Attachment Supplement ISAT US S

Supplement ISAT US S

EXHIBIT submitted by ISAT US, Inc.



This document pretains to SES-STA-20150731-00484 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             Amended and Restated Exhibit A


        ISAT US Inc. (“ISAT US”) hereby requests special temporary authority (“STA”) to
operate a 3.5 meter earth station located at Lino Lakes, Minnesota to facilitate over-the-air
site acceptance testing (OSAT) and end-to-end testing of the 30.0-31.0 GHz and 20.2-21.2
GHz payload on the Inmarsat Global Xpress Ka-band network, using the Inmarsat 5 F2
(I5F2) satellite located at 55º W.L. The earth station antenna type is the ASC Signal 3.5 Ka-
band Earth Station antenna (“Antenna”), a summary of which is attached as Annex A. All
operations would be at a fixed location at the Lino Lakes site, which site has been previously
authorized for use with the I5 F2 satellite. 1 This testing would be done in consultation with
an element of the U.S. armed forces.

        As explained in the application for the Lino Lakes and I5F2 U.S. market access
authority, in addition to the “conventional” part of the Ka band, the I5F2 spacecraft also
includes the capability of communicating in certain beams in the 30.0-31.0 GHz and 20.2-
21.2 GHz bands, which are not allocated for commercial service in the United States and for
which U.S. market access authority has not been sought. Operation of this part of the
spacecraft will occur under the authority of Norway, pursuant to ITU filings submitted by the
Norwegian Administration. 2 Inmarsat acknowledges that it or one of its authorized military
customers would need to obtain separate authority prior to initiating U.S. service in those
bands. The I5F2 satellite has been fully coordinated with the relevant parties in the United
States Executive Branch for the 55º W.L. orbital location, including for the frequency bands
limited to military use (i.e., 30.0-31.0/20.2-21.2 GHz) under the U.S. Table of Frequency
Allocations. This additional terminal will be used for the purposes of testing the capabilities
of the spacecraft only in the 20.2-21.2 GHz and 30.0-31.0 GHz band segments and is not
intended for regular or permanent use in those bands.

        ISAT US will be responsible for the operation of the Antenna during the tests. The
operations will be closely monitored by the Inmarsat Network Operations Center (NOC) and
various engineering teams associated with the OSAT and testing campaign to ensure
compliance with the requested testing authority. It is expected that the Antenna will be used
starting August 14, 2015 for up to 30 days.

       See, Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc., Granted March 30, 2015, (Call Sign E120072;
       IBFS File No. SES-LIC-20120426-00397) (“Lino Lakes Order”).
       The Norwegian Administration has submitted on behalf of Inmarsat an ITU filing
       under the filing name SE-KA-55W, as published by the ITU in IFIC 2717
       (CR/C/3054) on 17 April 2012 (date of receipt November 11, 2011).


         ISAT US seeks authority to test the Antenna on the following frequency bands: 30.0-
31.0 GHz (uplink) and 20.2-21.2 GHz (downlink). ISAT US requests this authority on a non-
interference and non-protected basis. ISAT US requests a waiver of the U.S. Table of
Frequency Allocations, as necessary, to allow the proposed STA operations in the 30.0-31.0
GHZ and 20.2-20.2 GHz frequencies. 3 Grant of a waiver would serve the public interest
because it would allow end-to-end network testing of the portion of the I5F2 spacecraft that
uses these band segments and associated Global Xpress network components with the OSAT,
facilitating the deployment of satellite broadband services in these band segments to
approved military users. As discussed below, grant of the requested waiver would not
undermine the policy objective of the rule, as regular or permanent authority for this Antenna
is not being sought and the primary operators in these bands under the U.S. Table would be
protected from harmful interference.

       ISAT US seeks authorization only for limited testing of the 30.0-31.0 GHz and 20.2-
21.2 GHz capabilities of I5F2. As noted above, the Commission granted market access for
I5F2’s other communications capabilities, and, in that context, all of the information required
by Sections 25.137 and 25.114 was provided. Below, ISAT US provides the following
additional information that it is relevant to the proposed OSAT and end-to-end testing:

Technical Parameters

Station Class: FXO

Transmit Frequencies: 30.0-31.0 GHz
Transmit Polarization: RHCP or LHCP
Antenna Gain: 58.5 dBi
Maximum Input Power: 11.5 dBW
Maximum Uplink Power Density (main beam): 52 dBW/4KHz
Maximum EIRP: 70 dBW
Emission Designator: 100GG1D
RF Modulation: 64QAM (max)
Minimum Elevation for Transmission: Pointed to I5F2 at 55º W.L. – El = 26 degrees

Receive Frequencies: 20.2-21.2 GHz
Receive Polarization: LHCP or RHCP
Maximum Spacecraft EIRP: 58dBW
Emission Designator: 100GG1D

       See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106, footnote G117 (in the bands 7.25-7.75 GHz, 7.9-8.4 GHz,
       17.375-17.475 GHz, 17.6-21.2 GHz, 30-31 GHz, 33-36 GHz, 39.5-41 GHz, 43.5-45.5
       GHz, and 50.4-51.4 GHz, the Federal fixed-satellite and mobile-satellite services are
       limited to military systems).


RF Modulation: 64QAM
Azimuth Range: Fixed Pointed to I5F2 at 55º W.L. – Az = 132.2 degrees

The maximum uplink off-axis EIRP density of any single I5F2 carrier in the direction of the
geostationary orbital slot of 52.5º W.L. will not exceed -30 dBW/Hz, and the maximum
downlink EIRP density of any single I5F2 carrier will not exceed -15.9 dBW/Hz.

Beacon Signal: The signal beacon on I5F2 will operate at a frequency centered at 20.68 GHz
with a maximum EIRP of 30 dBW, and the 20.7 GHz beacon will be muted.

Duration of Communications: approximately 30 days

Space Station Coordination

        The coordination of communications for the use of the additional frequencies (30.0-
31.0 GHz/20.2-21.2 GHz) with the I5F2 spacecraft at the 55º W.L. orbital location with
existing spacecraft operators, including the U.S. Government, during the proposed testing is
the responsibility of Inmarsat and ISAT US. ISAT US has undertaken coordination of
communications for the support of the OSAT and end-to-end testing of I5F2 with other
spacecraft operators that may be potentially affected during testing.

        All the preparatory activities and contacts for such coordination have been made and
all issues have been satisfactorily resolved. ISAT US also has undertaken to review the need
for coordination based on any changed circumstances that may occur. In accordance
with normal industry practices, communications with other operators will be kept open in the
period leading to and throughout the testing activities, to ensure that the testing will be
conducted on a non-interference basis. Grant of the proposed STA on a non-interference,
non-protected basis would not prejudice any future operations in this band.

                               *      *       *      *       *

        Grant of the requested STA will serve the public interest, convenience and necessity
because it will enable ISAT US to conduct essential network testing and the I5F2 spacecraft,
within technical parameters consistent with the parameters described herein using the
identified Antenna, without creating any risk of harmful interference. ISAT US respectfully
requests that the Commission grant STA beginning August 14, 2015 for a period of 30 days.




                 3.5 Meter Ka-band, K-band
                 Earth Station Antenna
                 The ASC Signal 3.5 Ka-band earth            • Bonded and riveted torsion box for
                 station antenna provides superior             rigidity
                 performance and pointing accuracy.
                                                             • Heavy mounting ring for strength
                 The precision one-piece spun aluminum
                 reflector, along with its rugged aluminum   • Advanced dual reflector Gregorian
                 and steel construction provide                optics
                 extraordinary strength and precise          • Sub reflector closed loop positioning
                 pointing.                                     for precise pointing accuracy
                 This antenna features a uniquely designed   • Compliant to ITU 580-5/465-5,
                 Gregorian sub reflector tracking system       FCC 25.209
                 which eliminates the need for costly jack
                 drives and large motors.

    S P E C I F I C AT I O N S

     3.5 Meter Ka-band, K-band Earth Station Antenna

Electrical Performance

                                                            Ka-band 4-Port                       Ka-band 4-Port              Ka-band 4-Port   Ka-band 4-Port                                        K-band 2-Port                         K-band 4-Port
                                                                Circular                            Wideband                      Linear      Linear Pol Feed                                           Linear                                 Linear
                                                                Pol Feed                        Circular Pol Feed                Pol Feed    Eutelsat Frequency                                        Pol Feed                              Pol Feed
                                                          Receive Transmit                     Receive Transmit            Receive Transmit Receive Transmit                                     Receive Transmit                      Receive      Transmit
  Frequency (GHz)                                          20.200-             30.000-         18.300-          28.300-    17.700 -       27.000-          21.400-            27.000-            10.700-             17.300-           10.700-		 17.300-
                                                           21.200              31.000          20.200           30.000     20.200		       30.050           22.000             30.050             12.750              18.100            12.750		 18.400

  Antenna Gain at Midband                                  55.10 dB            58.50 dB        54.70 dB         58.30 dB   54.30 dB       58.00 dB         55.50 dB           58.00 dB           51.10 dB            54.70 dB          50.90 dB             54.50 dB

  Antenna Noise Temperature ( Midband, Clear Sky Conditions at 68˚F (20˚C, Water Vapor Density < 7.5 g/m3)
  10˚ Elevation		                                  171 K			                       145 K			                                        130 K			                         202 K			                              44 K			                              58 K		
  30˚ Elevation		                                  137 K			                       111 K			                                        96 K			                          168 K			                              31 K			                              45 K		
  50˚ Elevation		                                  130 K			                       104 K			                                        89 K			                          161 K			                              29 K			                              43 K

  Cross Polarization
  On Axis               N/A		                                                  N/A             N/A		            N/A        35 dB		        35 dB            35 dB		            35 dB              35 dB		             35 dB             35 dB		 35 dB
  Within 1 dB Beamwidth N/A		                                                  N/A             N/A		            N/A        35 dB		        35 dB            35 dB		            35 dB              35 dB		             35 dB             35 dB		 35 dB
  Axial Ratio           0.50 dB                                                0.50 dB         0.50 dB          0.50 dB    N/A		          N/A              N/A		              N/A                N/A		               N/A               N/A		                N/A

  VSWR Performance                                         1.30:1		            1.30:1          1.30:1		         1.30:1     1.30:1		       1.30:1           1.30:1             1.30:1             1.30:1              1.30:1            1.30:1		 1.30:1

  Port-to-Port Isolation
  Rx to Rx                                                          18 dB			                           18 dB			                   35 dB 		                         35 dB						                                                                35 dB
  Tx to Rx		                                                        85 dB			                           85 dB			                   85 dB			                         85 dB						                                                                85 dB
  Tx to Tx		                                                        18 dB			                           18 dB			                   35 dB 		                         35 dB			 40 dB			                                                          35 dB

  Waveguide Interface Flange                               WR42		              WR28            WR42		           WR28       WR42		         WR28             WR42		             WR28               WR75		              WR62              WR75		 WR62

  Tx Power Capacity 500 W/Port 		                                                              500 W/Port		                500 W/Port 		                   500 W/Port		                          1 kW			                                                    750 W/Port

Mechanical Performance                                                                                                                Environmental Performance

Optics Type            .................................                                Dual Reflector, Gregorian                     Operational Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -40˚C to 50˚C (-40˚F to 125˚F)

Reflector Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .      Precision Formed Aluminum                     Wind Loading, Survival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 mph Any Position
                                                                                                                                      		                                                                               88 mph with Ice
Reflector Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .          1
                                                                                                                                      Rain           . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 mm (4 in per hour)
Mount Type                    .............................                             Tubular Post Pedestal
                                                                                                                                      Solar Radiation                     . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 BTU/h/ft2 (1135 W/m2)
Antenna Pointing Range, Course/(Continuous) . . . . . . . . . . .                       360˚ Coarse, 30˚ Steps
                                                                                        (±24˚ Continuous)                             Relative Humidity                  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100%
                                                                                        0˚ to 90˚ Continuous
                                                                                                                                      Shock and Vibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Encountered by Commercial Air, Rail
                                                                                                                                      		                                                                                  and Truck

                                                                                                                                      Atmospheric Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . As Encountered by Moderately
                                                                                                                                      		                                                                                 Corrosive Coastal and Industrial Areas

ASC Signal Corporation                                                                                    Telephone: +1-919-329-8700                                                                 All designs, specifications and availabilities of
620 North Greenfield Parkway                                                                              Fax:       +1-919-329-8701                                                                 products and services presented in this bulletin
Garner, NC 27529 USA                                                                                                                                                                                 are subject to change without notice.
                                                                                                          Internet:                                                                ASC-ESA2
                                                                                                                                                                                                     © 2007 ASC Signal Corporation

Document Created: 2015-08-11 17:23:48
Document Modified: 2015-08-11 17:23:48

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