Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20120529-00490 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             Request for Special Temporary Authority

               O3b Limited ("O3b") hereby requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA") for
up to 60 days beginning on June 11, 2012 to conduct on-site testing and integration of the earth
station in Hawaii for which it has sought a Commission license (the "Hawaii Earth Station").
See FCC File No. SES-LIC-20100723-00952 (the "Hawaii Application"). The Commission
may grant an STA for up to 60 days without placing the request on public notice as long as the
applicant "plans to file a request for regular authority for the service." See 47 C.F.R.
§ 25.120(b)(3). O3b filed the Hawaii Application on July 23, 2010 and that application remains
pending at the Commission. Thus, STA for up to 60 days without placing the request on public
notice is appropriate in this circumstance.

                Public Interest Statement. The requested STA will serve the public interest by
permitting O3b to conduct antenna pattern verification, RF chain performance verification, as
well as other tests of the Hawaii Earth Station to establish performance standards and to resolve
any issues in preparation for the launch of its NGSO Ka-band service in 2013.1 O3b hereby
confirms that it will operate the Hawaii Earth Station on a non-interference basis only and will
cease operations immediately if alerted to any interference events. Accordingly, O3b
respectfully requests that the Commission grant this STA request as expeditiously as possible,
but in any event before June 11, 2012.

              Technical Parameters of Proposed Testing. O3b proposes to test its gateway
antennas using the following range of transmit and receive frequencies.

                    Downlink Frequency                         Ka-Band Plan
                17.8-18.3 GHz                         FS
                18.3-18.6 GHz                         GSO FSS down
                18.8-19.3 GHz                         NGSO FSS down
                     Uplink Frequency                         Ka-Band Plan
                27.6-28.35 GHz                        LMDS
                                                      fss (secondary)
                28.35-28.4 GHz                        GSO FSS up
                                                      ngso fss up (secondary)
                28.6-29.1 GHz                         NGSO FSS up
                                                      gso fss up (secondary)

        O3b is simultaneously filing a request for STA for 180 days, which O3b understands must be placed on
        public notice in accordance with 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(2).

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              In addition, O3b offers the following technical information concerning its
proposed operations during the STA period (which is consistent with the information set forth in
the Hawaii Application where applicable):

1. Maximum Transmit EIRP:                                   92.17 dBW for all carriers, each antenna.
                                                            87.29 dBW for a single carrier.

2. Maximum Transmit EIRP Density:                           72.13 dBW/4 kHz.

3. Avoidance of Harmful Interference into the               The minimum angular separation between the
Geostationary Arc During Transmission Tests:                O3b orbit and the GSO orbit as seen from
                                                            Hawaii will be greater than 7.1 degrees, which
                                                            could only occur in the extreme case of zero
                                                            elevation angle to the O3b satellite. As
                                                            explained in the Hawaii Application, no
                                                            interference into co-frequency geostationary
                                                            satellites can be expected from O3b’s 7.3 meter
                                                            antennas even in that extreme case.2
                                                            Moreover, O3b test procedures specify
                                                            pointing the system to 90 degrees elevation,
                                                            which provides 25.4 degrees of separation
                                                            from the GSO arc, further reducing the risk of
                                                            any interference.

4. Avoidance of Harmful Interference into                   During testing, O3b will not transmit in the FS
Terrestrial Stations During Transmission Tests:             or LMDS bands less than 5.1 degrees above
                                                            the horizon, which in a worst case scenario
                                                            would yield a maximum EIRP density towards
                                                            the horizon of 27.81 dBW/4kHz.3

5. Target Satellite for Receive Tests:                      Receive testing of the O3b gateways will
                                                            involve pointing the O3b gateway at the
                                                            geostationary arc. ViaSat-1 will be the primary
                                                            target for testing the gateway receivers (but
                                                            other satellites may be used as needed). ViaSat
                                                            also happens to be the vendor of the O3b
                                                            gateway antennas. O3b claims no protection
                                                            from interference during receive testing. To be

        See Legal Narrative to Hawaii Application, Attachment A, p. 25.
        See Hawaii Application, Form 312, at E.28.

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                                                             clear, O3b gateways will not be transmitting
                                                             when pointed at the geostationary arc during
                                                             receive tests.

6. Protection of Other NGSO Ka-Band Satellite                O3b is not aware of any other NGSO satellites
Networks:                                                    capable of receiving in O3b's transmit
                                                             frequencies. O3b will operate on a non-
                                                             interference basis during testing, and will
                                                             therefore shut down transmissions in the event
                                                             of any reports of interference.

7. O3b Contacts in the Event of Interference:                Primary: Gary Mattie
                                                                      (720) 480-9371
                                                             Secondary: Brian Mathews
                                                                        (303) 591-3247
                                                             Tertiary: Matt Lucero
                                                                       (571) 239-3812

               Waivers Requested. O3b respectfully requests all necessary waivers of the FCC’s
Ka-Band Plan, the U.S. Table of Allocations, and the Commission’s rules for it to conduct
transmission and receive tests of its Hawaii Earth Station antennas. Waivers are warranted in the
present circumstances because they will enable O3b to verify the operation of its Hawaii Earth
Station antennas prior to the launch of the O3b satellites, and will not cause harmful interference
to any other lawfully authorized user of the spectrum.4

                All testing will be conducted on a non-conforming, non-protected, and non-
harmful interference basis. Because the O3b NGSO system is not yet operational, transmission
tests will not be to any particular O3b or other satellite. O3b’s transmit tests will involve
pointing the antennas at a 90 degree elevation, which provides more than 25 degrees of
separation from the geostationary arc. No harmful interference to any geostationary satellites is
therefore expected. O3b is also not aware of any Ka-band NGSO satellites that could be affected
during transmit testing, but will shut down in the event of any reports of harmful interference.
O3b’s receive testing will involve pointing its gateway antennas at a geostationary satellite
(primarily ViaSat-1). O3b will claim no protection from interference during receive testing, and
no transmissions will take place while O3b's gateways are pointed at the geostationary arc.

        The Commission may waive a rule for good cause shown. 47 C.F.R. § 1.3. See also WAIT Radio v. FCC,
        418 F.2d 1153 (D.C. Cir. 1969); Northeast Cellular Telephone Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir.
        1990). A waiver is appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule and such
        deviation would better serve the public interest than would strict adherence to the rule. See Northeast
        Cellular, 897 F.2d at 1166. Generally, the Commission may grant a waiver of a rule if the relief requested
        would not undermine the policy objective of the rule and would otherwise serve the public interest. See
        WAIT Radio, 418 F.2d at 1157.

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Document Created: 2012-05-29 17:10:30
Document Modified: 2012-05-29 17:10:30

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