Attachment STA Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20121009-00908 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                     Gogo LLC
                                                                                        Page 1

        Gogo LLC (“Gogo”) hereby requests extension and expansion of the special temporary
authority (“STA”) it was granted by the Commission1 to operate a total of four technically
identical transmit/receive earth stations in the conventional Ku-band (14-14.5 GHz uplink and
11.7-12.2 GHz downlink). Grant of the requested STA is consistent with Commission precedent
and will serve the public interest by enabling Gogo to evaluate the terminals’ operational
performance prior to full-scale deployment of Gogo’s planned Aeronautical Mobile Satellite
Service (“AMSS”) network.

       Gogo has filed an application for a blanket license for AMSS operations.2 That
application includes complete technical information regarding the Gogo AMSS system and fully
describes the AeroSat terminals that will be used in this testing. Gogo incorporates that
information by reference herein.

        Pending Commission action on the Gogo AMSS blanket license application, Gogo
requested and received Commission authority earlier this year to begin ground-based testing of
the AMSS terminal at and near the Gogo headquarters in Itasca, IL and the AeroSat facility in
Amherst, NH. Specifically, the Commission authorized Gogo to communicate with the SES-1
spacecraft using terminals placed on the roof of each building and to perform mobile testing
using terminals positioned on vehicles operated at typical street and highway speeds.3

        Gogo herein seeks extension of the existing authority for an additional 60-day period.
Gogo also proposes to perform testing using capacity on a second spacecraft: spot beam 2 of the
NSS-703 satellite located at 47.05° W.L.4 In order to accommodate the schedule for the planned
testing using NSS-703, Gogo respectfully requests action on this STA request by October 22.

       Grant of the requested authority will not adversely affect other licensed operations.
Affidavits confirming that the proposed operation of the AeroSat terminals has been coordinated
with operators of the satellites within six degrees on either side of both SES-1 and NSS-703 are
already on file with the Commission.5 Gogo has also entered into a coordination agreement with
the National Science Foundation to protect radioastronomy operations.6 In any event, Gogo

       Gogo LLC, Call Sign E120106, File No. SES-STA-20120727-00698, granted Aug. 29,
2012 (the “Gogo Testing STA”).
       Gogo LLC, Call Sign E120106, File Nos. SES-LIC-20120619-00574; SES-AMD-
20120731-00709 & SES-AFS-20121008-00902 (the “Gogo AMSS Application”).
       See Gogo Testing STA, Narrative at 1.
       The coverage pattern of this beam will conform to the parameters described in Gogo’s
most recent amendment. See Gogo LLC, Call Sign E120106, File No. SES-AFS-20121008-
00902, Narrative at 5-6 and Annex 1.
       Gogo LLC, Call Sign E120106, File No. SES-AMD-20120731-00709, Amendment
Exhibit A.
       Id., Amendment Exhibit B.

                                                                                       Gogo LLC
                                                                                          Page 2
seeks to operate on an unprotected, non-harmful interference basis, so operations pursuant to the
requested STA will not harm other regularly licensed Ku-band spectrum users.

        Grant of the requested authority is consistent with prior Commission actions7 and will
serve the public interest by permitting Gogo to continue developing a competitive AMSS
network that will enhance service to air travelers and airline crew members.

        The International Bureau has previously granted special temporary authority for other
entities to perform testing of AMSS terminals pending regular licensing of AMSS operations.
See, e.g., Row 44, Inc., File No. SES-STA-20071121-01610, grant-stamped Dec. 11, 2007 (30-
day STA for testing of AMSS terminal).

Document Created: 2012-10-09 11:42:08
Document Modified: 2012-10-09 11:42:08

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