Attachment 20130523142913.pdf

This document pretains to SES-STA-20130510-00383 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                5‘55‘.,5’7/4»7’[0/30,_.5—/0 — 003¥3                  Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
EchoStar STA Renewal forE080120
 1. Applicant

           Name:        EchoStar Broadcasting           Phone Number:                 202—293—0981
           DBA Name:                                    Fax Number:
           Street:      100 Inverness Terrace East      E—Mail:

           City:        Englewood                       State:                        CO
           Country:     USA                             Zipcode:                      80112      —

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Applicant: EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation
Call Sign: E020306, E070273, E080120
File No.:   SES—STA—20130510—00382
Special Temporary Authority (STA)

EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation (EchoStar) is granted a renewal of STA under file
numbers SES—STA—20130222—00206,—SES—STA—20130222—00208 and SES—STA—
20130222—00207, under special conditions, for 60days to operate its fixed earth stations,
Call Signs E020306 and EO70273, E080120 to communicate with EchoStar 6 satellite,
Call Sign $2232, at 96.2° W.L. orbital location. EchoStar will continue to use the
following center frequencies: 17.305 GHz (Earth—to—space), 12.203 GHz and 12.204 GHz
(space—to—Earth). The continuing operations under this STA must be in accordance with
the technical specifications and under regulatory arrangements set forth in EchoStar‘s
application, FCC Order and authorization DA 13—395 and the following conditions:

1) EchoStar shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from
interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating radio communication system.

2) In the event of any harmful interference as a result of operations under this grant of
special temporary authority, EchoStar shall cease operations immediately upon
notification of such interference and shall immediately inform the Commission, in
writing, of such an event.

3) EchoStar must maintain a point of contact available 24 hours per day, seven days per
week (307) 633—5460 or (480) 558—2778 with the authority and ability to terminate
operations authorized herein and for discussing interference concerns with other

4) Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this STA is
solely at EchoStar‘s risk.

5) Grant of this authorization is without prejudice to any determination that the
Commission may make regarding pending applications.

This grant was authorized under Section 1.62 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §
1.62.                                                   w /Ht Co—ditieds
                                          Edkot20                0#;&9/(7’%0/3

                                         Before the
                            Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                  )   File Nos. SAT—STA—20130510—
                                                  )             SES—STA—20130510—
EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation and      )             SES—STA—20130510—
EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation                 )             SES—STA—20130510—
Applications for Renewal of Special               )   Call Signs: $2232, E020306, EO80120,
Temporary Authority to Operate EchoStar 6 at      )               E070273
96.2° W.L. and Related Earth Stations             )


        Pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(3) of the Commission‘s rules,‘ EchoStar Satellite

Operating Corporation and EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation (collectively, "EchoStar")

request to renew their special temporary authority ("STA") for 60 days — until July 30, 2013 —to

operate: (i) the EchoStar 6 satellite at 96.2° W.L. (File No. SAT—STA—20130220—00023; Call

Sign $2232);" (ii) two earth stations to provide telemetry, tracking, and control ("TT&C")

communications with EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. (File Nos. SES—STA—20130222—00206 and SES—

STA—20130222—00207; Call Signs E020306 and EQ80120);° and (iii) an earth station to provide

TT&C and feeder link communications with EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. (File No. SES—STA—

20130222—00208; Call Sign E070273).* EchoStar‘s license modification applications for regular

! See 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(3).
2 See EchoStar Satellite Operating Company, Order and Authorization, DA 13—593 (IB April 1,
2013) ("EchoStar 6 STA Order").

* See Satellite Communications Services Information re: Actions Taken, Public Notice, Report
No. SES—01540, at 25 (Apr. 3, 2013).

* See id.

authority to operate EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. and the three related earth stations remain pending

before the Commission."


       Prior to its relocation to 96.2° W.L., EchoStar 6 served as an important component of the

EchoStar network, providing direct broadcast satellite ("DBS") service from the nominal 77°

W.L. orbital location to U.S. consumers (via DISH Network). In February 2013, a new satellite

(EchoStar 16) commenced service, thus facilitating a series of fleet movements that then allowed

EchoStar to consider placing EchoStar 6 into a more productive role at a new orbital location. In

antiéipation of EchoStar 6 potentially becoming available for use at a new orbital location,

EchoStar and its customer and development partner, SES Satellites (Bermuda) Ltd. ("SES"),

began evaluating the availability of unused DBS orbital locations. Specifically, EchoStar and

SES focused on the potential to serve the Caribbean, Latin American, and North Atlantic markets

outside the United States from the 96.2° W.L. orbital location pursuant to a U.K. filing (known as

BERMUDASAT—1) with the International Telecommunication Union.

       Consequently, pursuant to the existing STA granted on April 1, 2013,° EchoStar 6 was

successfully repositioned to 96.2° W.L. on April 13 and is in operation there. EchoStar and SES

have commenced commercial development activities to leverage this asset to serve consumers in

the Atlantic Ocean region.‘

° See Policy Branch Information: Satellite Space Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Public
Notice, Report No. SAT—00946, at 1 (May 3, 2013) (accepting File Nos. SAT—MOD—20130227—
00026 and SAT—AMD—20130429—00063); EchoStar Application for Modification, File Nos.
SES—MFS—20130307—00232, SES—MFS—20130307—00233, and SES—MFS—20130307—00234 (Mar.
7, 2013).

° See EchoStar 6 STA Order 1.
‘ On April 23, 2013, the Commission denied the request of Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum
Five") for a stay of the STA grant. See EchoStar Satellite Operating Company, Memorandum


       Renewal of the STA grant will serve the public interest for the same reasons set forth in

the initial STA request® and in the EchoStar 6 STA Order.‘ Specifically, continued STA

operations will be consistent with the fleet management flexibility afforded licensees, and will

allow EchoStar and SES to continue developing new markets and innovative satellite video

distribution services to a diverse array of customers, including the maritime industry, in

underserved markets in the Atlantic Ocean region, including Bermuda, the Caribbean, and Latin

America." Significant opportunity exists for EchoStar 6 to offer new multi—channel video

services to U.S. and non—U.S. ships and vessels,"‘ and these services can enhance ship operation

and serve the unmet needs of ship crews and passengers.12 Additional EchoStar 6 services also

may include direct—to—home services to significant portions of the Atlantic Ocean region that

have been neglected by much of the multi—channel video market."" Thus, in granting the existing

STA, the Commission found that "[alllowing satellite operations at an unused orbit location on a

Opinion and Order, DA 13—854, [ 1 (IB April 23, 2013) ("EchoStar 6 Stay Denial"). Spectrum
Five‘s application for review of the STA grant remains pending before the Commission. See
Spectrum Five Application for Review, File No. SAT—STA—20130220—00023 (Apr. 5, 2013).

8 See EchoStar Application for STA, File No. SAT—STA—20130220—00023, at 3—5 (Feb. 20,
2013); Letter from Dean A. Manson, EchoStar, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, File No.
SAT—STA—20130220—00023, at 2—4 (Mar. 11, 2013) ("EchoStar March 11 Letter").

° See EchoStar 6 STA Order 9; see also EchoStar 6 Stay Denial "| 18.

9 See EchoStar Application for STA at 3—4; EchoStar March 11 Letter at 2—4.

4‘ See EchoStar Application for STA at 4; EchoStar March 11 Letter at 3.

2 See EchoStar March 11 Letter at 4.

} See EchoStar Application for STA at 4; EchoStar March 11 Letter at 4


temporary basis is in the public interest because it permits the public to receive services that

would otherwise not be available."""

       At the same time, renewal of the STA grant will not cause harmful interference because

EchoStar 6 will continue to be operated on an unprotected, non—harmful interference basis in

accordance with the conditions set forth in the EchoStar 6 STA Order."


       Based upon the foregoing, EchoStar urges Commission grant of this application for

renewal of its STA to operate EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. and the three related earth stations for an

additional 60—day period until July 30, 2013.

4 See EchoStar 6 STA Order 9; see also EchoStar 6 Stay Denial 18 ("Because the ESOC
STA Grant authorizes use and facilitates commercial development potentially leading to greater
use, we believe it serves the public interest in spectrum efficiency, particularly given that there
are no other imminent uses during the period of operations authorized.").

5 See EchoStar 6 STA Order § 20.

2. Contact

             Name:         Phuong Pham                         Phone Number:                         202—383—3395
             Company:      Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP        Fax Number:                           202—783—5851
             Street:       2300 N Street, NW                   E—Mail:                     
                           Suite 700
             City:         Washington                          State:                                 DC
             Country:      USA                                 Zipcode:                              20037       —
             Attention:                                        Relationship:                          Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number SESSTA2013022200207 or Submission ID

 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
{} Governmental Entity       & Noncommercial educational licensee
g4 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

g4 Use Prior to Grant                             g34 Change Station Location                        «& Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date

7. CityCheyenne                                                           8. Latitude
                                                                          (dd mm ss.s h)    41   7    54.4   N

9. State   WY                                                              10. Longitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)    104    44    13.0   W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Renewal of STA                      Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation requests renewal of special temporary authority until
     July 30,      2013 for earth station communications with EchoStar 6 at 96.2 W.L.                                        See attached

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes        e No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                 15. Title of Person Signing
   Dean A. Manson                                                            Executive VP, General Counsel & Secretary

                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1}), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
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collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

Document Created: 2019-04-18 07:19:37
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 07:19:37

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