Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20130222-00206 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                       Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of                               File No. SES-STA-2013_____-_____
                                                    Call Sign E080120
     CORPORATION                                    File No. SES-STA-2013_____-_____
                                                    Call Sign E020306
     Application for Special Temporary
     Authority to Operate Three                     File No. SES-STA-2013_____-_____
     Transmit/Receive Earth Stations to             Call Sign E070273
     Communicate with EchoStar 6 at 96.2º



          By this Application, and pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(4) of the Commission’s rules,1

EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation (“EchoStar Broadcasting” and collectively with its affiliates,

“EchoStar”) requests 30-day special temporary authority (“STA”) beginning on or before March

12, 2013, to operate (1) two transmit/receive earth stations (Call Signs E080120 and E020306) to

perform telemetry, tracking, and control (“TT&C”) during the relocation of the EchoStar 6

satellite to, and operations at, 96.2º W.L.; and (2) one earth station (Call Sign E070273) to

perform TT&C during the relocation of the EchoStar 6 satellite to, and operations at, 96.2º W.L.

and to provide feeder link services during operations at 96.2º W.L.

          EchoStar has already requested satellite STA to move EchoStar 6 to 96.2º W.L. and to

operate the satellite there until permanent authority can be sought.2 EchoStar will soon submit

applications to modify both the EchoStar 6 authorization and the above-referenced earth station

    See 47 C.F.R. §25.120(b)(4).
    See File No. SAT-STA-20130220-00023 (filed Feb. 20, 2013).

authorizations to permit permanent operations with EchoStar 6 at 96.2º W.L. EchoStar has

requested STA to permit commercial development of the slot to begin as soon as possible and

requests action on this request by March 12, 2013.

       For the reasons set forth herein, the grant of this application is in the public interest, is

consistent with past precedent, and will not cause harmful interference to any authorized user of

the spectrum.


       Grant of this STA request is in the public interest for the same reasons that grant of the

request for STA to move EchoStar 6 to 96.2º W.L. and operate the satellite at that location is in

the public interest, and EchoStar fully incorporates herein the public interest statement of that



       During the drift to 96.2º W.L., and while EchoStar 6 is at 96.2º W.L., EchoStar agrees to

operate with the satellite subject to the following conditions:

       1.       During drift operations, EchoStar will transmit to Echostar 6 only in the TT&C
                frequencies, and all transponders other than TT&C transponders will be turned
                off; and

       2.       EchoStar will operate the referenced earth stations with EchoStar 6 on a non-
                interference basis, and will cease operations immediately upon receiving notice
                that operations with EchoStar 6 are causing harmful interference to any other
                authorized user of spectrum.


       In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 304, EchoStar Broadcasting hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular

 See File No. SAT-STA-20130220-00023 (filed Feb. 20, 2013). EchoStar has appended that
application to this narrative for reference.


frequency or use of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United

States because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.


       EchoStar respectfully requests the grant of its application for 30-day STA beginning on

or before March 12, 2013, to operate (1) two transmit/receive earth stations (Call Signs E080120

and E020306) to perform telemetry, tracking, and control (“TT&C”) during the relocation of the

EchoStar 6 satellite to, and operations at 96.2º W.L.; and (2) one earth station (Call Sign

E070273) to perform TT&C during the relocation of the EchoStar 6 satellite to, and operations

at, 96.2º W.L. and to provide feeder link services during operations at 96.2º W.L., so that

EchoStar can meet the needs of its customer and development partner, SES, as SES explores the

potential for new and innovative service offerings from the 96.2° W.L. orbital location.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                               Stephanie A. Roy
                                               Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                               1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                               Washington, D.C. 20036
                                               (202) 429-3000
                                               Counsel for EchoStar Satellite
                                               Operating Corporation

February 22, 2013


                                                                                                               Approved by OMB

Date & Time Filed: Feb 20 2013 4:33:58:610PM
File Number: SAT−STA−20130220−00023

                                         FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                       FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Application for Special Temporary Authority Beginning on or Before March 12, 2013 to Move EchoStar 6 to, and Operate It at, 96.2
1. Applicant

           Name:        EchoStar Satellite Operating      Phone Number:                 202−293−0981
           DBA Name:                                      Fax Number:
           Street:      100 Inverness Terrace East        E−Mail:

           City:        Englewood                         State:                        CO
           Country:     USA                               Zipcode:                      80112       −


2. Contact

             Name:        Pantelis Michalopoulos                Phone Number:                        202−429−6494
             Company:     Steptoe & Johnson LLP                 Fax Number:                          202−429−3902
             Street:      1330 Connecticuit Ave NW              E−Mail:                    

             City:        Washington                            State:                                DC
             Country:        USA                                Zipcode:                             20036      −
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                        Legal Counsel

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
3. Reference File Number         or Submission ID
4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
     If Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.     If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
    Governmental Entity            Noncommercial educational licensee
    Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification
5. Type Request

    Change Station Location                           Extend Expiration Date                            Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
       96.2 W.L.


8. Description    (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
       EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation requests Special Temporary Authority beginning on
       or before March 12, 2013 to move EchoStar 6 to, and operate it at, 96.2 W.L. See attached

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject          Yes         No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti−Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                                   11. Title of Person Signing
Pantelis Michalopoulos                                                       Counsel for EchoStar Satellite Operating Corp.
12. Please supply any need attachments.
    Attachment 1: Narrative                          Attachment 2:                                     Attachment 3:

                   (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                    (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).



The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD−PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060−0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember − You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060−0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of

     CORPORATION                                    File No. SAT-STA-___________
                                                    Call Sign S2232
     Request for Special Temporary
     Authority to Move EchoStar 6 to, and
     Operate It at, 96.2º W.L.



          EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation (“ESOC,” and along with its affiliates,

“EchoStar”) requests special temporary authority (“STA”) beginning on or before March 12,

2013, to move the EchoStar 6 Broadcasting-Satellite Service (“BSS”) satellite to, and operate it

at, the 96.2º W.L. orbital location.1 Bermuda holds 16 channels at the nominal 96.2º W.L. orbital

location under the International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) Region 2 BSS and

associated Feeder Link Plans. Bermuda also has a pending request for modification of the BSS

Plan, which includes all 32 BSS channels, through its BERMUDASAT-1 satellite network filing.

  EchoStar 6 will be maintained within a ±0.05º longitude station-keeping box, although the
satellite will be allowed to operate in an inclined orbit within this box. EchoStar will also be
filing applications for STA to operate three of its earth stations to provide the necessary
telemetry, tracking, and control (“TT&C”) and feeder link services to EchoStar 6.
EchoStar plans to request permanent modification of the EchoStar 6 authorization and the
appropriate earth stations to permit operations at 96.2º W.L. under regular authority, but seeks an
STA to accommodate its customer’s request, which has urgent timing.

The EchoStar 6 satellite will operate pursuant to the BERMUDASAT-1 satellite network filing.2

EchoStar is making this request to accommodate the needs of its customer and development

partner, SES Satellites (Bermuda) Ltd. (“SES Bermuda,” and along with its affiliates, “SES”),

which has been authorized to operate a BSS satellite at 96.2° W.L. pursuant to the

BERMUDASAT-1 filing. SES intends to use EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. to evaluate and develop

commercial service opportunities in the Caribbean, Latin American, and North Atlantic markets

outside of the United States. Such opportunities include the provision of video programming and

other services, including international maritime services, to consumers in Bermuda and

elsewhere. EchoStar requests action on this request by March 12, 2013 so that commercial

development may begin at the earliest possible date.

         While at 96.2º W.L., EchoStar 6 will operate pursuant to the BERMUDASAT-1 filing

and any associated coordination agreements but will remain a U.S.-licensed satellite operating

under Commission jurisdiction. Attached as Exhibit 1 to this application is a letter from the

Bermuda Department of Telecommunications concurring with this approach.3 A Technical

Analysis is also attached,4 providing a subset of the information required pursuant to Section

25.114 of the Commission’s rules in order to demonstrate how EchoStar 6 will not exceed the

ITU’s Appendices 30 and 30A criteria into any other operational BSS network.5

 See BERMUDASAT-1, published in Special Section AP30-30A/E/389 of IFIC 2553 (20 Sept.
  See Exhibit 1: Letter from Jeane Nikolai, Acting Director of Telecommunications, Bermuda
Department of Telecommunications, to Fern Jarmulnek, Acting Chief, Satellite Division,
International Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (Feb. 20, 2013).
    See Exhibit 2: Technical Analysis.
    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.114.


        EchoStar 6 has been operating at the Mexican 77 W.L. BSS cluster since February 2011

when it was moved from 72.5 W.L. to pursuant to STA granted by the Commission to provide

emergency capacity when a single event upset temporarily affected the EchoStar 8 satellite at

that location.6 With the launch and drift of QuetzSat-1 to the 77° W.L. orbital location, where it

has been put into operation, EchoStar 6 has become available for other uses in the EchoStar

satellite fleet.

        For the reasons set forth herein, the grant of this application is in the public interest, is

consistent with past precedent, and will not cause harmful interference to any authorized user of

the spectrum.


        Operations of EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. will serve the public interest. It has long been the

Commission’s policy that the public interest is generally furthered by leaving fleet management

decisions to satellite operators. As the International Bureau has stated:

                   [T]he Commission attempts, when possible, to leave spacecraft
                   design decisions to the space station licensee because the licensee
                   is in a better position to determine how to tailor its system to meet
                   the particular needs of its customers. Consequently the
                   Commission will generally grant a licensee’s request to modify its
                   system, provided there are no compelling countervailing public
                   interest considerations.7

        As a result, the Commission has routinely authorized “satellite operators to rearrange

satellites in their fleet to reflect business and customer considerations where no public interest
 See Stamp Grant, File Nos. SAT-STA-20110207-00026 (granted Feb. 11, 2011); SAT-STA-
20110225-00036 (granted Mar. 1, 2011); SAT-STA-20110401-00067 (granted Apr. 7, 2011);
SAT-STA-20110608-00104 (granted June 14, 2011); see also Letter from Petra A. Vorwig,
Counsel for EchoStar Corporation, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, filed in File No. SAT-
T/C-20090217-00026, Call Sign S2439 (Feb. 1, 2011).
  AMSC Subsidiary Corp., Application for Modification of Mobile Satellite Service License and
for Modification of Earth Station Licenses, Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Rcd. 12316, 12318
¶ 8 (1998).


factors are adversely affected.”8 This includes permitting fleet reconfigurations designed to meet

demands for capacity outside the United States.9 Indeed, only a few months ago, the

Commission granted two modification requests to operate U.S.-licensed DBS satellites pursuant

to non-U.S. ITU filings and assignments.10

       SES intends to use EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. to evaluate and development commercial

service opportunities in the Caribbean, Latin American, and North Atlantic markets outside of

the United States. Such evaluation and development activities will include an assessment of the

viability of direct-to-home and other services, including international maritime services, from

96.2° W.L.

       The arrival of QuetzSat-1 at the 77 W.L. nominal orbital location earlier this year, which

has replaced the capacity of EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 in the cluster, has provided improved

  See SES Americom, Inc., Application for Modification of the AMC-16 Fixed-Satellite Service
Space Station to Temporarily Vacate the 85º W.L. Orbital Location and for Telemetry, Tracking
and Control Operations During Drift of the AMC-16 to and from the 118.75º W.L. Orbital
Location, Order and Authorization, 21 FCC Rcd. 3430, 3433 ¶ 8 (2006) (citing Amendment of
the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Second Report and Order, 18
FCC Rcd. 12507, 12509 ¶ 7 (2003)).
 See Intelsat North America LLC, Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-T/C-20100112-00009, Call Sign
S2159 (granted July 30, 2010); PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-MOD-
20080225-00051, Call Sign S2253 (granted July 22, 2008).
   EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-MOD-2012-0814-
00130 (granted Dec. 13, 2012) (granting authority for EchoStar 15 to operate at the nominal 45°
W.L. position under the BSS network filings of Brazil); DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Stamp
Grant, File Nos. SAT-A/O-20120817-00137, SAT-AMD-20120824-00142, SAT-AMD-2012-
0913-00148 (granted Dec. 21, 2012) (granting authority for DIRECTV 1R to operate at 55.8°
E.L. under the BSS network filings of Russia). For other similar grants, see SES Americom,
Inc., Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-MOD-20111025-00209, Call Sign S2134 (granted Feb. 24,
2012) (requesting modification of its authorization for AMC-2 to provide service exclusively
into Sweden pursuant to a Swedish ITU filing); Intelsat License LLC, Stamp Grant, File No.
SAT-MOD-20110420-00073, Call Sign S2469 (granted Mar. 3, 2012) (requesting modification
of its authorization for the Galaxy 26 satellite to provide service to the Middle East pursuant to a
Turkish ITU filing).


performance at this orbital location from which DISH Network and its affiliates continue to

provide millions of U.S. and Mexican customers with innovative video programming packages.11

With this addition, the EchoStar 6 satellite at 76.80° W.L., serving as back-up capacity for the

77° W.L. cluster, has now become available for other potential uses in the EchoStar satellite


         EchoStar requests action on this request by March 12, 2013 so that commercial

development may begin at the earliest possible date.


         EchoStar 6’s operations at 96.2° W.L. will not cause harmful interference to any

authorized user of the spectrum.12 As set forth in Exhibit 1, EchoStar will operate the satellite

with reduced downlink EIRP so as not to “affect” (as defined in Annex 1 of Appendix 30) other

BSS satellite networks, the nearest of which is more than 4.5 degrees away in the 101° BSS


     See File No. SES-STA-20130109-00027, Call Sign E970336 (granted Jan. 16, 2013).
   During EchoStar 6’s operations at 96.2º W.L., EchoStar will follow standard industry practices
for coordination of TT&C transmission to ensure that operations do not cause harmful
interference to any nearby satellite. As the administration under whose frequency reservation
EchoStar 6 will be operating, Bermuda is the responsible administration for coordination of the
service frequencies. Co-frequency satellites operating within 9 degrees of the 96.2º W.L. orbital
location consist of Directv 4S and Directv 9S (operated by DirecTV) at the 101° W.L. nominal
orbital location, and Nimiq 1, Nimiq 2, and Nimiq 6 (operated by Telesat Canada) at the nominal
91° W.L. orbital location. EchoStar can find no evidence that other BSS Plan networks or other
BSS filings with the ITU and within 9 degrees of EchoStar 6’s intended orbit are under
construction or progressing towards launch.
  EchoStar continues to believe that full power, co-coverage BSS operations by satellites
operating with only 4.5° orbital separation present unacceptable interference risks unless
coordination is successfully completed. See Comments of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., IB Docket
No. 06-160, at 5-9; Reply Comments of EchoStar Satellite L.L.C., IB Docket No. 06-160, at 8-9.
Because EchoStar proposes to operate EchoStar 6 at reduced power levels, the coordination


           The Commission has approved the operation of co-coverage BSS satellites at separations

of less than 4.6 degrees—the separation in this case.14 The Commission has allowed such

operations on the condition that they do not exceed the coordination triggers of Annex 1 of

Appendix 30/30A for the protection of other BSS networks serving the United States, unless

successfully coordinated with potentially affected operators.15 In particular, such operations

must not cause more than a 0.25 dB degradation in overall equivalent protection margins

(“OEPMs”) with respect to the reference situation for such other networks. Appendices 1 and 2

of the attached Exhibit demonstrate that the proposed operation of EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. will

not exceed these coordination triggers. The proposed operations will therefore expand potential

service offerings without affecting other BSS networks.


           During the drift to 96.2º W.L., and while EchoStar 6 is at 96.2º W.L., EchoStar agrees to

operate the satellite subject to the following conditions:

           1.     EchoStar will maintain full operational control of EchoStar 6 at all times;

           2.     During drift operations, all transponders other than TT&C transponders will be
                  turned off;

           3.     EchoStar will operate the satellite on a nonharmful interference basis, and will
                  cease operations immediately upon receiving notice that EchoStar 6’s operations
                  are causing harmful interference to any other authorized user of spectrum;

           4.     EchoStar will operate pursuant to the BERMUDASAT-1 ITU space network
                  filing while at 96.2º W.L.; and

triggers of Annex 1 to Appendices 30/30A are not triggered, and coordination is not required
with the referenced operational parameters.
  See SES Americom, Inc. Petition for Declaratory Ruling Regarding Direct Broadcast Satellite
Service to the U.S. Market from the 105.5º W.L. Orbital Location, Order, 28 FCC Rcd. 236


       5.      EchoStar will comply with the applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing
               procedures of Bermuda while at 96.2º W.L.


       In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,

47 U.S.C. § 304, ESOC hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or use of

the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the

previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise.


       EchoStar respectfully requests STA on or before March 12, 2013, so that EchoStar can

move and operate EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L. in time to meet the needs of its customer and

development partner, SES, as SES explores the potential for new and innovative service

offerings from the 96.2° W.L. orbital location.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                              Stephanie A. Roy
                                              Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                              1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
                                              Washington, D.C. 20036
                                              (202) 429-3000
                                              Counsel for EchoStar Satellite
                                              Operating Corporation

                                              February 20, 2013




                                   GOVERNMEN OF BERMUDA
                                 Ministry of Economic Development
                                 Department of Telecommunications

DOT REF:          DOT206/201/81
DATE:             February 20, 2013

Fern Jarmulnek
Acting Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:       Satellite Operations at 96.2° W.L.

Dear Ms. Jarmulnek:

I hereby confirm that Bermuda has authorized SES Satellites (Bermuda) Ltd. ("SES") to
operate satellites in the Ku—band broadcasting—satellite service ("BSS") frequencies (12.2—
12.7 GHz downlink / 17.3—17.8 GHz uplink) at the nominal 96.2° W.L. orbital location. I
also confirm that SES has advised Bermuda that it intends to operate the FCC—licensed
EchoStar VI Ku—band BSS satellite at that orbital location pursuant to a service agreement
with EchoStar Satellite Services L.L.C., either directly or through their respective affiliates.

Bermuda supports the operation of the EchoStar VI satellite at the nominal 96.2° W.L.
orbital location based on our understanding:

      e   that the United States will remain the licensing administration for the EchoStar VI
          satellite for purposes of space object registration with the United Nations and also
          for purposes of ITU Radio Regulation No.18.1;

      *   that the FCC will license operations of the EchoStar VI satellite at the nominal
          96.2° W.L. orbital location on the condition of neither claiming protection from nor
          causing interference to other networks, in accordance with ITU Radio Regulation
          No.4.4, and contingent on compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, rules,
          and licensing procedures of Bermuda;

      e   that the EchoStar VI satellite will operate pursuant to the ITU filings and
          coordination agreements of the Administration of the United Kingdom on behalf of
          Bermuda and in accordance with the authorisation granted to SES by Bermuda,
          while it is operating at the nominal 96.2 W.L. orbital location;

                           4" Floor, Corner House, 20 Church Street HM 12, Bermuda
                                  P.O. Box HM 101, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda
          Phone: (441)292—4595    Fax : (441)295—1462   Email:   Website:

                                GOVERNMENT OF BERMUDA
                              Ministry of Economic Development
                              Department of Telecommunications
   *   that the respective roles ofthe relevant authorities in the United States and in
       Bermuda are in no way prejudiced by the arrangements described in this letter, in
       particular with regard to the recognition of the coordination status of satellite
       networks as filed with the ITU and with regard to matters of market access, and that
       SES and/or EchoStar shall seek due authorisation for access to such markets should
       they so desire; and

   e   that while located at the nominal 96.2 W.L. orbital location, TT&C of the EchoStar
       VI satellite will be performed by EchoStar from earth stations in the United States
       under the contractual direction and control of SES.

The satellite will be operating pursuant to the following ITU satellite network filings
submitted on behalf of Bermuda: BERMUDASAT—1 published in Special Section AP30—
30A/E/389 of IFIC 2553 dated 20 September 2005.

Yours sincerely,

 ranua— NMliSloc
Seane Nikolai
Acting Director of Telecommunications

                        4" Floor, Corner House, 20 Church Street HM 12, Bermuda
                                P.O. Box HM 101, Hamilton HM AX, Bermuda
       Phone: (441)292—4595    Fax : (441)295—1462   Email:   Website:


Technical Analysis

1.      SCOPE

This Exhibit describes the operational characteristics of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite when
operated at the 96.2° W.L. orbital location.


The downlink beam coverage of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite from the 96.2° W.L. location is
shown in Figure 2-1.1 The satellite employs two shaped reflectors, each operating in both right-
hand circular polarization (“RHCP”) and left-hand circular polarization (“LHCP”).             The
performance in both polarizations is nominally the same.

The satellite was designed to provide 32 channels in medium power mode or 16 channels in high
power mode. For operation at 96.2° W.L., the satellite will only be operated in medium power
mode. In this mode, the satellite is capable of transmitting with a peak downlink EIRP of 54.7
dBW.    However, as explained in section 6 of this Exhibit, the downlink transmissions of the
ECHOSTAR-6 satellite will be controlled so as to not exceed a peak downlink EIRP of 49.8
dBW in order not to exceed a 0.25 dB change in the overall equivalent protection margin
(“OEPM”) with respect to any authorized operational adjacent BSS network.

The 0.25 dB of change to the OEPM is one of the coordination criteria in Annex 1 to Appendices
30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations and it is used to determine whether other Region 2
broadcasting-satellite service (“BSS”) networks are potentially affected and thus whether
coordination is required. If the change to the OEPM is less than 0.25 dB with respect to any
authorized operational adjacent BSS network, as is the case when the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite is
operated as proposed herein, then there is no requirement for coordination.

       In order to provide service to Bermuda, appropriate pointing bias will be applied to the
       antennas of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite.


           Figure 2-1: ECHOSTAR-6 Downlink Beam Coverage from 96.2°W.L.


This uplink beam operates in both RHCP and LHCP. The antenna gain contours of the beam are
shown in Figure 3-1. The performance in both polarizations is nominally the same. The peak
gain of the beam is 33.8 dBi, with a noise temperature of 590K, for a peak G/T of 6.1 dB/K.


             Figure 3-1: ECHOSTAR-6 Uplink Beam Coverage from 96.2°W.L.


Details of the telemetry, tracking, and control (“TT&C”) subsystem for use during on-station,
drifts, and emergencies are given in Table 4-1.

                               Table 4-1: TT&C Subsystem Details

                       Parameter                             Performance

       On-Station Command Frequency                           17,305 MHz

       Uplink Flux Density                            Between -88 and -108 dBW/m2

       Uplink Polarization                                      LHCP

                                                              12,203 MHz
       On-Station Telemetry Frequencies
                                                              12,204 MHz

       Maximum Downlink EIRP                                   16.0 dBW

       Downlink Polarization                                    LHCP



In considering current and planned satellites that may have a station-keeping volume that
overlaps the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite at 96.2° W.L., EchoStar has reviewed the lists of FCC
licensed satellite networks, pending applications and non-UK (Bermuda) networks that have
been submitted to the ITU within ±0.15 degrees from 96.2° W.L..

The review shows that there are no Commission-authorized or operational satellites within ±0.15
degrees of 96.2° W.L., there are no pending applications before the Commission seeking
authorization for a location within this sub-arc, and there are no non-UK (Bermuda) ITU filings
within this sub-arc.

Accordingly, there is no requirement for EchoStar to physically coordinate the ECHOSTAR-6
satellite with another satellite operator at the present time.


The ECHOSTAR-6 satellite at 96.2° W.L. will operate under authority of the UK (Bermuda)
administration. The UK administration will be responsible for coordination of the ECHOSTAR-6
satellite following the Appendix 30 and 30A ITU procedures.

Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations provide coordination criteria to
determine whether an adjacent satellite network is deemed to be affected by a newly proposed
satellite network and thus whether coordination would be required. Appendices 1 and 2 to this
Exhibit provide the results of the analyses required by Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and 30A using
the transmission parameters of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network with a peak downlink EIRP of
49.8 dBW. For MSPACE purposes, the uplink was assumed to originate from EchoStar’s Mt.
Jackson, VA facility and with a maximum uplink EIRP of 85 dBW.

Annex 1 to Appendix 1 shows the results of the MSPACE analysis. These results are discussed


      The most significant result is that no USA or Canadian networks are affected (nor is any
       other operational BSS network). DirecTV operates satellites within the 101° W.L. cluster
       and Telesat Canada operates satellites within the 91° W.L. cluster. The MSPACE results
       demonstrate that these immediately adjacent authorized satellite networks will not receive
       interference in excess of the coordination criteria in Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and 30A of
       the ITU Radio Regulations when the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite is operated as described
       herein.   Specifically, the analysis demonstrates that these adjacent networks will not
       experience an increase of more than 0.25 dB to their OEPM. These results arise because of
       the reduced downlink EIRP of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite (i.e., 54.7 dBW reduced to 49.8
       dBW), coupled with a downlink beam roll-off of approximately 5 dB towards virtually all
       of CONUS and an approximately 10 dB roll-off towards virtually all of Canada. Note that
       the satellite would be operated with higher downlink EIRP levels in the event that
       successful coordination with the adjacent operators allowed for an increase.

      Jamaica’s three Plan networks at the nominal 92.5°W.L. location are deemed to be
       affected. However, there is no discernible evidence that any of these networks are under
       construction or progressing towards launch. In the event any of these networks were to be
       launched, and in the absence of a coordination agreement with Jamaica, the downlink
       emissions from the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite would be reduced so as to meet the criteria of
       Appendices 30 and 30A.

The preceding demonstrates that the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite, when operated as proposed, does not
exceed the allowable change to the OEPM of any adjacent operational BSS satellite network.
Appendices 1 and 2 to this Exhibit show that all other criteria of Annex 1 to Appendices 30 and
30A are also met.



                          ENGINEERING INFORMATION

       I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of

the engineering information contained in this application, that I am familiar with Part 25 of the

Commission’s rules, that I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information

submitted in this application and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge

and belief.

         /s/                                                           /s/
¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯                                           ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
Kimberly Baum                                                Jaime Londono
VP, Spectrum Management                                      VP, Advanced Programs
& Development Americas                                       & Spectrum Management
SES Americom, Inc.                                           EchoStar Satellite Services L.L.C.
Washington, DC, USA                                          Englewood, CO, USA
(202) 478-7120                                               (303) 706-4650


                                            Appendix 1

                              Analysis of Annex 1 of Appendix 30

1       Limits for the interference into frequency assignments in conformity with the
        Regions 1 and 3 Plan or with the Regions 1 and 3 List or into new or modified
        assignments in the Regions 1 and 3 List

Not Applicable to Region 2.

2       Limits to the change in the overall equivalent protection margin for frequency
        assignments in conformity with the Region 2 plan

With respect to § 4.2.3 c) of Article 4, an administration in Region 2 is considered as being
affected if the overall equivalent protection margin corresponding to a test point of its entry in
the Region 2 Plan, including the cumulative effect of any previous modification to that Plan or
any previous agreement, falls more than 0.25 dB below 0 dB, or, if already negative, more
than 0.25 dB below the value resulting from:

    –    the Region 2 Plan as established by the 1983 Conference; or
    –    a modification of the assignment in accordance with this Appendix; or
    –    a new entry in the Region 2 Plan under Article 4; or
    –    any agreement reached in accordance with this Appendix.      (WRC-03)

Annex 1 to this Appendix shows the MSPACE results using the technical characteristics of the
ECHOSTAR-6 satellite, as proposed, and using IFIC 2734.

 3     Limits to the change in the power flux-density to protect the broadcasting-satellite
service in Regions 1 and 2 in the band 12.2-12.5 GHz and in Region 3 in the band 12.5-
12.7 GHz

With respect to § 4.2.3 a), 4.2.3 b) or 4.2.3 f) of Article 4, as appropriate, an administration in
Region 1 or 3 is considered as being affected if the proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan
would result in exceeding the following power flux-density values, at any test point in the service
area of its overlapping frequency assignments:

               –147 dB(W/(m2 · 27 MHz))                              for   0        0.23
               –135.7  17.74 log  dB(W/(m2 · 27 MHz))              for   0.23    2.0
               –136.7  1.66 2 dB(W/(m2 · 27 MHz))                  for   2.0    3.59
               –129.2  25 log  dB(W/(m2 · 27 MHz))                 for   3.59    10.57
               –103.6 dB(W/(m2 · 27 MHz))                            for   10.57  


where  is the minimum geocentric orbital separation in degrees between the wanted and interfering
space stations, taking into account the respective East-West station-keeping accuracies. (WRC-03)

The closest Regions 1 and 3 BSS network is greater than 10.57 degrees from the 96.2°W.L.
location, therefore the –103.6 dB(W/(m2 . 27 MHz)) PFD level applies. The GIMS Appendix 30
PFD tool was used to assess compliance with this Section. Using the antenna gain contours and
power levels of the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite, the GIMS PFD tool showed that no administrations
are affected (and with a minimum 9 dB margin). Therefore the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network
is compliant with this Section.

4      Limits to the power flux-density to protect the terrestrial services of other

With respect to § 4.1.1 d) of Article 4, an administration in Region 1, 2 or 3 is considered as
being affected if the consequence of the proposed modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3
List is to increase the power flux-density arriving on any part of the territory of that
administration by more than 0.25 dB over that resulting from that frequency assignment in the
Plan or List for Regions 1 and 3 as established by WRC-2000. The same administration is
considered as not being affected if the value of the power flux-density anywhere in its territory
does not exceed the limits expressed below.

With respect to § 4.2.3 d) of Article 4, an administration in Region 1, 2 or 3 is considered as
being affected if the consequence of the proposed modification to an existing assignment in the
Region 2 Plan is to increase the power flux-density arriving on any part of the territory of that
administration by more than 0.25 dB over that resulting from that frequency assignment in the
Region 2 Plan at the time of entry into force of the Final Acts of the 1985 Conference. The same
administration is considered as not being affected if the value of the power flux-density anywhere
in its territory does not exceed the limits expressed below.

With respect to § 4.1.1 d) or § 4.2.3 d) of Article 4, an administration in Region 1, 2 or 3 is
considered as being affected if the proposed new assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List, or if the
proposed new frequency assignment in the Region 2 Plan, would result in exceeding a power
flux-density, for any angle of arrival, at any point on its territory, of:

               –148 dB(W/(m2  4 kHz))                      for         5°
               –148 + 0.5 ( – 5) dB(W(m2  4 kHz)          for 5° <   25°
               –138 dB(W/(m2  4 kHz))                      for 25° <   90°

where represents the angle of arrival.   (WRC-03)

The GIMS PFD tool was used to determine that the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network complies
with the above PFD limits and with a minimum 12 dB margin.


5      Limits to the change in the power flux-density of assignments in the Regions 1 and 3
       Plan or List to protect the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the band 11.7-
       12.2 GHz in Region 2 or in the band 12.2-12.5 GHz in Region 3, and of assignments
       in the Region 2 Plan to protect the fixed-satellite service (space-to-Earth) in the
       band 12.5-12.7 GHz in Region 1 and in the band 12.2-12.7 GHz in Region 3

With respect to § 4.1.1 e) of Article 4, an administration is considered as being affected if the
proposed new or modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List would result in an increase in
the power flux-density over any portion of the service area of its overlapping frequency
assignments in the fixed-satellite service in Region 2 or Region 3 of 0.25 dB or more above that
resulting from the frequency assignments in the Plan or List for Regions 1 and 3 as established
by WRC-2000.

With respect to § 4.2.3 e), an administration is considered as being affected if the proposed
modification to the Region 2 Plan would result in an increase in the power flux-density over any
portion of the service area of its overlapping frequency assignments in the fixed-satellite service
in Region 1 or 3 of 0.25 dB or more above that resulting from the frequency assignments in the
Region 2 Plan at the time of entry into force of the Final Acts of the 1985 Conference.

With respect to § 4.1.1 e) or 4.2.3 e) of Article 4, with the exception of cases covered by Note 1
below, an administration is considered as not being affected if the proposed new or modified
assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 List, or if a proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan, gives
a power flux-density anywhere over any portion of the service area of its overlapping frequency
assignments in the fixed-satellite service in Region 1, 2 or 3 of less than:

               –186.5 dB(W/(m2 · 40 kHz))                            for   0        0.054°
               –164.0  17.74 log  dB(W/(m2 · 40 kHz))              for   0.054°    2.0°
               –165.0  1.66 2 dB(W/(m2 · 40 kHz))                  for   2.0°    3.59°
               –157.5  25 log  dB(W/(m2 · 40 kHz))                 for   3.59°    10.57°
               –131.9 dB(W/(m2 · 40 kHz))                            for   10.57°  

where θ is the minimum geocentric orbital separation in degrees between the wanted and
interfering space stations, taking into account the respective East-West station-keeping

The GIMS PFD tool was used to verify compliance with this Section. All Regions 1 and 3 FSS
satellites are greater than 10.57° from the 96.2° W.L. location, therefore the –131.9 dB (W/(m2 .
40 kHz)) level applies. The result of the GIMS PFD analysis shows that no administrations are
affected and with a minimum 8.9 dB margin. Therefore the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network is
compliant with this Section.


6       Limits to the change in equivalent noise temperature to protect the fixed-satellite
        service (Earth-to-space) in Region 1 from modifications to the Region 2 Plan in the
        band 12.5-12.7 GHz

With respect to § 4.2.3 e) of Article 4, an administration of Region 1 is considered as being
affected if the proposed modification to the Region 2 Plan would result in:

    –    the value of T / T resulting from the proposed modification is greater than the value of
         T / T resulting from the assignment in the Region 2 Plan as of the date of entry into
         force of the Final Acts of the 1985 Conference; and
    –    the value of T / T resulting from the proposed modification exceeds 6%, using the
         method of Appendix 8 (Case II). (WRC-03)

From a review of the available ITU space network databases there are no assignments registered
in the Earth-to-space direction in the frequency band 12.5-12.7 GHz. Therefore no Region 1
space stations can be affected and hence the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network is compliant with
this Section.


                   Annex 1 to Appendix 1

             ECHOSTAR-6 MSPACE Results

        Orbital                            Max. OEPM
Admin   Position            Network        Degradation
         (°W)                                 (dB)

JMC      92.3      CRBBAH01                   0.666

JMC      92.3      CRBBER01                   0.788

JMC      92.7      JMC00002                   0.434


                                          Appendix 2

                              Analysis of Annex 1 of Appendix 30A

1       Limits to the change in the overall equivalent protection margin with respect to
        frequency assignments in conformity with the Region 2 feeder-link Plan (WRC-2000)

With respect to the modification to the Region 2 feeder-link Plan and when it is necessary under
this Appendix to seek the agreement of any other administration of Region 2, except in cases
covered by Resolution 42 (Rev.WRC-03), an administration is considered as being affected if the
overall equivalent protection margin corresponding to a test point of its entry in that Plan,
including the cumulative effect of any previous modification to that Plan or any previous
agreement, falls more than 0.25 dB below 0 dB, or, if already negative, more than 0.25 dB below
the value resulting from:

    –     the feeder-link Plan as established by the 1983 Conference; or
    –     a modification of the assignment in accordance with this Appendix; or
    –     a new entry in the feeder-link Plan under Article 4; or
    –     any agreement reached in accordance with this Appendix except for Resolution 42
          (Rev.WRC-03). (WRC-03)

See the results shown in Annex 1 to Appendix 1 (MSPACE results).

2       Limits to the interference into frequency assignments in conformity with the
        Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link Plan or with the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link List or
        proposed new or modified assignments in the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link List (WRC-

Not Applicable to Region 2.


3         Limits applicable to protect a frequency assignment in the bands 17.3-18.1 GHz
          (Regions 1 and 3) and 17.3-17.8 GHz (Region 2) to a receiving space station in the
          fixed-satellite service (Earth-to-space)

An administration in Region 1 or 3 is considered as being affected by a proposed modification in
Region 2, with respect to § 4.2.2 a) or 4.2.2 b) of Article 4, or an administration in Region 2 is
considered as being affected by a proposed new or modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3
feeder-link List, with respect to § 4.1.1 c) of Article 4, when the power flux-density arriving at
the receiving space station of a broadcasting-satellite feeder-link would cause an increase in the
noise temperature of the feeder-link space station which exceeds the threshold value of  T / T
corresponding to 6%, where  T / T is calculated in accordance with the method given in
Appendix 8, except that the maximum power densities per hertz averaged over the worst 1 MHz
are replaced by power densities per hertz averaged over the necessary bandwidth of the feeder-
link carriers. (WRC-03)

The following table shows the results of  T/T calculations for the closest Regions 1 and 3
feeder link space stations, based on the Region 1 and 3 Plan and List. As shown the  T/T’s are
well below the allowed 6% level. Therefore the ECHOSTAR-6 satellite network is in
compliance with this Section.

    Closest Region 1 or 3 Feeder Link Space   E/S     E/S    Range      E/S         Victim       Calculated
                    Station                   Lat    Long    (km)      Gain       Satellite Rx     T/T
                                              (°N)   (°E)            towards     System Noise       (%)
    Network Name         Orbital     Peak
                                                                      Victim        Temp
                         Position   Receive
                                                                     Satellite        (K)
                          (°E)      Antenna

IRL21100                  -37.2       48.08   38.8   -78.6   38788     -10           600           0.31%

NGR11500                  -37.2       38.47   38.8   -78.6   38788     -10           600           0.34%

AND34100                   -37        48.88   38.8   -78.6   38788     -10           600           0.03%

GMB30200                   -37        47.69   38.8   -78.6   38800     -10           600           0.41%

GUI19200                   -37        42.29   38.8   -78.6   38800     -10           600           0.09%

POR__100                   -37        47.17   38.8   -78.6   38800     -10           600           0.28%

MTN__100                  -36.8       37.55   38.8   -78.6   38813     -10           600           0.03%

SMR31100                  -36.8       48.88   38.8   -78.6   38813     -10           600           0.41%


4      Limits applicable to protect a frequency assignment in the band 17.8-18.1 GHz
       (Region 2) to a receiving feeder-link space station in the fixed-satellite service
       (Earth-to-space) (WRC-03)

With respect to § 4.1.1 d) of Article 4, an administration is considered affected by a proposed
new or modified assignment in the Regions 1 and 3 feeder-link List when the power flux-density
arriving at the receiving space station of a broadcasting-satellite feeder-link in Region 2 of that
administration would cause an increase in the noise temperature of the receiving feeder-link
space station which exceeds the threshold value of T/T corresponding to 6%, where T/T is
calculated in accordance with the method given in Appendix 8, except that the maximum power
densities per hertz averaged over the worst 1 MHz are replaced by power densities per hertz
averaged over the necessary bandwidth of the feeder-link carriers. (WRC-03)

Not Applicable to Region 2.



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Document Modified: 2013-02-22 16:01:11

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