Attachment Exhibit 1

This document pretains to SES-STA-20151201-00904 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          TEGNA/Sander STA

                                        Public Interest Statement

                    TEGNA Inc. (“TEGNA”), formerly known as Gannett Co., Inc. (“Gannett”), has
    exercised through subsidiaries its options to acquire certain television station licensees ultimately
    owned and controlled by Jack Sander.1 Sander Operating Co. I LLC d/b/a WHAS Television is
    the licensee of WHAS-TV, Louisville, Kentucky. Sander Operating Co. III LLC d/b/a KGW
    Television is the licensee of KGW, Portland, Oregon. The Commission has approved the transfer
    of control of these licensees.2 Following the closing of the transaction, which the parties
    anticipate consummating on or about December 3, 2015, the licensees will be owned by indirect
    subsidiaries of TEGNA.

                    Each of WHAS-TV and KGW uses certain earth station authorizations in
    connection with its operations, including three authorizations granted shortly before or shortly
    after the TEGNA/Sander Grant.3 The instant and related requests for Special Temporary
    Authority seek authorization for the TEGNA transferees to control these recently authorized earth
    stations pending the Commission’s review of the concurrently filed Form 312 applications
    seeking the Commission’s formal consent to transfer control of these recently granted earth
    station authorizations. No change in the operation or use of the earth stations will occur as a
    result of the grant of this proposed transfer of control of the licenses to the transferees.
    Accordingly, and in light of the Commission’s determination in the TEGNA/Sander Grant that
    the underlying transfer of control of the Sander licensees is in the public interest, it is likewise in
    the public interest to permit the recently approved earth stations addressed in these applications to
    operate under TEGNA’s control in connection with TEGNA’s assumption of control of the main
    station licenses.

  TEGNA is the new name of the company formerly known as Gannett. Effective prior to the instant
filing, TEGNA has spun off the publishing and certain other parts of the company to a new entity.
That new entity has taken the Gannett name.
  Sander Holdings Co., LLC, Letter, DA 15-1344 (MB Vid. Div. Nov. 23, 2015) (“TEGNA/Sander
  See Satellite Communications Services Information, Report No. SES-01801, at 3 (IB Nov. 25,
2015) (showing grant of E150124 and E150127 as of Nov. 17, 2015, and Nov. 18, 2015,
respectively). The Commission’s IBFS records show that earth station authorization E150129 was
granted as of Nov. 24, 2015, though no Public Notice has yet been issued.

Document Created: 2015-12-01 18:01:42
Document Modified: 2015-12-01 18:01:42

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