Attachment Exhibit A

This document pretains to SES-STA-20130319-00280 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                               Exhibit A
                                                                               Lockheed Martin Corporation
                                                                               Carpentersville, NJ Earth Station
                                                                               Call Sign E7541
                                                                               STA Request for
                                                                                 LEOp TT&C Operations
                                                                               March 2013


        Lockheed Martin Corporation (“Lockheed Martin”) requests special temporary authority
(“STA”) to operate its Carpentersville, New Jersey C-band fixed earth station (see File No. SES-
LIC-20081103-01443, as amended) 1 to provide telemetry, tracking and control (“TT&C”)
functions during the post-launch and transfer orbit phases of operation for the Satmex 8 satellite
that will be operated by Satélites Mexicanos, S.A. de C.V. (“Satmex”). Satmex 8 is currently
scheduled for launch on March 27, 2013 (March 26, DC time), and Lockheed Martin intends to
perform test transmissions in preparation for the launch on or about March 24, 2013. 2 To the
extent required to meet this timetable, Lockheed Martin requests expedited treatment of the
instant STA request and action by March 24, 2013.

         Lockheed Martin specifically seeks authority to transmit using left-hand circular
polarization on the 5926.5 MHz frequency, and using left-hand circular polarization on the
6426.5 MHz frequency. The earth station would receive telemetry signals from the Satmex 8
satellite on the 4199.4 and 4198.6 MHz channels (both right-hand circular polarization). The
mission duration for the TT&C operations requested here is no more than 10 days after launch.
Lockheed Martin hereby requests a 30-day STA term commencing March 24, 2013 to enable it
to accommodate any slippage in the launch date without the need for additional authority from
the Commission.

        The transmit frequencies Lockheed Martin seeks to use for the AsiaSat-7 TT&C support
operations are not included in Lockheed Martin’s former license for Call Sign E7541 and current
application for the C-band antenna in File No. SES-LIC-20081103-01443 (also under Call Sign
E7541). Lockheed Martin notes, however, that the Commission has previously granted
Lockheed Martin STA requests for launch and early-operations TT&C support using its
Carpentersville, New Jersey earth station facilities. Most recently, the Commission authorized
Lockheed Martin to perform launch support operations for the Vinasat-2 satellite in May 2012.
See e.g., Request of Lockheed Martin Corp. for STA to support LEOp TT&C Functions of
JCSAT-13 and Vinasat-2, File No. SES-STA-20120427-00403. See also, Request of Lockheed

 The pending application in File No. SES-LIC-20081103-01443, under Call Sign E7541, was filed on a provisional
basis to replace Lockheed Martin’s inadvertently non-renewed license for a 14.2 meter C-band antenna at the
Carpentersville, NJ site, also under Call Sign E7541. Lockheed Martin’s petition to reinstate the license for Call
Sign E7541, as well as the “replacement” application it filed in the alternative under File No. SES-LIC-20081103-
01443, are pending.
  The test transmissions that would begin on or about March 24, 2013 would occur over a period of approximately
two days. During these tests, the earth station would not be communicating with any satellite; instead, the
transmissions will be made with the antenna at zenith to verify RF functionality.

Martin Corp. for STA to support LEOp TT&C Functions of AsiaSat-7, File No. SES-STA-
20111108-01341; Request of Lockheed Martin to support LEOp TT&C Functions of QuetzSat-1,
File No. SES-STA-20110919-01105. Lockheed Martin’s pending license application in File No.
SES-LIC-20081103-01443 included a radiation hazard study for this frequency range that
Lockheed Martin hereby incorporates by reference. See Exhibit 28 to Application of Lockheed
Martin Corporation, File No. SES-LIC-20081103-01443.

        Lockheed Martin’s proposed transmissions on the 5926.5 MHz and 6426.5 MHz transmit
frequencies will use the emission designators for telecommand functions that are proposed in the
pending license application, or will use carriers that do not exceed the highest e.i.r.p., e.i.r.p.
density, and bandwidth prescribed in the application for the telecommand carriers. When no
commands are being sent, a CW carrier that is within the emission envelope proposed in
Lockheed Martin’s application, as amended, would be present. See File No. SES-AMD-
20081219-01664, at Schedule B. The information in the Schedule B portion of Lockheed
Martin’s pending application in File No. SES-LIC-20081130-01443, as amended, is hereby
incorporated by reference. Lockheed Martin notes that it is possible that during an unexpected
emergency with the satellite, the power levels proposed for the earth station in the 2008
application as amended may need to be exceeded to help recover the satellite. Under these
extremely unlikely circumstances, Lockheed Martin will make every effort to coordinate such
operations with affected users, and will take all reasonable steps to swiftly eliminate any harmful
interference caused. Lockheed Martin fully understands that all of its proposed launch and early-
operations TT&C support for the Satmex 8 launch will be on a strictly non-harmful interference,
non-protected basis.

        Lockheed Martin has requested from Comsearch a temporary frequency coordination that
covers the entire proposed STA window (March 24, 2013 through July 4, 2013) for operations
on the Satmex 8 TT&C frequencies from its Carpentersville earth station facility. The Prior
Coordination Notice for this coordination is attached to this Exhibit A. Lockheed Martin expects
the final report imminently, and will forward that to the Commission to supplement this STA
request as soon as the report is delivered.

         Lockheed Martin believes that the limited operations it proposed in support of the launch
of Satmex 8 – operations Lockheed Martin and the satellite operator will coordinate in advance
with any and all potentially affected entities that operate communications systems in compliance
with the Table of Frequency Allocations during the limited period of use – are required in the
public interest. Lockheed Martin’s earth station will be part of a global network of control
facilities that will be used to position the satellite as it progresses from transfer orbit to its final
location. The safe and orderly use of the entire geostationary orbital resource and protection of
the hundreds of satellites from the U.S. and other countries that operate there depends in no small
part on ensuring that the Satmex 8 satellite is controlled while over North America, and
Lockheed Martin’s earth station thus will serve a limited-duration, but nonetheless vital function.

        Lockheed Martin designates Michael Usarzewicz to be the contact person that will be
available whenever transmission to, or reception from, Satmex 8 is to occur through the subject
earth station. Mr. Usarzewicz can be reached at the following cell phone number: (609)-865-
2658 and/or station number: (908) 859-4050.


        The antenna to be used for operations under the proposed STA is already built. It is the
same antenna that was previously authorized under Call Sign E7541 and that is now the subject
of the pending application and reinstatement request described in Note 1 above.

        In sum, Lockheed Martin requests authority to operate its Carpentersville, NJ C-band
earth station antenna to provide critical TT&C services during the launch and early operations
phase of the Satmex 8 satellite, for a term of 30 days – including two days for calibration testing,
and a 10 day window between March 24, 2013 and April 23, 2013 for TT&C support operations.



      19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard
               Ashbumn, VA 20147         fi
                (703) 726—5500
        Fax (703) 726—5600        COMSEARCH®

         March 13, 2013

         *** CLIENT COPY ***
         *** PLEASE MAIL ***
         *** TO CUSTOMER ***

                      Carpentersville, New Jersey
                     Temporary Transmit—Only Earth Station
                     Operation Dates: 03/24/2013 — 07/04/2013
                     Job Number: 130313COMSICO1

         Dear Frequency Coordinator:

        On behalf of Lockheed Martin Corporation, we are forwarding the attached coordination data for
        temporary operations from the transmit—only earth station located at the site referenced above.

        This earth station will transmit only on the satellite(s) and frequency or frequencies as described in the
        attached data. Please do not report cases involving 4 GHz facilities or problems involving non—active
        paths or frequencies outside the specified range.

         If there are any questions concerning this coordination notice, please contact Comsearch.



        Jeffregr E. Cowles
        Engineer I!I, Telecommunications


                                                                                                 Page 1 of 3
                                                        Earth Station Data Sheet
                                               19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147
                                                 {703)726—5660 http:/

Date:                                     03/13/2013
Job Number:                               130313COMSICO1
Administrative Information
Status                                    TEMPORARY (Operation from 03/24/2013 to 07/04/2013)
Call Sign                                 TEMPOT
Licensee Code                             RCASTR
Licensee Name                             LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION
Site Information                          CARPENTERSVILLE, NEW JERSEY
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                         40° 38‘ 39.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                        75° 11‘27.6" w
Climate Zone                              A
Rain Zone                                 2
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                   54.86 m / 180.0 ft
Link Information
Satellite Type                            Geostationary
Mode                                      TO — Transmit—Only
Modulation                                Digital
Satellite Arc                             18° W to 136° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                             112.8° to 250.0°
Corresponding Elevation Angles            15.9° / 13.3°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                  9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Information                             Transmit
Manufacturer                                    TW
Model                                           14.2 Meter
Gain / Diameter                                 57.5 dBi/ 14.2 m
3—0B / 15—dB Beamwidth                          0.20° 1 0.50°

Max Available RF Power         (dBW/A kHz)      29.8
                               (dBW/MHz)        53.8

Maximum EIRP                   (dBWI4 kHz)      87.3
                               (dBW/MHz)        111.3
                               (dBW)            87.3

Interference Objectives:     Long Term          ~154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                             Short Term         —131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Frequency Information                           Transmit 6.1 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)                1K00G3D / 5926.5
                                                1K00G3D / 6424.5

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance          332.5 km / 206.6 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius            0.0 km / 0.0 mi

                                                                                      Page 2 of 3
                                              Earth Station Data Sheet
                                    19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values             CARPENTERSVILLE, NJ
Licensee Name                   LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION
Latitude (NAD 83)                 40° 38‘ 39.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                75° 11‘ 27.6" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           54.86 m / 180.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Model                     TIW 14.2 Meter
Antenna Mode                             Transmit6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       —154.0 dBW/A kHz 20%
                         Short Term      —131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                   29.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                           Transmit6.1 GHz
                Horizon          Antenna               Horizon       Coordination
Azimuth (°)     Elevation (°)    Discrimination (°)    Gain (dBi)    Distance (km)
0                3.54            109.70                ~10.00         195.91
5                4.01            107.39                ~10.00         186.00
10               4.15            102.51                —10.00         183.56
15               4.33            97.62                 ~10.00         180.56
20               3.97            92.72                 ~10.00        186.82
25               3.25            87.83                 —10.00        201.82
30               3.56            82.95                 ~10.00        195.34
35               3.79            78.06                 ~10.00         190.53
40               3.82            7317                  ~10.00         189.87
45               3.86            68.30                 ~10.00         189.14
50               3.66            63.45                 ~10.00         193.34
55               3.51            58.62                 —10.00         196.40
60               3.33            53.82                 —10.00        200.35
65               3.16            49.05                 ~10.00        203.75
70               3.20            44.28                  —9.15        205.60
 75             3.16             39.57                  —7.93        212.92
 80             3.14             34.92                  —6.58        220.90
 85             3.07             30.39                  —5.07        231.50
 90             3.08             25.98                  —3.37        242.10
 95             2.95             21.88                  ~1.50        257.31
100             2.73             18.28                   0.45        277.67
105             2.74             15.26                   241         292.71
110             2.73             13.47                   3.77        304.07
1165            2.77             13.33                   3.88        303.80
120             2.69             15.03                   2.57        295.48
125             2.45             18.11                   0.55        286.45
130             2.22             21.59                  —1.36        278.19
135             2.18             24.78                  —2.85        208.15
140             2.74             27.34                  —3.92        246.85
145             2.33             30.44                  —5.09        248.88
150             225              33.04                  —5.98        245.92
155              1.92            35.57                  —6.78        249.16
160             2.20             37.24                  —7.28        239.18
165             2.65             38.35                 —7.59         226.37
170             242              39.68                 —7.96         229.52
175             1.94             40.84                 —8.28         240.16
180             1.90             41.11                 —8.35         240.76
185             1.86             40.92                 —8.30         242.51

                                                                                     Page 3 of 3
                                             Earth Station Data Sheet
                                   19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values            CARPENTERSVILLE, NJ
Licensee Name                  LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPORATION
Latitude (NAD 83)                 40° 38‘ 39.4" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                75° 11‘ 27.6" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)           54.86 m / 180.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)          9.14 m / 30.0 ft
Antenna Model                     TIW 14.2 Meter
Antenna Mode                             Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term       —154.0 dBW/4 kHz 20%
                         Short Term      —131.0 dBW/ kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power               29.8 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                          Transmit6.1 GHz
              Horizon           Antenna               Horizon       Coordination
Azimuth (°)   Elevation (°)     Discrimination (°)    Gain (dBi)    Distance (km)
190             1,.24           40.83                  —8.27         202.31
195             1.36            39.56                  —7.93         260.37
200             2.35            37.10                  —7.24         235.63
205             1.76            35.72                  —6.82         254.19
210             1.78            33.43                  —6.10         258.04
215             2.34            30.43                  —5.08         248.60
220             342             26.81                  —3.71         231.95
225             4.04            23.36                  —2.21         227.67
230             4.93            19.56                  —0.29         224.91
235             4.35            16.73                   1.41         246.63
240             447             13.24                   3.95         261.50
245             3.78            10.70                   6.27         294.75
250            .248             10.78                   6.19         332.54
255             2.26            12.06                   4.97         32843
260            2.60             14.57                   2.91         300.92
265             3.11            18.04                   0.59         268.55
270             3.30            22.25                  ~1.68         248.05
275            2.81             26.96                  ~3.77         245.92
280            2.85             31.59                  —5.49         234.12
285            3.20             36.24                  —6.98         217.28
290            3.81             40.92                  —8.30         199.19
295            4.44             45.67                  —9.49         181.52
300            5.32             50.46                 —10.00         163.45
305            5.51             55.36                 ~10.00         161.12
310            5.49             60.30                 —10.00         161.42
315            5.56             65.24                 —10.00         160.57
320            4.72             70.23                 —10.00         173.94
325            3.93             75.20                 —10.00         187.73
330            3.38             80.15                 ~10.00         199.12
335            3.19              85.08                ~10.00         203.25
340            3.15             90.00                 ~10.00         203.97
345            3.16             94.92                 —10.00         203.80
350            3.35             99.85                 ~10.00         199.81
355            3.48             104.78                ~10.00         197.17

Document Created: 2013-03-19 14:58:28
Document Modified: 2013-03-19 14:58:28

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