Attachment F312

This document pretains to SES-STA-20121016-00931 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                                               Approved by OMB         FCC Use Only
 FCC 312                                                                                                                                              3060-0678
                                                                                                                                                                        File Number:
 Main Form                                                                                                                                 Est. Avg.Burden Hours
                                                                                                                                           Per Response: 0.25-24 hrs
                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                         Call Sign:
                                                                                                                                                                       Fee Number:

                                                                                            APPLICANT INFORMATION
1. Legal Name of Applicant                                                                                                                                             2. Voice Telephone Number
Thomas JUMEL                                                                                                                                                           +33171193470
3. Other Name Used for Doing Business (if any)                                                                                                                         4. Fax Telephone Number
5. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                     6. City
12 RUE D'ORADOUR SUR GLANE                                                                                                                 PARIS
                                                                                                                                          7. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)              8. Zip Code
  ATTENTION:                                                                                                                              FRANCE                                          75015
9. Name of Contact Representative (If other than applicant)                                                                                                            10. Voice Telephone Number
Thomas JUMEL                                                                                                                                                           +33171193470
11. Firm or Company Name                                                                                                                                               12. Fax Telephone Number
BFMTV                                                                                                                                                                  +33171191365
13. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                    14. City
                                                                                                                                          15. State / Country (if not U.S.A)              16. Zip Code
  ATTENTION:                                                                                                                               FRANCE                                          75015

                                                                                            CLASSIFICATION OF FILING
17. Place an "X" in the box next to the classification that applies to this filing for both questions a. and b. Mark only one box for 17a and only one box for 17b.

                                         ✘    b1. Application for License of New Station                                b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration
                                              b2. Application for Registration of New                                   b7. Notification of Minor Modification
        ✘   a1. Earth Station                                Domestic Receive-Only Station
                                              b3. Amendment to a Pending Application                                    b8. Application for License of New Receive-Only Station Using Non-U.S. Licensed Satellite
            a2. Space Station                 b4. Modification of License or Registration                               b9. Letter of Intent to Use Non-U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in the United States

                                              b5. Assignment of License or Registration                                 b10. Other (Please Specify):

18. If this filing is in reference to an existing station, enter:                                                  19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter:
     Call sign of station:                                                                                              (a) Date pending application was filed:                  (b) File number of pending application:


                                                                                                                                                                                                    FCC 312, Main Form - Page 1
                                                                                              CLEAR ALL PAGES                                                                                                    February, 1998

                                                                                                 TYPE OF SERVICE
20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filing is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(s) of service(s): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.
       ✘   a. Fixed Satellite             c. Radiodetermination Satellite              e. Direct to Home Fixed Satellite
           b. Mobile Satellite            d. Earth Exploration Satellite               f. Digital Audio Radio Service                  g. Other (please specify)

21. STATUS:          Place an "X" in the box next to the applicable status. Mark only one box.                     22. If earth station applicant, place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

       ✘   a. Common Carrier                           b. Non-Common Carrier                                               ✘   a. Using U.S. licensed satellites       b. Using Non-U.S. licensed satellites

23. If applicant is providing INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec. 214 filings. Mark only one box. Are these facilities:
           a. Connected to the Public Switched Network                                           ✘   b. Not connected to the Public Switched Network

24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
           a. C-Band (4/6 GHz)

       ✘   b. Ku-Band (12/14 GHz)           c. Other (Please specify)

                                                                                                 TYPE OF STATION
25. CLASS OF STATION: Place an "X" in the box next to the class of station that applies. Mark only one box.
                                                                                                                                                                                     f. Other
           a. Fixed Earth Station        b. Temporary-Fixed Earth Station          c. 12/14 GHz VSAT Network         ✘     d. Mobile Earth Station          e. Space Station
  If space station applicant, go to Question 27.

       ✘   a. Transmit/Receive                     b. Transmit-Only                       c. Receive-Only

                                                                           PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
27. The purpose of this proposed modification or amendment is to: Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.
                                                                  a -- authorization to add new emission designator and related service
                                                                  b -- authorization to change emission designator and related service
                                                                  c -- authorization to increase EIRP and EIRP density
                                                                  d -- authorization to replace antenna
                                                                  e -- authorization to add antenna
                                                                  f -- authorization to relocate fixed station
                                                                  g -- authorization to change assigned frequency(ies)
                                                                  h -- authorization to add Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                  i -- authorization to change Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                  j -- authorization for facilities for which environmental assessment and radiation hazard reporting is required
                                                                  k -- Other (Please Specify)

                                                                                         ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
28. Would a Commission grant of any proposal in this application or amendment have a significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307?
If YES, submit the statement as required by Sections 1.1308 and 1.1311 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.1308 and 1.1311, as an exhibit to this application.
                                                                                                                                                                                        YES               ✘ NO
A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all applications as an exhibit for new transmitting facilities, major modifications, or major amendments. Refer to OET Bulletin 65.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    FCC 312, Main Form - Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 February, 1998
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                                                                                    ALIEN OWNERSHIP
29. Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government?                                                                    YES            ✘ NO
30. Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien?                                                                                           ✘ YES                NO

31. Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government?                                                                     ✘ YES                NO

32. Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one-fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or                                                 ✘ YES                NO
    voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any
    corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
33. Is the applicant a corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than                                           ✘ YES                NO
    one-fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign
    government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, attach as an exhibit, the identification of the aliens or
    foreign entities, their nationality, their relationship to the applicant, and the percentage of stock they own or vote.

                                                                                BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
35. Does the applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission’s Rules?
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, copies of the requests for waivers or exceptions with supporting documents.
                                                                                                                                                              YES            ✘ NO
36. Has the applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization or license revoked or had
    any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, or construction                                            YES            ✘ NO
    permit denied by the Commission? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the applicant ever been
    convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.                                   YES            ✘ NO
38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, guilty of unlawfully
    monopolizing or attempting unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or indirectly, through control of                                       YES            ✘ NO
    manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement or any other means or unfair methods of competition?
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
39. Is the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, currently a party in any pending matter
    referred to in the preceeding two items? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.                                      YES                     ✘ NO
40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit the names, addresses, and citizenship of those
    stockholders owning of record and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer’s voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary
    control, indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of beneficiaries. Also list the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the Filer.
41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of
    Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because                        ✘ YES              NO
    of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.
42a. Does the applicant intend to use a non-U.S. licensed satellite to provide service in the United States?
     If yes, answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R. § 25.137, as appropriate.                                      YES            ✘ NO
     If no, proceed to question 43.
42b. What administration has licensed or is in the process of licensing the space station? If no license will
     be issued, what administration has coordinated or is in the process of coordinating the space station?

                                                                                                                                                                       FCC 312, Main Form - Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                    February, 1998
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43. Description. (Summarize the nature of the application and the services to be provided).
BFMTV would like to get a temporary licence for an earth mobile station in order to make live stand up to cover the presidential elections

    Exhibit No.            Identify all exhibits that are attached to this application.

   The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of
   the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this application. The applicant certifies that grant of this
   application would not cause the applicant to be in violation of the spectrum aggregation limit in 47 CFR Part 20. All statements made in exhibits are a material part hereof
   and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this
   application and in all attached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.
44. Applicant is a (an):       (Place an "X" in the box next to applicable response.)
                                                                                                                                     f. Other
      a. Individual        b. Unincorporated Association          c. Partnership    ✘ d. Corporation      e. Governmental Entity
                                                                                                                                     (Please specify)
45. Typed Name of Person Signing                                                                       46. Title of Person Signing

 Thomas JUMEL                                                                                           Production manager
47. Signature                                                                                                                           48. Date

       (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47,
       Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                                                                                                                                          FCC 312, Main Form - Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                       February, 1998
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                                                                                                                                                    FCC Use Only
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                              FCC 312 - Schedule A
                                                           (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)

            CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL                                            CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
            NOTIFICATION OF TRANSFER OF CONTROL                                       NOTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENT
            OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION                                              OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION
A1. Name of Licensee or Registrant                                                                                                                  A2. Voice Telephone Number

A3. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                              A4. Fax Telephone Number

A5. City                                                                                                                      A6. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)         A7. Zip Code

A8. List Call Sign(s) of station(s) being assigned or transfered                                                                                                                           A9. No. of station(s)

A10. Name of Transferor/Assignor (if different than licensee or registrant)                              A15. Name of Transferee/Assignee

A11. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                  A16. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box

A12. City                                                  A13. State/Country         A14. Zip Code      A17. City                                              A18. State/Country       A19. Zip Code

A20. If these facilities are licensed, is the transferee/assignee directly or indirectly controlled by any other entity?                                                 YES                NO
     If Yes, attach as an exhibit, a statement (including organizational diagrams where appropriate) which fully and completely
     identifies the nature and extent of control including: (1) the name, address, citizenship, and primary business of the controlling
     entity and any intermediate subsidiaries or parties; and (2) the names, addresses, citizenship, and the percentages of voting and
     equity stock of those stockholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling corporation’s voting stock.
A21. If these facilities are licensed, attach as an exhibit, a complete statement setting forth the facts which show how the assignment or transfer will serve the public interest.
1. The undersigned, individually and for licensee, certifies that all attached exhibits pertinent to Schedule A and all statements made in Schedule A of this application
are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. The undersigned also certifies that any contracts or other instruments submitted herewith are
complete and constitute the full agreement.
2. The undersigned represents that stock will not be delivered and that control will not be transferred until the Commission’s consent has been received, but that transfer of
control or assignment of license will be completed within 60 days of Commission consent. The undersigned also acknowledges that the Commission must be notified by letter
within 30 days of consummation.
A22. Printed Name of Licensee (Must agree with A1)                   A23. Signature                                                      A24. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)          A25. Date

A26. Printed Name of License Transferor/Assignor                     A27. Signature                                                      A28. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)          A29. Date
     (If different than licensee. Must agree with A10)

A30. Printed Name of License Transferee/Assignee                     A31. Signature                                                      A32. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)          A33. Date
     (Must agree with A15)

                                                                                                                                                                                         FCC 312 - Schedule A
                                                                                                                                                                                              February, 1998
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 FCC 312                                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                Page 1: Location
 Schedule B                                                       SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                                          (Technical and Operational Description)
                                                                                      (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)
     License of New Station           Registration of New Domestic              Amendment to a Pending Application            Modification of License/Registration       Notification of Minor Modification
                                                Receive-Only Station

 B1. Location of Earth Station Site. If temporary-fixed, mobile, or VSAT remote facility, specify area of operation and point of contact. If VSAT hub station, give its location.
                                     For VSAT networks attach individual Schedule B, Page 1 sheets for each hub station and each remote station. Individually provide the
                                     Location, Points of Communications, and Destination Points for each hub and remote station.
B1a. Station Call Sign              B1b. Site Identifier (HUB, REMOTE1, etc.)                                B1c. Telephone Number                  B1j. Geographic Coordinates   N/S,      B1k. Lat./Lon.
                                                                                                                                                             Deg. - Min. - Sec. - E/W       Coordinates are:

B1d. Street Address of Station or Area of Operation                                   B1e. Name of Contact Person                                   Lat. ________ _______ _______ ____             NAD-27

                                                                                                                                                    Lon. ________ _______ _______ ____             NAD-83
B1f. City                                                       B1g. County                                B1h. State             B1i. Zip Code               B1l. Site Elevation (AMSL)

 B2. Points of Communications: List the names and orbit locations of all satellites with which this earth station will communicate. The entry "ALSAT" is sufficient to
                               identify the names and locations of all satellite facilities licensed by the U.S. All non-U.S. licensed satellites must be listed individually.
  Satellite Name and Orbit Location                        Satellite Name and Orbit Location                              Satellite Name and Orbit Location

 B3. Destination points for communications using non-U.S. licensed satellites. For each non-U.S. licensed satellite facility identified in section B2 above, specify the
                                                    destination point(s) (countries) where the services will be provided by this earth station via each non-U.S. licensed
                                                    satellite system. Use additional sheets as needed.
  Satellite Name                   List of Destination Points

                                                                                                                                                                                 FCC 312, Schedule B - Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                              February, 1998
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                                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                Page 2: Antennas
                                                             SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                               FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)
B4. Earth Station Antenna Facilities: Use additional pages as needed.
                                (b)             (c)                                                                                                       (f)                   (g) Antenna Gain
  (a) Site ID*             Antenna ID**       Quantity                        (d) Manufacturer                                 (e) Model              Antenna Size           Transmit and/or Receive
                                                                                                                                                       (meters)             (_____ dBi at _____ GHz)

          B5. Antenna Heights and Maximum Power Limits: (The corresponding Antenna ID in tables B4 and B5 applies to the same antenna)
                                                                      Maximum Antenna Height                 (e) Building         (f) Maximum            (g) Total Input
                    (a)                                                                                      Height Above         Antenna Height            Power at           (h) Total EIRP
                                     (b) Antenna Structure         (c) Above        (d) Above
                 Antenna                                         Ground Level      Mean Sea Level            Ground Level         Above Rooftop          antenna flange        for all carriers
                                       Registration No.
                   ID**                                             (meters)          (meters)                 (meters)***           (meters)***             (Watts)              (dBW)

         Notes: * If this is an application for a VSAT network, identify the site (Item B1b, Schedule B, Page 1) where each antenna is located. Also include this Site-ID on Schedule B, Page 5.
               ** Identify each antenna in VSAT network or multi-antenna station with a unique identifier, such as HUB, REMOTE1, A1, A2, 10M, 12M, 7M, etc. Use this same antenna ID
                  throughout tables B4, B5, B6, and B7 when referring to the same antenna.
              *** Attach sketch of site or exemption, See 47 CFR Part 17.                                                                                                     FCC 312, Schedule B - Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                            February, 1998
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                                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                   Page 3: Coordination
                                                                        SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                        FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

 B6. Frequency Coordination Limits: Use additional pages as needed.
        (a)                              (b)                         (c) Range of           (d) Range of           (e) Antenna           (f) Antenna           (g) Earth Station    (h) Earth Station   (i) Maximum EIRP
     Antenna                       Frequency Limits                      Satellite Arc          Satellite Arc        Elevation Angle        Elevation Angle      Azimuth Angle        Azimuth Angle        Density toward the
       ID*                             (MHz)                           Eastern Limit**        Western Limit**        Eastern Limit          Western Limit        Eastern Limit        Western Limit        Horizon (dBW/4kHz)

Notes: * Provide the ANTENNA-ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and orbital arc range is associated.
      ** If operating with geostationary satellites, give the orbital arc limits and the associated elevation and azimuth angles. If operating with non-geostationary satellites,
         give the notation "NON-GEO" for the satellite arc and give the minimum operational elevation angle and the maximum azimuth angle range.
                                                                                                                                                                                                FCC 312, Schedule B - Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                             February, 1998
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                                                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                              Page 4: Particulars
                                                                 SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                   FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

 B7. Particulars of Operation (Full particulars are required for each r.f. carrier): Use additional pages as needed.
                                                              (c)                                                     (g) Maximum
        (a)                           (b)                     T/R (d) Antenna              (e)          (f) Maximum EIRP Density
     Antenna                    Frequency Bands               Mode Polarization          Emission          EIRP per    per Carrier                  (h) Description of Modulation and Services
       ID*                          (MHz)                      **  (H,V,L,R)             Designator     Carrier (dBW) (dBW/4kHz)

Notes: * Provide the ANTENNA-ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and emission is associated. For VSAT networks, include frequencies and emissions for all HUB and REMOTE units.
      ** Indicate whether the earth station transmits or receives in each frequency band.

                                                                                                                                                                                  FCC 312, Schedule B - Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                                               February, 1998
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                                                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                     Page 5: Questions
                                                        SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                            FCC Form 312 - Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

If VSAT Network, provide the SITE-ID (Item B1b) of the station that B8-B13 are in response to (HUB, REMOTE1, etc.): ______________________

B8. If the proposed antenna(s) operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) with geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s)
                                                                                                                                                    YES               NO
    comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer’s qualification
    measurements? If NO, provide as an exhibit, a technical analysis showing compliance with two-degree spacing policy.
B9. If the proposed antenna(s) do not operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS), or if they operate in the Fixed Satellite Service
                                                                                                                                                    YES               NO
    (FSS) with non-geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s) comply with the antenna gain patterns specified in
    Section 25.209(a2) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer’s qualification measurements?
B10. Is the facility operated by remote control? If YES, provide the location and telephone number of the control point.
                                                                                                                                                    YES               NO
        Remote Control Point Location:
         B10a. Street Address

         B10b. City                                                     B10c. County                                        B10d. State / Country   B10e. Zip Code

         B10f. Telephone Number                                                           B10g. Call Sign of Control Station (if appropriate)

B11. Is frequency coordination required? If YES, attach a frequency coordination report as an exhibit.                                              YES               NO

B12. Is coordination with another country required? If YES, attach the name of the country(ies)                                                     YES               NO
     and plot of coordination contours as an exhibit.

B13. FAA Notification - (See 47 CFR Part 17 and 47 CFR Part 25.113(c))
                                                                                                                                                    YES               NO
     Where FAA notification is required, have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854
     and/or the FAA’s study regarding the potential hazard of the structure to aviation?

                                                                                                                                                            FCC 312, Schedule B - Page 5
                                                                                                                                                                         February, 1998
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 FCC 312                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                                                   Approved by OMB 3060-0678
 February 1998                                         Washington, D.C.     20554
                                                                                                   Est. Avg. Burden Hours Per Response 0.25-24 hrs


                                                      Information and Instructions

                        Purpose of Form                                                          Introduction
FCC Form 312 is used to apply for all authorizations relating             FCC Form 312 is a multi-part form comprised of a Main
to satellite earth and space station facilities, and to notify the        Form and schedules. Each application must contain a
Commission of changes to these facilities in cases where                  completed Main Form in addition to any required schedules
prior Commission approval is not required. Specifically,                  in order to receive consideration.
applicants should use FCC Form 312 in the following cases:
(1) when applying for a license for a new earth or space                  The purpose of the mandatory Main Form is to (1) obtain
station(s); (2) when applying for registration of a domestic              information sufficient to identify the applicant; (2) establish
receive-only earth station(s); (3) when applying for a                    the applicant's basic eligibility and qualifications; (3) classify
modification to a licensed earth or space station(s); (4) when            the filing; and (4) identify the nature of the proposed service
seeking Commission consent to an assignment or transfer of                or request.      The Main Form also contains required
control of a licensed earth or space station(s); (5) when                 certifications and signature block(s).
notifying the Commission of a minor modification to a
licensed earth or space station(s); (6) when notifying the                                        Schedules
Commission of an assignment or transfer of control of a                   There are two schedules - Schedule A and Schedule B - that
registered domestic receive-only earth station(s); and                    are used in conjunction with the mandatory Main Form.
(7) when filing an amendment to a pending earth or space
station application(s). The purpose of this form is to collect            SCHEDULE A is to be completed when:
data and other information relating to satellite space and                Applying for Consent to Assignment of License of both
earth stations to assist the FCC in determining whether the                       space and earth stations
public interest would be served by a grant of the requested               Applying for Consent to Transfer of Control of both
authorization.                                                                    space and earth stations
                                                                          Notifying the FCC of Assignment or Transfer of Control
             Applicable Rules and Regulations                                     of Receive-Only earth station Registration
Before the application is prepared, the applicant should refer
to Parts 1 and 25 of the Rules and Regulations of the                     SCHEDULE B is to be completed when:
Commission, (Title 47, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),                 Applying for a License for a Transmit and/or Receive
Parts 1 and 25). Copies of the FCC Rules may be purchased                         Earth Stations
from the Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP,                    Applying for Registration of Domestic Receive-only
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-                            Earth Stations
9328. Part 1 contains rules regarding fee requirements. See               Applying for Blanket License for New Earth Station
also the International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide                    System, including VSAT and Mobile Satellite
for specific fee information. Part 25 may require information                     Service Systems
to be filed with an application in addition to that specified in          Amending a pending earth station Application
the application form. Applicant should make every effort to               Applying for a Modification of a granted earth station or
file a complete application in compliance with the Rules.                         VSAT license
Failure to do so can result in rejection or return of the                 Applying for a Modification of a granted Receive-only
application or a delay in the processing of the application.                      earth station Registration
Use additional sheets only where necessary. All additional                Notifying FCC of a Minor Modification of a granted
sheets must contain the applicant's name and the number of                        earth station or VSAT license
questions to which it responds.

                                                                                                                    FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                                        February 1998 -- page 1

                      For Assistance                                                 Filing of Applications
For additional information about Form 312 contact the FCC         An original and two copies of the completed application(s)
Consumer Assistance Office at (202) 418-0220. Information         for earth station(s) and an original and nine copies of the
is also available on the FCC's internet site at                   completed application(s) for space station(s), as set forth in
http:\\ Examples of completed Form 312                Part 25, must be submitted along with an FCC Form 159 and
applications are available on the FCC's internet site. The        the correct filing fee amount. The original application and
International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide is          the duplicate thereof must be clearly marked as such. DO
available on the International Bureau's Home Page at the          NOT SEND CASH. Payment can generally be made by
above internet address.                                           check, bank draft, credit card, money order, or by pre-
                                                                  arrangement. For detailed information regarding fees refer
                 Incorporation by Reference                       to the International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide.
Reference documents, exhibits, or other lengthy showings
already on file with the FCC may be referred to in the                              Mailing of Applications
application without further submission only if: (a) the           Completed applications concerning earth stations should be
                                                                  Completed applications concerning earth and space stations
information is current and accurate in all significant respects   mailed to:
and (b) the reference states specifically where the previously    should beFederal
                                                                                    to:              Commission
filed information can be found (i.e., station call sign and                International Bureau-Earth Station
application file number, title of proceeding, docket number           Federal
                                                                                Box 358160      Commission
or legal citations), including exhibit and page references. If        International Bureau
                                                                           Pittsburgh,      Applications
                                                                                        Pennsylvania 15251-5160
either of these criterion is not met, the reference documents          P.O. Box 979093
must accompany the application.                                        St. Louis,
                                                                  Completed       MO 63197-9000
                                                                               applications concerning space stations should be
                                                                  mailed to:
              GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS                                When delivering    feeable applications
                                                                            Federal Communications        by hand or by courier,
                                                                            International Bureau-Space Station
                                                                  use the following address:
                  Current Information                                       P.O. Box 358210
Information filed with the FCC must be kept current. The                    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15251-5210
applicant should notify the FCC regarding any substantial
                                                                       US Bank
and significant changes in the facts as they appear in the        WhenGovernment    Lock Box
                                                                        delivering feeable applications by hand or by courier,
application. See 47 CFR 1.65.                                          1005
                                                                  use the    Convention
                                                                           following    Plaza
                                                                       St. Louis, MO
                                                                            Federal Communications Commission
                     Waiver Requests                                       c/o Mellon Bank
Requests for waivers must contain a statement of reasons                   Three Mellon Bank Center
sufficient to justify a waiver and must be included as                     535 William Penn Way
"Exhibit D" to the Main Form. For each rule waiver desired,       Applications
                                                                           27th received before153-2713
                                                                                 Floor, Room     midnight on a normal business
a separate request with the required showing identifying the               Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
                                                                  day will receive that day's date as the receipt date.
specific rule or policy for which the waiver is requested,                 (Attn: Wholesale Lockbox Shift Supervisor).
                                                                  Deliveries made after midnight on Fridays will not be
must be made.
                                                                  "officially" receipted until the next Monday. Applications
                                                                  Applications received before midnight on a normal business
                                                                  day  will onreceive
                                                                                                     date asholidays  are dated
                                                                                                              the receipt    date.
Each document required to be filed as an exhibit should be        the next  regular business  day. See the FCC  International
                                                                  Deliveries made after midnight on Fridays will not be
current as of the date of filing. Each exhibit must be            and Satellitereceipted
                                                                  "officially"  Services Fee
                                                                                          untilFiling Guide
                                                                                                the next    for fee information.
                                                                                                         Monday.     Applications
identified by a letter. Each page of each exhibit must be         received on weekends and government holidays are dated the
identified by exhibit and page number using the following         next regular business day. See the FCC International and
format: Exhibit A, Page 2 of 3. If material is to be              Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide for fee information.
incorporated by reference within the exhibit, see the
instruction on incorporation by reference. If interference                          Additional Information
studies, frequency coordination reports, radiation hazard         All information provided in this form will be available for
reports, environmental impact statements, etc., are required      public inspection. If information requested on the form is
by rule, include them as exhibits. All exhibits must be           not provided, processing of the application may be delayed
consecutively designated using either letters or numbers. All     or the application may be returned without action pursuant
exhibits must be listed on the exhibit chart, Main Form, page     to FCC rules.

                                                                                                        FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                            February 1998 -- page 2

      Paperwork Reduction and Privacy Act Notice                         Earth Station Modifications. All modifications to existing earth
The solicitation of personal information requested in this form is       station authorizations should include FCC Form 312 Main Form and
authorized by the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, and the        Schedule B. Applicants may incorporate by reference those data items
Telecommunications Act of 1996, Pub. L. 104-104 (February 8,             not being changed. (See instructions for incorporation by reference.) If
1996). The FCC will use the information provided in this form to         you presently hold domestic, international, and/or transborder
determine whether grant of this application is in the public interest.   authorizations for the same earth station (call sign) that were previously
In reaching that determination, or for law enforcement purposes, it      granted under different file numbers, be sure to include the composite
may become necessary to refer personal information contained in this     data from all of these previous separate authorizations. Only one
form to another government agency. In addition, all information          modified authorization will be issued that encompasses all of the
provided in this form will be available for public inspection. If        previous earth station authorizations.
information requested on this form is not provided, processing of the
application may be delayed or the application may be returned
without action pursuant to the Commission rules. Your response is
required to obtain the requested authority.                              VSAT Network Applications. Applications for blanket licenses for
                                                                         VSAT networks may be filed in a single consolidated network
                                                                         application using Form 312. Separate radio station authorizations will
                                                                         be issued to each hub station and for each different size or type of
Public reporting burden for this collection is estimated to be 0.25 –    remote unit in the network. The application for a new VSAT network
24 hours including the time for reviewing instructions, searching        should include a single Main Form and a Schedule B which includes
existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed,        the complete data for all parts of the VSAT network. Provide a
and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send         separate Schedule B, Page 1 for each part of the network, including
comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this      one sheet for each hub station and one sheet for each remote unit
collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this       variant. Include all hub and remote antennas, frequency coordination
burden, to Federal Communications Commission, AMD-                       limits, and particulars of operation on Schedule B, Pages 2-4. Be sure
Performance Evaluation and Records Management Branch,                    to identify the associated site-id and antenna-id for each row of data.
Washington, D.C. 20554, Paperwork Reduction Project 3060-0678.           Attach continuation sheets for Pages 2-4 as needed. Provide a
[Do not send completed application forms to this address.]               separate Schedule B, Page 5 for each hub site and remote variant. Be
                                                                         sure to identify the site-id on each Page 5.
Applicant is not required to respond to any collection of information
that does not display a valid OMB Control Number.

The foregoing Notice is required by the Privacy Act of 1974, Pub.L.      Modifications to a VSAT network authorization should include only
93-597, December 31, 1974, 5 U.S.C. 552a(e)(3), and the Paperwork        the data relevant to the portion of the network that is being revised.
Reduction Act of 1995, Pub.L. 104-13, May 22, 1995, 44 U.S.C.            For example, if the modification affects only the hub station, do not
3506(c)(1)(B), 5 CFR 1320.5(b).                                          include data relevant to the remote units (see Earth Station
                                                                         Modifications section above).
              Miscellaneous Information Regarding
                     Specific Types of Filings

Space Station Applications. All space station applications should be
filed using Form 312 Main Form. Applications for assignments and
transfers of control of space station licenses should also include
Schedule A. Only the Main Form is needed to submit ownership
information. All additional required space station information such as
business plans, technical descriptions, etc. should be provided in a
narrative form attached to the Form 312 Main Form. See Part 25.140,
et al., of the FCC's Rules and Regulations concerning the filing
requirements for space station applications.

Earth Station Amendments. All amendments to pending earth station
applications should include FCC Form 312 Main Form and Schedule
B. Applicants may incorporate by reference those data items not being
changed. (See instructions for incorporation by reference.)

                                                                                                                  FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                                  February 1998 -- page 3

SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MAIN FORM                              Item 23 Only those applicants providing INTERNATIONAL
                                                                     COMMON CARRIER service need to indicate whether or
APPLICANT INFORMATION                                                not this facility is connected to the Public Switched Network.
Items 1-16. These items identify the applicant. If an                Appropriate Section 214 filings are required. See 47 CFR
authorization is granted, the information provided will              Part 63 of the Commission Rules.
become the licensee's name, address and telephone numbers
of record, and the authorization will be sent to this address.       Item 24 The proposed frequency band(s) are specified in this
Applicants must provide a current and valid mailing address.         item. All C-band (4/6 GHz) earth stations require successful
Failure to respond to FCC correspondence sent to the address         prior radio frequency coordination for both Fixed and
of record may result in dismissal of an application, liability       Temporary-Fixed (including Satellite News-Gathering)
for forfeiture or revocation of an authorization. These items        operations. See Items B6, B11, and B12 on Schedule B.
also identify the contact representative (e.g., a person at the
headquarter's office of the applicant, the law firm of the           TYPE OF STATION
applicant, or the company that prepared or submitted the             Item 25 This item identifies the class of station to be placed
application on behalf of the applicant).                             in service. Mark only one box. Transportable Satellite
                                                                     News-Gathering (SNG) trucks fall under the category
CLASSIFICATION OF FILING                                             "Temporary-Fixed Earth Station."
Item 17a indicates whether the filing relates to an earth or a
space station application. Do not combine both earth and             Item 26 This item identifies whether the earth station
space station actions within a single application -- check only      transmits and/or receives.
one box. For example, file two separate applications for an
Assignment of License that covers both the space segment             PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
and earth segment of a satellite system.                             Note: An application that revises the data on a previous
                                                                     application that has NOT YET BEEN GRANTED is an
Item 17b indicates the type of application that is being filed.      "Amendment", whereas an application that revises the data
Do not combine different types of actions into a single              on a previously GRANTED application (license or
application -- check only one box. For example, to modify            registration) is a "Modification". Existing authorizations are
and assign the authorization for a single station, you must          "modified" while pending applications are "amended".
file two separate applications. Schedule A must be attached
to the Main Form if you have checked box 17b5 or 17b6.               Item 27 Purpose of the proposed modification or amendment
Schedule B must be attached to the Main Form if you have             highlights the various types of modifications or amendments
checked box 17b1, 17b2, 17b3 (if earth station), 17b4, or            generally requested. Mark all that apply. Provide the
17b7.                                                                revised earth station data on Schedule B (see Earth Station
                                                                     Modifications section above).
Item 18 If this filing is in reference to an existing station,
provide the station's call sign. If this filing is in reference to   ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY
multiple stations provide the call sign of the lead station.         Item 28 This item is required for compliance with the
                                                                     National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended, 42
Item 19 Where a pending application is to be amended, enter          U.S.C. 4321-4335. See also Part 1, Subpart I of the FCC
the date that the original pending application was filed. Also       rules (47 CFR 1.1301-1.1319). Examples of facilities that
provide the file number of that original pending application,        may have a significant effect on the environment include:
if known.
                                                                     o    an antenna structure located in a residential area (as
TYPE OF SERVICE                                                           defined by applicable zoning laws) which will utilize
Item 20 This item seeks information about the nature of                   high intensity aviation obstruction lighting
service requested.                                                   o    a facility located in an officially designated wilderness
                                                                          area, wildlife preserve or floodplain
Item 21 This item indicates whether or not the applicant will        o    a facility that affects a site significant in American
operate this station as a common carrier.                                 history
                                                                     o    a facility, the construction of which involves extensive
Item 22 All earth station applications must identify whether              changes in surface features
or not U.S. licensed satellites are used. Check both boxes if
this earth station will operate with both U.S. and foreign           A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all applications
licensed satellites. If the earth station will operate with a        for new transmitting facilities, major modifications, and
non-U.S. licensed satellite, be sure to complete Item B3 on          major amendments as Exhibit B. For information on
Schedule B.                                                          preparing this study, consult OET Bulletin 65.

                                                                                                         FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                             February 1998 -- page 4

ALIEN OWNERSHIP                                                   SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE B
Items 29-34 These items request information that will enable    Technical and Operational Description of Earth Station(s)
the FCC to determine whether an applicant is eligible under
Section 310 of the Communications Act of 1934, as               PURPOSE OF FILING
amended, to hold a station license. Earth station applicants    Schedule B is used for all earth station filings that do not
not proposing to provide broadcast, common carrier,             involve Assignments or Transfers of Control. Schedule B
aeronautical en route or aeronautical fixed radio station       and the Main Form must be completed when filing for both
services are not required to respond to Items 30-34.            licenses and registrations for all new earth stations, all
                                                                amendments to pending earth station applications, and all
BASIC QUALIFICATIONS                                            modifications to existing earth station authorizations. This
Items 35-42 These items request information that enables the    includes VSAT networks. Schedule B collects technical and
FCC to determine whether an applicant is basically qualified    operational information relevant to the earth station.
to hold an FCC authorization. Item 40 applies only to
applicants for Space Station authorizations.                    LOCATION OF EARTH STATION SITE
                                                                Item B1a-B1l identifies the location of the fixed earth station
Item 43 Provide a summary of the nature of the application      both by address and geographic coordinates; and the area of
and services to be provided.                                    operation for temporary-fixed, mobile, and VSAT remote
                                                                earth stations. For fixed earth stations, indicate whether the
CERTIFICATION                                                   geographic coordinates are based on the North American
Items 44-48 To be acceptable for filing, applications,          Datum (NAD) of 1927 or 1983. Until further notice, you
amendments, modifications and registrations must be signed      must provide the geographic coordinates based upon
in accordance with Part 1 of the FCC rules. The signer must     NAD-27. See FCC Public Notice, DA 92-1188 (released
be a person authorized to sign the application. Paper           September 1, 1992).
originals of applications must bear an original signature.
Neither rubber-stamped nor photocopied signatures are           Item B1b should be completed only when the application
acceptable.                                                     involves a VSAT network. The site identifier is used to
                                                                identify the various parts of the VSAT network. The
   SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR SCHEDULE A                         applicant should assign a unique identifier to each hub
  Consent to Assignment of License/Transfer of Control          station and each remote variant that is part of a VSAT
  Notification of Assignment or Transfer of Control of          network (e.g., "HUB", "REMOTE1", "REMOTE2", etc.).
                Receive-Only Registration                       Each hub station and each remote variant of a VSAT
                                                                network must have its own completed Page 1 of Schedule B.
PURPOSE OF FILING                                                The Points of Communications (Item B2) and Destination
Schedule A and the Main Form must be completed when             Points (Item B3) must be completed individually for each
requesting Consent to Assignment of License or Transfer of      hub station and each remote variant.
Control. Schedule A and the Main Form must be used when
notifying the FCC of a completed Assignment of Receive-         POINTS OF COMMUNICATIONS
Only Registration or of a completed Transfer of Control of      Item B2 This is the list of satellites with which the earth
Receive-Only Registration. The Main Form and Schedule A         station will communicate.         If the earth station will
collects information about the parties to the transaction in    communicate only with U.S. licensed satellites, then
order to determine whether the requested consent, governed      "ALSAT" is the notation needed under item B2. If,
by 47 CFR Part 25, serves the public interest. The Main         however, the earth station will operate with satellites licensed
Form is to be completed by the prospective licensee or          by countries other than the U.S.A., each and every non-U.S.
registrant in the case of an assignment (assignee) or the new   licensed satellite must be individually listed here. If the
controlling entity in the case of a transfer of control         earth station will operate with both U.S. licensed satellites
(transferee). Schedule A is to be completed by all involved     and non-U.S. licensed satellites, include the notation
parties.                                                        "ALSAT" to cover the U.S. licensed satellites and then list
                                                                each non-U.S. licensed satellite individually.
Items A1-A9 and A22-A25 must be completed by the current
licensee or registrant.                                         Item B6, Frequency Coordination Limits, must also be
                                                                completed to indicate the satellite orbital arc range and
Items A10-A14 and A26-A29 must be completed by the              frequency band limits over which the satellites will operate.
entity assigning or transferring the license or registration    This applies to both U.S. licensed and non-U.S. licensed
(assignor/transferor) if different from the licensee or         satellite systems. Any authorization issued for the earth
registrant.                                                     station will be valid only in the orbital arc range and
                                                                frequency band range specified in Item B6.
Items A15-A21 and A30-A33 must be completed by the

                                                                                                      FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                          February 1998 -- page 5

DESTINATION POINTS                                                   Item B5e-B5f If the antenna is located on a building or
Item B3 This is a list of all countries that the earth station       other structure, provide the height of the building above
will provide service to using non-U.S. licensed satellites.          ground level, and the maximum height of the antenna above
The countries for each non-U.S. licensed satellite must be           the top of the structure on which the antenna is located.
listed separately. The ITU 3-letter country codes as specified       Also attach a sketch of the site and other information
in Table B1 to the Preface of the ITU's International                required by 47 CFR Part 17.
Frequency List may be used to identify the countries to
which service will be provided.                                      Item B5g-B5h If the antenna transmits, provide the total
                                                                     input power (in Watts) at the antenna flange and the
EARTH STATION ANTENNA FACILITIES                                     aggregate output EIRP (in dBW) for all r.f. carriers. These
Item B4a Site IDs should be provided only for applications           powers must be consistent with those provided in the
relating to VSAT networks. Use the Site Identifier (Item             Radiation Hazard Study in Exhibit B.
B1b) to identify the portion of the VSAT network that each
antenna belongs to.                                                  FREQUENCY COORDINATION LIMITS
                                                                     Item B6a See item B4b above.
Item B4b Applicants should assign a unique identifying
number or name to each antenna. This ID should be used               Item B6b Provide the lower and upper frequency band limits
throughout Schedule B when referring to the frequencies,             over which the earth station has been frequency coordinated,
emissions, heights, satellite arcs, etc., that are associated with   or over which the earth station will operate.
each antenna that comprises the earth station.
                                                                     Item B6c-B6d Provide the eastern most and western most
Item B4c Identify the number of units of each make and               geostationary satellite arc limits over which the earth station
model of antenna installed at this earth station. For VSAT           has been frequency coordinated, or over which the earth
networks, identify the total number of units for each remote         station will operate. For non-geostationary satellites, provide
segment.                                                             the notation "NON-GEO".

Item B4d-B4e Provide the manufacturer and model number               Item B6e-B6f Provide the elevation angle to the eastern most
of the antenna.                                                      and western most geostationary satellite orbital arc limits.
                                                                     For non-geostationary satellites, provide the minimum
Item B4f Provide the diameter of the antenna for circular            elevation angle at which the earth station will operate.
aperture antennas. For elliptical aperture antennas, provide
the major and minor axes diameters of the antenna and its            Item B6g-B6h Provide the azimuth angle relative to true
equivalent circular electrical diameter. All units must be           north to the eastern most and western most geostationary
provided in meters.                                                  satellite orbital arc limits. For non-geostationary satellites,
                                                                     provide the maximum azimuthal angles at which the earth
Item B4g Provide the antenna gain and reference frequency            station will operate (e.g., 0-360 degrees).
for both the transmit and receive frequency bands. The
antenna gain should be characteristic of the center frequency        Item B6i If the earth station transmits in this frequency band,
of the frequency band in which it operates.                          provide the maximum EIRP density toward the horizon (in
LIMITS                                                               PARTICULARS OF OPERATION
Item B5a See item B4b above.                                         Item B7a See item B4b above.

Item B5b For earth station antennas that will be mounted on          Item B7b Enter the lower and upper frequency limits of the
towers or are otherwise subject to the required FCC prior            frequency band to which this emission is limited.
tower registration, provide the Tower ID number as listed in         Alternatively, provide the single center or carrier frequency
the FCC's Tower Database. See 47 CFR Part 17 for                     of the emission.
information concerning prior registration of towers.
                                                                     Item B7c Indicate with a "T" or "R" whether the earth
Item B5c-B5d Enter the maximum overall height to the top             station transmits or receives this emission in this frequency
of the antenna structure with respect to ground level and            band.
mean sea level. All units must be in meters. See Part 17 of
the FCC Rules.                                                       Item B7d Indicate the antenna polarization used with this

                                                                     Item B7e Enter the emission designator for the emission.
                                                                     (For proper emission designator format, see Section 2.201 of

                                                                                                          FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                              February 1998 -- page 6

the FCC Rules.)
                                                                   Item B11-B12 If the earth station operates in frequency
Item B7f For transmit mode, provide the maximum EIRP,              bands that are shared with other radio services, such as the
in dBW, for each r.f. carrier of the emission.                     C band (4/6 GHz), frequency coordination is required. In
                                                                   such cases, a Frequency Coordination Report and/or
Item B7g For transmit mode, provide the maximum EIRP               Coordination Contour map is required. Also see item B6,
Density, in dBW/4kHz, for each r.f. carrier of the emission.       Frequency Coordination Limits. There are several private
                                                                   companies that will provide frequency coordination services
Item B7h Give a brief description of both the modulation           for hire.
and services provided by this emission. Examples of
modulation include QPSK, BPSK, SCPC, etc. Examples of              Item B13 The purpose of this item is to insure adherence to
services include "video", "data", "voice", etc.                    all regulations concerning the safety of air travel. See
                                                                   47 CFR Part 17 for requirements concerning the notification
Items B8-B13 Generally                                             and coordination of antenna structures with the FAA. Also
If the application is for a VSAT network, attach an                see 47 CFR Part 25.113(c) concerning earth station filing
individual Schedule B, Page 5 for each hub station and each        requirements.
different size or type of remote unit. Items B8-B13 require
response with respect to each portion of the VSAT network.
Identify the VSAT site by using the Site Identifier from Item
B1b. For all other earth station applications not involving
VSAT networks, respond to Items B8-B13 with respect to
the earth station as a whole (i.e., with respect to all antennas
that comprise the earth station).

Item B8-B9 These questions indicate compliance with the
antenna sidelobe standard specified in 25.209 of the FCC
Rules. FSS operations using satellites located in the
geostationary satellite orbit must comply with the more
stringent standard (item B8), or provide a technical analysis
showing that this operation is compatible with two-degree
spacing policy.      Earth stations operating with non-
geostationary satellites (MSS, etc.) or non-FSS operations
should indicate compliance with the less stringent antenna
standard (item B9).

Item B10 If the earth station is operated from a remote
location, give the location and telephone number of the
control point.

                                                                                                      FCC Form 312 - Instructions
                                                                                                          February 1998 -- page 7

Document Created: 2012-10-16 18:19:11
Document Modified: 2012-10-16 18:19:11

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