, Lockheed Martin will be submitting a concurrent STA
extension request for a period of up to sixty (60) days. Nonetheless, in the event that the launch is permitted to take
place on October 25, Lockheed Martin respectfully requests Commission consideration of its request for authority to
commence from that date onward.

                                                                  Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                             Call Sign E7451 Earth Station STA
                                                                                    Page 2 of 3

       Lockheed Martin incorporates by reference the radiation hazard study and Schedule B
information that were included with its most recent filings at the FCC. In addition, Lockheed
Martin is submitting herewith a Frequency Coordination Report prepared by Comsearch.

        Lockheed Martin designates Michael Usarzewicz to be the contact person that will be
available whenever transmission to, or reception from, EchoStar 23 is to occur through the
subject earth station. Mr. Usarzewicz can be reached at the following cell phone number: (609)
865-2658 and/or station number: (908) 859-4050.

       2. Grant of the Requested Authority Will Serve the Public Interest

        Lockheed Martin believes that the limited operations it proposes in support of the launch
of the EchoStar 23 satellite serve the public interest. Lockheed Martin understands that the
EchoStar 23 satellite has been licensed by the Brazilian Administration to provide DTH
television service to Brazil. Lockheed Martin’s Carpentersville earth station will be part of a
global network of control facilities that will be used solely to position the satellite as it
progresses from transfer orbit to its final location. No end user service will be provided within
the United States at any time. The safe and orderly use of the entire geostationary orbital
resource and protection of the hundreds of satellites licensed by the U.S. and other countries that
operate there depends in no small part on ensuring that the EchoStar 23 satellite is controlled
while over North America en route to its final geostationary orbital position. In this regard,
Lockheed Martin’s earth station thus will serve a vital function.

                                     *    *   *    *   *

       Lockheed Martin requests authority to operate its Carpentersville, NJ earth station
antenna to provide critical TT&C services during the launch and early operations phase of the
EchoStar 23 satellite, for a term of 30 days, commencing October 25, 2016.

                                                             Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                        Call Sign E7451 Earth Station STA
                                                                               Page 3 of 3

       Operating Parameters for Proposed Carpentersville, NJ Ku-Band TT&C LEOP STA

 SITE NAME (or identifier):              Carpentersville, NJ – Call Sign E7541

 Antenna location
 Longitude (deg, min, sec- NAD 83)        75 ° 11 ' 27.8 " W
 Latitude (deg, min, sec- NAD 83)         40 ° 38 ' 39.1 " N
 Antenna Height:                          19.2 m
 Ground Elevation (AMSL):                 85.7 m

 Antenna Characteristics (size & gain)

 Size                         14.2
 TX Gain                      57.3 dBi @ 6.0 GHz
 RX Gain                      53.9 dBi @ 4.0 GHz
 Antenna Model                14.2 KFPA
 Antenna Manufacturer         TIW (GD SATCOM)

Maximum HPA Power          650W

                                            Telecommand Uplink
TC1 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TC1 in MHz                                   17791.00
TC1 Bandwidth          TC1 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz                   1000
TC1 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TC1 carrier                       17790.50
TC1 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TC1 carrier                         17791.50
TC1 Polarization       Polarization for TC1 carrier                                       RHCP
TC2 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TC2 in MHz                                   17305.00
TC2 Bandwidth          TC2 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz                   1000
TC2 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TC2 carrier                       17304.50
TC2 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TC2 carrier                         17305.50
TC2 Polarization       Polarization for TC2 carrier                                       LHCP
TC3 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TC3 in MHz
TC3 Bandwidth          TC3 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz
TC3 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TC3 carrier                         0.00
TC3 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TC3 carrier                           0.00
TC3 Polarization       Polarization for TC3 carrier
TC4 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TC4 in MHz
TC4 Bandwidth          TC4 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz
TC4 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TC4 carrier                         0.00
TC4 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TC4 carrier                           0.00
TC4 Polarization       Polarization for TC4 carrier
Data Rate              Data rate for command carriers                                    250bps
                       Type(s) of modulation for command carriers (i.e. FM, BPSK
Modulation Type(s)                                                                    FM, NRZ-L BPSK
                       ITU standard code to represent bandwidth and modulation of a
Emission Designator(s) carrier (i.e. 800KF8D). See Emission Designator tab for more
                       information                                                     1M00F2DAN
                                               Ranging Uplink
Bandwidth              Ranging carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz               1000
Modulation Type        Type of modulation (i.e. FM, QPSK, 16QAM, etc.)                     FM
                       ITU standard code to represent bandwidth and modulation of a
Emission Designator(s) carrier (i.e. 800KF8D). See Emission Designator tab for more
                       information                                                     1M00F8XJN
                                            Telemetry downlink
TM1 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TM1 in MHz                                   12207.00
TM1 Bandwidth          TM1 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz                   1000
TM1 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TM1 carrier                       12206.50
TM1 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TM1 carrier                         12207.50
TM1 Polarization       Polarization for TM1 carrier                                       LHCP
TM2 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TM2 in MHz                                   12208.00
TM2 Bandwidth          TM2 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz                   1000
TM2 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TM2 carrier                       12207.50
TM2 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TM2 carrier                         12208.50
TM2 Polarization       Polarization for TM2 carrier                                       LHCP
TM3 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TM3 in MHz
TM3 Bandwidth          TM3 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz
TM3 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TM3 carrier                          0.00
TM3 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TM3 carrier                            0.00
TM3 Polarization       Polarization for TM3 carrier

TM4 Center Frequency   Center frequency of TM4 in MHz
TM4 Bandwidth          TM4 carrier maximum occupied RF bandwidth in kHz
TM4 Start Frequency    Calculated start frequency for TM4 carrier                            0.00
TM4 End Frequency      Calculated end frequency for TM4 carrier                              0.00
TM4 Polarization       Polarization for TM4 carrier
Data Rate              Data rate for telemetry carriers                                     4.8kbps
Modulation Type(s)     Type(s) of modulation (i.e. FM, BPSK,etc.)                     PM, BPSK PCM/NRZ-L
                       ITU standard code to represent bandwidth and modulation of a
Emission Designator(s) carrier (i.e. 800KF8D). See Emission Designator tab for more
                       information                                                       1M00G8DAN

Document Created: 2016-10-07 12:25:22
Document Modified: 2016-10-07 12:25:22

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