Attachment Attachment 1

This document pretains to SES-STA-20120320-00280 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                                                  Page 1 of 6

   Approved by OMB

  Date & Time Filed:

  File Number: ———

 Enter a description of this applicationto identify it on the main menu:
 Transfer ofDe Facto Control of Sirius XM Radio Inc.‘s Earth Station Licenses to Liberty Media
 Corporation 3/2012
  1—8, Legal Name of Applicant
   Name:         LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION                                   Momew,, 720—875—5400
  I]\)IaBnl?e:                                                               Ifl?:nber:    720",8756382
  Street:         12300 Liberty Boulevard                                 E—Mail:
  City:          Englewood                                                   State:       CO
  Country;       USA                                                      Zipcode:         §0112 —
  Attention: Craig Troyer, Esq.
 (9—16. Name of Confact Representative

  Name:          Robert L. Hoegle, Esq.                              g;?;‘gm             202—712—2816
  Company: Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP                    Fax Number: 202—712—2836
  Street:        101 Constifution Avenue, NW                         E—Mail:   
                 Suite 900
  City:          Washington                                         State:               DC
  Country:       USA                                                Zipcode:             20001—
 Attention:                                                         Relationship: Legal Counsel
                                            CLASSIFICATION OF FILING
 17. Choose the button next to the.
 classification that applies to this   (N/A) b1. Application for License of New Station
 filing for both questions a. and b.   (N/A) b2. Application for Registration of New Domestic Receive—Only Station
 Choose only one for 17a and only      (N/A) b3, Amendment to a Pending Application
 one for176.                           (N/A) b4. Modification of License or Registration
                                       O bs, Assignment ofLicense or Registration
 ® a1. Earth Station                   ® b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration
 O 22. Space Station                   (N/A) b‘7. Notification of Minor Modification
                                       (N/A) b8. Applicationfor License of New Receive—Only Station Using Non—U,8,
                                       [Licensed Satellite
                                       (N/A) b9. Letterof Intent to Use Non—U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in
                                       the United States
                                       (N/A) b10. Other(Please specify)                            3/16/2012

                                                                                                                           Page 2 of 6

   1‘7c. Is a fee submitted with this application?
   8 ar Yes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.

   If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
   & Governmental Entity & Noncommercial educational licensee
   G Other(please explain):

   (First Station)

   (Each Additional Station)                                                                                     .
   Fee Classification A CNX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station                                         Quantity 1
  Fee Classification B CFX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station                                          Quantity 6
   18. filing is in reference to   19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter;
   an existing statton, enter               (a) Date pending application was filed:     (b) File number ofpending application:
   (a) Call sign ofstation:                                                                                                   .
   Not Applicable                           Not Applicable                              Not Applicable

                                                      TYPE OF SERVICE —
  20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filing is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(s) of service(s): Select
  all that apply:                                                             .

    a. Fixed Satellite
  J b. Mobile Satetfite
      c. Radiodetermination Satellite
  C] a. Rarth Exploration Satellite
  [;l e, Direct to Home Fixed Satellite
     £. Digital Audio Radio Service
     g. Other(please specify)
 21. STATUS: Choose the button next to the applicable              [22, If earthstation applicant, check all that apply.
 status. Choose only one,       >                                  KX Using U.S. licensedsatellites
  O Common Catriee & Non—Common Catrier                            0A Using Non—U.S. licensed satellites
 23. If applicant is providng INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding See. 214 filings.
 |Choose one. Are these facilities:                                                    .
 0 Connected to a Public Switched Network & Not connected to a Public Switched Network & N/A
 24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
 F a. c—pand /6 6B2 l b. Ku—Band 1214 oHz)
 m ©.Other(Please specify upper and lowerfrequencies in MHz.)
 |Frequency Lower: Frequency Upper:                                           2320/7072.5
                                                     TYPE OF STATION
 25. CLASS OF STATION: Choose the button noxt to the class ofstation that applies. Choose only one.

 & a. Fixed Barth Station
 9 6. Temporary—Fixed Earth Station
 & c, 12/14 GHz VSAT Network
 & d. Mobile Harth Station                                         3/16/2012

                                                                                                                             Page 3 of 6

    6 c. Geostationary Space Station
    C g Non—Geostationary Space Station
    0 g. Other(please specify)
   126. TYPE OF EARTH STATION FACILITY: Choose only one.
   ® Transmit/Receive O ‘Transmit—Only 9 Receive—Only 9 N/A
                                               PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION
   27. The purpose ofthis proposed modification is to: (Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.)
   Not Applicable
                                                ENVIRONMENTATL POLCY
   28. Would a Commission grant of any proposal in this apphcaflon or amondment have a
   significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307? If YRES, submit the statement as             6         ©
   required by Sections 1.1308 and1.1311 ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 CER."                11308 and              Yes       No
   1,1311, as an exhibit to this application.A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all
   pghcahons for new trangmitting facifities, major modifications, or major amendments.

    ALIEN OWNERSHIP Earthstation applicants not ploposing to provide broadcast, commoncarrier,
  aeronautical en route or aeronautical fixed radio station services are not 1equued to respond to Items 30—
  29. Is the applicant a foreign governmcht orthe representative of any foreign government?                  D Yes ® No

  30. Is the appliéant an alien or the representative of an alien?                                           O ves 9 No ® N/A
  31, Is the applicant a corporation organized underthe laws of any foreign government?                      O Yes 2 No ® N/A

  32. Is the applicant a corporation ofwhich more than one—fifth ofthe capital stock is owned of
  record or voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government orrepresentative             O ves 2 No ® N/A
  thereof or by any corporation organized underthe laws of a foreign country‘?

  33. Is the applicant a corporation directly orindirectly controlled by any other corporation of
  which more than one—fourth of the capital stock is owned of recard or voted by aliens, their               O      va O         @    n/
  representatives, or by a foreign government of representative thereof or by any corporation                     Yes       No       N/A
  organized underthe laws of a foreign countty?

 34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, attach as an exhibit an
 identification of the aliens or foreign entitics, their nationality, their relationship to the applicant,
 and the percentage ofstock they own orvote.
      —                                                                                                                                    —l

                                                BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
 35, Does the Applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission‘s Rules?                ¢ Yes & No
 If Yes, attach as an exhibit, copies ofthe requests for waivers orexceptions with supporting

 36. Has the applicant or any party to this application or amendment had any FCC station
 authorization or Hcense revoked or had any application for an initial, modificationor renewsal of           6 Yes@ No
 FCC station authorization, license, orconstruction permit denied by the Commission? If Yes,
 attach as an exhibit, an explination of circumstances.

 37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application or amendiment, or any party directly or     — O ves ® No
 indirectly controlling the applicant ever been convicted of a felony by any state or federal court?
 If Yos, attach as an exhibit, an explination ofcireumstances.

 38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly orindirectly controlling
 the applicant, guilty of unlawfully monopolizing orattemptiing unlawfully to monopolize radie
 communication, directly orindirectly, through control ofmanufacture or sale ofradio apparatus,              & ves ® No                                        3/16/2012

                                                                                                                      Page 4 of 6

    exclusive traffic arrangement orany other means orunfair methods of competition?If Yes, attach
    as an exhibit, an explanation of cireumstances

   39. Is the applicent, or any person directly or indirectly confrolling the applicant, currently a party O ¥es ® No
   in any pending matterreferred to in the preceding two items? If yes, attach as an exhinit, an              *
   explanation ofthe cireumstances.

   40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit
   the names, address, and citizenship of those stockholders owning a record and/or voting 10
   percent or more of the Filer‘s voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary
   control, indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of beneficiaries, Also fist the names and addresses of
   the officers and directors ofthe Filer.

   41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither applicant norany otherparty to the
   applicationis subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to
   Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988, 21 U.8.C. Section 862, because of a convietion for             ® YesoNo
   possession ordistribution of a controlledsubstance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b)for the meaning of
   "party to the application"for these purposes.
  42a. Does the applicant intendto use a non=U.8. licensed satellite to provide service in the United O Yes & No
   States? If Yos, answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R.
   25.137, as appropriate. IfNo, proceedto question 43.                                                .

  42b. What administration has ficensed oris in the process of Hicensing the space station? Ifno license will be issued, what
  administration has coordinated oris in the process of coordinating the space station?

  43. Description, (Summarize the nature ofthe application and the services to be provided).
  This is one of a series of applications seeking FCC consent to the transfer of de facto control of Sirius
  (XM Radio Inc. and its subsidiaries to Liberty Media Corporation.
 [The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrumas against the
 regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same, whetherby license or otherwise, and
 requests an authorization in accordance with this application. The applicantcertifies that grant ofthis application would not
 cause the applicant to be in violation of the spectrumaggregation fimit in 47 CFR Part 20. All statements made in exhibits
 are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application. The undersigned, individually
 and forthe applicant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this application and in all attached exhibits are true,
 complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.                  .
 44. Applicant is a (an): (Choose the button next to applicable response.)

   C Individual
   & Unincorporated Association
   O Partnership
      Govemnmental Entity
  & Other (please specify)

  45. Name of Person Signing                                      46. Title of Person Signing                                      i
  Craig Troyer                                                    Vice President & Deputy General Counsel
 47. Please supply any need attachments.                                                                               .
 [Attachment 1:                        —“Attachment 2:                             TIAtlachment 3:                            j

      ©(U.8, Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
         (U.S, Cade, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).

http://licensing‘;app_num:97323&form=POL1_101... 3/16/2012

                                                                                                                                Page 5 of 6

                                                SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                          FCC Form 312 — Schedule A
                                                                                  FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

         [—                                 —                                 Select one of the following _                             j
          ® conSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL .                                                     © CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
            O NOTIFICATION OF TRANSFER Or CONTROL OF                                                  & NOTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENT OF
               .   RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION                                                            RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION

         1. Name of Licenses (as shown on FCC 312 — Main Form)
                     ,                             Phone              _
         Name:                                     Number:                                          ,
         DBA Name:           > ~                   Fax Number:                            Sirius XM Radio Inc.
         Street:                                  E—Mail:                                 FRN:   0006345730

         City:                                    State:          .
         Country:                                 Zipco‘de:                   —

                         —                 A8, List Callsign(s) of station(s) being assigned ortransfered.
       | Callmgn ” Callsign: * ” Callsign: || Callsign: ]] Calisign: || Calisign: ” Calisign: |[ Callsign: |
       [A9.No.ofstatlon(s)hsted 7+                  BO40363                           EO60276— E060277     ROBO185                      ]
       A10. Name ofTransferor/ Assignor                       EOBO168                     EO60363     E990291
                 .                               Phone
       Name:                                     Number:                                          —             '
       Company:                                  Fax Number:                              Sirius XM.Radio Inc.
       Street:                                   BE—Mail:                                 FRN:    0006345730
       City:                 M                   State:
       Country:                    ‘            Zipcode:                  ~
     L\Mention:                                 Relationship:                     ‘
      A15. Name of Transferee/ Assignee                       '                       Liberty Media Corporation
      Name:                                     Phone                                 12300 Liberty Boulevard
                                                Number:                               Englewood, CO 80112
     DBA Name:                                  Fax Number:                       Tel — 720—875—5400
     Street:                                    E—Mail:                           Fax — 720—875—5382
     City:                                      State:                            Attention:
                                                                                        +4  +
                                                                                                 i  n
                                                                                                     Troyer,         Esq.

     Country:                          _        Zipcods:              _

    @0, If these facilities aro licensed, is the transferee / assigitee directly orindirectly controlled
     by any other entity? {f yes, aftach as Exhibit B, a statement(including organizational diagrams                 c
    where appropriate) whichfully and completely identifies the nature and extent of control                             Yes
    including: (1) the name, address, citizenship, and primary busienss of the controlling entity and & No
    any intermediate subsidfarfes or partles, and(2) the names, addresses, citizenshihip, and the                    O N/A
    percentages of voting and equity stock of those stocldmldels holding 10 percent or more ofthe
    controlling corporation‘s voting stock.

    A21, If these facilities are licensed, attachas Exhibit F, a complete statement setting forth the
    facts which show howthe assignment ortransfer will serve the public interest,

                                                                                                                      Page 6 of 6

                                                       CERTIFICATION —
     1. The undersigned, individually andfor licensee, certifies thatall attached exhibits pertinenet to Schedule A aud all
    staftement made in Schedule A ofthis application are true, compete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and
    belief, The undersigned also certifies that any contracts or otherinstraments submitted herowith are complete and
    constitute the full agreement,
    2. ‘The undersigned represents that stock will not be defivered and that control will not be txansferred untll the
    Commission‘s consent has been received, but that transfer of control orassignmentoflicense will be completed within
    60 days of Commission consent. The undersigned also acknowledges that the Commission must be notlfied by letter
    within 30 days of consummation,
  I[A22. Printed Name of Licensee (Must agree with A1)           ]a24. Tite (Office Held by Person Signing)
   A26. Printed Name of License Transferor/ Assignor              A28.
   (Must agree with A10)
                                                                   f Title (Office Held1 by Person Signing)
   |A26. Printed Name of License Transferee / Assignee            A28, Title (Office Held by Person Signing)
   (Must agree with AlS).iberty: Media Corp. .                     VP & Deputy General Counsel

   The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response,
   including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
  maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you have
  any comments on this burdep estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it
  causes you, please write to the Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork.
 © Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554, We will also accept your commentsregarding
  the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to, PLEASE DO NOT SEND COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS.

 ~ Remember— You are not required to respond to a collection ofinformation sponsored by the Federal
   government, and the government may not conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a
  currently valid OMB control number orif we fail to provide you with this notice. This collection has
  been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

  PUBLIC LAW 104—13, OCTOBER 1, 1995, 44 U.8.C. SECTION 3507.

Lail. JMBL 22 fucll io lc 2O MB LLAL M 020 pasigessn               22 c —_ngane pue c_cna14               1 A1      altemnin

                                         EXHIBIT A

                         FCC Form 312: Response to Question 40

       Dr. John C. Malone, Chairman of the Board of Liberty Media Corporation ("Liberty
Media"), beneficially owns shares representing the power to direct approximately 38.5 percent
of Liberty Media‘s aggregate voting power.         Dr. Malone is a United States citizen.
Information regarding Liberty Media‘s Officers and Directors is set forth below:


John C. Malone, Chairman of the Board
Gregory B. Maffei, President and Chief Executive Officer
Charles Y. Tanabe, Executive Vice President and General Counsel
David J.A. Flowers, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Alternative Investments
Christopher W. Shean, Senior Vice President and Chief Executive Officer

Board of Directors:

John C. Malone
Gregory B, Maffei
Robert R. Bennett
Donne F. Fisher
M. Ian G. Gilchrist
Evan D. Malone
David E. Rapley
Larry E. Romrell
Andrea L. Wong

Liberty Media‘s Officers and Directors can be reached at the following address:

12300 Liberty Boulevard
Englewood, Colorado 80112

                                          EXHIBIT F

                         FCC Form 312; Response to Question A21

       For a description of the public interest benefits of the proposed transfer of de facto
control, please see the narrative description in the aftached Application for Consent to Transfer
of De Facto Control.

                                   Before the
                             Washington, DC 20554

Application of                        )
Liberty Media Corporation             )   File Nos.
For Consent to Transfer of De Facto   )   Docket No.
Control of Sirius XM Radio Inc.       )

                           APPLICATION FOR CONSENT
                       TO TRANSFER OF DE FACTO CONTROL

                                          Robert L. Hoegle
                                          Timothy J. Fitzgibbon
                                          Thomas F. Bardo
                                          Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                          101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Suite 900
                                          Washington, D.C. 20001
                                          (202) 712—2800

                                          Counsel for Liberty Media Corporation

                                         Before the
                                   Washington, DC 20554

Application of                                         )
Liberty Media Corporation                              )        File Nos.
For Consent to Transfer of De Facto                    )        Docket No.
Control of Sirius XM Radio Inc.                        )

                                   APPLICATION FOR CONSENT
                               TO TRANSFER OF DF FACTO CONTROL

         Liberty Media Corporation ("Liberty Media") respectfully submits this application for

consent to the transfer of de facto control of Sirius XM Radio Inc. ("Sirius") and the various

space station, satellite earth station, wireless, experimental and other Federal Communications

Commission licenses and authorizations held by Sirius or its subsidiaries.‘                        Liberty Media

currently holds a substantial equity interest in Sirius pursuant to an Investment Agreement

entered into in 2009.        Certain restrictions set forth in the Investment Agreement, pursuant to

which Liberty Media has not had de facto control over Sirius, expired on March 6, 2012.

! A list of the FCC licenses and authorizations held by Sfrifus and its subsidiaries is annexed as Exhibit 1. Sirfus
has refused to provide the passwords, signatures and other information required to prepare and file standard
electronic applications for consent to transfer of de facto control because it does not believe that the applications
are necessary or appropriate.      Consequently, Liberty Media is filing paper copies of: (a) FCC Form 603
regarding the wireless licenses held by Sirius; (b) FCC Form 703 regarding the experimental licenses and
authorizations held by Sirius; and (c) a request for waiver of the Commission‘s rules requiring electronic filing of
those application forms and the inclusion of certain information and signatures from the transferor and/or licensee
on those application forms. With respect to the satellite and international licenses held by Sirius, the International
Bureau has advised that any applications for consent to transfer of de facto control being filed by Liberty Media
without the Sirius passwords and other information should be fited electronically, using the Special Temporary
Authorization ("STA") application form, rather than paper applications, and Liberty Media is filing those
applications today as well.

Consequently, Liberty Media is filing this application to obtain Commission consent to the

transfer of de facto control of Sirius from the current shareholders of Sirius to Liberty Media.

Liberty Media commits to abide by the restrictions set forth herein precluding its de facto

control over Sirius until the Commission acts upon this application, the application is

withdrawn, or circumstances change and Liberty Media advises the Commission of the

changed circumstances.

                             INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND

        Liberty Radio, LLC ("Liberty Radio"), an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of Liberty

Media, entered into an Investment Agreement with Sirius, dated February 17, 2009

("Investment Agreement"), pursuant to which Sirius issued to Liberty Radio: (a) 1,000,000

shares of convertible Series B—1 Preferred Stock; and (b) 11,500,000 shares of convertible

Series B—2 Preferred Stock." The Investment Agreement recites that the Series B Preferred

Shares would represent, on an as—converted basis, approximately 40% of the total outs£anding

common shares of Sirius.         Investment Agreement at §3.2(c).           The transaction, pursuant to

which Liberty Radio acquired the preferred stock of Sirfus, closed on March 6, 2009. To the

best of Liberty Media‘s knowledge, no other shareholder of Sirius owns 5% of its outstanding

common stock.

        Following the announcement of the transaction in 2009, the Commission staff

informally inquired as to whether the transaction constituted a transfer of de fucto control of

Sirius to Liberty Media. At that time, counsel for Sirius and Liberty Media reviewed in detail

> Sirius filed the Investment Agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 10, 2009, as
Exhibit 4.55 to its Form 10—K. Report for the year ended December 31, 2008. The Series B—2 Preferred Shares
subsequently were converted to Series B—1 Preferred Shares, such that Liberty Media currently holds 12,500,000
Series B—1 Preferred Shares,

with the Commission staff various provisions of the Investment Agreement, which precluded

Liberty Media‘s de facto control of Sirius, as well as other provisions of the Investment

Agreement and two related Certificates of Designation regarding the Series B—1 and B—2

Preferred Shares, respectively, which provided certain investor protections to Liberty Media.

          The Investment Agreement includes certain provisions pursuant to which Liberty Radio

agreed that "prior to the third anniversary of the Closing Date" (i.e. March 6, 2012) and

subject to the provisions of Section 4.1(d), Liberty Radio and its Affiliates would not:

          (1) "enter into or agree, offer, propose or enter into, or otherwise be
          involved in or part of, any acquisition transaction, merger or other business
          combination relating to all or part of the Company or any of the Company
          Subsidiaries or any acquisition transaction for all or part of the assets of the
          Company or any Company Subsidiary or any of their respective businesses;"

          (2) "make, or in any way participate in, any ‘solicitation‘ of ‘proxies‘ vote
          or seek to advise or influence any person or entity with respect to the voting of,
          any voting securities" of Sirius;" or

          (3) "call or seek to call a meeting of the stockholders of the Company or any of
         the Company Subsidiaries or initiate any stockholder proposal for action by
         stockholders of the Company or any of the Company Subsidiaries, form, join or
         in any way participate in a ‘group‘...with respect to any voting securities of the
         Company, or seek, propose or otherwise act alone or in concert with others, to
         influence or control the management, board of directors or policies of the
         Company or any Company Subsidiaries," again provided "that this subsection
         shall not be deemed to restrict the Preferred Stock Directors from participating
         as members of the Board of Directors and any committees thereof in their
         capacity as such."

Investment Agreement, §4.1(c).

*   The Agreement states that "this subsection shall not be deemed to restrict (x) the Preferred Stock Directors
from participating as members of the Board of Directors and any committees thereof in their capacity as such or
(y) any Liberty Party from opposing publicly or privately, voting against and encouraging others to vote against
any proposal of a third party regarding a merger or other business combination, or opposing publicly or privately
any tender or exchange offer, regardless of whether such proposal or offer is supported by the Board of
Directors." Investment Agreement, §4.1(c)(2). The Certificates of Designation regarding Liberty Media‘s Series
B Preferred Shares provide that Liberty Media may designate a certain number of directors on the Sirius Board
(*Preferred Stock Directors"), depending upon the number of Preferred Shares outstanding and the size of the
Sirius Board. Currently, Liberty Media designates five of the 13 members of the Sirfus Board of Directors.

        The Investment Agreement also placed certain restrictions on Liberty Media‘s voting

 with respect to certain matters.      Specifically, Liberty Media agreed that, prior to the third

 anniversary of the Closing:

        (a) "Purchaser and each Liberty Party shall vote, or cause to be voted, or
        execute written consents with respect to, any shares of Common Stock that it
        Beneficially Owns (and which are entitled to vote on such matter) in favor of the
        election of each candidate designated, recommended or nominated for election
        by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Board of
        Directors" of Sirius; and

        (b) "Other than with respect to the right to designate the Preferred Stock
        Directors, neither Purchaser nor any Liberty Party shall (@) nominate or
        designate, (ii) vote for, or (iii) make, or in any way participate, directly or
        indirectly, in any ‘solicitation‘ of ‘proxies‘ to vote (as such terms are used in the
        rules of the SEC) or seek to advise or influence any person with respect to the
        voting of, any voting securities in respect of the election of, any candidate for
        election or appointment as a director except as provided in this Section 4.9."

Investment Agreement, §4.9.         However, Section 4.9 does not "restrict the Preferred Stock

Directors from participating as members of the Board of Directors and any committees thereof

in their capacity as such." Id. In addition, the Certificates of Designations provide that the

Series B Preferred Shares confer no right to vote for Sirius directors other than the Preferred

Stock Directors. See Certificates of Designation at §11.

        After reviewing these provisions and certain investor protections afforded to Liberty

Media under the terms of the Investment Agreement and Certificates of Designations, the staff

requested that Liberty Media confirm that it would not exercise de facto control of Sirius, By

letter dated April 20, 2009, counsel for Liberty Media confirmed that, consistent with the

provisions of the Investment Agreement and the Certificates of Designation, "Liberty Media

and those parties defined as ‘Liberty Parties‘ in the Investment Agreement will not exercise de

facto control over Sirius and have no intention of doing so." The letter further stated that "[i)n

the event that the facts and circumstances change in the future, Liberty Media will file those

appiications with the FCC, if any, that are necessary and appropriate."                    Letter from Robert L.

Hoegle, Counsel for Liberty Media Corporation, to John Giusti, Acting Bureau Chief,

International Bureau (Apr. 20, 2009).

         The provisions of Section 4.1(c) and Section 4.9 of the Investment Agreement

described above expired on March 6, 2012 (the third anniversary of the Closing Date of the

transaction). Given the nature of those restrictions, their significance during the Commission

staff‘s informal inquiry in 2009, and the fact that they now have expired, Liberty Media is

filing the current applications seeking consent to the transfer of de facto control of Sirius to

Liberty Media.* However, until such time as the Commission acts upon the applications for

consent to the transfer of control to Liberty Media, the applications are withdrawn, or

circumstances       éhange     and Liberty Media             advises   the   Commission of the changed

circumstances, Liberty Media represents to the Commission that it will: (a) continue to abide

by the provisions of Section 4.1(c) of the Investment Agreement set forth above at 3

("Standstill Restrictions"); (b) either abstain from voting any common shares or vote such

common shares in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.9 of the Investment Agreement

(together, "Voting Restrictions"); and (c) refrain from acquiring shares of the Common Stock

* Liberty Media initially sought to file applications for consent to the transfer of de facto control of Sirtus on or
before March 6, 2012, but was unable to obtain from Sirius the passwords and other information needed to file
electronic applications,   On March 6, 2012, at the request of the Commission staff, Liberty Media filed a letter
with the Commission stating that it would abide by certain provisions of the Investment Agreement and other
restrictions until Commission staff communicated with Liberty Media regarding the appropriate means to file
transfer of control applications without the passwords from Sirius, Liberty Media filed applications for consent to
transfer of de facto control, or Liberty Media further advised the Commission. Sirius now has confirmed that it
will not provide the passwords and signatures necessary to prepare and file standard electronic transfer of control
applications because it disagrees that such applications are necessary or appropriate.          Consequently, after
consulting the Commission staff, Liberty Media is filing paper applications and the current waiver requests
concerning the Sirius wireless and experimental licenses, and electronic applications concerning the satellite and
international licenses using the International Bureau‘s electronic STA application form, which does not require a
password from Sirius.


of Sirius that would result in Liberty Media‘s Beneficial Ownership (as defined in

Section 5.9(g) of the Investment Agreement) exceeding 49.9%.


A.      Description of Liberty Media.

        Liberty Media, the applicant and proposed transferee, is a Delaware corporation

holding ownership interests in a broad range of businesses.      Liberty Media‘s consolidated

wholly—owned subsidiaries include the following:

        *      Starz, LLC —— provides premium subscription video programming to
               U.S. multichannel video programming distributors, including cable
               operators, satellite television providers and telecommunications
               companies.    Starz provides sixteen different programming networks,
               including the Starz channel and its five multiplex channels, the Encore
               channel and its seven multiplex channels, MoviePlex, IndiePlex, and
               RetroPlex, most of which are available in both standard definition and
               high definition feeds. Starz also licenses the subscription video on
               demand services, Starz on Demand, Encore on Demand, and MoviePlex
               on Demand.

       *       Atlanta National League Baseball Club, Inc. —— owns and operates the
               Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball franchise.

       *       TruePosition, Inc. —— develops and markets technology for locating
               wireless phones and other wireless devices, enabling wireless carriers,
               application providers and other enterprises to provide E—911 services
               domestically and other location—based services to mobile users both
               domestically and worldwide.                                    |

See Liberty Media Corporation, Form 10—K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011,

filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Feb. 23, 2012 ("Liberty Media Form

10—K"), at I—4 to 1—6.

       Liberty Media also has ownership interests in entities which are accounted for as equity

or cost investments, including the following:

         e      Live Nation Entertainment —— Live Nation is organized into five business
                segments:    concert promotion and venue operations, sponsorship, |
                ticketing solutions, e—commerce and artist management. Liberty Media
                holds approximately 21% of Live Nation‘s outstanding common stock as
                of December 31, 2011.

         e      Barnes & Noble, Inc. —— Barnes & Noble, the world‘s largest bookseller
                and a Fortune 500 company, operates bookstores in 50 states and
                conducts its online business through Liberty Media holds
                certain preferred shares of Barnes & Noble stock convertible into an
                approximate 17% equity interest in Barnes & Noble.

Liberty Media Form 10—K at I—3, I—7. Liberty Media also holds non—attributable ownership

interests in other entities, including AOL Inc. (1%), Crown Media Holdings, Inc. (3%), Sprint

Nextel Corporation (1%), Time Warner Cable Inc. (1%), Time Warner Inc. (1%) and Viacom

Inc. (1%).

         On September 23, 2011, Liberty Interactive Corporation ("Liberty Interactive")

completed the split—off of Liberty Media into a separate publicly traded company. Following

the split—off, Liberty Media and Liberty Interactive operate as separate publicly—traded

companies. Because Liberty Media and Liberty Interactive share certain executive officers and

directors and there are certain overlapping ownership interests, they may be deemed to hold

attributable ownership interests in each other under the Commission‘s ownership attribution


         Liberty Interactive owns interests in subsidiaries and other companies which primarily

are engaged in the video and online commerce industries. Liberty Interactive‘s consolidated

subsidiaries include:

         &      QVC, Inc. —— markets and sells a wide variety of consumer products in
                the U.S. and several foreign countries, primarily by means of televised
                shopping programs and via the Internet through its domestic and
                international websites.

         &        Provide Commerce, Inc. —— operates an e—commerce marketplace of
                  branded websites offering high quality, perishable products shipped
                  directly from the supplier to the consumer.

         &, Inc. —— operates an e—commerce marketplace for
                  outdoor adventure, cycling and action sports gear and clothing. Liberty
                  Interactive holds an 87.5% ownership interest in Backcountry.

See Liberty Interactive Corporation, Form 10—Kfor the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011,

filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Feb. 23, 2012 ("Liberty Interactive

Form 10—K"), at I—4 to 1—6.

         Liberty Interactive also has ownership interests in entities which are accounted for as

equity or cost investments, including:

         o        HSN, Inc. —— HSN is a retailer and interactive lifestyle network offering
                  an    assortment      of     products       through   television     home     shopping
                  programming and Liberty Interactive holds approximately
                  34% of HSN‘s outstanding common stock and has the right to nominate
                  20% of the members of HSN‘s board of directors.

         ®        Expedia, Inc. —— Expedia is among the world‘s leading travel services
                  companies, making travel products and services available to leisure and
                  corporate travelers through a diversified portfolio of brands, including
        ,,, Vacations and a range of other
                  domestic and international brands and businesses.                  Liberty Interactive
                  holds an approximate 26% equity interest and 58% voting interest in
                  Expedia.     Liberty Interactive has entered into governance arrangements
                  pursuant to which Mr. Barry Diller, Chairman of the Board and Senior
                  Executive Officer of Expedia, may vote Liberty Interactive‘s shares of
                  Expedia subject to certain limitations."

Liberty Interactive Form 10—K at I—8.

* Effective December 20, 2011, Expedia completed the spin—off of TripAdvisor, Inc. ("TripAdvisor"), an online
travel research company, as an independent public company.    Liberty Interactive holds an approximate 26%
equity interest and 58% voting interest in TripAdvisor. Liberty Interactive has entered into a stockholders‘
agreement pursuant to which Mr, Diller may vote Liberty Interactive‘s shares of TripAdvisor common stock,
subject to certain limitations. See Liberty Interactive Form 10—K at 1—9.


B.     Description of Sirius.

       Sirtus is a publicly traded Delaware company and holds numerous FCC satellite, earth

station, wireless and other authorizations as listed in Exhibit 1. Sirius prqvides music, sports,

entertainment, comedy, talk, news, traffic and weather audio channels in the United States on a

subscription fee basis through two proprietary satellite radio systems —— the Sirius system and

the XM system.     The programming offered by Sirius includes the following:          (1) music,

including an extensive selection of genres ranging from rock, pop and hip—hop to country,

dance, jazz, Latin and classical; (2) sports, including games/matches of the National Football

League, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, National Basketball Association, National Hockey

League, PGA Tour, and NCAA Division I football and basketball games; (3) talk and

entertainment, including popular talk personalities such as Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart,

comedy channels and religious programming; and (4) news and information, including a range

of national, int¢rnationa1 and financial news from BBC World Service News, Bloomberg

Radio, CNBC, CNN, FOX News, HLN, MSNBC, NPR and World Radio Network.                       As of

December 31, 2011, Sirius had over 21 million subscribers.      See Sirius XM Radio Inc. Form

10—K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011, filed with the Securities and Exchange

Commission on Feb. 9, 2012, at 1—2.

C.     The Limitations in Sections 4.1(c) and 4.9 of the Investment Agreement Have

       As noted above, when Liberty Media acquired the Series B Preferred Shares of Sirius

in 2009, the Commission staff had inquired informally as to whether that acquisition

constituted a transfer of de facto control of Sirius to Liberty Media. After a review of the

limitations placed upon Liberty Media in Sections 4.1(c) and 4.9 of the Investment Agreement,

the staff concluded that Liberty Media did not have de facto control over Sirius, which Liberty

 Media confirmed in the April 20, 2009 letter. Although those provisions expired on March 6,

 2012, Liberty Media has committed to abide by the Standstill Restrictions and the Voting

Restrictions described above and to refrain from acquiring shares of the Common Stock of

 Sirius that would result in Liberty Media‘s Beneficial Ownership (as defined in Section 5.9(g)

of the Investment Agreement) exceeding 49.9% until the Commission has acted upon Liberty

Media‘s application for consent to the transfer of control of Sirius, the application is

withdrawn, or circumstances change and Liberty Media advises the Commission of the

changed circumstances.

       Although not necessarily determinative, the size of a minority investor‘s ownership

interest in a Commission licensee clearly is an "important element" in considering whether a

party cafi exert de facto control over a Commission licensee. See Benjamin L. Dubb, 16 FCC

274, 289 (1951).   For example, in the 2004 transaction between News Corporation Limited

("News Corp.") and Hughes Electronics Corporation ("Hughes"), News Corp. acquired a

34% interest in Hughes and its subsidiaries, including DirecTV. See General Motors Corp.

and Hughes Electronics Corp., Transferor, and the News Corporation Limited, Transferee, 19

FCC Red. 473 (2004).     The Commission noted that, as a result of the trénsaction: ' (1) no

single shareholder would have a de jure controlling interest in Hughes either through a

majority interest in voting stock or majority representation on the Hughes board; (2) News

Corp. indirectly would control a 34% interest in Hughes; and (3) News Corp.‘s former

employee would serve as CEO of Hughes.          Id. at {14.   The FCC concluded that, "for

purposes of the Communications Act," News Corp. would "exercise de facto control over

Hughes" following completion of the transaction. Zd.


           The Commission reached a similar conclusion regarding de facto control in its 2008

order approving Liberty Media‘s acquisition of News Corp.‘s ownership intefest in DIRECTV.

See News Corp. and The DIRECTV Group, Inc., Transferors, and Liberty Media Corp.,

Transferee, for Authority to Transfer Control, 23 FCC Red. 3265 (2008) ("Liberty Media—

DIRECTV Approval Order"). Upon completion of that transaction, Liberty Media would hold

a "40.36 percent interest in DIRECTV, making it the largest stockholder by far." Id. at 2.

The Commission concluded that, "/bJy virtue of this interest, Liberty Media will have de facto

control DIRECTV." Zd. (emphasis added).

           Here, the convertible Preferred Shares held by Liberty Media would constitute

approximately 40% of the outstanding Common Stock of Sirius, by far the largest ownership

interest held by any individfial or entity.            The remainder of the Sirius stock is widely held,

such that no other person or entity holds 5% of the common stock of Sirius.                             Given the

Commission‘s reliance in 2009 upon the provisions of Sections 4.1(c) and 4.9 of the

Investment Agreement, the nature of those restrictions, and the fact that those restrictions

expired on March 6, 2012, Liberty Media respectfully requests the Commission‘s consent to

the transfer of de facto control of Sirius to Liberty Media.®

D.         Grant of This Application Will Serve the Public Interest.

           Under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act, the Commission must determine

whether the transfer of de facto control of Sirius to Liberty Media will serve the public

5 In addition to holding the licenses identified in Exhibit 1 hereto, Liberty Media understands that Sirius and/or
its licensee subsidiaries have filed with the Commission certain pending applications and petitions and may file
additional applications or petitions with the Commission in the future. Accordingly, Liberty Media requests that
the Commission, in acting upon this application, include authority for the transfer of de facto control of:; (1) any
license or authorization issued to Sirius and/or its licensee subsidiaries during the pendency of this application
prior to grant of the application or during the period specified in the Commission‘s rules for consummation
following approval; and (2) any applications, petitions or other filings that have been filed by Sirins and/or its
licensee subsidiaries and that are pending at the time of the consummation of the proposed transfer of de facto
control.                                                                                                s


interest, convenience and necessity.    See 47 U.S.C. §310(d).      The public interest analysis

requires the Commission to determine initially whether the transaction violates the

Communications Act, other applicable statutes, or the Commission‘s rules. See, e.g., Liberty

Media—DIRECTV Approval Order, at 22.            If the transaction does not violate a statute or

regulation, the Commission will consider whether the transaction will result in public interest

harms by frustrating or impairing the objectives or the implementation of the Communications

Act. Id. The Commission then will balance the proposed transaction‘s potential public interest

harms and potential public interest benefits. I4.

       At the outset, the proposed transfer of de facto control of Sirius to Liberty Media does

not violate the Communications Act or any Commission rules or policies. It does not implicate

any aggregation, cross—ownership, multiple ownership, antitrust or similar restrictions in the

Communications Act,; the Commission‘s rules, or the antitrust statutes.          Liberty Media‘s

potential acquisition of de facto control of Sirius will not adversely affect the "well—recognized

public interest benefits" cited by the Commission in approving the Sirius—XM merger.           See

Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses from XM Satellite Radio

Holdings Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio Holding, Inc., Transferee, 23 FCC Red.

12348 (2008), at €483, 88.
       The Media Bureau recently noted that the audio services "marketplace has evolved

since the [Sirius—XM] merger closed, and consumers now have additional audio entertainment


       Indeed, it appears that since the Merger Order new audio services have emerged
       as viable consumer alternatives, including smartphone Internet streaming
       applications that can be used in mobile environments such as automobiles
       equipped with user—friendly interfaces.     For example, Pandora Media
       Inc....which provides audio services via Internet streaming and smartphone
       apps, has demonstrated remarkable growth in popularity in the years since the

         merger.     Other examples of apps that have emerged as alternatives since the
         Merger Order include Rhapsody, Slacker,, and iheartradio.                           Ford,
         Toyota, MINI, GM, Mercedes—Benz, and Hyundai are introducing Internet—
         based streaming services in their vehicles. In addition, data suggest that HD
         radio has increased since the merger.

 See Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses, XM Satellite Radio

 Holding Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Transferee, 26 FCC Red. 10539

 (Med. Bur. 2011), at €7 (notes omitted). Liberty Media‘s acquisition of de facto control of

 Sirius XM will not adversely affect competition in the audio services marketplace.

         Liberty Media is qualified to hold a de facto controlling interest in Sirtus—XM. Liberty

 Media and its current and previous subsidiaries have held numerous classes of FCC licenses.

 The ECC approved Liberty Media‘s qualifications to exercise de facto control of DIRECTV

 in 2008." See Liberty Media—DIRECTV Approval Order. In accordance with the provisions of

 the Investment Agreement, Liberty Media made a substantial investment in Sirius in 2009 in

 return for an equity interest in the company.                The Commission has recognized that it is

 "axiomatic" that an investment should "fairly reflect the benefits that [the investor] expects to

 receive in return for its investment." See, e.g., Applications of GWI PCS, Inc. For Authority

 to Construct and Operate Broadband PCS Systems Operating on Frequency Block C, 12 FCC

 Red. 6441 (WTB 1997), at 9.               Likewise, the Commission has recognized that it is in the

 public interest for the Commission‘s transfer of control procedures to facilitate investment in

* Section 310(d) of the Communications Act requires that the Commission consider a transfer of control
application as if the proposed transferee were applying for the licenses directly. See, e.g., Appfication of Comcast
Corp., General Electric Co. and NBC Universal, Inc., For Consent to Assign Licenses and Transfer of Control of
Licenses, 26 PCC Red. 4238 (2011), at §22 n.42. Liberty Media has provided the requisite "transferee"
information in this narrative, as well as in the paper applications regarding the Sirius wireless and experimental
licenses to which this narrative is attached, and in the electronic STA application forms regarding the Sirius
satellite and international licenses and authorizations, to which this narrative also is altached. Because the
Commission evaluates a transfer of control application based on the qualifications of the transferee, and Sirius has
refused to cooperate in the filing of the applications, Liberty Media has not completed the transferor and licensee
portions of the application forms, except to provide the licensee name and FRN. However, the licensee and the
transferor information should be a maiter of public record at the Commission.


 entities licensed by the Commission and to permit investors to recognize the full value of their

 investments. See, e.g., AmericaSky Corp., Application for Authority for Transfer of Control,

 11 FCC Red. 21134 (Int‘l Bur. 1996), at €20. Therefore, Liberty Media respectfully requests

 grant of its application for transfer of de facto control of Sirius.


       With convertible Preferred Shares equivalent to 40% of the outstanding common stock

 of Sirius, Liberty Media is by far the largest single shareholder of the Company, whose stock

 otherwise is widely held.      The provisions of Sections 4.1(c) and 4.9 of the Investment

 Agreement, upon which the Commission relied in 2009 in concluding informally that Liberty

 Media did not have de facto control of Sirius, have expired. Grant of this application is in the

public interest. For the reasons sét forth above, Liberty Media respectfully requests that the

 Commission grant this application for consent to the transfer of de facto control of Sirius.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION

                                       By:       M}CQrl                     [«u
                                               Robert L. Hoegle
                                               Timothy J. Fitzgibbon        V
                                               Thomas F. Bardo

                                               Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                               101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Suite 900
                                               Washington, D.C. 20001
                                               (202) 712—2816

March 20, 2012



                                     FCC Licenses & Authorizations

                                            Sirius XM Radio Inc.

WwE2X0O0®                              Experimental                           6/1/2012
wE2XsS‘                                Experimental                           71772012
EO40363                                Earth station                          10/19/2019
E060276                                Earth station                          9/5/2021
E060277                                Earth station                          10/3/2021
E060363                                Earth station                          10/30/2021
EO80168                                Earth station                          2/17/2024
  SES—STA—20120119—00079               Earth Station —STA                     3/22/2012
EO80185                                Earth station                          10/9/2023
E110172                                Earth station                          2/15/2027
E990291                                Earth station                          3/20/2026
$2710                                  Satellite                              8/25/2017
WQK1298                                Business Radio                         5/29/2019

                                               XM Radio LLC

S21                                    Satellite                              5/3    14
$2119                                  Satellite                              3/31/2014
$2616                                  Satellite                              12/15/2014
$2617                                  Satellite                              4/20/2013
$2786                                  Satellite                              12/02/2018
E040204                                Earth Station                          8/6/2019
  SES—STA—20120119—00078               Earth Station —STA                     3/22/2012
E000724                                Earth Station                          1/22/2026
E000158                                Earth Station                          3/20/2026
WB2XCA                                 Experimental                           9/1/2012
wWQJIP534                              Wireless                               10/1/2012

                                          Satellite CD Radio LLC

                                       Satellite                              2/11/2017_
$2812                                  Satellite

* This authorization previously was held by Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., and the FCC‘s electronic database still
reflects this entity as the licensee for this authorization, Sirius XM Radio Inc. has filed a notification of the
licensee‘s name change, but the FCC‘s electronic database has not yet been updated to reflect this change.

Document Created: 2012-03-20 14:07:17
Document Modified: 2012-03-20 14:07:17

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