ABS-3A LEOP Suppleme

SUPPLEMENT submitted by Intelsat License LLC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20141216-00901 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                       Envision. Connect. Transform.

January 30, 2015

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:          Request for Special Temporary Authority
                       Fillmore, California Earth Station E4132
                       File No. SES—STA—20141216—00901

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Intelsat License LLC ("Intelsat") herein supplements its above referenced request for Special Temporary
Authority ("STA") to use the above referenced earth station located at its Fillmore, California teleport to
provide launch and early orbit phase ("LEOP") for the ABS—3A satellite that is expected to be launched
no earlier than February 1, 2015. Specifically, Intelsat is supplying a January 30, 2015 letter from the
National Information & Communications Technology Authority (NICTA) to ABS Global, Ltd.

Please direct any further questions regarding this STA request to the undersigned at (703) 559—6949.


Cynthia J. Grady
Regulatory Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

¢c:       Paul Blais

Intelsat Corporation
7900 Tysons One Place, Mclean, VA 22102—5972 USA www.intelsat.com T +1 703—559—6800

 in            Section 34, Lot: 19 & 20, Frangipani Street, HOHOLA, PO Box 8444, BOROKO, National Capital District
N l         TA Direct Line: +675 300 4009, Telephone: +675 303 3202, Facsimile: +675 3256868
                    Email: doncevski@nicta gov.pg Website: www.nicta gov.pg

                                                   Office of the Director
                                        Engineering andResource Planning

«ZDate : 30 January, 2015                                                     (Jur Reference: £16/03!01

ABS Global, Ltd
O‘Hara House,
3 Bermudiana Road
Hamilton, HMO8, Bermuda

VIA FACSIMILE: +852 3575 0001                                                     No. of Pages (incl. this page):1
Dear Sir,

National Information Communication Technology Authority (NICTA) confirms to ABS Global, Ltd ("ABS")
that the Government of the Independent State of Papua New Guinea ("PNG") is a party to the 1967 Treaty
on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, including the
Moon and Other Celestial Bodies (the "Outer Space Treaty") and the 1972 The Convention on International
Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects (the "Liability Convention").

NICTA also confirms that PNG is the notifying administration under the International Telecommunication
Convention for certain radio—frequency allocations for the ABS—2 and the ABS—3A commercial
communications satellites.

This letter confirms the intention of PNG to undertake to register both satellites with the United Nations
Office for Outer Space Affairs. As a condition for such undertaking, we require that ABS include PNG as
an additional insured under any third party launch liability insurance provided and maintained in connection
with the ABS—2 satellite and the forthcoming launch of the ABS—3A satellite.

Yours faithfully,

    GQ laobo

Document Created: 2015-01-30 15:44:33
Document Modified: 2015-01-30 15:44:33

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