Attachment 20160308130052.pdf


DECISION submitted by FCC-IB



This document pretains to SES-STA-20151214-00934 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                         *    E150076      SES—STA—20151214—00934             182015002419
                                              HNS License Sub, LLC

                                                                                                                                     Approved by OMB

                            APPLICATION FOR EARTH STATION SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY                                                ”/282{ Ll%)\.tl

APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Renewal of STA Request to Test J2 Gateway in Gilbert, AZ
 1. Applicant

           Name:        HNS License Sub, LLC                        Phone Number:                            301—428—5893
           DBA Name:                                                Fax Number:                              301—428—2818
           Street:      11717 Exploration Lane                      E—Mail:                        

           City:        Germantown                                  State:                                   MD

           Country:     USA                                         Zipcode:                                 20876       =
           Attention:   Jennifer Manner

                                                                                         Extension Gyte Conditens
                                                                        File# 5SCs .5 74—40/6/214—00 734 hn

                                                                       Call Sign2/62074 mm Dae AS/0q /20
                                                                       (orother identifier)

                                             International Bureau

Applicant:    HNS License Sub, LLC
Call Sign:    E150076
File No.:     SES—STA—20151214—00934
Special Temporary Authority (STA)

HNS License Sub, LLC is granted extension to Special Temporary Authority for 180
days beginning March 03, 2016, to use its Gilbert, AZ, Ka—band earth station, to
communicate with: the AMC—15 satellite(call sign $2180) at orbital location 105° W. L.
Primary satellite; the EchoStar XVII (Jupiter 1) satellite (call sign $2753) at 107.1° W.L.
orbital location; the AMC—16 satellite (call sign $2181) at 85° W.L. orbital location; the
EchoStar IX satellite (call sign $2179) at 121° W.L. orbital location; the Galaxy 28(nee
IA—8) $2160/Telstar 8(IA—8) $2205 at 89°W.L. orbital location; and ViaSat—1 satellite
(call sign $2747) at 115° W.L. orbital location to test gateway Earthstation to provide
advanced broadband satellite services underthe following conditions:

1.     Operations are restricted to center frequency 29.6875 GHz (Earth—to—space) within
       coordinated emission and powerlimits and on 19.7 — 20.2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
       frequency band.

2:     All operations under this grant of STA shall be on an unprotected and non—
       harmfulinterference basis. HNS License Sub, LLC— shall not cause harmful
       interference to, and shall not claim protection from interference by any other
       lawfully operating radio communication system.

3.     Grant ofthis STA is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission
       may make regarding pending or future HNS License Sub, LLC applications.

4.     Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuantto this
       STA is solely at HNS License Sub, LLC‘s risk.

&      Operations of this earth station with AMC—15 satellite at permanent orbital location
        105.° W.L., during the period when SES—STA—20150928—00642 expired to the grant of
        this license was authorized pursuantto Section 1.62 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R.

This grantis issued pursuantto Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release.
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                                                                           HNS License Sub, LLC
                                                                           Request to Renew STA
                                                                                       Page 1 of 1

                       Request for Renewal of Special Temporary Authority

        Pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(4),‘ HNS License Sub, LLC (Hughes) requests a 180—day
renewal of its special temporary authority (STA) (File No. SES—STA—20150928—00642) to test a
fixed earth station in Gilbert, Arizona, at 28.5005 GHz (uplink) and 19.7—20.2 GHz (downlink).
Grant of this STA serves the public interest as it will enable Hughes to proceed with time—
sensitive testing of new gateway earth stations to ensure that they are properly installed.

         The earth station will be used as one of the gateways for the Jupiter 2 (EchoStar XIX)
satellite network, which will provide advanced broadband satellite services to U.S. consumers.*
An application for regular authority for this earth station was approved by the Commission on
December 7, 2015."

         Grant of this STA is in the public interest because it will enable Hughes to test the
antenna of this earth station upon installation. This test will enable Hughes to ensure that the
earth station antenna is properly installed and can successfully operate with the Jupiter 2
satellite. Hughes will perform this test on a non—interference basis. Accordingly, there is no
interference concern. In addition, testing will only occur in a frequency range where Fixed
Satellite Services operate on a primary basis (28.35 GHz to 28.6 GHz).

       For purposes of this STA, Hughes requests authority for the earth station to
communicate with the AMC—15 satellite at 105° W.L. (call sign $2180). This is the primary
satellite that Hughes will transmit to for the testing purposes. Hughes‘ testing may require the
earth station to transmit to the:

        EchoStar XVII (Jupiter 1) satellite at 107.1 W.L. (call sign $2735),
        AMC—16 satellite at 85° W.L. (call sign $2181),
        EchoStar IX satellite at 121° W.L. (call sign $2143),
        Galaxy 28 satellite at 89° W.L. (call sign $2160), and
        ViaSat—1 satellite at 115° W.L. (call sign $2747)

        Accordingly, Hughes requests special temporary authority to transmit to those satellites
as well. The location data and technical parameters for the testing are provided in Attachment
1 to the initial STA application."

! 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(4).
* The FCC has authorized the Jupiter 2 (EchoStar XIX) satellite at 97.1° W.L. to access the U.S.
market. See IBFS File Nos. SAT—LOI—20110809—00148 (granted Jul. 27, 2012) and SAT—MOD—
20141201—00127 (granted Jun. 23, 2015). The Jupiter 2 satellite is a next generation satellite,
which will provide increased capacity for Hughes®‘ satellite broadband services.
* See IBFS File No. SES—LIC—20150604—00332.
* See IBFS File No. SES—STA—20150928—00642.

Document Created: 2016-03-08 13:01:17
Document Modified: 2016-03-08 13:01:17

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