Attachment Request for STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20120109-00040 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                     TELEBEEPER OF NEW MEXICO, INC.
                                          REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY
                                                               ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 1


       TeleBEEPER of New Mexico, Inc. (“TeleBEEPER”), by its attorneys and pursuant to
Section 25.120 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.120, hereby requests further Special
Temporary Authority (“STA”) in order to continue to operate a transmit/receive earth station at
4545 McLeod NE. Ste. C, Albuquerque, NM. The Commission previously granted
TeleBEEPER an STA for the subject facilities on October 31, 2011, under File No. SES-STA-
20111027-01270, and on December 6, 2011, under File No. SES-STA-20111130-01406.
TeleBEEPER has completed an application for permanent authority, which is being filed via
IBFS concurrently herewith.1 In the interim, TeleBEEPER has immediate need to obtain a new
STA to continue operations during the prosecution of that application.

       The requested technical parameters for the proposed earth station, as approved in File
Nos. SES-STA-20111027-01270 and SES-STA-20111130-01406, are as follows:

Address:          4545 McLeod NE. Ste. C
                  Albuquerque, NM

Coordinates: 35º 08’ 15.9” N
             106 º 35’ 40.4” W

#   Frequency          Polarization Emission             TX/RX       Max          Max                  Associated
                                                         Mode        EIRP/Carrier EIRP                 Antenna

1   14000.0000 - H, V                    400KG1D T                   54.20                32.10        1

2                      H, V              400KG1D R                                                     1

Points of Communication: All domestic US Satellites

  The facilities for the subject earth station were previously used under Call Sign E940533, and the location
specified in the application and related STA requests is very nearby. Delays in locating underlying data for the
application, and related to changes in counsel’s computer system, have taken longer than anticipated to resolve. In
part because some of the application data requires additional explanation, a Form 312 is being filed for the
permanent application in lieu of the Form 312 EZ.

                                                       TELEBEEPER OF NEW MEXICO, INC.
                                            REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY
                                                                 ATTACHMENT 1, PAGE 2

Site       Antenna Units           Diameter Manufacturer                Model       Site            Max Antenna
ID         ID                      (meters)                             No.         Elevation       Height

1          1             1         2.4           Channel Master         6124        1573.0 m       1580.5 m.
                                                                                                   7.5 m AGL2

Max Gains(s):                47.5 dBi @ 12.0000 GHz 49.2 dBi @ 14.0000 GHz

Maximum total input power at antenna flange (Watts): 0.0

Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers (dBW): 0.0

        The Commission has previously found TeleBEEPER qualified to be a licensee, and has
previously granted an STA for these facilities. The requested STA seeks only to maintain
services during the processing of TeleBEEPER’s application for permanent authority and the
Commission processes that application. Consequently, there should be no impediments to a
grant of this request for STA.

       For all the foregoing reasons, TeleBEEPER respectfully requests that the Commission
expeditiously grant this request for Special Temporary Authority.

    The prior requests inadvertently omitted the height of the building from the overall height information.

Document Created: 2012-01-05 16:22:12
Document Modified: 2012-01-05 16:22:12

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