Attachment STA extension

This document pretains to SES-STA-20141014-00801 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.



      O3b Limited (“O3b”) operates a U.K.-authorized, non-geostationary orbit
(“NGSO”) Fixed-Satellite Service (“FSS”) system in the Ka-band. This exhibit relates to
requests for Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) filed in connection with an
expansion of the possible configurations in which O3b positions its NGSO satellites.

       The Commission granted O3b a series of STA’s for this purpose on August 15,
2014. 1As it noted in those initial requests for STA, O3b sought the flexibility to operate
up to two of its eight NGSO satellites as in-orbit spares. The remaining satellites are
being equally spaced in O3b’s authorized orbital plane, and each in-orbit spare is being
co-located with a non-spare satellite. 2

        O3b herein seeks extension of those STA’s for an additional one-hundred eighty
(180) days to permit it to maintain the current configuration of its satellites pending
action on its license modification applications. 3 O3b asserts that grant of the instant
extension is in the public interest as it will permit O3b to maximize the resources in its
satellite constellation.

1 See FCC File Nos. SES-STA-20140814-00656, SES-STA-20140814-00657, and SES-STA-20140814-00658.
2 No changes are being sought to the technical parameters identified in the licenses and STAs held by O3b
and its customers. No changes are being made to O3b’s Schedule S, either, but O3b notes that the
number of satellites and phase angles in Section S4 and S5 of Schedule S will vary to the extent that O3b
operates one or more in-orbit spare satellites.
3 See FCC File Nos. SES-MOD-20140814-00652, SES-MOD-20140814-00654, and SES-MOD-20140814-00655.

Document Created: 2014-10-14 13:50:14
Document Modified: 2014-10-14 13:50:14

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