Attachment Coordination Letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20160512-00428 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


'}:j eutelsat
                                                    Ciudad de México, April 27th, 2016.

Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re: Engineering Certification with respect to E115WB at 114.9° W.L. (Ku4 Beam

To Whom It May Concern:

         This letter certifies that Satélites Mexicanos S.A. de CV dba Eutelsat Americas
("EAS") understands that Global Eagle Entertainment, Inc. ("GEE") is seeking to modify
its existing Federal Communications Commission ("FCC") blanket authorization (Call
Sign EO80100) for operation of Ku—band Earth Stations Aboard Aircraft ("ESAA") as an
application of the fixed—satellite service ("FSS") and consistent with ITU RR 5.504A.
GEE is seeking to modify its FCC authorization to add satellites as additional points of
communication, including the E115WB satellite at114.9° West Longitude and under Ku4
Beam coverage.

         EAS further understands that GEE‘s primary transmit/receive antenna is a
steerable antenna manufactured by TECOM designed to provide bi—directional broadband
services to aircraft in flight. The antenna is identified by the model number Ku—Stream
1000. It supports reception and transmission in the 11.70—12.2 GHz /14.05—14.47 GHz
bands covered by GEE‘s existing FCC License. The antenna is an independent linear
polarized array equivalent to a 0.62 meter parabolic antenna with a transmit gain of 28.8
dBi at 14.25 GHz and a receive gain of 31.1 dBi at 11.75 GHz. The antenna operates
under gimbaled motor control to orient the antenna in azimuth, elevation and polarization
and achieves a + 0.2 degree pointing accuracy during active tracking of the intended
satellite. The antenna complies with Section 25.209 of the FCC‘s Rules with respect to
the off—axis co—polarization gain in the plane of the geostationarysatellite orbit and to the
off—axis cross polarization gain using the parameters of GEE‘s existing FCC license,
under which it will continue to operate for all flights within U.S. airspace. Outside the
continental United States, GEE will operate at higher skew angles to maximi
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                                                                                 Paseo de la Reforma 222
                                                                   EMPRESA       Piso 20 y 21 Col. Juérez
                                                             ESR                                   C       SSE           C.P. 06600, México D.F.
                                                                                 Teléfono + 52 (§5)26295800

FCC International Bureau
April 13, 2016
Page 2 of 3

operating in conformity with European Telecommunications Standards Institute
European Standard (EN) 302 186, Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES);
Harmonized EN for satellite mobile Aircraft Earth Stations (AESs) operating in the
11/12/14 GHz frequency bands covering essential requirements underarticle 3.2 of the
Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive.

        The actual skew angle is constantly monitored by the antenna control system, and
the aircraft transmitter will be muted in the event that a skew angle of £+35° is exceeded.
When communicating with E115WB, GEE will operate its antenna within the 14.05—
14.47 GHz FSS uplink band and the 11.7—12.2 GHz FSS downlink band transmitting with
a maximum equivalent isotropically radiated power (EIRP) of 38.8 dBW up to a 512 ksps
carrier. GEE will maintain the return uplink EIRP level and the off—axis EIRP spectral
density, by tight control of system operation that includes:

       1)        Maintaining pointing error to be < 0.2 degrees, relative to the intended
       2)        Fault detection that terminates transmissions when out of tolerance
                 conditions (including the antenna pointing error) are detected; and
       3)        Continuous monitoring/oversight by ground network operations center

        EAS acknowledges that the use of the above referenced transmit/receive antenna
by GEE has the potential to receive harmful interference from adjacent satellite networks
that may be unacceptable. The EIRP levels set forth above for the proposed system,
installed and operated in accordance with the above conditions, are within the levels
coordinated with the adjacent satellite operators and should not cause unacceptable
interference into adjacent satellites operating in accordance with FCC‘s two—degree
spacing policy. If the FCC authorizes the operations proposed by GEE in its application,
EAS will include the antenna, as described above, in all future satellite network
coordinations with other adjacent satellite operators. GEE shall comply with all such
coordination agreements reached by the satellite operators.

       In order to prevent unacceptable interference into adjacent satellites, EAS has
been informed, and GEE acknowledges, that the antennas will be installed and operated
in accordance with the above conditions and the terms of its FCC License. In particular,
the proposed antenna will operate in compliance with the Commission‘s two—degree
spacing requirements, including the pointing accuracy and shutdown requirements of
Section 25.227(a) of the Commission‘s Rules that apply to ESAA. See 47 C.ER.

                                                                                    Paseo de la Reforma 222
                                                                     EMPRESA        Piso 20 y 21 Col. Judrez
                                                                 /   SOCIA!MENVE°   C.P. 06600, México D.F.
                                                                     RESRONsAHE     Teléfono + 52 (55)26295800

FCC International Bureau
April 13, 2016
Page 3 of 3

        Moreover, GEE agrees that it will accept interference from transmissions to
adjacent satellites in the 14.0—14.5 GHz band to the degree to which harmful interference
would not be expected to be caused to an earth station employing an antenna conforming
in all respects to the reference patterns defined in Section 25.209 of the FCC‘s rules. If
the use of this antenna should cause unacceptable interference into other systems in this
band, GEE has agreed that it will terminate transmissions immediately upon notice from
the affected parties.

        Based on GEE‘s commitment to the operating conditions stated above, satellites
operating at two—degree spacing or more should not experience unacceptable interference
as a result of the modification of GEE‘s Ku—band ESAA blanket FCC License as outlined
here to include E115WB at 114.9° W.L. as an additional point of communication.


Hector Fortis
Director of Regulatory and International Affairs
Satélites Mexicanos Sa de CV

Acceptance by GEE, Inc.:

GEE affirms that the information provided to EAS and reflected in this coordination
letter is true and accurate to the best of GEE‘s knowledge, information and belief, and
that it shall comply with all relevant coordination agreements, as provided herein.

Aditya Chatterjee                                                                                1
Chief Technical Officer                                                                   )%é
GEE, Inc.

                                                                                      Paseo de la Reforma 222
                                                                      EMPRESA         Piso 20 y 21 Col. Judrez                                     C   ESR2 sockaMeNiE      C.P. 06600, México D.F.
                                                                  e RESroNSASE®       Teléfono + 52 (§5)26295800

Document Created: 2016-05-12 17:55:00
Document Modified: 2016-05-12 17:55:00

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