20110930 STA Letter

LETTER submitted by HNS License Sub, LLC

STA Letter


This document pretains to SES-STA-20110916-01100 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


 L               LERMAN
             | SENTER
             I   PLLC                                                                    STEPHEN D. BARUCH

                                       September 30, 2011

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

                        Re: HNS License Sub, LLC Earth Station Call Sign E060382
                            File No. SES—STA—20110916—01100

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       By this letter, HNS License Sub, LLC ("Hughes") confirms certain adjustments to the
above—referenced Special Temporary Authority ("STA") associated with the operational testing
of Hughes‘s proposed new 9.2 meter GDSATCOM TT&C earth station antenna at Castle Rock,
Colorado under Call Sign EO60382. In particular, to conduct testing using available space
segment capacity — in this case, on the Galaxy—28 satellite at the 89° W.L. orbital location,
Hughes was informed by the operator that it needed to access frequencies in the 29.5—30 GHz
band that were different from those identified in the STA Request and underlying modification
of license application in File No. SES—MFS—20110912—01065.

        Timing was critical to Hughes here. The antenna in question had been constructed on the
site proposed in the modification application, and the construction/operations crew had only
limited time within which to test the antenna to complete its installation process before having to
move to their next installation assignment. If the testing were not able to be done before the
crew departed the Castle Rock site, it was uncertain whether another opportunity would have
been available before the antenna was required to commence regular operation with Hughes
Network Systems LLC Jupiter 1 satellite following its early 2012 launch. Cost considerations
involved in returning the crew to the site came into play as well. Under these conditions, Hughes
requested and received oral authorization on September 29, 2011 from Mr. Paul Blais, Chief of
the System Analysis Branch of the International Bureau‘s Satellite Division, to conduct its
temporary testing of the new 9.2 meter antenna using uplink frequencies in the 29.5—30 GHz
band in conjunction with the Galaxy 28 satellite. All testing is expected to be done at power
levels consistent with Section 25.138 of the Commission‘s rules and the underlying modification
application. All other information in the STA pertaining to the 9.2 meter GDSATCOM antenna
is unchanged.

                            2000 K STREET NW. SUITE 600 | WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                           TEL 202.429.8970 | FAX 202.293.7783 | WWW.LERMANSENTER.COM

         Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary

s        September 30, 2011
         Page —2—

        Hughes wishes to express its gratitude to Mr. Blais and his colleagues in the International
Bureau for their flexibility and understanding in accommodating the adjustments in the test
program for the new Castle Rock antenna. The frequencies in question are not shared with the
fixed service, and coordination with any potentially affected satellite operators eliminated the
risk of unacceptable (or worse) interference. Delays in the onset of testing would have worked a
real hardship on Hughes and left key technical considerations for the upcoming Jupiter program

       A copy of this letter is being filed electronically, through IBFS, into the file of the above—
referenced STA.

       Please direct any questions pertaining to this matter to me.

                                                      Respec ullZ yours,

                                                           e     Baruch
                                                      Attorney for HNS License Sub, LLC

cc: Mr. Paul Blais (by email)

Document Created: 2019-04-21 17:55:46
Document Modified: 2019-04-21 17:55:46

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