Attachment 20120618135622.pdf


DECISION submitted by IB/FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20120612-00505 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                 SES—STA—20120612—00505         1B2012001405
                                       CUBANA DE TELEVISION, MIAMI LLC

                                                                                                                           Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
STA request for a 3.7 meter C—band T/R earth station in Miami, Florida
 1. Applicant

           Name:        CUBANA DE TELEVISION,          Phone Number:                           305—316—9347
                        MIAMI LLC
           DBA Name:                                   Fax Number:

           Street:      2190 SW 8th Street             E—Mail:                       

           City:        Miami                          State:                                  FL
           Country:     USA                            Zipcode:                                33133          —
           Attention:   Mr ROBERTO F MARRERO

                                                                                                 wl pcn// fronj
                                                                                          File# SES—sTHA —a0120G6f2 —ooge 5S

                                                                                          Call Sign _AZ#W          Grant Date é//f/l"/z
                                                                                          (or other identifier)
                                                                                                                   Term Dates
                                                                                  ay      From é / 2:/            1z     To: __7[/'2[50_/__2—

                                                                          ial     Bureau l x\flp"n\\xi:__Zké %Zgj

Special Temporary Authority

CUBANA DE TELEVISION MIAMILLC (CUBANA) is authorized to use 3.7 Meter C—
band T/R earth station located in Miami, Florida , from June 15, 2012 to July 14, 2012 to
communicate with satellites at orbital position 87° W.L. under the following conditions.

    1) CUBANA must acquire authorization from the satellite operator to transmit to its satellite
       and must comply with satellite operator requirements.

    2) The earth station operating parameters may not exceed the values specified in the
       coordination report submitted with this application.

    3) CUBANA, shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim protection from,
       interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it shall cease
       transmission(s) immediately upon notice of such interference.

    4) Grant of this authorization is without prejudice to any determination that the Commission
       may make regarding pending or future CUBANA applications.

    5) Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this special
       temporary authority is solely at CUBANA‘s risk.

    6) This action is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated
       authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective immediately.

                                           _ rilk# SS —SF# —Sor2 cé6r2.—coges
                                     ,(      Q}         Call Sign _A/#           Grant Date_£ Z/sz/ézL€.
                                                         (or other identifier)
                                                                                 Term Dates
                                                       | iy““”é’ézf/f‘—%’              To: 7//227671

2. Contact

             Name:          Renato Schiavon                         Phone Number:                          305 671—3333
             Company:       Disitron Industries, Inc.               Fax Number:
             Street:        3381 NW 168th Street                    E—Mail:                      

             City:         Miami Gardens                            State:                                 FL
             Country:      USA                      .               Zipcode:                               33056       =—
             Attention:                                             Relationship:

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.              If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
g¢73 Governmental Entity     «3 Noncommercial educational licensee
4 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

& Use Prior to Grant                                g4 Change Station Location                            £4 Other

6. Requested Use Prior Date
7. CityMiami                                                                   8. Latitude
                                                                               (dd mm ss.s h)   25   45    54.0    N

9. State   FL                                                               10. Longitude
                                                                            (dd mm ss.s h)    80    13     49.4   W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Coordination                         Attachment 2: Antenna Waiver                          Attachment 3:

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
    Special Temporary Authority for a 3.7 Meter C—band T/R earth station to be located in
    Miami,      Florida. A permanent license request will follow upon completion of frequency
    coordination.         The STA is requested to support critical broadcast operations of the

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is               Yes        «y No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                                                  15. Title of Person Signing
   Robert Marrero                                                              President
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.$S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

                                                                         Page 1 of 2

                       Non—Compliant Antenna Waiver Request

Re:    3.7 Meter Fixed Earth Station
       Fixed Satellite Service
       C—Band 3700 — 4200 and 5925 — 6425 MHz

The proposed antenna Prodelin 1374, 3.7 Meter earth station does not strictly comply
with 25.209 of the FCC Rules and Regulations.

In the Part 25 Earth Station Fifth Report and Order, the Federal Communications
Commission (Commission) adopted streamlined procedures for reviewing non—routine
earth station license applications. As part of that Report and Order, the Commission
directed the International Bureau to create a list of approved non—routine earth station
antennas to be posted on the Commission‘s website. The Commission concluded that a
website listing approved non—routine antennas, including antenna gain patterns and the
conditions placed on the use of each antenna, would help applicants in preparing
applications for non—routine earth station licenses and expedite review of these

Earth station applicants proposing to use an antenna that is on this list will no longer need
to attach antenna radiation plots as an exhibit to their applications, as required by Section
25.132(b)(3) of the Commission‘s rules. They need only provide an attachment to their
applications citing the particular non—routine earth station antenna they plan to use, and
an application file number and call sign of a license in which that type of non—routine
antenna has been approved.

The application file number and call sign, SES—MOD—20080307—00248 and E960031 of a
previously licensed Prodelin 1374, 3.7 meter earth station, indicates that the antenna
proposed in this application will operate without conflict.

The maximum input spectral power density into the antenna for the proposed 3.7 meter
Prodelin 1374 antenna will not exceed —13.1 dBW/4 kHz.

In this case, the antenna exceeds the patterns of §25.209 in the 1° to 1.9° region measured
at the low, mid, and high frequency bands. The Max EIRP Density at the Antenna Flange
is —13.1 dBW/4KHz. This figure is below the maximum allowed of —2.7 dBW/4KHz by
a margin of at least 10.4 dB for all off—axis angles.

                                                                              Page 2 of 2

The applicant agrees to accept any adjacent satellite interference in the 4 GHz receive
band as a result of the performance of the antenna. The applicant understands that
adjacent satellite interference protection applies only to the extent of the criteria set forth
in §25.209. Should the use of this antenna cause interference to other systems; the
applicant agrees to terminate transmission upon notice from the Commission.

Should the use of this antenna cause interference to other systems; the applicant agrees to
terminate transmission upon notice from the Commission.

The minimum elevation angle of the proposed earth station will not exceed the minimum
elevation angle of 8.4° of the previously licensed 3.7 meter under Call Sign £960031,
therefore the antenna gains for the proposed will not exceed those of that previously
licensed with respect to any transmit power limitations.

Per §25.115(h)(4) the earth station applicant certifies that it will limit its pointing error to


The antenna pattern contained with this application exceeds the CFR 25.209 sidelobe
specification for the sidelobe envelope in the 1° to 1.9° region. Outside the main beam,
the antenna meets the requirements of 25.209.

The application file number (SES—MOD—20080307—00248) and call sign, (E960031), of a
previously licensed Prodelin 1374, 3.7 meter earth station, indicates that the antenna
proposed in this application will operate without conflict.

The power density restrictions specified by the FCC for small diameter antennas utilizing
digital traffic at C—Band is —2.7 dBW/4 kHz. This antenna will operate at a maximum
transmit power density of —13.1 dBW/4 kHz.

If the use of this antenna should cause interference to other systems, the applicant will
terminate such transmissions immediately upon notice from the FCC or offended parties.

June 12, 2012

Re:     Cubana De Television, Miami LLC
        MIAMI, FL (3.7 Meter)
        C—Band Transmit—Receive Earth Station
        Job Number: 120612COMSGEO1

Dear Frequency Coordinator:

This notice is being provided in accordance with Section 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations.
We are forwarding the attached coordination data on behalf of Cubana De Television, Miami LLC, 2190
SW 8th Street Miami, FL 33135 for a C—Band Transmit—Receive Earth Station to be located in MIAMI, FL.

The coordination notice is being circulated to the owners (or their protection agents) of all existing or
proposed terrestrial facilities operating in a shared frequency band within the coordination contours of the
proposed station(s).

We respectfully request that you examine this data for its interference potential with your system(s). In the
event that your analysis identifies potential interference cases that have not been resolved, please
contact us by July 17, 2012.

If there are any questions concerning this coordination notice, please contact Comsearch.



Gary K. Edwards
Senior Manager


Date:                                              06/12/2012
Job Number:                                        <PCNJobCode>

Administrative Information
Status                                             ENGINEER PROPOSAL
Call Sign                                          <PCNCallSign>
Licensee Code                                      CUBANA
Licensee Name                                      Cubana De Television, Miami LLC

Site Information                                   MIAMI, FL
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                                  25° 45‘ 54.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                                 80° 13‘ 49.4" W
Climate Zone                                       B
Rain Zone                                          1
Ground Elevation (AMSL)                            3.05 m / 10.0 ft
Link Information
Satellite Type                                     Geostationary
Mode                                               TR — Transmit—Receive
Modulation                                         Digital
Satellite Arc                                      87° W to 87° West Longitude
Azimuth Range                                      195.3° to 195.3°
Corresponding Elevation Angles                     58.9°/ 58.9°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)                           6.1 m / 20.0 ft
Antenna Information                                          Receive — FCC32                     Transmit — FCC32
Manufacturer                                                 Prodelin                            Prodelin
Model                                                        3.7 Meter                           3.7 Meter
Gain / Diameter                                              41.0 dBi / 3.7 m                    45.9 dBi / 3.7 m
3—dB / 15—dB Beamwidth                                       1.40°/ 2.40°                        1.50°/3.00°

Max Available RF Power               (dBW/A kHz)                                                 131
                                     (dBW/MHz)                                                   10.9

Maximum EIRP                         (dBW/AkHz)                                                  32.0
                                     (dBW/MHz)                                                   56.8

Interference Objectives:           Long Term                 —156.0 dBW/MHz         ——20%        —154.0 dBW/4 kHz
                                   20%                                                                   ~
                                   Short Term                —146.0 dBW/MHz              0.01%    —131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%

Frequency Information                                        Receive 4.0 GHz                     Transmit 61 GHz
Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)                             4M3OGTW / 3700.0 — 4200.0            AM3OGTW / 5925.0 — 5988.0
                                                                                                  4AM3OGTW / 6051.0 — 6136.0
                                                                                                  AM3OGTW / 6169.0 — 6260.0
                                                                                                  4AM3OGTW /6332.0 — 6388.0
                                                                                                  4M3OGTW / 6421.0 — 6425.0

Max Great Circle Coordination Distance                       412.2 km / 256.1 mi                 149.5 km / 92.9 mi
Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius                         100.0 km / 62.1 mi                  100.0 km / 62.1 mi

Coordination Values                  MIAMI, FL
Licensee Name                        Cubana De Television, Miami LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                    25° 45‘ 54.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                   80° 13‘ 49.4" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)              3.05 m / 10.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)             6.1 m / 20.0 ft
Antenna Model                        Prodelin 3.7 Meter
Antenna Mode                                  Receive 4.0 GHz                                 Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term             —156.0 dBwW/MHz       20%                      —154.0 dBW/4 kHz     20%
                                               ~146.0 dBW/MHz        0.01%                     —131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                                               ~13.1 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                        Receive 4.0 GHz                Transmit 6.1 GHz
                   Horizon            Antenna                    Horizon           Coordination               Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°)        Elevation (°)       Discrimination (°)        Gain (dBi)         Distance (km)                Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
 0                   0.00              119.84                     —10.00             412.20                       —10.00       149.52
 5                  0.00               120.50                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
 10                 0.00               120.91                    ~10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
15                  0.00               121.05                    —10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
20                  0.00               120.94                    —10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
25                  0.00               120.56                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
30                  0.00               119.93                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
35                  0.00               119.05                    —10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
40                  0.00               117.94                    —10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
45                  0.00               116.61                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
50                  0.00               115.08                    +10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
55                  0.00               113.37                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
60                  0.00               111.50                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
65                    0.00             109.48                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
70                    0.00             107.33                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
75                    0.00             105.07                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
80                    0.00             102.72                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
85                    0.00             100.30                    ~10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
90                    0.00              97.81                    ~10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
95                    0.00              95.28                    +10.00             412.20                       +10.00        149.52
100                   0.00              92.72                    —10.00             412.20                       ~10.00        149.52
105                   0.00              90.14                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
110                   0.00              87.56                    —10.00             412.20                       —10.00        149.52
115                   0.00              85.00                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
120                   0.00              82.46                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
125                   0.00              79.97                     —10.00            412.20                        ~10.00       149.52
130                   0.00              77.54                     —10.00            412.20                        ~10.00       149.52
135                   0.00              75.18                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
140                   0.00              72.91                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
145                   0.00              70.75                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
150                   0.00              68.71                     +10.00            412.20                        +10.00       149.52
155                   0.00              66.82                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
160                   0.00              65.09                     +10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
165                   0.00              63.54                     —10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
170                   0.00              62.19                     —10.00            412.20                        +10.00       149.52
175                   0.00              61.06                     ~10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
180                   0.00              60.16                     ~10.00            412.20                        —10.00       149.52
185                   0.00              59.50                     —10.00            412.20                        ~10.00       149.52

Coordination Values                  MIAMI, FL
Licensee Name                        Cubana De Television, Miami LLC
Latitude (NAD 83)                    25° 45‘ 54.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)                   80° 13‘ 49.4" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)              3.05 m / 10.0 ft
Antenna Centerline (AGL)             6.1 m / 20.0 ft
Antenna Model                        Prodelin 3.7 Meter
Antenna Mode                                  Receive 4.0 GHz                               Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term            —156.0 dBW/MHz        20%                      ~154.0 dBW/4 kHz     20%
                                              ~146.0 dBW/MHz        0.01%                     —131.0 dBW/4 kHz 0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                                             131 (dBW/4 kHz)
                                                                      Receive 4.0 GHz                Transmit 6.1 GHz
                   Horizon            Antenna                  Horizon           Coordination               Horizon      Coordination
Azimuth (°)        Elevation (°)      Discrimination (°)       Gain (dBi)         Distance (km)             Gain (dBi)   Distance (km)
190                  0.00              59.09                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
195                  0.00              58.95                    —109.00            412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
200                  0.00              59.06                    —10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
205                  0.00              59.44                    —10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
210                  0.00              60.07                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
215                  0.00              60.95                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
220                  0.00              62.06                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
225                  0.00              63.39                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
230                  0.00              64.92                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
235                  0.00              66.63                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
240                  0.00              68.50                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
245                  0.00              70.52                    +10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
250                  0.00              72.67                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
255                  0.00              74.93                    ~10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
260                  0.00              77.28                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
265                  0.00              79.70                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
270                  0.00              82.19                    ~10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
275                  0.00              84.72                    ~10.00             412.20                    +10.00       149.52
280                  0.00              87.28                    +10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
285                  0.00              89.86                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
290                  0.00              92.44                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
295                  0.00              95.00                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
300                  0.00              97.54                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
305                  0.00             100.03                    ~10.00             412.20                    +10.00       149.52
310                  0.00             102.46                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
315                  0.00             104.82                    —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
320                  0.00              107.09                   ~10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
325                  0.00              109.25                   ~10.00             412.20                    +10.00       149.52
330                  0.00              111.29                   —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
335                  0.00              113.18                   —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
340                  0.00              114.91                   —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
345                  0.00              116.46                   ~10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52
350                  0.00              117.81                   —10.00             412.20                    ~10.00       149.52
355                  0.00              118.94                   —10.00             412.20                    —10.00       149.52

Document Created: 2019-04-28 16:01:28
Document Modified: 2019-04-28 16:01:28

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