Attachment SESSTA2015030400112.


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20150304-00112 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


E140114      SES—STA—20150304—00112      1B2015000411

                                                                                                                          Approved by OMB


   APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
    GX Aviation Honeywell Antenna STA
     1. Applicant

                Name:           ISAT US Inc.                 Phone Number:                      202—248—5158
                DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:                        202—248—5186
                Street:         1101 Connecticut Avenue NW   E—Mail:                  
                                Suite 1200
                City:           Washington                   State:                             DC
                Country:        USA                          Zipcode:                           20036       —
                Attention:      MrChris Murphy

                                                                                  ; mSXSS139CEI—O0T%,

                                                                                   (or other identiffer)
                                                                           \ [m      &
                                                             }i Intornationsl
                                                                              Burcer }Ap;:mw}

2. Contact

             Name:         Chris Murphy                        Phone Number:                          2022485150
             Company:      ISAT US Inc.                        Fax Number:                            2022485186
             Street:       1101 Connecticut Ave NW             E—Mail:                      
                           Suite 1200
             City:         Washington                          State:                                  DC
             Country:      USA                                 Zipcode:                               20036     —
             Attention:                                        Relationship:                           Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
3. Reference File Number SESLIC2014103000832 or Submission ID

 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
& IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
    Governmental Enti             Noncommercial educational licensee
3                            C3
{ Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGV — Fixed Satellite VSAT System

5. Type Request

 @ Use Prior to Grant                             C Change Station Location                     —_—   C Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. City                                                                   8. Latitude
                                                                          (dd mm ss.s h)    0   0     0.0

9. State                                                                   10. Longitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)     0   0   0.0

11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Narrative                           Attachment 2:                                       Attachment 3:

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     Please see attached narrative.

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes        «4 No
subject to a denial of Federal beneffits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                  15. Title of Person Signing
  Chris Murphy                                                                Director, Government Affairs
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1}), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.$. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,.
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1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

Applicant: ISAT US, Inc.
Call Sign: E140114
File No.: SES—STA—20150304—00112
Special Temporary Authority (STA)

ISAT US, Inc. is granted special temporary authority for a period of 30 days, commencing May 1, 2015,
to operate one aircraft earth station (Honeywell MCS—8200 fuselage—mount user terminal) for testing that
will to communicate with the Inmarsat—5 F1 geostationary orbit space station at the 62.6° E.L. orbital
location (ISSF1), using the 29.5—30.0 GHz (Earth—to—space) and 19.7—20.2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
frequency bands. Operations must be in accordance with the technical specifications contained in ISAT
US, Inc.‘s application, and are subject to the following conditions:

 1.   The temporary authority granted is for acceptance testing of the Honeywell MCS—8200 terminal.
      Operations are limited to testing outside the United States over international waters and in foreign
      airspace while the single aircraft earth station is mounted on board a United States—flagged aircraft
      (Tail Number: N757HW) and remotely controlled through Inmarsat‘s gateway facility located in
      Fucino, Italy, and its Network Operations Center in London, England.

      Operations under this grant of special temporary authority must be on an unprotected, non—harmful
      interference basis, 7.e., while operating under this temporary authority ISAT US, Inc. must not
      cause harmful interference to, and must not claim protection from interference caused to it by, any
      other lawfully operating radiocommunication system. ISAT US, Inc. must cease operations
      immediately upon notification of such interference and must immediately inform the Commission,
      in writing, of such an event.

      The aircraft earth station authorized herein must cease transmissions when the antenna—to—GSO
      skew angle produces off—axis EIRP spectral density emissions greater than the limits in Section
      25.138 of the Commission‘s rules. See 47 C.EF.R. § 25.138. The aircraft earth station may resume
      transmissions once the risk of harmful interference has passed.

      ISAT US, Inc. must take all necessary measures to ensure that the antenna does not create potential
      exposure of humans to radiofrequency radiation in excess of the FCC exposure limits defined in 47
      CFR §§ 1.1307(b) and 1.1310 wherever such exposures might occur. Measures must be taken to
      ensure compliance with limits for both occupational controlled exposure and for general
      population/uncontrolled exposure, as defined in these rule sections. Requirements for restrictions
      can be determined by predictions based on calculations, modeling or by field measurements. The
      FCC‘s OET Bulletin 65 (available on—line at provides information on
      predicting exposure levels and on methods for ensuring compliance, including the use of warning
      and alerting signs and protective equipment for workers. The licensee shall ensure installation of
      terminals on aircraft by qualified installers who have an understanding of the antenna‘s radiation
      environment and the measures best suited to maximize protection of the general public and persons
      operating the aircraft and equipment. A terminal exhibiting radiation exposure levels exceeding 1.0
      mW/ecmin accessible areas, such as at the exterior surface of the radome, shall have a label
      attached to the surface of the terminal warning about the radiation hazard and shall include thereon

     a diagram showing the regions around the terminal where the radiation levels could exceed 1.0

     ISAT US, Inc. must maintain a point of contact available 24 hours per day, seven days per week,
     with the authority and ability to terminate operations authorized, for discussing interference
     concerns with other licensees and U.S. Government agencies.

     Aircraft earth stations authorized herein must employ a tracking algorithm that is resistant to
     capturing and tracking adjacent satellite signals, and each station must be capable of inhibiting its
     own transmission in the eventit detects unintended satellite tracking.

     Aircraft earth stations authorized herein must be monitored and controlled by a ground—based
     network control and monitoring center. Such stations must be able to receive "enable transmission"
     and "disable transmission" commands from the network control center and must cease transmission
     immediately after receiving a "parameter change" command until receiving an "enable
     transmission" command from the network control center. The network control center must monitor
     operation of each aircraft earth station to determine if it is malfunctioning, and each aircraft earth
     station must self—monitor and automatically cease transmission on detecting an operational fault
     that could cause harmful interference to a fixed—satellite service network.

     Stations authorized herein must not be used to provide air traffic control communications.

     Operation in the territory or airspace of any country other than the United States must be in
     compliance with the applicable laws, regulations, and licensing procedures of that country, as well
     as with the conditions of this authorization.

10. Communications between ISAT US, Inc.‘s earth station and ISSF1 space station must be in
     compliance with all existing and future space station coordination agreements reached between the
     United Kingdom and other Administrations.

11. ISAT US, Inc. must maintain records of the following data for each operating aircraft earth station
    (AES), a record of the aircraft location (i.e., latitude/longitude/altitude), transmit frequency, channel
    bandwidth and satellite used shall be time annotated and maintained for a period of not less than
     one year. Records shall be recorded at time intervals no greater than one (1) minute while the AES
     is transmitting. The operator shall make this data available, in the form of a comma delimited
     electronic spreadsheet, within 24 hours of a request from the Commission, NTIA, or a frequency
     coordinator for purposes of resolving harmful interference events. A description of the units (i.e.,
     degrees, minutes, MHz ...) in which the records values are recorded will be supplied along with the

12. Antenna elevation for all operations must be at least 5 degrees above the geographic horizon while
    the aircraft is on the ground.

 13. ISAT US, Inc. must comply with any pertinent limits established by the International
     Telecommunication Union to protect other services allocated internationally.

 14. Operations authorized pursuant to this license are operations by U.S.—registered aircraft anywhere
     within the coverage area/frequency bands identified in the application for the satellite listed as a
     point of communication. Authorization for operations by U.S.—registered aircraft outside U.S.
      territory, pursuant to this license, does not constitute a grant of access to the market in the United
      States under the Commission‘s DISCO II policies.

 15. Grant of this authorization is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission may
     make regarding pending applications or future requests for special temporary authority. E.g. IBFS
      File No. SES—LIC—20141030—00832.

 16. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this special temporary
     authority is solely at ISAT US, Inc.‘s risk.

This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated authority, 47
C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately. Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106 or
applications for review under Sections 1.115 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may
be filed within thirty days of the date of the public notice indicating that this action was taken.

                                                                 | msESSB33SG31—CO14

                          Request for Special Temporary Authority

        Pursuant to Section 301(e) of the Communications Act,‘ ISAT US, Inc. ("ISAT)
requests special temporary authority ("STA") to operate one (1) transmit/receive earth station
mounted on a United States—flagged aircraft in the 29.5—30.0 GHz band for uplink
communications and in the 19.7—20.2 GHz band for downlink communications using the
Inmarsat—5 F1 satellite, located at the 62.6° E.L. orbital location ("IS5F1"). Testing of the
earth station will be conducted outside the United States over international waters and in
foreign airspace while mounted on board a United States—flagged aircraft (Tail Number:
N757HW)* and will be operated through Inmarsat‘s gateway facility located in Fucino, Italy.
ISAT requests STA for a period of 30 days commencing on May 1, 2015.

        The earth station terminal at issue is a Honeywell MCS—8200 fuselage—mount user
terminal, which is the subject of ISAT‘s pending application with the Commission seeking
blanket authority for earth station terminals to be mounted on aircraft to provide mobile
communications services over Inmarsat‘s Global Xpress Ka—band satellite system." The
Application contains all of the technical parameters that are relevant for the STA operations,
except that the terminal will communicate with IS5F1 during the testing operations. I5FI1 is
technically identical to the Inmarsat—5 F2 satellite for which U.S. market access has been
sought.* Throughout the terminal testing, Inmarsat will remotely control the terminal
operations through its Fucino, Italy gateway and Inmarsat‘s Network Operations Center
located in London. ISAT requests a waiver of the U.S. Table of Allocations to the extent
necessary to operate mobile terminals in the segments of the Ka—band identified above, as
detailed in the Application.®

        The purpose of the proposed STA operations is to conduct acceptance testing of the
prototype Earth Station manufactured by Inmarsat‘s supplier, Honeywell, Inc.
("Honeywell"). During the testing, the aircraft will be flown within the airspace of the
United Kingdom, Norway and the Netherlands and over international waters surrounding
these countries. The relevant administration in each of these countries has adopted the

‘47U.S.C. § 301(0).
* The aircraft to be used for the proposed tests is a Boeing 757 that is regularly utilized for
various testing purposes and is owned and operated by the Honeywell Corporation.

* ISAT US, Inc. Application for Earth Station Authorizations GX Aeronautical Mobile
Blanket License Application, IBFS File No. SES—LIC—20141030—00832, Call Sign E140114
(filed Oct. 23, 2014) (the "Application"). This Application includes two different terminal
types, but STA is being sought only for the terminal identified as "Aero 1" on the Schedule

* See Inmarsat Mobile Networks, Inc., Application for Authority to Operate Gateway Earth
Station with ISF2 Satellite at 55° W.L., File No. SES—LIC—20120426—00397, Call Sign
E120072 (filed Apr. 26, 2012), as amended.

* See Application, Exhibit A at 6; see also 47 C.F.R. § 2.106.

decision of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations
("CEPT") governing the operation of earth stations on mobile platforms in the Ka band."

        The proposed STA operations would not cause harmful interference into primary
operations in the proposed frequencies. The parameters of the testing are within the levels
that Inmarsat either has coordinated, or has informally agreed upon during coordination
discussions, for I5F1 with all adjacent co—frequency satellite networks. Furthermore, the
proposed STA operations will protect adjacent operations consistent with Section 25.138(a)
of the Commission‘s rules for EIRP spectral density off axis limits and in compliance with
the requirements of ECC Decision 13(01). In the Application, ISAT explained that the
performance of this asymmetrical antenna in the elevation plane exceeds the Section
25.138(a)(2) off—axis EIRP spectral density mask in limited circumstances when the axis of
the antenna is oriented at skew angles below approximately 15 degrees in relation to the GSO
plane.‘ In the geographic area for the proposed testing, the skew angles are entirely above 15
degrees, and thus, the off—axis power density levels will comply with the Section 25.138(a)
limitsat all times during the testing operations.

       Testing the earth station on an aircraft requires approval by the Federal Aviation
Administration, and FAA Flight Safety Certification for this earth station and this specific
aircraft will have been granted prior to execution of the tests.

         Granting this STA would serve the public interest by facilitating the assessment of the
prototype earth station and will enable Inmarsat to proceed in implementing its ultimate plans
to deploy the aeronautical antennas for the provision of broadband access service. As
detailed in the Application, facilitating the ultimate availability of broadband access on board
aircraft will help satisfy the rapidly growing demand and consumer expectations for
ubiquitous Internet connectivity on land, at sea, and in the air.° The Commission previously
has granted STA under similar circumstances," as well as permanent authority to operate Ka—
band mobile earth stations on board aircraft.‘"

© See CEPT Electronic Communications Committee (ECC) Decision 13(01) approved 8
March 2013, "The harmonized use, free circulation and exemption from individual licensing
of Earth Stations On Mobile Platforms (ESOMPs) within the frequency bands 17.3—20.2 GHz
and 27.5—30.0 GHz, available at (adopted bythe United
Kingdom as of June 25, 2014, Norway as of June 25, 2014, and Netherlands as of Jan. 27,

‘ Application, Exhibit A at 10.

8 See id., Exhibit A at 1.
° See, e. g., Row 44, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authorityfor Mobility Testing
ofAircraft Earth Stations, File No. SES—STA—20080711—00928, Order and Authorization,
DA 09—585 (rel. Mar. 13, 2009).

i9 See ViaSat, Inc., Radio Station Authorization, File No. SES—LIC—20120427—00404, Call
Sign. E120075 (Granted July 17, 2013).

        For these reasons, ISAT submits that grant of STA is in the public interest in this case.
ISAT will make available a 24/7 point of contact who can be reached in the unlikely event
that any issues arise in connection with the operations under the requested STA. Personnel
will be on duty at all times during the STA period. I can be contacted personally at (202)
248—5158. Inmarsat‘s Network Operations Center in London is also available 24 hours per
day and can be reached at +44 20 77281616.                         '

Document Created: 2015-04-10 16:30:22
Document Modified: 2015-04-10 16:30:22

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