Attachment STA request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20141022-00816 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



        O3b Limited (“O3b”), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the Commission’s rules, hereby respectfully
requests special temporary authority (“STA”) to operate an earth station to be located at the U.S. Navy
SPAWAR/CODA Lab at the U.S. Navy Base in San Diego (“CODA II Earth Station”) that will communicate
with the satellite system operated by O3b. In this filing, O3b seeks a 30-day STA for the period between
December 10, 2014 and January 9, 2015 pursuant to an STA.

        The CODA II Earth Station will be used for non-commercial testing and demonstration purposes.
The CODA II Lab Earth Station will simulate both shipboard installation and shipboard local network
interfaces in order to model communications between 4G/LTE devices on U.S. Navy Ships. As discussed
below, grant of the requested authority is in the public interest as it will allow O3b to test and evaluate
O3b services that could benefit the U.S. Navy. O3b will operate the CODA II Earth Station concurrently
with the O3b earth station that is currently operating at the CODA Lab (“CODA I Earth Station”). 1

Test Details and Public Interest Showing

        The CODA II Earth Station will communicate with O3b’s UK-authorized, Ka-band, Medium Earth
Orbit, non-geostationary satellite orbit (“NGSO”) Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) system 2 and O3b’s
gateway earth station in Vernon, TX. 3

        The frequencies to be used by the CODA II Earth Station are:

             •   28.35-28.4 GHz, 28.6-29.1 GHz (uplink)
             •   18.3-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz (downlink)

        The CODA II Earth Station will consist of two (2) 1.2m Orbit antennas. O3b has previously been
granted an STA to operate an identical earth station at the CODA Lab location in San Diego, California 4
and at the Data Technology Solution (“DTS”) facility in Breaux Bridge, Louisiana 5 and has requested STAs
to operate an identical earth station at Oil Comm 2014, 6 the AT&T facility in Houston, Texas 7 and at a
U.S. Department of Defense facility. 8

        The CODA II Earth Station antennas will be mounted on a fixed pedestal at the CODA Lab facility
and will be connected to a simulated shipboard network in the CODA Lab. Although the pointing angle

  See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20131228-01209, filed Dec. 23, 2013 (“O3b CODA I STA Application”), and
which was placed on Public Notice on April 2, 2014 and granted on April 29, 2014.
  O3b’s first four satellites were launched on June 25, 2013. O3b’s next batch of four satellites was launched on
July 10, 2014.
  See O3b Limited, Call Sign E130021, File No. SES-LIC-20130124-00089, granted June 20, 2013 (“O3b Texas
  See CODA I STA Application.
  See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20140731-00627, filed July 31, 2014 (“O3b DTS STA Application”) and granted
on Sept. 16, 2014.
  See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20140819-00666, filed Aug. 19, 2014 (“O3b Oil Comm STA Application”).
  See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20140912-00726, filed Sept. 11, 2014 (“O3b AT&T STA Application”).
  See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20140903-00686, filed Sep. 3, 2014 (“O3b Ft. Belvoir STA Application”).

of the antennas will change as O3b’s in-orbit satellites are tracked, the pedestal will remain stationary
during the demonstration.

        Grant of this application will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity by allowing
O3b to show how its system can effectively deliver 4G/LTE service to and from U.S. Navy ships and can
be operated compatibly with end-to-end encryption. O3b will demonstrate the system’s capabilities for
providing a variety of valuable communications, including voice and video conferencing using mobile
devices. As is shown below, moreover, other co-frequency services will be properly protected.

The O3b Satellite System

        In its initial FCC application, which sought authority for a gateway earth station located in
Hawaii, O3b stated that it planned to operate eight NGSO satellites that would be spaced equally, i.e., at
45° intervals. 9 The Commission granted this application. 10

        O3b has filed an application seeking to modify its Hawaii license to give it the flexibility to
operate up to two of its eight NGSO satellites as in-orbit spares. 11 The remaining satellites would be
equally spaced in O3b’s authorized orbital plane, and each in-orbit spare would be co-located with a
non-spare satellite. 12 O3b has been granted an STA pending action on its modification application. 13

Earth Station Technical Parameters

       The following documents containing technical details of the operations proposed under the
requested STA are attached:

             •   Annex 1: FCC Form 312, Schedule B. O3b proposes to operate the CODA II Earth Station
                 during this 30-day term in accordance with the parameters specified in the attached
                 Schedule B. 14
             •   Annex 2: Link Budgets. Representative links for the CODA II Earth Station are provided.
             •   Annex 3: Characteristics of the 1.2m Orbit Antenna are provided for the Commission’s
                 convenience. O3b previously submitted this information to the Commission. 15

  See Application for Hawaii Earth Station, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Legal Narrative, Section III and
Attachment A thereto (Technical Statement), Section A.2.
   See O3b Limited, Call Sign E100088, File No. SES-LIC-20130124-00089, granted Sept. 25, 2012 (“O3b Hawaii
   See O3b Limited, Call Sign E100088, File No. SES-STA-20140814-00656. See also O3b Limited, Call Sign E100088,
File No. SES-MOD-20140814-00652.
   No changes were sought to the technical parameters identified in the licenses and STAs held by O3b and its
customers. No changes were made to O3b’s Schedule S, either, but O3b noted that the number of satellites and
phase angles in Section S4 and S5 of Schedule S will vary to the extent that O3b operates one or more in-orbit
spare satellites.
   See O3b Limited, Call Sign E100088, File No. SES-STA-20140814-00656.
   O3b is providing a Schedule B containing technical parameters for the Commission’s convenience.
   See O3b blanket maritime earth station application, File No. SES-LIC-20130528-00455, Technical Attachment at
A.6. See also O3b DTS STA Application; O3b Oil Comm STA Application; O3b AT&T STA Application; O3b Ft. Belvoir
STA Application.


             •   Annex 4: Radiation Hazard Study. The radiation hazard analysis for the 1.2m Orbit
                 antenna is attached. As described in Annex 4, O3b will follow procedures to mitigate
                 potential radiation hazards to personnel in controlled and uncontrolled environments.
             •   Annex 5: Coordination Contours. O3b is providing a report prepared by Transfinite,
                 which contains more detailed coordination contours. The Transfinite report was
                 originally prepared for the CODA I Earth Station. Because the site of the CODA II Earth
                 Station is located in close proximity to the CODA I Earth Station, the Transfinite report is
                 equally applicable to the CODA II Earth Station.16 Given that the methodology in ITU RR
                 Appendix 7 is conservative, Transfinite demonstrates with well-established analytical
                 tools that the size of the coordination contours around the O3b CODA Lab II Earth
                 Station site can be reduced and the contours are smaller than those based on ITU RR
                 Appendix 7. The Transfinite report demonstrates that the CODA Lab II Earth Station
                 contours are within United States territory.

          Further, O3b incorporates by reference the following technical parameters previously provided
by O3b:

             •   Schedule S. In its application for a gateway earth station in Hawaii, O3b submitted a
                 Schedule S describing its satellite system’s technical characteristics. 17 The Schedule S
                 correctly described the O3b satellite system for that application, and numerically
                 enveloped all of the necessary parameters for future earth station applications. In order
                 to assist the Commission in processing present and future applications, O3b
                 subsequently provided a modified Schedule S that incorporates additional information
                 submitted to the Commission since the Hawaii application was filed. 18 O3b will operate
                 its CODA II Earth Station within the parameters described in O3b’s modified Schedule S.
             •   U.S. Government Coordination. O3b has completed all necessary coordination with
                 U.S. government satellite networks operating in Ka-band, including GSO and NGSO
                 networks, as well as their associated specific earth stations filed under 9.7A and 9.7B of
                 the ITU Radio Regulations through other administrations. O3b has also completed
                 coordination, according to US footnote 334 of the FCC table of frequency allocations,
                 with the U.S. government, and this US334 coordination agreement specifically provides
                 for additional earth stations in U.S. territory operating with O3b’s satellites, such as the
                 CODA II Earth Station. As a result, O3b’s existing US334 coordination agreement covers
                 the use of the CODA II Earth Station as requested in this application.

   The CODA II Earth Station will be located approximately 150 feet from the CODA I Earth Station.
   See O3b Limited, Call Sign E100088, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, granted Sept. 25, 2012 (“O3b Hawaii
   See O3b Limited, Call Sign E130098, File No. SES-AMD-20131025-01138 (“O3b ESV Answers”).


            •    Antenna Patterns. O3b previously submitted measured 30 GHz band antenna
                 performance data for the 1.2m Orbit antenna to the Commission in the Coda Lab and
                 DTS STA requests 19 and the pending Oil Comm and AT&T STA requests. 20

Proposed Spectrum Use

      O3b’s proposed CODA II Earth Station operations in shared bands are consistent with the
Commission’s rules and policies. O3b addresses each of these bands below.


28.35-28.4 GHz – Secondary uplink band shared with primary GSO FSS stations.

         In the 28.35-28.4 GHz band, there is a primary allocation for GSO FSS systems and a secondary
allocation for NGSO FSS systems. O3b’s CODA II Earth Station transmissions in this band will be
consistent with their secondary status vis-à-vis GSO FSS transmissions. The Commission has allowed
similar secondary use of frequencies in the Ka-band uplink allocated to GSO FSS on a primary basis
where applicants are prepared to accept interference from primary operations and can demonstrate
that their proposed operations are not likely to cause harmful interference to primary operations. 21 O3b
satisfies both of these standards.

         As a secondary user of the 28.35-28.4 GHz band in the United States, O3b makes no claim of
protection from interference from U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in this band segment. As for O3b’s
uplink operations in the 28.35-28.4 GHz band, the ITU has developed uplink equivalent power flux
density limits (“EPFDup”) limits to protect co-frequency GSO FSS operations from unacceptable
interference from NGSO FSS systems operating in the same frequencies. Specifically, in accordance with
Article 22 of the ITU Radio Regulations, if the applicable EPFDup limits are met, the NGSO FSS satellite
system is considered to have met its obligations to protect GSO FSS networks from unacceptable
interference. O3b demonstrated that its gateway located at Hawaii operating at the authorized power
levels will meet the applicable ITU EPFDup limits in all frequency ranges where these limits apply, due to
the inherent angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits when viewed from the Earth
at latitudes away from the equator. 22

         The CODA II Earth Station is located further north in latitude than the Hawaii gateway, 23 which
results in an even greater angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits as viewed from

   See O3b Limited, File No. SES-STA-20131228-01209, filed December 23, 2013 (“O3b CODA I STA Application”),
and which was placed on Public Notice on April 2, 2014 and granted on April 29, 2014. See also O3b DTS STA
  See O3b Oil Comm STA Application. See also O3b AT&T STA Application.
   Northrop Grumman Space & Missions Systems Corporation, 24 FCC Rcd 2330, at ¶¶ 72-73 (Int'l Bur. 2009);
contactMEO Communications, LLC, 21 FCC Rcd 4035, at ¶¶ 23-24, (Int'l Bur., 2006).
   O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1.
   The O3b Hawaii gateway latitude is 21° 40' 17.8" N; the CODA II Earth Station latitude is 32° 40’ 53.8”.


the Earth and an even greater assurance that the applicable ITU EPFDup limits will be met by O3b’s
proposed operations. The proposed CODA II Earth Station operations, therefore, also will meet the
applicable ITU EPFDup limits. In any event, O3b confirms that its operations will be on a secondary basis
relative to U.S.-licensed GSO FSS networks in the same band.

28.6-29.1 GHz – Primary uplink band for licensed NGSO FSS Systems.

         Under the Commission’s Ka-band frequency plan, the frequencies 28.6-29.1 GHz may be used on
a primary basis by licensed NGSO FSS systems. 24 O3b recognizes, however, that operations under an
STA for the CODA II Earth Station demonstrations will be on a secondary, non-harmful interference
basis. As shown below, the CODA II Earth Station demonstrations will provide the requisite protection to
allocated services operating in this band.

         Avoidance of interference to GSO FSS systems. The proposed demonstrations will not cause any
interference into, or require protection from, any co-frequency GSO satellites. As previously shown, 25
there is an inherent angular separation between the O3b and GSO arcs from the perspective of earth
stations located away from the equator. The CODA II Earth Station is located further north in latitude
than the Hawaii gateway, 26 which results in an even greater angular separation between the O3b and
geostationary orbits as viewed from the Earth. This means that the angular separation between the O3b
and GSO arcs from the CODA II Earth Station will be greater than the 7 degree separation accepted by
the Commission when it approved O3b’s Hawaii gateway. This ensures that GSO FSS systems will be
adequately protected.

         Avoidance of interference to or from Fixed Service (i.e., terrestrial) stations. Interference from
the O3b CODA II Earth Station transmissions into U.S. terrestrial Fixed Service (“FS”) receivers in the 28
GHz band is a non-issue because there is no allocation in the Commission’s Ka-band Frequency Plan for
FS stations operating in the 28.6-29.1 GHz band in the United States. 27


18.3-18.6 GHz – Non-conforming downlink band shared with primary GSO FSS stations.

        The 18.3-18.6 GHz band is allocated in the United States on a primary basis to GSO FSS. In the
18.3-18.6 GHz downlink band, the ITU has developed downlink equivalent power flux density

   See In the Matter of Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Redesignate the
27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for
Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, 11 FCC Rcd. 19005, ¶¶59-62 and 79 (1996). See
also In the Matter of Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth
Stations in the 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the
17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast Satellite-Service Use, 15 FCC Rcd 13430, ¶ 28
   O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1.
   See n. 25, supra.
   See In the Matter of Verizon Washington D.C., Application for Renewal of License for Common Carrier Fixed Point
to Point Microwave Station KGC79, 26 FCC Rcd 13511, 13516 (WTB 2011).


(“EPFDdown”) limits to protect GSO FSS networks from unacceptable interference from NGSO FSS systems
operating in the same frequencies. Specifically, in accordance with Article 22 of the ITU Radio
Regulations, if the applicable EPFDdown limits are met, the NGSO FSS satellite system is considered to
have met its obligations to protect GSO FSS networks from unacceptable interference. O3b confirms
that its system will meet the applicable ITU EPFDdown limits in all frequency ranges where these limits
apply. 28

         As an example of how these limits will be satisfied, O3b provided EPFDdown calculations for
transmissions to its Hawaii gateway earth station. 29 O3b also showed how the EPFDdown limits can be
satisfied at all latitudes. 30 Compliance with the EPFDdown limits is even more easily achieved in the case
of transmissions to O3b’s CODA II Earth Station than it is in the case of transmissions to O3b’s Hawaii
earth station. O3b is able to satisfy the limits by taking advantage of the inherent angular separation of
the O3b and the GSO orbits when viewed from the surface of the Earth at latitudes away from the
equator, 31 and O3b’s CODA II Earth Station will be located further from the equator than O3b’s Hawaii
earth station. The CODA II Earth Station, therefore, will adequately protect GSO FSS networks.

18.8-19.3 GHz – Primary downlink band for licensed NGSO FSS Systems.

         Under the Commission’s Ka-band frequency plan, the frequencies 18.8-19.3 GHz may be used on
a primary basis by licensed NGSO FSS systems. 32 O3b recognizes, however, that operations under an
STA for the CODA II Earth Station demonstrations will be on a secondary, non-harmful interference
basis. The CODA II Earth Station demonstrations will provide the requisite protection to GSO FSS
networks and terrestrial stations operating in this band.

        Avoidance of interference to GSO FSS systems. This band is not allocated for GSO FSS networks. 33
Nevertheless, the proposed demonstrations will not cause any interference into, or require protection
from, any co-frequency GSO satellites. As previously shown, 34 there is an inherent angular separation
between the O3b and GSO arcs from the perspective of earth stations located away from the equator.
As mentioned above, the CODA II Earth Station is located further north in latitude than the Hawaii

   See ITU Radio Regulations, Article 22. See also O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-
00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1 for a discussion of O3b's compliance with the operational limits in Article
22 of the ITU Radio Regulations. See also Letter from Brian D. Weimer, to Marlene H. Dortch, in re O3b Application
for Hawaii Earth Station, File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952 (Apr. 22, 2011), Annex A.
   O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1.
   See id.
   See id.
   See In the Matter of Rulemaking to Amend Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission's Rules to Redesignate the
27.5-29.5 GHz Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for
Local Multipoint Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services, 11 FCC Rcd. 19005, ¶¶59-62 and 79 (1996). See
also In the Matter of Redesignation of the 17.7-19.7 GHz Frequency Band, Blanket Licensing of Satellite Earth
Stations in the 17.7-20.2 GHz and 27.5-30.0 GHz Frequency Bands, and the Allocation of Additional Spectrum in the
17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Bands for Broadcast Satellite-Service Use, 15 FCC Rcd 13430, ¶ 28
   See id.
   O3b Hawaii License Application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at A.10.1.


gateway, which results in an even greater angular separation between the O3b and geostationary orbits
as viewed from the Earth. This means that the angular separation between the O3b and GSO arcs from
the CODA II Earth Station will be greater than the 7 degree separation accepted by the Commission
when it approved O3b’s Hawaii gateway. This ensures that GSO FSS systems will be adequately

        However, because the demonstrations O3b proposes in this STA request will be conducted on a
secondary basis, O3b agrees to accept any interference that its CODA II Earth Station may receive from
18.8-19.3 GHz band GSO FSS networks.

        Avoidance of interference to or from Fixed Service (i.e., terrestrial) stations. FS stations operating
in the 18.8-19.3 GHz band are no longer co-primary with FSS users in this band. 35 However, because the
demonstrations O3b proposes in this STA request will be conducted on a secondary basis, O3b agrees to
accept any interference that its CODA II Earth Station may receive from 18.8-19.3 GHz band FS stations.
O3b will protect the 18.8-19.3 GHz band FS stations by complying with the space station PFD limits
specified in Section 25.208 of the FCC rules.


        The requested STA will allow O3b to evaluate and demonstrate the O3b system’s operational
capabilities and will not result in harmful interference to other authorized spectrum users. Accordingly,
and for good cause shown, O3b respectfully requests that its STA be granted in time for it to commence
testing under this 30-day STA on December 10, 2014.

     See 47 C.F.R. § 101.85(b)(2).


ANNEX 1 – Form 312, Schedule B

       The Form 312, Schedule B is provided on the following pages.


                                                SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                          FCC Form 312 - Schedule B:(Technical and Operational Description)
Location of Earth Station Site
E1: Site Identifier: US Navy SPAWAR CODA Lab at 32nd Street Naval Station                 E5. Call Sign: N/A
E2: Contact Name: Keith Thackery                                                          E6. Phone Number: 619-556-6385
E3. Street: 3533 Norman Scott Road, Bldg 3533 Room 300                                    E7. City: San Diego
                                                                                          E8. County: San Diego
 E4. State                           CA                                                   E9. Zip Code: 92136
 E10. Area of Operation:             Fixed
 E11. Latitude:                      32° 40’ 53.8” N
 E12. Longitude:                     117° 6’ 58.3” W
 E13. Lat/Lon Coordinates are:                                                                NAD-27                               NAD-83
 E14. Site Elevation (AMSL):          4 meters                                                                                                                  N/A

E15. If the proposed antenna(s) operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) with geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s)     Yes
comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer's qualification                           No     N/A
measurement? If NO, provide a technical analysis showing compliance with two-degree spacing policy.
E16. If the proposed antenna(s) do not operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS), or if they operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)     Yes
with non-geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s) comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a2) and                No     N/A
(b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer's qualification measurements?
E17. Is the facility operated by remote control? If YES, provide the location and telephone number of the control point.                         Yes                   No

E18. Is frequency coordination required? If YES, attach a frequency coordination report as                                                                        No

E19. Is coordination with another country required? If YES, attach the name of the country(ies) and plot of                                          Yes         No
coordination contours as
E20. FAA Notification - (See 47 CFR Part 17 and 47 CFR part 25.113(c)) Where FAA notification is required,
have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854 and or the FAA's study regarding the potential
                                                                                                                                                 Yes                   No
hazard of the structure to aviation?

Satellite Name:O3B-A | O3B-A | Eq. NGSO If you selected OTHER, please enter the following:
E21. Common Name:                                                             E22. ITU Name:
E23. Orbit Location:                                                          E24. Country:

E25. Site Identifier:

E26. Common Name:                                                                    E27. Country:
                E28.           E29.                            E31.        E32. Antenna         E41/42. Antenna Gain Transmit and/or
  Site ID                                 E30. Manufacturer
             Antenna Id       Quantity                         Model            Size                Receive (   dBi at     GHz)
                                         Orbit                AL-
CODA II     Orbit 1.2m    2                                   7103-Ka     1.2             45 dBi at 19.2

                                                                                          48.0 dBi at 28.3 GHz
                                          E35. Above               E37. Building     E38. Total Input    E39. Maximum         E40. Total
  E28.                                               E36. Above
               E33/34. Diameter            Ground                  Height Above           Power at       Antenna Height      EIRP for al
 Antenna                                               Sea Level
              Minor/Major(meters)           Level                  Ground Level       antenna flange      Above Rooftop        carriers
   Id                                                  (meters)
                                           (meters)                  (meters)              (Watts)          (meters)            (dBW)
Orbit 1.2m 1.2/1.2                       2           4           0.0                 20.0             2.0                   60.5
   E28.         E43/44.           E45.
                                               E46. Antenna             E47. Emission E48. Maximum EIRP E49. Maximum EIRP Density
 Antenna       Frequency          T/R
                                         Polarization(H,V,L,R)           Designator    per Carrier(dBW)   per Carrier(dBW/4kHz)
    Id        Bands(MHz)          Mode
Orbit 1.2m 18300 – 18600        R      Left and Right Circular          216MG7D      45.6                        -1.7
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link
Orbit 1.2m 18300 – 18600        R      Left and Right Circular          54MG7D       45.6                        4.3
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link
Orbit 1.2m 18800 – 19300        R      Left and Right Circular          216MG7D      45.6                        -1.7
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link
Orbit 1.2m 18800 – 19300        R      Left and Right Circular          54MG7D       45.6                        4.3
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link
Orbit 1.2m 28350 – 28400        T      Left and Right Circular          54MG7D       52.56                   11.26
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link
Orbit 1.2m 28600 - 29100        T      Left and Right Circular          216MG7D      59.6                        12.3
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link

Orbit 1.2m 28600 - 29100        T      Left and Right Circular                               54MG7D               53.6                    12.3
E50. Various Modulations up to 32APSK; Digital Data Link


                                                                               E56. Earth            E57.           E58. Earth        E59.
                                                                                 Station           Antenna            Station       Antenna
 E28.                                      E52/53.             Range of                                                                              E60. Maximum EIRP
                 E51. Satellite                                                 Azimuth           Elevation          Azimuth       Elevation
Antenna                                   Frequency            Satellite                                                                              Density toward the
                  Orbit Type                                                      Angle             Angle              Angle         Angle
  Id                                     Limits(MHz)           Arc E/W                                                                               Horizon(dBW/4kHz)
                                                                                Eastern            Eastern           Western        Western
                                                                                  Limit              Limit             Limit          Limit
Orbit 1.2    Non-Geostationary          18300 – 18600        NON-GEO          129               20.0               223           25.0            --
Orbit 1.2    Non-Geostationary          18800 – 19300        NON-GEO          129               20.0               223           25.0            --
Orbit 1.2    Non-Geostationary          28350 – 28400        NON-GEO          129               20.0               223           25.0            -39.8
Orbit 1.2    Non-Geostationary          28600 – 29100        NON-GEO          129               20.0               223           25.0            -39.8


E61. Call Sign                                                                                                                   E65. Phone Number

NOTE: Please enter the callsign of the controlling station, not the callsign for which this application is being filed.
E62. Street Address

E63. City                                                                E67. County                                                     E64/68. State/Country   E66. Zip Code


ANNEX 2 – Link Budgets

       Representative link budgets for the 1.2m Orbit antenna at the CODA II Earth Station are
provided on the following two pages. Please see the chart below for reference.

Description         Carrier      MODCOD                          Table #

1.2m at       216MHz in each       8PSK/0.75 FWD
              direction, clear sky QPSK/0.75 RTN                   1,2

1.2m at       54MHz in each        16APSK/0.83 FWD
              direction, clear sky QPSK/0.75 RTN                   3,4

              O3b Network Link Analysis - Tier 2 Service For San Diego, United States
Link Budget Creator - Rev 3.2.9: October 29, 2013                       Tier 2                               Tier 2
Ground Parameter                                                      Teleport                               Telco
  Location                                                   Vernon (RHCP), United States            San Diego, United States
  Latitude                                      (°)                      34.2                                 32.7
  Longitude (East)                              (°)                     260.7                                 242.8
  E/S Maximum Range to SV                       (km)                   10445.4                               9742.0
  E/S Minimmum Elevation to SV                  (°)                      26.2                                  36.0
  E/S Altitude                                  (km)                      0.3                                  0.2
  SV Beam Identifier                            (#)                                           13
  Minutes Into Pass (Sample #15)                (Min)                                        6:46
  Telco Spot Beam Off-Angle                     (°)                                          0.20
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                      (km)                                        67.80
  Maximum Roundtrip Latency                     (msec)                                      134.68
Modulation Parameters                                                 Forward                                Return
  Enter Receiver                                Type                   DVB-S2                               DVB-S2
  Modem Overhead                                (%)                       3.2%                                 3.9%
  Number of Carriers per Channel                (#)                          1                                    1
  Available Bandwidth                           (Hz)                 216,000,000                          216,000,000
  Channel Symbol Rate                           (sps)                180,000,000                          180,000,000
  Channel Modulation Type                                                8PSK                                 QPSK
  Channel FEC Rate                                                         0.75                                 0.33
  Channel Spectral Efficiency                   (bits/Sym)                 2.25                                 0.67
  Channel Throughput (100% / 100% of Full Rate) (bps)               391,954,582.32                       115,348,837.21
Uplink                                                                Forward                                Return
  E/S Tx Channels per HPA                       (#)                          5                                    1
  E/S Tx Carrier Frequency                      (MHz)                   28,280                               28,280
  E/S Tx HPA Power Level                        (W)                        500                                   20
  E/S Tx OBO                                    (dB)                      -4.00                                -6.00
  E/S Tx Post-HPA Losses                        (dB)                      -2.24                                -0.28
  E/S Tx Antenna Gain (7.3 m / 1.2 m)           (dB)                      64.90                                46.33
  E/S Tx EIRP Per Channel                       (dBW)                     78.66                                53.06
  E/S Tx Pointing Loss                          (dB)                      -0.50                                -1.00
  E/S Tx RF Link Availability                   (%)                      75.000                               70.000
  E/S Tx Atmospheric Losses                     (dB)                      -1.42                                -0.59
  E/S Tx Spreading Loss                         (dB)                    -151.37                              -150.77
Satellite                                                             Forward                                Return
  SV Number of Channels per HPA                 (#)                          1                                    5
  SV Rx G/T                                     (dB/K)                     5.32                                 4.43
  SV Rx Power Per Tier                          (dBW)                   -119.80                              -145.34
  SV Rx Flux Density Per Tier                   (dBW/m2)                 -74.63                               -99.29
  SV Tx OBO (ALC / ALC)                         (dB)                      -3.80                                -5.80
  SV Tx Post-TWTA Losses                        (dB)                      -1.50                                -1.50
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                            (dBi)                     31.57                                31.80
  SV Tx EIRP Per Channel/Carrier                (dBW)                     44.40                                35.64
  SV Tx Pointing Loss                           (dB)                       0.00                                 0.00
Downlink                                                              Forward                                Return
  E/S Rx Carrier Frequency                      (MHz)                   18,480                               18,480
  E/S Rx Wavelength                             (m)                    0.016223                             0.016223
  E/S Rx RF Link Availability                   (%)                         70                                75.000
  E/S Rx Atmospheric Losses                     (dB)                      -0.36                                -0.84
  E/S Rx Radome & Pointing Loss                 (dB)                      -1.00                                -0.50
  E/S Rx Antenna Gain (1.2 m / 7.3 m)           (dBi)                      42.5                                62.04
  E/S Rx Effective G/T                          (dB/K)                     19.1                                38.68
  E/S Rx Power Per Channel                      (dBW)                    -112.0                              -101.82
  E/S Rx Flux Density Per Channel               (dBW/m2)                 -107.7                              -117.07
Total Link                                                            Forward                                Return
  Carrier / Noise Bandwidth                     (dB)                     82.55                                82.55
  Carrier / Noise Uplink                        (dB)                      26.25                                 0.71
  Carrier / Noise Downlink                      (dB)                      10.61                               20.86
  Carrier / Intermodulation Im (C/Im)           (dB)                      23.53                                23.28
  (C/N) - Total Actual                          (dB)                      10.14                                 0.63
  (C/N) - Total Required                        (dB)                       9.50                                 0.30
  (Eb/No) - Total Actual                        (dB)                       6.62                                 2.39
 (Eb/No) - Total Required                       (dB)                     5.98                                 2.06
 Excess Margin                                  (dB)                     0.64                                 0.33
 Fade Margin                                    (dB)                    12.34                                 2.83



             O3b Network Link Analysis - Tier 2 Service For San Diego, United States
Link Budget Creator - Rev 3.2.9: October 29, 2013                         Tier 2                               Tier 2
Ground Parameter                                                        Teleport                               Telco
  Location                                                     Vernon (RHCP), United States            San Diego, United States
  Latitude                                        (°)                      34.2                                 32.7
  Longitude (East)                                (°)                     260.7                                 242.8
  E/S Maximum Range to SV                         (km)                   10445.4                               9742.0
  E/S Minimmum Elevation to SV                    (°)                      26.2                                  36.0
  E/S Altitude                                    (km)                      0.3                                  0.2
  SV Beam Identifier                              (#)                                           13
  Minutes Into Pass (Sample #15)                  (Min)                                        6:46
  Telco Spot Beam Off-Angle                       (°)                                          0.20
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                        (km)                                        67.80
  Maximum Roundtrip Latency                       (msec)                                      134.68
Modulation Parameters                                                   Forward                                Return
  Enter Receiver                                  Type                   DVB-S2                               DVB-S2
  Modem Overhead                                  (%)                       3.2%                                 3.2%
  Number of Carriers per Channel                  (#)                          1                                    1
  Available Bandwidth                             (Hz)                 216,000,000                          216,000,000
  Channel Symbol Rate                             (sps)                180,000,000                          180,000,000
  Channel Modulation Type                                                  8PSK                                 QPSK
  Channel FEC Rate                                                           0.75                                 0.75
  Channel Spectral Efficiency                     (bits/Sym)                 2.25                                 1.50
  Channel Throughput (100% / 100% of Full Rate)   (bps)               391,954,582.32                       261,373,715.52
Uplink                                                                  Forward                                Return
  E/S Tx Channels per HPA                         (#)                          5                                    1
  E/S Tx Carrier Frequency                        (MHz)                    28,280                               28,280
  E/S Tx HPA Power Level                          (W)                        500                                   20
  E/S Tx OBO                                      (dB)                      -4.00                                -0.50
  E/S Tx Post-HPA Losses                          (dB)                      -2.24                                -0.28
  E/S Tx Antenna Gain (7.3 m / 1.2 m)             (dB)                     64.90                                  46.3
  E/S Tx EIRP Per Channel                         (dBW)                    78.66                                58.56
  E/S Tx Radome & Pointing Loss                   (dB)                      -0.50                                -1.00
  E/S Tx RF Link Availability                     (%)                      75.000                               70.000
  E/S Tx Atmospheric Losses                       (dB)                      -1.42                                -0.59
  E/S Tx Spreading Loss                           (dB)                    -151.37                              -150.77
Satellite                                                               Forward                                Return
  SV Number of Channels per HPA                   (#)                          1                                    5
  SV Rx G/T                                       (dB/K)                     5.32                                 4.43
  SV Rx Power Per Tier                            (dBW)                   -119.80                              -139.84
  SV Rx Flux Density Per Tier                     (dBW/m2)                 -74.63                               -93.79
  SV Tx OBO (ALC / ALC)                           (dB)                      -3.80                                -5.80
  SV Tx Post-TWTA Losses                          (dB)                      -1.50                                -1.50
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                              (dBi)                    31.57                                31.80
  SV Tx EIRP Per Channel/Carrier                  (dBW)                    44.40                                35.64
  SV Tx Pointing Loss                             (dB)                       0.00                                 0.00
Downlink                                                                Forward                                Return
  E/S Rx Carrier Frequency                        (MHz)                    18,480                               18,480
  E/S Rx Spreading Loss                           (dB)                    -150.77                              -151.37
  E/S Rx RF Link Availability                     (%)                      70.000                               75.000
  E/S Rx Atmospheric Losses                       (dB)                      -0.36                                -0.84
  E/S Rx Pointing Loss                            (dB)                      -1.00                                -0.50
  E/S Rx Antenna Gain (1.2 m / 7.3 m)             (dBi)                    42.51                                62.04
  E/S Rx Effective G/T                            (dB/K)                   19.08                                38.68
  E/S Rx Power Per Channel                        (dBW)                   -112.00                              -101.82
  E/S Rx Flux Density Per Channel                 (dBW/m2)                -107.72                              -117.07
Total Link                                                              Forward                                Return
  Carrier / Noise Bandwidth                       (dB)                     82.55                                82.55
  Carrier / Noise Uplink                          (dB)                     26.25                                  6.21
  Carrier / Noise Downlink                        (dB)                     10.61                                20.86
  Carrier / Intermodulation Im (C/Im)             (dB)                     23.53                                18.35
  (C/N) - Total Actual                            (dB)                     10.14                                  5.76
  (C/N) - Total Required                          (dB)                       9.50                                 5.70
  (Eb/No) - Total Actual                          (dB)                       6.62                                 4.00
 (Eb/No) - Total Required                         (dB)                     5.98                                 3.94
 Excess Margin                                    (dB)                     0.64                                 0.06
 Fade Margin                                      (dB)                    12.34                                 7.96



              O3b Network Link Analysis - Tier 2 Service For San Diego, United States
Link Budget Creator - Rev 3.2.9: October 29, 2013                       Tier 2                               Tier 2
Ground Parameter                                                      Teleport                               Telco
  Location                                                   Vernon (RHCP), United States            San Diego, United States
  Latitude                                      (°)                      34.2                                 32.7
  Longitude (East)                              (°)                     260.7                                 242.8
  E/S Maximum Range to SV                       (km)                   10445.4                               9742.0
  E/S Minimmum Elevation to SV                  (°)                      26.2                                  36.0
  E/S Altitude                                  (km)                      0.3                                  0.2
  SV Beam Identifier                            (#)                                           13
  Minutes Into Pass (Sample #15)                (Min)                                        6:46
  Telco Spot Beam Off-Angle                     (°)                                          0.20
  Telco Spot Beam Diameter                      (km)                                        67.80
  Maximum Roundtrip Latency                     (msec)                                      134.68
Modulation Parameters                                                  Forward                               Return
  Enter Receiver                                Type                   DVB-S2                                DVB-S2
  Modem Overhead                                (%)                       3.3%                                 3.1%
  Number of Carriers per Channel                (#)                          1                                    1
  Available Bandwidth                           (Hz)                  54,000,000                           54,000,000
  Channel Symbol Rate                           (sps)                 45,000,000                           45,000,000
  Channel Modulation Type                                              16APSK                                 QPSK
  Channel FEC Rate                                                         0.83                                 0.83
  Channel Spectral Efficiency                   (bits/Sym)                 3.33                                 1.67
  Channel Throughput (100% / 100% of Full Rate) (bps)               144,983,818.77                        72,687,939.43
Uplink                                                                 Forward                               Return
  E/S Tx Channels per HPA                       (#)                          5                                    1
  E/S Tx Carrier Frequency                      (MHz)                    28,280                               28,280
  E/S Tx HPA Power Level                        (W)                        125                                   20
  E/S Tx OBO                                    (dB)                      -4.00                                -6.00
  E/S Tx Post-HPA Losses                        (dB)                      -2.24                                -0.28
  E/S Tx Antenna Gain (7.3 m / 1.2 m)           (dB)                     64.90                                46.33
  E/S Tx EIRP Per Channel                       (dBW)                    72.64                                53.06
  E/S Tx Pointing Loss                          (dB)                      -0.50                                -1.00
  E/S Tx RF Link Availability                   (%)                      75.000                               70.000
  E/S Tx Atmospheric Losses                     (dB)                      -1.42                                -0.59
  E/S Tx Spreading Loss                         (dB)                    -151.37                              -150.77
Satellite                                                              Forward                               Return
  SV Number of Channels per HPA                 (#)                          1                                    5
  SV Rx G/T                                     (dB/K)                     5.32                                 4.43
  SV Rx Power Per Tier                          (dBW)                   -125.82                              -145.34
  SV Rx Flux Density Per Tier                   (dBW/m2)                 -80.65                               -99.29
  SV Tx OBO (ALC / ALC)                         (dB)                      -3.80                                -5.80
  SV Tx Post-TWTA Losses                        (dB)                      -1.50                                -1.50
  SV Tx Antenna Gain                            (dBi)                     31.57                               31.80
  SV Tx EIRP Per Channel/Carrier                (dBW)                    44.40                                35.64
  SV Tx Pointing Loss                           (dB)                       0.00                                 0.00
Downlink                                                               Forward                               Return
  E/S Rx Carrier Frequency                      (MHz)                    18,480                               18,480
  E/S Rx Wavelength                             (m)                    0.016223                             0.016223
  E/S Rx RF Link Availability                   (%)                         70                                75.000
  E/S Rx Atmospheric Losses                     (dB)                      -0.36                                -0.84
  E/S Rx Radome & Pointing Loss                 (dB)                      -1.00                                -0.50
  E/S Rx Antenna Gain (1.2 m / 7.3 m)           (dBi)                      42.5                               62.04
  E/S Rx Effective G/T                          (dB/K)                     19.1                               38.68
  E/S Rx Power Per Channel                      (dBW)                    -112.0                              -101.82
  E/S Rx Flux Density Per Channel               (dBW/m2)                 -107.7                              -117.07
Total Link                                                             Forward                               Return
  Carrier / Noise Bandwidth                     (dB)                      76.53                               76.53
  Carrier / Noise Uplink                        (dB)                      26.25                                 6.73
  Carrier / Noise Downlink                      (dB)                      16.64                               26.88
  Carrier / Intermodulation Im (C/Im)           (dB)                     23.53                                23.28
  (C/N) - Total Actual                          (dB)                     14.99                                  6.53
  (C/N) - Total Required                        (dB)                     13.70                                  6.50
  (Eb/No) - Total Actual                        (dB)                       9.77                                 4.31
 (Eb/No) - Total Required                       (dB)                     8.47                                 4.28
 Excess Margin                                  (dB)                     1.29                                 0.03
 Fade Margin                                    (dB)                    17.19                                 8.73



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ANNEX 3 –Terminal Characteristics

       The O3b 1.2 meter (“1.2m”) terminals offers service data rates of up to 150 Mbps. The figure
below shows this terminal.

                                           Figure: O3b’s 1.2 meter terminal

        The 1.2m terminal is fully stabilized to account for the movement of the O3b satellite in
 its orbit. Each antenna is enclosed within a radome to protect it from the environment.

       The Commission’s rules for C-band and Ku-band maritime terminals include a pointing accuracy
requirement and a shut-off requirement. In these bands, there must be a pointing error of less than 0.2°
between the orbital location of the target satellite and the axis of the main lobe of each maritime
terminals antenna. 36 O3b observes these requirements with its 1.2m Orbit terminal operations, and the
manufacturer of O3b’s 1.2m terminals has certified that the terminals comply with these requirements.

        The internal controller software continuously monitors the instantaneous antenna tracking
error and will cease transmissions within 100ms if an unexpected event occurs that causes the
tracking error to exceed 0.5 degrees. Transmissions will not restart until the tracking error, relative
to the target O3b satellite, is less than 0.2 degrees.

         The 1.2m terminals are no smaller in antenna size than the range of antenna sizes that O3b
 has previously described to the Commission as its “Tier 2” service. 37 Therefore these 1.2m terminals
 present no new technical issues in terms of interference with respect to GSO or other NGSO
 satellite networks or terrestrial operators.

     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.221(a)(6) and 25.222(a)(6).
     See O3b’s Hawaii application, FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952, Technical Attachment at Section A.5.

Annex 4 – Radiation Hazard Study

        O3b is providing a radiation hazard study for the 1.2m Orbital antenna O3b will operate at the
CODA II Earth Station. As appropriate, O3b will use fencing, signage, and other measures to limit access
to the relevant area. Procedures will be in place requiring that transmit power be turned off before
work on the 1.2m Orbital antenna is performed.


               Radiation Hazard Study - Orbit AL-7103-Ka, 1.20 m Antenna

Radiation Hazard Study
The study in this section analyzes the potential RF human exposure levels caused by the
Electro Magnetic (EM) fields of an Orbit AL-7103-Ka, 1.20 m antenna, operating with a
maximum power at the flange of 20 Watts. The mathematical analysis performed below
complies with the methods described in the FCC Office of Engineering and Technology
(OET) Bulletin No. 65 (1985 rev. 1997) R&O 96-3 26 in "Evaluating Compliance with FCC
Guideliness for Human Exposure to RF EM Fields, OET Bulletin 65 (Edition 97-01),
Supplement B, FCC Office of Engineering & Technology, November 1997".

Maximum Permissible Exposure
There are two separate levels of exposure limits. The first applies to persons in the general
population who are in an uncontrolled environment. The second applies to trained
personnel in a controlled environment. According to 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310, the Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for frequencies above 1.5 GHz are as follows:
* General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure: 1.0 mW/cm2
* Occupational / Controlled Exposure:           5.0 mW/cm2

The purpose of this study is to determine the power flux density levels for the earth station
under study as compared with the MPE limits. This comparison is done in each of the
following regions:
1. Far-field region
2. Near-field region
3. Transition region
4. The region between the feed and the antenna surface
5. The main reflector region
6. The region between the antenna edge and the ground

Input Parameters
The following input parameters were used in the calculations:

Calculated Parameters
The following values were calculated using the above input parameters and the
corresponding formula:

                                        Page - 1 of 4

               Radiation Hazard Study - Orbit AL-7103-Ka, 1.20 m Antenna

Behavior of EM Fields as a Function of Distance
The behavior of the characteristics of EM fields varies depending on the distance from
the radiating antenna. These characteristics are analyzed in three primary regions: the
near-field region, the far-field region and the transition region. Of interest also are the
region between the antenna main reflector and the subreflector, the region of the main
reflector area and the region between the main reflector and ground.

Figure 1. Electro-Magnetic Fields as a Function of Distance

For parabolic aperture antennas with circular cross sections, such as the antenna under
study, the near-field, far-field and transition region distances are calculated as follows:

                                         Page - 2 of 4

               Radiation Hazard Study - Orbit AL-7103-Ka, 1.20 m Antenna

The distance in the transition region is between the near and far fields. Thus, Rnf ≤ Rt ≤
Rff . However, the power density in the transition region will not exceed the power density
in the near-field. Therefore, for purposes of the present analysis, the distance of the
transition region can equate the distance to the near-field.

Power Flux Density Calculations
The power flux density is considered to be at a maximum through the entire length of the
near-field. This region is contained within a cylindrical volume with a diameter, D, equal
to the diameter of the antenna. In the transition region and the far-field, the power density
decreases inversely with the square of the distance. The following equations are used to
calculate power density in these regions:

The region between the main reflector and the subreflector is confined to within a conical
shape defined by the feed assembly. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide
flanges. This energy is determined as follows:

The power density in the main reflector is determined similarly to the power density at the
feed flange; except that the area of the reflector is used.

The power density between the reflector and ground, assuming uniform illumination of the
reflector surface, is calculated as follows:

                                        Page - 3 of 4

               Radiation Hazard Study - Orbit AL-7103-Ka, 1.20 m Antenna

Summary of Calculations

Table 1 below summarizes the calculated power flux density values for each region. In a
controlled environment, the only regions that exceed FCC limitations are the regions
between the main reflector and the sub-reflector as well as the main reflector region.
These regions are only accessible by trained technicians who, as a matter of procedure,
turn off transmit power before performing any work in these areas.

Table 1. Power Flux Density for Each Region:

In conclusion, the results show that the antenna, in a controlled environment, and under
the proper mitigation procedures, meets the guidelines specified in § 1.1310 of the

                                       Page - 4 of 4

Annex 5 – Coordination Contours

        The report prepared by Transfinite containing coordination contours is provided on the
following pages.


TN: ES in San Diego                                                                  Page 1

                          Technical Note
                O3b San Diego Gateway Coordination

                                   Date: Revised 5th March 2014

1        Document Scope
         This describes analysis undertaken by Transfinite Systems Ltd for O3b to generate a
         coordination contour for an Earth Station (ES) of O3b’s non-GSO network in San
         In addition more detailed interference zones were generated using terrain data and
         interference criteria from Recommendation ITU-R SF.1006.
         Finally a Monte Carlo analysis was undertaken to identify the scope to use that
         methodology to convolve ES antenna pointing and propagation statistics.

2        Scenario Parameters
2.1      Earth Station Parameters Used
         The ES parameters were taken from:
            1. Email of 25th November 2013 with location and height parameters
            2. Box files shared on 25th November 2013 with antenna gain patterns
            3. FCC application emailed on 21st November 2013

2.2      O3b ES Location
         From reference 1:
                            Latitude:              32°40’54.3”N
                          Longitude:              117°7’0.1”W
                        Antennaheight:     12.5mabovegroundlevel
                        Groundheight:         5.33mabovesealevel
                      Totalantennaheight      17.83mabovesealevel
                                       Table 1: O3b ES Location

2.3      O3b ES Antenna Gain Pattern
         From reference 2 the ES antenna gain pattern has been measured at 29.1 GHz and is
         shown in the figure below:

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                             Page 2


                      Ͳ180Ͳ160Ͳ140Ͳ120Ͳ100 Ͳ80 Ͳ60 Ͳ40 Ͳ20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

                                      Figure 1: ES Antenna Gain Pattern Slice
                 The peak gain in the measured data file was 48.2 dBi and the minimum operating
                 elevation angle was taken as 20º.
                 For generation of the Appendix 7 coordination contour the following simplified
                 assumptions were made:
                             Gainpattern:                ITUͲRRec.S.580Ͳ6
                              Peakgain:                        48dBi
                             Beamwidth:                          0.6°
                       Table 2: O3b ES Simplified Antenna Pattern for Appendix 7 Calculations
                 It is assumed the measurement missed the very narrow beam’s peak gain and hence
                 the highest gain value in the table was 0.3 dB below the specified peak gain. However
                 this wouldn’t impact the analysis as the minimum elevation angle constraint implies
                 that gain values below 20 degrees off-axis would not be used.

2.4              O3b Transmit Link
                 From References 1, 2 and 3:

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                    Page 3

                 Transmitfrequency:                     29.1GHz
                   Transmitpower:                       13dBW
               Referencebandwidth:                      216MHz
                             Table 3: O3b ES Transmit Link Parameters

2.5      O3B Constellation
         The following parameters were used for the O3b non-GSO satellite constellation:
                  Typeandservice:                    NonͲGSOFSS
                  Orbitinclination:                       0°
                      Orbitheight:                      8,062km
                                        Table 4: O3b Constellation

2.6      Appendix 7 Parameters
         The values for transmit ES are shown in the table below from RR Appendix 7:

                         Figure 2: Extract from Appendix 7 for Transmit ESs
        2.       Non-geostationary satellites in the fixed-satellite service.

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                 Page 4

3        Appendix 7 Coordination Contour
         The Visualyse Coordinate tool can be used to generate ES coordination contours
         according to the algorithm in ITU-R RR Appendix 7. The algorithm ensures that the
         contour is never less than around 100 km in radius, as shown in the figure below:

                         Figure 3: Transmit Coordination Contour
         With the ES less than 20 km inside the US and a minimum contour size of 100 km,
         the coordination contour can be expected to cross the border into Mexico.

4        Recommendation ITU-R SF.1006 Interference Zone
4.1      Sharing Criteria
         The approach in Appendix 7 is to use an agreed set of parameters in the Radio
         Regulations that can only be changed at World Radiocommunication Conferences.
         These are by nature conservative as they are used as coordination triggers and in
         detailed coordination actual parameters would be used.
         Given that the methodology in Appendix 7 is conservative there are three
         mechanisms that can be used to reduce the size of the coordination contour:
            1. Remove the requirement for a minimum distance of 100 km

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                      Page 5

            2. Use actual or at least more realistic parameters including sharing criteria and
               ES antenna gain pattern
            3. Include the effect of terrain
         This approach can be undertaken by using the thresholds in:
            x   Rec. SF. 1006: Determination of the interference potential between earth
                stations of the fixed-satellite service and stations in the fixed service
         In addition it is worth reviewing typical usages of the band and equipment types.

4.2      Recommendation ITU-R SF. 1006
         This recommendation provides a methodology and table of parameters to calculate
         sharing criteria, and in general the values are similar to those in Appendix 7, as
         shown in the table below:
                Parameters                    FromSF.1006         FromApp.7
                Frequencyband                   29 GHz               29GHz
                Interferer                         FSS                 FSS
                Victim                              FS                  FS
                p1(%)                              20                 n/a
                p2(%)                            0.005               0.005
                n2                                   1                   2
                B(Hz)                          1.00E+06            1.00E+06
                J(dB)                               0                 n/a
                W(dB)                              0                    0
                Tr(K)                             3200                 2000
                Ms(dB)                             25                  25
                Nl(db)                              0                   0
                         Table 5: Rec. SF.1006 vs. Appendix 7 Parameters
         SF.1006 gives long term thresholds as well as short term ones, plus there is also a
         difference in the receive temperature for the FS.
         The following interference thresholds were used:
                      Threshold                 Short term           Long term
                         p (%)                    0.005                 20
                       I (dBW)                    -108.6              -133.5
                          Table 6: Interference Thresholds from SF.1006

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                     Page 6

4.3      FS Antenna Sizes
         The primary use of these bands is for mobile backhaul where a significant factor is to
         keep costs low. This means that operators are unlikely to use antennas larger than
         30cm, which corresponds to peak gains of 37 dBi at 29 GHz.

4.4      Terrain Database
         The ASTER2 database was used. This has a horizontal resolution of 30m between
         pixels and is a surface database so it includes some of the effects of buildings.
         However its resolution means it is unable to identify specific buildings and cannot in
         this case be considered to include local clutter around the ES.
         The figure below shows the ASTER2 terrain / surface details around San Diego:

                                Figure 4: ASTER2 Surface Data
         This surface data is freely available from the following web site:
         Data is provided subject to terms and conditions available on this web site which
            x   When presenting or publishing ASTER GDEM data, users are required to
                include a citation stating, "ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA."
            x   The data are provided "as is" and neither NASA nor METI/ERSDAC will be
                responsible for any damages resulting from use of the data.

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                              Page 7

4.5                O3b Horizon Gain
                   Another factor to consider is how the O3b ES gain towards the horizon varies as the
                   constellation moves.
                   It was noted that this pattern was not symmetric around the zero degrees azimuth line
                   and hence an average pattern was created assuming symmetry around the zero
                   degree azimuth as shown in the figure below:


                         0     20      40       60       80      100     120      140     160      180

                                            Gain1       Gain2       Average

                               Figure 5: ES Antenna Gain Pattern Symmetric Pattern
                   This symmetric pattern was used in a simulation to work out the peak gain towards
                   the horizon for the O3b constellation with minimum elevation angle of 20° as shown in
                   the figure below:

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                                                                 Page 8






                                                     0      30     60     90    120 150 180 210 240              270   300    330    360

                                                                          Figure 6: Horizon Gain for O3b

4.6                                        Mitigation Methods
                                           A number of mitigation methods could be used to reduce the impact of the O3b ES on
                                           FS links in adjacent countries including:
                                                 x       Include use of the auxiliary contours. As described by Appendix 7, it is unlikely
                                                         that there will be the worst case geometrical alignment in which the FS antenna
                                                         is pointing directly at the ES, there is likely to be some antenna gain
                                                         discrimination. A value of 5 dB is typically used in these cases
                                                 x       Include the FS antenna feed loss: a value of 1 dB would be typical for systems
                                                         in this band.

4.7                                        Short Term and Long Term Interference Zones
                                           From the parameters in the previous section the following areas where the short and
                                           long term interference thresholds are exceeded were generated and then displayed in
                                           Google Earth:

TN: ES in San Diego                                                Page 9

                      Figure 7: O3b Long Term Interference Zone

                      Figure 8: O3b Short Term Interference Zone

TN: ES in San Diego                                                                  Page 10

         It was noted that the interference zones were significantly smaller than those
         generated assuming Appendix 7. This was because:
            x   The O3b transmit power is relatively low, resulting in an interference zone
                significantly less than the minimum 100 km contour in Appendix 7.
            x   The assumed FS antenna peak gain in Appendix 7 of 50 dBi was considered
                larger than would be typically used in this band
            x   The measured antenna gain pattern had lower far off-axis sidelobes than those
                assumed in Rec. ITU-R S.580-6
         Taking into consideration the above, it was noted that both the short term and long
         term interference zones are fully contained within the U.S. borders.

Document Created: 2014-10-15 16:36:35
Document Modified: 2014-10-15 16:36:35

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