Attachment RigNet STA Ensco DS5

This document pretains to SES-STA-20150223-00177 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


February 13, 2015

System Analysis Branch
Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     Request for Special Temporary Authority

       Pursuant to Section 25.120(a) of the Rules and Regulations (“Regulations”) of the
Federal Communications Commission (“Commission”), RigNet Satcom Inc., (“RigNet”), by
way of the underlying application submitted by the undersigned, seeks Commission
consideration for a Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to operate an earth station at the
Gulf of Mexico location indicated in the application.

        Pursuant to Section 25.120(a) of the Regulations, in “circumstances requiring …
temporary use of facilities, request may be made for special temporary authority to install
and/or operate new or modified equipment.” In addition, according to Section 25.120(b)(4)
of the Regulations, the Commission may grant temporary authorization for a period not to
exceed 30 days, if the STA request has not been placed on public notice, and an application
for regular authority is not contemplated.

        In the instance case, the STA request has not been placed on public notice and RigNet
does not plan to file an application for regular authority. The proposed antenna will be used
to support a communications system for a temporary oil drilling operation. An STA under
these conditions is contemplated by the Regulations due to “circumstances requiring …
temporary use of facilities.” An application for regular authority is not submitted because it
would be inefficient for the Commission to process an application for permanent
authorization for a project of short duration. Therefore, RigNet respectfully requests an STA
for 30 days.

       The satellite to be used for this temporary operation will be Intelsat 901 (342 E.L.)

       In addition, because of the nature of the project, RigNet believes that the granting of
this STA is in the public interest and that delay in the institution of these temporary
operations would seriously prejudice the public interest. Once the drilling operation starts in

this remote area, the proposed antenna will be a critical line of communication. In order to
insure service, the requested STA date is February 28, 2015. In accordance to Section
25.120(a) of the Regulations, this STA is being filed at least 3 working days prior to the date
of proposed operation.

The antenna at issue is a Seatel 9797 C-band (“Antenna”). This Antenna does not strictly
comply with Section 25.209 of the Regulations. However, according to Section 25.218 of
the Regulations, an applicant may request routine processing of an application if it meets the
applicable off-axis EIRP envelopes.

Furthermore, an application pursuant to Section 25.218 must file the corresponding tables
outlined in Section 25.115(h) of the Regulations. Applicant presents below the tables
outlined in Section 25.115(h) and therefore requests routine processing of this application.

                        EIRP DENSITY TABLE, AZIMUTH - §25.115 (h) (1)
     Antenna Manufacturer         Seatel       Diameter                                 2.4       m
     Antenna Model                9797             Antenna Gain                        41.7       dBi
                                                   Max EIRP
     Transmit Frequency           6.175  GHz   Density                                 30.7       dBW/4KHz

                        Actual                                    Off-                  Actual
  Off-      §25.218                                                        §25.218
                         SD        Margin                         Axis                   SD             Margin
 Axis         SD                                                             SD
                        (dBW/4K     (dB)                         degree                (dBW/4KH          (dB)
degrees    (dBW/4KHz)
   1.5        21.9        14.0       -7.9                         7.5        5.3         -17.1          -22.4
   1.6        21.2        11.5       -9.7                         7.6        5.3         -16.0          -21.3
   1.7        20.5         9.0      -11.5                         7.7        5.3         -12.1          -17.4
   1.8        19.9         6.0      -13.9                         7.8        5.3         -13.5          -18.8
   1.9        19.3         3.0      -16.3                         7.9        5.3         -13.0          -18.3
   2.0        18.8         0.5      -18.3                         8.0        5.3         -13.0          -18.3
   2.1        18.2        -2.5      -20.8                         8.1        5.3         -12.0          -17.3
   2.2        17.7        -6.0      -23.7                         8.2        5.3         -12.0          -17.3
   2.3        17.3        -7.0      -24.3                         8.3        5.3         -12.0          -17.3
   2.4        16.8        -6.0      -22.8                         8.4        5.3         -13.5          -18.8
   2.5        16.4        -4.9      -21.3                         8.5        5.3         -14.0          -19.3
   2.6        15.9        -3.6      -19.5                         8.6        5.3         -14.5          -19.8
   2.7        15.5        -3.5      -19.0                         8.7        5.3         -16.0          -21.3
   2.8        15.1        -3.6      -18.7                         8.8        5.3         -17.1          -22.4
   2.9        14.7        -4.9      -19.6                         8.9        5.3         -18.0          -23.3
   3.0        14.4        -7.0      -21.4                         9.0        5.3         -18.5          -23.8
   3.1        14.0        -9.9      -23.9                         9.1        5.3         -19.0          -24.3
   3.2        13.7       -13.5      -27.2                         9.2        5.3         -20.0          -25.3
   3.3        13.3       -15.0      -28.3                         9.3        5.1         -21.0          -26.1
   3.4        13.0       -11.0      -24.0                         9.4        5.0         -21.5          -26.5
   3.5        12.7        -7.0      -19.7                         9.5        4.9         -22.5          -27.4

                                       .    Houston TX   77048

3.6   12.4    -6.0   -18.4                         9.6      4.7   -23.0   -27.8
3.7   12.1    -5.2   -17.3                         9.7      4.6   -23.5   -28.1
3.8   11.8    -5.0   -16.8                         9.8      4.5   -23.5   -28.0
3.9   11.5    -6.0   -17.5                         9.9      4.4   -23.0   -27.4
4.0   11.2    -7.0   -18.3                        10.0      4.3   -22.0   -26.3
4.1   11.0    -8.5   -19.5                        15.0     -0.1   -23.0   -22.9
4.2   10.7    -9.9   -20.6                        20.0     -3.2   -27.0   -23.8
4.3   10.5   -12.1   -22.6                        25.0     -5.6   -29.0   -23.4
4.4   10.2   -16.0   -26.2                        30.0     -7.6   -26.0   -18.4
4.5   10.0   -22.1   -32.1                        35.0     -9.3   -28.5   -19.2
4.6   9.7    -28.0   -37.7                        40.0    -10.8   -26.0   -15.3
4.7   9.5    -28.0   -37.5                        45.0    -12.0   -28.5   -16.5
4.8   9.3    -22.1   -31.4                        50.0    -12.7   -29.0   -16.3
4.9   9.0    -17.1   -26.2                        55.0    -12.7   -26.0   -13.3
5.0   8.8    -16.0   -24.8                        60.0    -12.7   -32.0   -19.3
5.1   8.6    -13.5   -22.1                        65.0    -12.7   -34.0   -21.3
5.2   8.4    -12.0   -20.4                        70.0    -12.7   -33.5   -20.8
5.3   8.2    -11.0   -19.2                        75.0    -12.7   -34.0   -21.3
5.4   8.0     -9.9   -17.9                        80.0    -12.7   -33.5   -20.8
5.5   7.8     -9.0   -16.8                        85.0    -12.7   -33.0   -20.3
5.6   7.6     -8.5   -16.1                        90.0    -12.7   -31.0   -18.3
5.7   7.4     -9.0   -16.4                        95.0    -12.7   -32.0   -19.3
5.8   7.2     -8.5   -15.7                        100.0   -12.7   -31.0   -18.3
5.9   7.0     -9.9   -16.9                        105.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.0   6.8    -11.0   -17.9                        110.0   -12.7   -23.5   -10.8
6.1   6.7    -13.0   -19.7                        115.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.2   6.5    -14.0   -20.5                        120.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.3   6.3    -16.0   -22.3                        125.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.4   6.1    -17.0   -23.2                        130.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.5   6.0    -17.0   -23.0                        135.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.6   5.8    -17.0   -22.8                        140.0   -12.7   -22.0    -9.3
6.7   5.6    -17.0   -22.7                        145.0   -12.7   -22.0    -9.3
6.8   5.5    -17.0   -22.5                        150.0   -12.7   -21.0    -8.3
6.9   5.3    -18.0   -23.3                        155.0   -12.7   -23.5   -10.8
7.0   5.2    -18.5   -23.7                        160.0   -12.7   -25.0   -12.3
7.1   5.3    -19.5   -24.8                        165.0   -12.7   -20.5    -7.8
7.2   5.3    -20.0   -25.3                        170.0   -12.7   -23.5   -10.8
7.3   5.3    -18.3   -23.6                        175.0   -12.7   -28.5   -15.8
7.4   5.3    -18.5   -23.8                        180.0   -12.7   -31.0   -18.3

                        .    Houston TX   77048

                      EIRP DENSITY TABLE, ELEVATION - §25.115 (h) (2)
   Antenna Manufacturer          Seatel        Diameter                                2.4       m
   Antenna Model                 9797              Antenna Gain                       41.7       dBi
                                                   Max EIRP
   Transmit Frequency            6.175 GHz     Density                                30.7       dBW/4KHz

  Off-     §25.218      Actual                                   Off-     §25.218       Actual
 Axis        SD          SD                                     Axis        SD           SD            Margin (dB)
degrees   (dBW/4KHz)   (dBW/4KHz)                              degrees   (dBW/4KHz)   (dBW/4KHz)

  1.5       24.9         19.1        -5.8                        6.1        9.7          -10.2            -19.8
  1.6       24.2         17.2        -7.0                        6.2        9.5           -9.3            -18.8
  1.7       23.5         15.2        -8.3                        6.3        9.3           -9.1            -18.4
  1.8       22.9         13.0        -9.9                        6.4        9.1           -9.5            -18.6
  1.9       22.3         10.2       -12.1                        6.5        9.0          -10.4            -19.4
  2.0       21.8           7.4      -14.4                        6.6        8.8          -12.2            -21.0
  2.1       21.2           3.9      -17.4                        6.7        8.6          -14.5            -23.2
  2.2       20.7           0.3      -20.4                        6.8        8.5          -18.2            -26.7
  2.3       20.3          -2.1      -22.3                        6.9        8.3          -21.5            -29.8
  2.4       19.8          -2.8      -22.5                        7.0        8.2          -18.9            -27.0
  2.5       19.4          -2.5      -21.9                        7.1        8.0          -15.2            -23.2
  2.6       18.9          -2.4      -21.3                        7.2        7.9          -12.6            -20.4
  2.7       18.5          -2.9      -21.4                        7.3        7.7          -10.8            -18.5
  2.8       18.1          -4.2      -22.3                        7.4        7.6           -9.8            -17.3
  2.9       17.7          -6.3      -24.0                        7.5        7.4           -9.3            -16.7
  3.0       17.4          -9.8      -27.2                        7.6        7.3           -9.2            -16.5
  3.1       17.0         -16.7      -33.7                        7.7        7.1           -9.6            -16.8
  3.2       16.7         -24.8      -41.5                        7.8        7.0          -10.6            -17.5
  3.3       16.3         -14.3      -30.7                        7.9        6.9          -11.9            -18.8
  3.4       16.0          -9.8      -25.8                        8.0        6.7          -14.0            -20.7
  3.5       15.7          -7.8      -23.5                        8.1        6.6          -16.8            -23.4
  3.6       15.4          -6.6      -22.0                        8.2        6.5          -19.2            -25.7
  3.7       15.1          -6.3      -21.4                        8.3        6.3          -19.3            -25.6
  3.8       14.8          -6.7      -21.5                        8.4        6.2          -16.8            -23.0
  3.9       14.5          -7.8      -22.3                        8.5        6.1          -14.5            -20.6
  4.0       14.2          -9.7      -24.0                        8.6        5.9          -12.8            -18.7
  4.1       14.0         -13.3      -27.3                        8.7        5.8          -11.6            -17.4
  4.2       13.7         -19.4      -33.1                        8.8        5.7          -10.8            -16.5
  4.3       13.5         -28.6      -42.1                        8.9        5.6          -10.6            -16.1
  4.4       13.2         -15.9      -29.1                        9.0        5.4          -10.7            -16.2
  4.5       13.0         -11.4      -24.3                        9.1        5.3          -11.1            -16.4
  4.6       12.7          -8.5      -21.3                        9.2        5.2          -11.9            -17.1

                                      .   Houston TX   77048

4.7   12.5    -6.8   -19.3                      9.3     5.1   -12.7   -17.8
4.8   12.3    -5.8   -18.0                      9.4     5.0   -13.2   -18.2
4.9   12.0    -5.3   -17.3                      9.5     4.9   -13.3   -18.1
5.0   11.8    -5.2   -17.1                      9.6     4.7   -12.6   -17.3
5.1   11.6    -5.6   -17.3                      9.7     4.6   -11.4   -16.0
5.2   11.4    -6.5   -17.9                      9.8     4.5   -10.2   -14.7
5.3   11.2    -7.8   -19.0                      9.9     4.4    -9.3   -13.7
5.4   11.0   -10.0   -21.0                     10.0     4.3    -8.5   -12.8
5.5   10.8   -13.4   -24.2                     15.0    -0.1   -19.2   -19.1
5.6   10.6   -19.3   -29.9                     20.0    -3.2   -27.9   -24.7
5.7   10.4   -36.4   -46.8                     25.0    -5.6   -28.5   -22.9
5.8   10.2   -20.0   -30.3                     30.0    -7.6   -32.9   -25.3
5.9   10.0   -14.5   -24.5                     35.0    -9.3   -25.6   -16.3
6.0    9.8   -11.7   -21.5                     40.0   -10.8   -27.1   -16.3
                                               45.0   -12.0   -30.5   -18.5

                      .   Houston TX   77048

                                      Exhibit A
                             Spectral Density Calculation

  Antenna Manufacturer:                                SeaTel    9797
  Antenna Model:                                       2.4       m
  Transmit:                                            5.93      GHz
  Antenna Gain (Main Beam):                            41.70     dBi
  Max EIRP Density at Flange:                          -12.78    dBW/4KHz
  EIRP Density (§25.212(d) Limit):                     -2.70     dBW/4KHz

§25.209(a) CONFORMING ANTENNA                                   ACTUAL ANTENNA

 Angle        §25.209 Gain   EIRP Density       Actual Gain          EIRP Density   EIRP Margin
(Degrees)         (dBi)        (dBW/4KHz)             (dBi)            (dBW/4KHz)    (dBW/4KHz)

  1.00           29.00           26.30                36.70              23.92         -2.38
  1.10           27.97           25.27                35.70              22.92         -2.35
  1.20           27.02           24.32                34.70              21.92         -2.40
  1.25           26.58           23.88                34.20              21.42         -2.46
  1.30           26.15           23.45                33.70              20.92         -2.54
  1.40           25.35           22.65                32.65              19.87         -2.78
  1.50           24.60           21.90                31.60              18.82         -3.08
  1.60           23.90           21.20                30.55              17.77         -3.43
  1.70           23.24           20.54                29.50              16.72         -3.82
  1.80           22.62           19.92                26.23              13.45         -6.47
  1.90           22.03           19.33                22.97              10.18         -9.15
  2.00           21.47           18.77                19.70               6.92        -11.86
  2.10           20.94           18.24                18.17               5.38        -12.86
  2.20           20.44           17.74                16.63               3.85        -13.89
  2.30           19.96           17.26                15.10               2.32        -14.94
  2.40           19.49           16.79                14.98               2.19        -14.60
  2.50           19.05           16.35                14.85               2.07        -14.29
  2.60           18.63           15.93                14.73               1.94        -13.99
  2.70           18.22           15.52                14.60               1.82        -13.70
  2.80           17.82           15.12                12.63              -0.15        -15.27
  2.90           17.44           14.74                10.67              -2.12        -16.86
  3.00           17.07           14.37                 8.70              -4.08        -18.46
  3.33           15.94           13.24                 7.70              -5.08        -18.32
  3.67           14.88           12.18                10.70              -2.08        -14.27
  4.00           13.95           11.25                10.20              -2.58        -13.83
  4.33           13.09           10.39                 3.70              -9.08        -19.47
  4.67           12.27            9.57                 7.20              -5.58        -15.15
  5.00           11.53            8.83                10.00              -2.78        -11.61
  5.33           10.83            8.13                11.40              -1.38         -9.52
  5.67           10.16            7.46                 9.70              -3.08        -10.54
  6.00            8.00            5.30                 3.70              -9.08        -14.38
  7.00            8.00            5.30                 7.70              -5.08        -10.38

                                     .   Houston TX   77048

                                 Appendix A (cont.)
                             Spectral Density Calculation

  Antenna Manufacturer:                                SeaTel    9797
  Antenna Model:                                       2.4       m
  Transmit:                                            6.18      GHz
  Antenna Gain (Main Beam):                            41.70     dBi
  Max EIRP Density at Flange:                          -12.78    dBW/4KHz
  EIRP Density (§25.212(d) Limit):                     -2.70     dBW/4KHz

§25.209(a) CONFORMING ANTENNA                                   ACTUAL ANTENNA

 Angle        §25.209 Gain   EIRP Density       Actual Gain          EIRP Density   EIRP Margin
(Degrees)         (dBi)        (dBW/4KHz)             (dBi)            (dBW/4KHz)    (dBW/4KHz)

  1.00           29.00           26.30                38.00              25.22         -1.08
  1.10           27.97           25.27                36.90              24.12         -1.15
  1.20           27.02           24.32                35.80              23.02         -1.30
  1.25           26.58           23.88                35.25              22.47         -1.41
  1.30           26.15           23.45                34.70              21.92         -1.54
  1.40           25.35           22.65                33.45              20.67         -1.98
  1.50           24.60           21.90                32.20              19.42         -2.48
  1.60           23.90           21.20                30.95              18.17         -3.03
  1.70           23.24           20.54                29.70              16.92         -3.62
  1.80           22.62           19.92                26.97              14.19         -5.73
  1.90           22.03           19.33                24.23              11.45         -7.89
  2.00           21.47           18.77                21.50               8.72        -10.06
  2.10           20.94           18.24                20.37               7.59        -10.66
  2.20           20.44           17.74                19.23               6.45        -11.29
  2.30           19.96           17.26                18.10               5.32        -11.94
  2.40           19.49           16.79                17.87               5.09        -11.71
  2.50           19.05           16.35                17.65               4.87        -11.49
  2.60           18.63           15.93                17.42               4.64        -11.29
  2.70           18.22           15.52                17.20               4.42        -11.10
  2.80           17.82           15.12                16.73               3.95        -11.18
  2.90           17.44           14.74                16.27               3.49        -11.25
  3.00           17.07           14.37                15.80               3.02        -11.36
  3.33           15.94           13.24                14.70               1.92        -11.32
  3.67           14.88           12.18                13.20               0.42        -11.77
  4.00           13.95           11.25                12.10              -0.68        -11.93
  4.33           13.09           10.39                11.10              -1.68        -12.07
  4.67           12.27            9.57                10.20              -2.58        -12.15
  5.00           11.53            8.83                 9.40              -3.38        -12.21
  5.33           10.83            8.13                 8.70              -4.08        -12.22
  5.67           10.16            7.46                 8.30              -4.48        -11.94
  6.00           8.00             5.30                 7.70              -5.08        -10.38
  7.00           8.00             5.30                 5.00              -7.78        -13.08

                                     .   Houston TX   77048

                                 Appendix A (cont.)
                             Spectral Density Calculation
  Antenna Manufacturer:                                   SeaTel     9797
  Antenna Model:                                          2.4        m
  Transmit:                                               6.43       GHz
  Antenna Gain (Main Beam):                               41.70      dBi
  Max EIRP Density at Flange:                             -12.78     dBW/4KHz
  EIRP Density (§25.212(d) Limit):                        -2.70      dBW/4KHz

§25.209(a) CONFORMING ANTENNA                                       ACTUAL ANTENNA

 Angle        §25.209 Gain   EIRP Density             Actual Gain        EIRP Density   EIRP Margin
(Degrees)         (dBi)        (dBW/4KHz)                (dBi)             (dBW/4KHz)    (dBW/4KHz)

  1.00           29.00           26.30                   37.50              24.72          -1.58
  1.10           27.97           25.27                   36.23              23.45          -1.82
  1.20           27.02           24.32                   34.97              22.19          -2.13
  1.25           26.58           23.88                   34.33              21.55          -2.33
  1.30           26.15           23.45                   33.70              20.92          -2.54
  1.40           25.35           22.65                   32.20              19.42          -3.23
  1.50           24.60           21.90                   30.70              17.92          -3.98
  1.60           23.90           21.20                   29.20              16.42          -4.78
  1.70           23.24           20.54                   27.70              14.92          -5.62
  1.80           22.62           19.92                   25.03              12.25          -7.67
  1.90           22.03           19.33                   22.37               9.59          -9.75
  2.00           21.47           18.77                   19.70               6.92         -11.86
  2.10           20.94           18.24                   18.97               6.19         -12.06
  2.20           20.44           17.74                   18.23               5.45         -12.29
  2.30           19.96           17.26                   17.50               4.72         -12.54
  2.40           19.49           16.79                   16.55               3.77         -13.03
  2.50           19.05           16.35                   15.60               2.82         -13.54
  2.60           18.63           15.93                   14.65               1.87         -14.06
  2.70           18.22           15.52                   13.70               0.92         -14.60
  2.80           17.82           15.12                   10.37               -2.41        -17.54
  2.90           17.44           14.74                   7.03                -5.75        -20.49
  3.00           17.07           14.37                   3.70                -9.08        -23.46
  3.33           15.94           13.24                   7.70                -5.08        -18.32
  3.67           14.88           12.18                   9.20                -3.58        -15.77
  4.00           13.95           11.25                   6.70                -6.08        -17.33
  4.33           13.09           10.39                   7.70                -5.08        -15.47
  4.67           12.27            9.57                   9.10                -3.68        -13.25
  5.00           11.53            8.83                   6.70                -6.08        -14.91
  5.33           10.83            8.13                   -2.30              -15.08        -23.22
  5.67           10.16            7.46                   1.70               -11.08        -18.54
  6.00            8.00            5.30                   4.00                -8.78        -14.08
  7.00            8.00            5.30                   -1.30              -14.08        -19.38

                                     .   Houston TX   77048

Document Created: 2015-03-23 12:24:51
Document Modified: 2015-03-23 12:24:51

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