Attachment Narrative Statement

This document pretains to SES-STA-20110930-01161 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                )
Panasonic Avionics Corporation                  )     File No.
Authority to Operate Up to 50 Technically       )
Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite         )     Call Sign:    E100089
Service Aircraft Earth Stations in the 14.0-    )
14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency            )


       Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”), pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(3) of

the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(3), hereby seeks a 30-day special temporary

authorization (“STA”) to the extent necessary to continue operating its “eXConnect”

aeronautical mobile-satellite service (“AMSS”) system.

       The Commission recently authorized Panasonic to operate the eXConnect AMSS

system onboard Lufthansa Airlines aircraft using the previously authorized MELCO

antenna.1 Panasonic also holds a two-year experimental license for this antenna.2 Concurrent

with the filing of the instant STA request, Panasonic has filed with the Commission a Request

for Clarification and/or Limited Waiver3 that the intervals in its data logging protocol comply

 Order and Authorization, Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Application for Authority to
Operate Up to 50 Technically Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Services Aircraft Earth
Stations in the 14.0-14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Band, File Nos. SES-LIC-
20100805-00992, SES-AMD-20100914-01163, SES-AMD-20101115-01432, SES-AMD-
20110325-00358, SES-AFS-20110405-00402, SES-STA-20110104-00005, Call Sign
E100089 (“Panasonic AMSS Authorization”) at 14, ¶ 26(k).
 Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and License, Call Sign WF2XMD, File
No. 0281-EX-PL-2010 (effective July 12, 2011 through July 1, 2013).
 Panasonic Aeronautics Corporation, Request for Clarification and/or Limited Waiver, SES-
LIC-20100805-00992, SES-AMD-20100914-01163, SES-AMD-20101115-01432, SES-
AMD-20110325-00358, SES-AFS-20110405-00402, SES-STA-20110104-00005, Call Sign

with the license conditions imposed by the Commission.4 In that submission, Panasonic also

sought confirmation that the Commission does not object to temporary, continued operation

pursuant to Panasonic’s two-year experimental license to afford sufficient time to complete

the ongoing software upgrade program that is necessary to fully implement the data logging

protocol designed by Panasonic in anticipation of receiving its AMSS license.

          Although Panasonic believes that its operations fully comply with its current

authorizations and that no STA is required, Panasonic nonetheless requests the instant STA to

the extent the Commission concludes such authority would be appropriate during the

pendency of Panasonic’s Request for Clarification and/or Limited Waiver.


          The Commission recently authorized Panasonic to operate the eXConnect AMSS

system onboard Lufthansa Airlines aircraft using the previously authorized MELCO

antenna.5 In so doing, the Commission concluded that grant of the authorization would serve

the public interest by allowing Panasonic “to provide two-way, in-flight broadband services,

including Internet access, to passengers and flight crews aboard commercial airliners, thereby

enhancing competition in an important sector of the mobile telecommunications market in the

United States.”6

          The Panasonic AMSS Authorization includes the following condition as one of

several operating requirements for the eXConnect system:

E100089 (filed Sept. 30, 2011) (attached hereto as Attachment A). Panasonic requests that
this filing be incorporated by reference herein.
    See Panasonic AMSS Authorization at ¶ 26.
    See generally id.
    See id., ¶ 1.


           Panasonic shall maintain records of the following data for each operating
           AES: location (latitude, longitude, altitude); aircraft attitude (pitch, yaw,
           roll); transmit frequency and occupied bandwidth; data rate; EIRP; and
           target satellite. This data shall be recorded at intervals of no more than
           two minutes while an AES is transmitting and every 30 seconds when
           aircraft roll angle is greater than 10 degrees. Panasonic shall also record
           instances when AES pointing error angle is greater than 0.2 degrees.
           Panasonic shall make this data available upon request to an FSS system
           operator or the Commission within 24 hours after receiving the request.
           (emphasis added).7

Consistent with this provision and with the pointing accuracy of the MELCO antenna,

Panasonic decreases the time between required log entries (increases the logging interval)

from every two minutes to every 30 seconds if an aircraft roll angle exceeds 10° or the

pointing error angle exceeds the MELCO antenna’s stated pointing accuracy of 0.25°.

           A.     Panasonic’s Data Logging Protocol Complies with the Condition Set
                  Forth in Paragraph 26(k) of its AMSS Authorization

          Panasonic’s data logging protocol complies with both the spirit and letter of paragraph

26(k) of the Panasonic AMSS Authorization. In the Panasonic AMSS Authorization, the

Commission recognized and accepted that the MELCO antenna was designed, previously

licensed and again authorized to operate with a pointing accuracy of 0.25°.8 Although the

Commission had not previously imposed a data logging requirement on the MELCO

antenna,9 it apparently modeled the conditions set forth in paragraph 26(k) on the conditions

imposed on recently licensed AMSS systems10 and other mobile VSAT services.11 Given the

    See id., ¶ 26(k).
    See id., ¶¶ 6, 17.
 See The Boeing Company, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 22645 (Int’l Bur./OET
2001) at ¶ 19 (operating conditions previously imposed on the MELCO antenna).
  See, e.g., Row 44, Order and Authorization, DA 09-1752 (Int'l Bur./OET 2009) at ¶ 35(m)
(“[t]he licensee shall also record instances when AES pointing error exceeds 0.2 degrees”
where the stated pointed accuracy of the Row 44 antenna was 0.2°).
     See 47 CFR §§25.222(a)(4), 25.226(a)(6).


stated pointing accuracy of the MELCO antenna of 0.25°, it would appear the Commission

intended more frequent data logging to commence when the pointing off-set exceeds this


         In addition, by its own terms, paragraph 26(k) only requires that Panasonic record

instances when the AES pointing error angle is greater than the threshold, without reference

to the interval. Because Panasonic logs the required data at all times (i.e., when the pointing

error angle is either less than or greater then 0.2º), its data logging protocol complies with the

plain reading of paragraph 26(k).

         Although Panasonic’s experimental license contains no data logging requirements,

Panasonic nonetheless developed a data logging protocol based on prior AMSS license

conditions in expectation of grant of its own AMSS license. Indeed, software development

began in early 2011, software testing was completed in July 2011, acceptance testing was

completed in August 2011 and roll-out to the Lufthansa fleet has begun.12 However, given

the aircraft downtime and scheduling requirements necessary for software updates, it appears

that implementation to the entire Lufthansa fleet will not be completed for several months.

During the period in which Panasonic completes it software upgrade, it will continue to

operate under valid experimental authority and otherwise operate fully consistent with the

Panasonic AMSS Authorization.

         B.     Grant of Special Temporary Authority Would Serve the Public Interest

         Although Panasonic believes that its operations are permissible under its current

authority and that it will complete the roll-out of its new software upgrade in due course, it

requests the instant STA out of an abundance of caution. To the extent that the Commission

concludes that special temporary authority is necessary or appropriate, grant of the request

  Panasonic is also including another upgrade associated with an unrelated issue in the
software roll-out that must also undergo acceptance testing.


would serve the public interest by allowing Panasonic to continue to provide service to

MELCO-equipped Lufthansa aircraft that intermittently transit US airspace, which have

operated without interference since the commencement of experimental trials in 2010. In

addition, the STA would permit Panasonic to complete the rollout of its software upgrade and

commence full commercial service to Lufthansa aircraft equipped with the MELCO antenna

without disruption or delay.


       In view of the foregoing, and in the absence of any objection or public interest harm

and the significant public benefits associated with the requested relief, Panasonic respectfully

requests that the Commission grant Panasonic a 30-day STA to the extent necessary to permit

continued operation of the eXConnect System.


                                             PANASONIC AVIONICS CORPORATION

                                             /s/ Carlos M. Nalda
                                             Carlos M. Nalda
                                             Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP
                                             1200 19th Street, N.W.
                                             Suite 300
                                             Washington, D.C. 20036

                                             Its Attorney

                                             September 30, 2011



                             Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                )
                                                )     File Nos. SES-LIC-20100805-00992
Panasonic Avionics Corporation                  )               SES-AMD-20100914-01163
Authority to Operate Up to 50 Technically                       SES-AMD-20101115-01432
Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite         )               SES-AMD-20110325-00358
                                                )               SES-AFS-20110405-00402
Service Aircraft Earth Stations in the 14.0-                    SES-STA-20110104-00005
14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency            )
Bands                                                 Call Sign:   E100089


       Panasonic Avionics Corporation (“Panasonic”) hereby seeks clarification that the

intervals in the data logging protocol implemented in its recently licensed “eXConnect”

aeronautical mobile-satellite service (“AMSS”) system complies with the license conditions

imposed by the Commission.1 Panasonic also seeks confirmation that the Commission does

not object to temporary, continued operation pursuant to Panasonic’s two-year experimental

license2 to afford sufficient time to complete the ongoing software upgrade program

necessary to fully implement the data logging protocol designed by Panasonic in anticipation

of receiving its AMSS license.3 In the alternative, Panasonic seeks a limited waiver of the

 Order and Authorization, Panasonic Avionics Corporation, Application for Authority to
Operate Up to 50 Technically Identical Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Services Aircraft Earth
Stations in the 14.0-14.4 GHz and 11.7-12.2 GHz Frequency Band, File Nos. SES-LIC-
20100805-00992, SES-AMD-20100914-01163, SES-AMD-20101115-01432, SES-AMD-
20110325-00358, SES-AFS-20110405-00402, SES-STA-20110104-00005, Call Sign
E100089 (“Panasonic AMSS Authorization”) at 14, ¶ 26(k).
 Experimental Radio Station Construction Permit and License, Call Sign WF2XMD, File
No. 0281-EX-PL-2010 (effective July 12, 2011 through July 1, 2013).
 Out of an abundance of caution, Panasonic has concurrently filed a request for a 30-day
commercial STA relating to ongoing operation of the eXConnect system onboard Lufthansa

data logging requirement included in the Panasonic AMSS Authorization until December 31,

2011 to allow for a redesign of its data logging protocol and roll-out of a new software

upgrade for eXConnect aircraft earth stations (“AESs”).


          The Commission recently authorized Panasonic to operate the eXConnect AMSS

system onboard Lufthansa Airlines aircraft using the previously authorized MELCO

antenna.4 In so doing, the Commission concluded that grant of the authorization would serve

the public interest by allowing Panasonic “to provide two-way, in-flight broadband services,

including Internet access, to passengers and flight crews aboard commercial airliners, thereby

enhancing competition in an important sector of the mobile telecommunications market in the

United States.”5

          The Panasonic AMSS Authorization includes the following condition as one of

several operating requirements for the eXConnect system:

           Panasonic shall maintain records of the following data for each operating
           AES: location (latitude, longitude, altitude); aircraft attitude (pitch, yaw,
           roll); transmit frequency and occupied bandwidth; data rate; EIRP; and
           target satellite. This data shall be recorded at intervals of no more than
           two minutes while an AES is transmitting and every 30 seconds when
           aircraft roll angle is greater than 10 degrees. Panasonic shall also record
           instances when AES pointing error angle is greater than 0.2 degrees.
           Panasonic shall make this data available upon request to an FSS system
           operator or the Commission within 24 hours after receiving the request.
           (emphasis added).6

aircraft that intermittently transit U.S. airspace. However, as discussed herein, Panasonic
believes that the Commission need not act on that request.
    See generally Panasonic AMSS Authorization.
    See id., ¶ 1.
    See id., ¶ 26(k).


Consistent with this provision and with the pointing accuracy of the MELCO antenna,

Panasonic decreases the time between required log entries (increases the logging interval)

from every two minutes to every 30 seconds if an aircraft roll angle exceeds 10° or the

pointing error angle exceeds the MELCO antenna’s stated pointing accuracy of 0.25°.

           A.     Panasonic’s Data Logging Protocol Complies with the Condition Set
                  Forth in Paragraph 26(k) of its AMSS Authorization

          Panasonic’s data logging protocol complies with both the spirit and letter of paragraph

26(k) of the Panasonic AMSS Authorization. In the Panasonic AMSS Authorization, the

Commission recognized and accepted that the MELCO antenna was designed, previously

licensed and again authorized to operate with a pointing accuracy of 0.25°.7 Although the

Commission had not previously imposed a data logging requirement on the MELCO

antenna,8 it apparently modeled the conditions set forth in paragraph 26(k) on the conditions

imposed on recently licensed AMSS systems9 and other mobile VSAT services.10 Given the

stated pointing accuracy of the MELCO antenna of 0.25°, it would appear the Commission

intended more frequent data logging to commence when the pointing off-set exceeds this


          In addition, by its own terms, paragraph 26(k) only requires that Panasonic record

instances when the AES pointing error angle is greater than the threshold, without reference

to the interval. Because Panasonic logs the required data at all times (i.e., when the pointing

error angle is either less than or greater then 0.2º), its data logging protocol complies with the

    See id., ¶¶ 6, 17.
 See The Boeing Company, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Rcd 22645 (Int’l Bur./OET
2001) at ¶ 19 (operating conditions previously imposed on the MELCO antenna).
  See, e.g., Row 44, Order and Authorization, DA 09-1752 (Int'l Bur./OET 2009) at ¶ 35(m)
(“[t]he licensee shall also record instances when AES pointing error exceeds 0.2 degrees”
where the stated pointed accuracy of the Row 44 antenna was 0.2°).
     See 47 CFR §§25.222(a)(4), 25.226(a)(6).


plain reading of paragraph 26(k). Panasonic seeks clarification or confirmation of this


       B.      Confirmation of Continued Operation under Experimental Authority

       Although Panasonic’s experimental license contains no data logging requirements,

Panasonic nonetheless developed a data logging protocol based on prior AMSS license

conditions in expectation of grant of its own AMSS license. Indeed, software development

began in early 2011, software testing was completed in July 2011, acceptance testing was

completed in August 2011 and roll-out to the Lufthansa fleet has begun. However, given the

aircraft downtime and scheduling requirements necessary for software updates, it appears that

implementation to the entire Lufthansa fleet will not be completed for several months.

       During the period in which Panasonic completes it software upgrade, it will continue

to operate under valid experimental authority and otherwise operate fully consistent with the

Panasonic AMSS Authorization. To the extent necessary, Panasonic seeks confirmation that

the Commission does not object to temporary reliance on such experimental authority, which

Panasonic seeks to maintain for further testing of a new antenna type and additional limited

market studies. In this connection, Panasonic has found nothing in the Commission’s rules or

precedent that would suggest that valid experimental authority is completely pre-empted by

subsequent grant of commercial operating authority.

       C.      Request for Limited Waiver

       To the extent that the Commission concludes that the Panasonic experimental license

does not permit Panasonic’s current operations or that Panasonic’s data logging protocol does

not satisfy its license conditions, Panasonic respectfully requests a limited waiver of

paragraph 26(k) of the Panasonic AMSS Authorization until December 31, 2011 to allow for

a redesign of its data logging protocol and roll-out of a new software upgrade for eXConnect



        To the extent that a limited waiver is necessary, grant of such a limited waiver would

serve the public interest by allowing Panasonic to continue to provide service to MELCO-

equipped Lufthansa aircraft that intermittently transit U.S. airspace, which have operated

without interference since the commencement of experimental trials in 2010. In addition, a

limited waiver would permit Panasonic to complete the rollout of its software upgrade and

commence full commercial service to Lufthansa aircraft equipped with the MELCO antenna

without disruption or delay.


        In view of the foregoing, and in the absence of any objection or public interest harm

and the significant public benefits of the requested relief, Panasonic respectfully requests that

the Commission permit continued implementation of Panasonic’s existing data logging

protocol for the MELCO antenna and full commercial implementation of the eXConnect

service at the earliest practicable time.


                                              PANASONIC AVIONICS CORPORATION

                                              /s/ Carlos M. Nalda
                                              Carlos M. Nalda
                                              Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (US) LLP
                                              1200 19th Street, N.W.
                                              Suite 300
                                              Washington, D.C. 20036

                                              Its Attorney

                                              September 30, 2011


Document Created: 2011-09-30 22:13:36
Document Modified: 2011-09-30 22:13:36

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