Attachment STA Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20150126-00037 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


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              SES Government Solutions, Inc. (“SES-GS”) respectfully requests special
temporary authority (“STA”) for a period of 180 days to use its earth station in Bristow,
VA for communications with the O3b Ka-band non-geostationary orbit fixed-satellite
service (“NGSO FSS”) satellite fleet. SES-GS currently holds authority to communicate
with O3b from the Bristow earth station site using the frequencies in O3b’s beam 3 1 and
was previously issued STAs to use the frequencies in O3b’s beam 5 at this location. 2 In
order to maximize its flexibility given constraints on the availability of O3b capacity,
SES-GS now seeks authority to use any band segment within the frequencies
authorized for O3b’s operations: 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.6-28.4 GHz, and
28.6-29.1 GHz. As with the prior STA grants, SES-GS seeks authority to communicate
with O3b’s constellation for demonstration purposes only and does not seek to provide
commercial services to end users. Grant of the requested authority is in the public
interest as it will allow SES-GS to conduct demonstrations of the O3b system’s
capabilities to potential government customers.
              Complete technical information regarding the Bristow earth station was
submitted to the Commission in support of the earlier SES-GS STA request for Bristow,
File No. SES-STA-20131022-00887, and is incorporated by reference herein. In
particular, that application included a Schedule B describing the applicable technical
parameters, a complete set of antenna patterns, link budgets, and a radiation hazard
analysis. Apart from seeking authority to use additional O3b frequencies, no changes
from the specifications set forth in those materials are proposed here.
              The Commission also has full details regarding the O3b space stations
and recently granted U.S. market access for the O3b constellation to allow U.S.-

  See SES Government Solutions, Inc., File Nos. SES-STA-20131022-00888 (grant-
stamped Jan. 6, 2014); SES-STA-20131022-00887 (grant-stamped Jan. 31, 2014); &
SES-STA-20140612-00517 (grant-stamped July 29, 2014).
  See SES Government Solutions, Inc., File Nos. SES-STA-20140903-00694 (grant-
stamped Sept. 5, 2014) & SES-STA-20141106-00843 (grant-stamped Nov. 25, 2014).

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licensed earth stations to communicate with the O3b system. 3 SES-GS has reviewed
the O3b Market Access Grant and confirms that the operations proposed by SES-GS
pursuant to the requested STA will fully comply with the terms and conditions set forth
              Granting STA is consistent with Commission precedent and will serve the
public interest. As discussed above, the Commission has already reviewed the
technical parameters of the SES-GS Bristow earth station in granting prior STAs for this
location. Furthermore, the SES-GS Bristow earth station is located in close proximity to
antennas operated by O3b that have been authorized to use all the O3b frequency
segments. 4
              Consistent with the O3b Market Access Grant, the proposed SES-GS
operations will provide the required protection to terrestrial operations and geostationary
orbit (“GSO”) satellites operating in the O3b spectrum. Specifically, SES-GS will not
cause harmful interference to, or seek interference protection from, local multipoint
distribution service (“LMDS”) stations in the 27.6-28.35 GHz band, 5 GSO FSS networks

 See O3b Limited, File Nos. SAT-LOI-20141029-00118 & SAT-AMD-20150115-00004,
Call Sign S2935, grant-stamped Jan. 22, 2015 (“O3b Market Access Grant”).
 O3b has submitted a request for a permanent license at this site, File Nos. SES-LIC-
20130618-00516, SES-AMD-20131122-01187, & SES-AMD-20140814-00653.
Pending action on this application, the Commission has granted O3b temporary
authority for operations at the Bristow location. See File Nos. SES-STA-20130617-
00497 (grant-stamped Aug. 27, 2013) & SES-STA-20140514-00357 (grant-stamped
June 30, 2014).
  The Commission has previously indicated that secondary FSS operations in the 27.6-
28.35 GHz band are “for the purpose of providing limited gateway-type service.”
Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission’s Rules to Redesignate
the 27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band,
to Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed
Satellite Services, First Report and Order and Fourth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
11 FCC Rcd 19005, 19025, ¶ 45 (1996). SES-GS believes that the focus of these
Commission’s statements has been on ensuring that FSS operations are compatible
with LMDS by limiting the number and ubiquity of FSS terminals permitted to use the
spectrum. The proposal by SES-GS to operate at a single site in Bristow, virtually co-
located with an O3b facility, is clearly consistent with this underlying rationale.
Furthermore, as noted above, LMDS systems in the vicinity of the site have been
notified of the proposed SES-GS operations and have not objected. Accordingly, grant

                                                                                   Exhibit A
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in the 18.3-18.6 GHz and 28.35-28.4 GHz bands, or terrestrial Fixed Service operations
in the 17.8-18.3 GHz band. SES-GS and O3b have submitted evidence of the
compatibility of their networks with terrestrial systems and GSO satellites, and SES-GS
incorporates that information by reference herein. 6 As noted above, the proposed SES-
GS operations will also comply with the O3b Market Access Grant, which includes
explicit conditions to ensure that primary services are not disrupted by communications
with the O3b constellation. Furthermore, as noted above, O3b has been authorized to
use its Bristow site to communicate with the O3b constellation using two segments of
the O3b spectrum, and O3b has been operating a Bristow station in close proximity to
the SES-GS terminals throughout the O3b spectrum. To SES-GS’ knowledge no
complaints of harmful interference have been raised in connection with those
operations. SES-GS requests any necessary waiver of the Table of Allocations to
permit its proposed use of spectrum in these bands on a non-harmful interference basis.
              The requested STA will allow SES-GS to evaluate and demonstrate the
O3b network’s operational capabilities and will not result in harmful interference to other
authorized spectrum users. Thus, grant of the STA will serve the public interest.

of the requested SES-GS STA will not undermine the primary spectrum rights of LMDS
 See SES Government Solutions, Inc., File No. SES-STA-20131022-00888, Narrative
at 1-3 (showing regarding compatibility of proposed operations with LMDS systems and
GSO operations) & Annex 2 (Comsearch reports regarding notification to 28 GHz
common carrier, LTTS, and LMDS operators and with 18 GHz common carrier
microwave networks). See also O3b Limited, File No. SES-LIC-20130618-00516,
Exhibit 1 at 4-7 (demonstration of O3b’s ability to share with primary terrestrial facilities
and GSO satellites); & attached Comsearch reports on compatibility with 18 GHz and
28 GHz terrestrial systems.

Document Created: 2015-01-23 16:58:45
Document Modified: 2015-01-23 16:58:45

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