Attachment - Attachment -

This document pretains to SES-STA-20110916-01099 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                     BFI Licenses, LLC
                                                                          STA Request
                                                                       September 2011

                               Public Interest Statement

       BFI Licenses, LLC (“BFI”) hereby respectfully requests grant of special
temporary authority (“STA”) to permit the near-term operation of a transmit/receive
temporary fixed satellite Earth station pursuant to Section 25.120(a) of the Commission’s
Rules. BFI requests that the STA be granted for a period of sixty (60) days consistent
with Section 25.120(b)(3) of the Rules, which provides that the Commission may grant
an STA of this duration where the STA request has not been placed on public notice, and
the applicant has filed or plans to file a request for long-term operating authority.

        Consistent with the rule, BFI has filed contemporaneously with this STA request
an FCC Form 312 application seeking long-term authority to operate the proposed
temporary-fixed Earth station. The proposed facility will be a satellite news gathering
vehicle with a 2.4 meter C-band Vertex/RSI satellite antenna permanently mounted to a
truck. This facility will be used to provide coverage of remote news events, sporting
events, emergency and weather-related on-site reports and other programming that will
benefit the public interest. Grant of the requested STA will permit BFI to operate the
proposed facility as quickly as possible to meet the needs of broadcast and cable
programming networks that require these services on an immediate basis during the
period that the above-referenced application is being processed.

        The requested date for prior use is September 22, 2011, one week from the date of
filing. It is therefore consistent with the requirement under Section 25.120(a) that such
requests be submitted at least three (3) working days prior to the proposed date of

Document Created: 2011-09-16 01:46:47
Document Modified: 2011-09-16 01:46:47

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