Attachment Exhibits A - C

This document pretains to SES-STA-20160325-00277 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


        EXHIBIT A




                         MARCH 22, 2016

                                          Exhibit A

                             SECTIONS 25.137 AND 25.114

       The legal and technical qualifications of the Eutelsat—1 17WB (a.k.a. Satmex—9)
satellite have been approved by the Commission and are included herein by reference.
Specifically, the legal information requested in Section 25.137 and the technical
information requested in Section 25.114, including the Schedule S information, for the
Eutelsat 117W satellite can be found in Satelites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.‘s granted
request to add the satellite to the Permitted Space Station List. See Policy Branch
Information; Satellite Space Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Report No. SAT—01103,
File No. SAT—AMD—20141119—00123 (Aug 21, 2015) (Public Notice).

       To the extent necessary, however, Intelsat respectfully requests a waiver of the
need to provide additionaltechnical information under Section 25.1 14 of the
Commission‘s rules for its proposed LEOP service.‘ The Commission may grant a
waiver for good cause shown." The Commission typically grants a waiver where the
particular facts make strict compliance inconsistent with the public interest." In granting
a waiver, the Commission may take into account considerations of hardship, equity, or
more effective implementation of overall policy on an individual basis.* Waiver is
therefore appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule,
and such a deviation will serve the public interest.

        In this case, good cause exists for a waiver of Section 25.114. Intelsat has
provided in this STA request the technical information that is relevant to the LEOP
services for which Intelsat seeks authorization. The remainder of the information sought
by Section 25.114 is not required to determine potential harmfulinterference because
Intelsat will perform the LEOP services on a non—interference basis. Nor is it required to
protect adjacent satellites because LEOP service involves communications priorto the
satellite attainingits final location in the geostationary orbit. In other words, during the
LEOP mission, the earth station will not be communicating with a satellite permanently
located in the geostationary orbit. Rather, it will be transmitting to a satellite traveling on
its "transfer orbit" or "LEOP path", which starts immediately following its separation
froma launch vehicle, and ends when the satellite reaches its geostationary orbital
location. In the special circumstance of LEOP services, waiver of the need to provide
additional technical information under Section 25.114 serves the public interest.

147 C.F.R. § 25.114.
*47 CLR. §1.3.
B N.E. Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990) ("Northeast
* WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969); Northeast Cellular, 897
F.2d at 1166.

        EXHIBIT B




                         MARCH 22, 2016

                                                                                           Exhibit B

                                               Prepared By

                              19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

                                              Prepared For
                                        Intelsat License LLC
                                         Fillmore, California
                            Temporary Transmit—Only Earth Station
                          Operation Dates: 04/01/2016 — 04/15/2016

Pursuant to Part 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations, the satellite earth station proposed in this
application was coordinated by Comsearch using computer techniques and in accordance with Part 25 of
the FCC Rules and Regulations. Verbal and written coordination was conducted with the below listed
carriers on February 14, 2016.


       ABC Holding Company Inc.
       AirSites2000, LLC
       American Tower, LLC
       Anaheim City, of
       Area Energy LLC
       Arizona Public Service Company (APS)
       Arizona, State Of
       BNS Electronics, Inc.
       BNSF Railway Company
       Boging Company
       California, State of
       Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
       CBS Broadcasting Inc
       CBS Communication Services Inc
       CCO SoCal I, LLC
       CCO SoCal I, LLC
       City of Glendale
       City of Los Angeles Dept Water & Power
       City of Montebello
       City of Pomona
       City of Torrance
       City of Yuma
       Coachella Valley Water District
       Coast Community College District
       Communication Services, Inc.
       Conterra Ultra Broadband, LLC
       DM Ventures, Inc. dba Warp2Biz
        El Paso Natural Gas Company, LLC
        Encina Communications Company
        Entravision Holdings, LLC
        Exxon Communications Company
        Federal Communication Commission
        Fisher Wireless Services, Inc.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report              02/11/2016            Page 1 of 7

       Frazier Mountain Internet Service, Inc.
       Freeport—McMoRan Oil & Gas LLC
       Fresno MSA Limited Partnership
       Frontier Communications of the Southwest
       Glendale, City of
       Global Telecom & Technology Americas
       Global Telecom & Technology Americas, In
       GovNET Licenses LLC
       GTE Mobilnet of California LTD Partnersh
       GTE Mobilnet of Santa Barbara LTD Ptnsh
       ION Media Los Angeles License, Inc.
       Kern Ed Telecom Consortium
       Kern, County of
       KTLA, LLC
       LDM Engineering
       Los Angeles City Info Technology Agency
       Los Angeles County Dept of Public Works
       Los Angeles County FCC Licensing Section
       Los Angeles County Metro Transit Auth
       Los Angeles SMSA Ltd. Partnership
       Metropolitan Water Dist of So California
       MHO Networks
       Mile High Inc.
       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC — AZ
       New Cingular Wireless PCS — Los Angeles
       New Cingular Wireless PCS LLC — N CAL
       Nextel License Holdings 4 Inc.
       Nextel of California Inc.
       Nextweb Inc
       Northrop Grumman Systems Corp.
       NRJ TV LA License Co, LLC
       Olympic Wireless, LLC
       Orange, County of, CA
       Pacific Bell Tel Com dba AT&T California
       Pacific Gas and Electric Company
       Regents of the University of California
       Riverside, County of
       San Bernardino County of California
       San Diego, County of
       Santa Barbara Cellular Systems, Ltd.
       Santa Barbara, County of
       Skyriver Communications
       Southern California Edison Company
       Southern California Gas Company
       Southern California Regional Rail Auth.
       Sparkplug Southwest, LLC
       Sprint PCS
       T—Mobile License LLC
       Turn Wireless, LLC

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report   02/11/2016   Page 2 of 7

        Ultimate Internet Access, Inc
        Union Pacific Railroad Company
        University of California, HPWREN
        Vectus, Inc
        VENOCO, INC.
        Ventura, County of
        Verizon California Inc.
        Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC (Southern CA)
        Verizon Wireless (VAW) LLC—N CA/NV
        Verizon Wireless(VAW) LLC—AZ/CO/INM/NV/UT
        Vintage Production California LLC
        Western Technical Services
        WWC License LLC — AZ/CO/NM/NV/UT

There are no unresolved interference objections with the station contained in these applications.

The following section presents the data pertinent to frequency coordination of the earth station that was
circulated to all carriers within its coordination contours.

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report               02/11/2016                Page 3 of 7

                                                        Earth Station Data Sheet
                                             197 00 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Date:                                              02/14/2016
Job Number:                                        160214COMSGEO3

Administrative Information
Status                                             TEMPORARY (Operation from 04/01/2016 to 04/15/2016)
Call Sign                                          TEMPO4
Licensee Code                                      INTELS
Licensee Name                                      Intelsat License LLC
Site Information                                   FILLMORE, CA
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                                  34° 24‘ 22.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                                 118° 53‘ 37.4" W
Climate Zone                                       A
Rain Zone                                          4
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                            313.94 m / 1030.0 it
Link Information
Satellite Type                                     Geostationary
Mode                                               TO — Transmit—Only
Modulation                                         Analog and Digital
Satellite Arc                                      45.6° W to 192.2° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                                      99.6° to 260.4°
Corresponding Elevation Angles                     §.1"/ 5.0°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                           8.23 m / 27.0 ft
Antenna Information                                         Transmit — FCC32
Manufacturer                                                Scientific—Atlanta
Model                                                       3311
Gain / Diameter                                             53.8 dBi / 10.0 m
3—48 / 15—dB Beamwidth                                      0.40° / 0.60°

Max Available RF Power               (dBWIA kHz)            10.9
                                     (dBWiMHz)              349
Maximum EIRP                         (dBWikHz)              64.7
                                     (dBWIMHz)              88.7
                                     (dgw)                  88.0
Interference Objectives:           Long Term                —154.0 dBW/4 kHz            20%
                                   Short Term               —131.0 dBW/4 kHz            0.0025%
Frequency Information                                       Transmit 6.1 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)                            B50KFXD / 6421.3 — 6423.3

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance                      543.9 km / 337.9 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius                        396.3 km / 246.2 mi

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                           02/11/2016   Page 4 of 7

Coordination Values                          FILLMORE, CA
Licensee Name                                Intelsat License LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                            34° 24‘ 22.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                           118° 53 37.4" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                      313.94 m / 1030.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                     8.23 m / 27.0 ft
Antenna Model                                Scientific—Atlanta 10 meter
Antenna Mode                                          Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term                      ~154.0 dBW/4 kHz        20%
                                  Short Term            —131.0 dBW/4 kHz        0.0025%
Max Available RF Power            10.9 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                                 Transmit 6.1 GHz
                     Horizon                   Antenna                     Horizon          Coordination
Azimuth (°)          Elevation (°)             Discrimination (*)          Gain (4B))       Distance (km)
0                    9.41                      $9.59                       ~10.00            100.00
5                    9.28                      94.62                       —10.00            100.00
10                   10.39                     89.63                       ~10.00            100.00
18                   10.81                     84.65                       —10.00            100.00
20                   11.67                     79.70                       —10.00            100.00
25                   1211                      74.75                       —10.00            100.00
30                   11.51                     69.76                       —10.00            100.00
36                   10.87                     64.77                       —10.00            100.00
40                   11.36                     59.83                       —10.00            100.00
45                   12.04                     54.93                       —10.00            100.00
50                   12.00                     49.98                       —10.00            100.00
55                    11.61                    45.01                        —9.33            100.00
60                   10.79                      39.97                       —8.04            100.00
65                    9.78                      34.91                       —6.57            100.00
70                    9.99                     30.00                        4.93             100.00
75                    9.18                     24.95                        —2.93            100.00
80                    8.81                      19.97                       —0.51            100.00
85                    8.14                      14.94                        2.64            105.61
90                    7.27                      9.88                         714             132.90
95                    5.88                      4.70                        15.20            194.78
100                   6.25                      0.44                        40.98            531.89
105                   6.17                      3.67                        17.90            205.45
110                   4.75                      8.51                         8.76            172.71
115                   2.86                      13.60                        3.66            183.84
120                   2.00                      18.02                        0.61            188.68
125                   1.86                      21.95                       ~1.52            182.13
130                   2.45                      25.27                       —3.06            157.83
135                   2.61                      28.73                       —4.46            147.69
140                   2.66                      $211                        —5.67            141.67
145                   2.81                      35.20                       —6.66            134.75
150                   2.62                      38.28                       L.67             134.91
155                   3.21                      40.44                       —8.17            123.08
160                   2.93                      42.90                       —8.81            125.83
165                   3.48                      44.21                       —9.14            114.83
170                   3.26                      45.71                       —9.50            117.38
175                   312                       46.63                       —9.72            118.99
180                   2.62                      47.50                       9.92             129.29
185                   2.35                      47.40                       —9.89            132.75

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                   02/11/2016        Page 5 of 7

Coordination Values                           FILLMORE, CA
Licensee Name                                 Intelsat License LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                             34° 24‘ 22.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                            118° 53‘ 37.4" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                       313.94 m / 1030.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                      8.23 m / 27.0 ft
Antenna Model                                 Scientific—Atlanta 10 meter
Antenna Mode                                            Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term                      ~154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                                                        —131.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
Max Available RF Power             10.9 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                                  Transmit 6.1 GHz
                   Horizon                      Antenna                     Horizon           Coordination
Azimuth (°)        Elevation (°)                Discrimination (*)          Gain (0B))        Distance (km)
190                 2.28                         46.64                       —9.72             133.40
195                 0.77                         46.65                       —9.72             182.25
200                  0.45                        45.00                       —9.33             203.50
205                  1.20                        42.04                       —8.59             168.69
210                  0.96                        39.53                       —7.92             180.37
215                  0.92                        36.55                       —7.07             186.12
220                  0.00                        35.92                       —6.26             239.30
225                  0.00                        30.45                       —5.09             244.97
230                  0.00                        26.83                       —3.72             251.22
235                  0.00                        23.09                       —2.08             259.79
240                  0.00                        19.24                        —0.11            270.78
245                  0.00                        15.33                         2.36            285.44
250                  0.00                        11.35                         5.63            306.52
255                  0.00                         T.37                        10.31            339.69
260                  0.00                         5.06                        14.40            543.87
265                  0.00                         6.84                        11.13            345.82
270                  0.00                        10.85                         6.11            309.81
275                  131                         15.13                         2.50            221.39
280                  1.29                        19.96                        —0.51            203.55
285                  2.94                        24.70                        —2.82            148.14
290                  4.19                        29.63                        —4.179           119.31
295                  4.00                        34.63                        —6.49            115.45
300                  4.44                        39.62                        —7.95            104.00
305                  3.70                        44.64                        —9.24            110.50
310                  3.09                        49.65                       ~10.00            118.53
315                  2.77                        54.65                       —10.00            124.33
320                  3.24                        59.64                       ~10.00            115.70
325                  3.81                        64.63                       —10.00            105.65
330                  $.82                        69.62                       —10.00            100.00
335                  7.47                        74.63                       —10.00            100.00
340                  8.31                        79.64                       —10.00            100.00
345                  8.76                        84.63                       —10.00            100.00
350                  9.64                        89.62                       —10.00            100.00
355                  9.46                        94.61                       —10.00            100.00

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                                    02/11/2016         Page 6 of 7


I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person     responsible for the preparation of the frequency
coordination data contained in this report. | am familiar       with Parts 101 and 25 of the FCC Rules and
Regulations and 1 have either prepared or reviewed the          frequency coordination data submitted with this
report, and that it is complete and correct to the best of my   knowledge and belief.

.. k _A
Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager
19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
Ashburn, VA 20147

DATED: March 16. 2016

Frequency Coordination and Interference Analysis Report                   02/11/2016              Page 7 of 7

        EXHIBIT C




                         MARCH 22, 2016

                                                                                                     Exhibit C

                                                                                         March 16, 2016.

Bocing Satellite Systems International, Inc.
Attn: Juliet Speir
Contracts Manager

Dear Ms. Speir,

Reference is made to the Commercial Satellite Delivery Contract No. Contract No. BSS—
SATMEX—12—001B by and between Boeing Satellite Systems International, Inc. (Boeing)
and Eutelsat Latin America, S.A, (as successor of Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V.)
("Eutelsat") as amended.

By this mean, Eutelsat confirms that has already completed the FCC market access
application process for E117WB and the Market Access has been granted. As a next step of
the registration process for El17WB, Eutelsat is doing what is needed to register the
EL17WB satellite (F—4) before the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, in
conformity with the Registration Convention or General Assembly resolution 1721 B
(XVI) and as recommended in General Assembly resolution 62/101.

Additionally, please rest assured that upon election and agreement with the corresponding
Administration for the registry of the abovementioned satellite before the United Nations,
we will properly make of knowledge of Boeing.

Should you require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest

Patricio Northland
Legal Representative

C.C.P.    Michael Neuman. Program Manager. Bocing.
         James J. Peterka. ABS/Satmex Program Manager. 702SP Product Line Directorate. Bocing.
         Franz Kerekes. 7025P Product Line Mission and Ground IPT Lead. Bocing.
         Yohann Leroy. Chief Technical Officer. Eutelsat.
         Arlen Kassighian. U.S. Satellites Programs Director. Department of Engineering. Eutelsat.
         Mario Garcia. CEO. Eutelsat Latin America.
         Mariana Paez Robles Martinez. General Counsel. Satmex.
         Jestis Guti¢rrez Albores. Designated Joint Representative / Program Manager. Satmex.

Document Created: 2016-03-22 15:57:26
Document Modified: 2016-03-22 15:57:26

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