Attachment Need Statement

This document pretains to SES-STA-20140519-00380 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                           Astrium Services Government, Inc.

                   Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate
                     4.8 meter Vertex RSI Ku-band Hub Antenna to
                            Service Remote Ku-band VSATs
                                       And Operate
         Intellian Model v240K 2.4 Meter Ku-band ESV Remote Antennas and
                  Sea Tel Model 9797/9711 2.4 Meter Remote Antennas
               To Provide Ku-band Earth Station on Vessel (ESV) Service

                                     Call Sign WB36

                         FILE NO. SES-MFS-20140210-00037

       Astrium Services Government, Inc. (Astrium) requests a grant of Special
Temporary Authority (“STA”) to operate a 4.8 meter Vertex RSI Ku-band Hub Antenna
(known as SBY 343KU) located at its Southbury, CT teleport to provide service to
remote Ku-band VSAT antennas and operate Intellian Model v240K 2.4 meter and Sea
Tel Model 9797/9711 2.4 meter remote antennas to provide service pursuant to its call
sign WB36 license Ku-band ESV authorizations. The STA is requested to allow Astrium
to operate these antennas while the Commission processes Astrium’s pending application
for permanent authority. As with the application for permanent authority, the STA is
requested to operate the antennas in the Ku-band to communicate via All Authorized U.S.
Domestic Satellites on the Space Station Permitted List.

        Astrium’s Showing of Compliance that the antennas comply with the
Commission’s Rules is set forth in the pending Application and Exhibits to same which
are hereby incorporated by reference. As detailed therein, all fully comply with all
Commission Regulations and no waivers are needed or requested for operation of the

         The immediate use to be made of the Hub Antenna is to assist a United States
Government (USG) Agency in testing secure and non-secure network access via Ku-band
satellite communications links with remote VSAT antenna(s) operated under the control
of the USG. Grant of STA is in the public interest because the mission and activities of
this USG Agency are crucial to the National Security of the United States.

        Grant of STA to operate the ESV antennas is in the public interest because it will
enable Astrium to enhance the communications options that can be made available to
maritime customers. This will benefit the public in general due to the wide range of
vessels in the commercial maritime sector which benefit from ESV services. These
include vessels involved in oil and gas exploration and production, oil transport tankers,
offshore supply vessels, cruise ships, container ships, car carriers, research vessels, and
cable laying vessels. Many of these vessels are often at sea for prolonged periods and
have limited communications with the outside world. In addition to enhancing the

capabilities that ESV services provide for crucial emergency communications, additional
ESV options facilitate access to the internet, telephone, and email by crew personnel
while at sea thus providing a much needed lifeline that contributes to the crew members’
health, well-being, and safety.

        Over and above these general benefits, enhancement of ESV communications
options is specifically in the public interest because of the value it has for ESV customers
involved in activities to alleviate United States dependence on foreign sources of energy.
Vessels involved in offshore oil and gas exploration and production require continuous
and reliable communications and ever increasing volumes of bandwidth to support
operation, safety, environmental and regulatory requirements.

        ESV services are utilized extensively by seismic vessels exploring for new
offshore sources of oil and gas. In addition to the value of ESV services for emergency
communications and ship operations for these vessels, ESVs are utilized to transmit huge
amounts of data back to the vessels’ headquarters for evaluation and analysis. Logistics
and service vessels which support offshore drilling and production platforms rely on ESV
services to enhance emergency communications capabilities and for day to day vessel
operations and crew welfare. Finally, ESV services are of extraordinary value in
responding to production incidents. A prime example of this was the 2010 Gulf of
Mexico oil spill. ESV services were heavily utilized by vessels that played various key
roles in the evaluation, coordination and implementation of the response to that disaster.
Enhancement of ESV capabilities that can be made available to vessels that may need to
respond to other such incidents at any time is clearly in the public interest.

       Accordingly, Astrium respectfully requests that the Bureau grant the STA for a
period of sixty days. Any questions with respect to this matter may be directed to James
G. Lovelace at (301)838-7839.

Document Created: 2014-05-19 14:36:30
Document Modified: 2014-05-19 14:36:30

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