Attachment USN Modification ltr

This document pretains to SES-STA-20131018-00872 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


       18 October 2013

       Federal Communications Commission
       International Bureau

       Attention:         Mr. Paul Blais
                          Chief, Systems Analysis Branch

       Subject: Special Temporary Authorization (STA) in Support of the Launch of the SIRIUS FM-6
       Space Station (CALLSIGN: S2812)

       Reference:         Satellite CD Radio FCC File Number: SAT-MOD-20110525-00099
                          STA from Operations & Emergency Management Division dated 16 October 2013

       Dear Paul,

       USN received a STA referenced above dated 16 October 2013 from the Operations & Emergency
       Management Division of the FCC to support the launch of the Sirius FM-6 spacecraft scheduled
       for launch on 20 October 2013 (see attached authorization)

       The FCC has authorized Satellite CD Radio to launch the SIRIUS FM-6 space station to, and
       operate it at, the 116.15° W.L. orbital location, instead of the 115.2° W.L. orbital location at which
       the space station was originally authorized. Satellite CD Radio is also authorized to conduct in-
       orbit testing (lOT) of the SIRIUS FM-6 space station at 120.50° W.L. for a thirty day period
       commencing twelve days following launch and, upon completion of that testing, to move the
       satellite from 120.50° W.L. to 116.15° W.L.

       USN is requesting to correct our STA to reflect that USN will provide LEOP services upon launch
       and during IOT at 120.50 W.L. USN will support the IOT phase at 120.50 W.L. then the move
       from 120.50 W.L to 116.15 W.L. as the spacecraft’s final orbital location.

       If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 215-394-0127 or


       Joanne Greet
       Manager, Contracts & Compliance

Universal Space Network, Inc.
1501 Quail Street, Suite 102 ▪ Newport Beach, CA 92660 ▪ Phone: +1 949 476 3432 ▪ Fax: +1 949 851 9485
417 Caredean Drive, Suite A ▪ Horsham, PA 19044 ▪ Phone: +1 215 328 9130 ▪ Fax: +1 215 328 9132


Document Created: 0430-05-06 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0430-05-06 00:00:00

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