Attachment Exhibits 1-3

This document pretains to SES-STA-20110526-00638 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                     NewCom International, Inc.
                                                        Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                                                                      Exhibit A


         NewCom International, Inc.. (“NewCom”), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.120, hereby requests Special Temporary Authority (“STA”)
for short-term transmit and receive testing of a non-common carrier fixed earth station operating
in the conventional Ku-band. The proposed STA is required to restore communications to
critical infrastructure in Joplin, Missouri damaged by a series of tornados on May 22, 2011.
STA will be used exclusively to communicate with the Satmex-6 satellite positioned at 113
degrees west longitude. STA authority is sought to operate two (2) identical Patriot 1.2 meter
antennas for a period of 60 days beginning May 27, 2011, concluding July 26, 2011. Grant of
this request will serve the public interest by restoring disrupted communications to critical
infrastructure and disaster recovery personnel in Joplin.

        NewCom is a premium provider of advanced fixed satellite services, specializing in
custom engineered solutions for government, telecom, healthcare, oil & gas and multimedia end
users. NewCom is a leading provider of emergency communications services for government,
military and law enforcement, and has designed its Emergency Communications Response
(“ECR”) solution as a cost-effective contingency plan or back up should regular communications
go down, capable of supporting unified voice, video, data and content applications seamlessly.
ECR also supports on-the-go communications center for mobile military and public safety corps

       Subsequent to a serious tornado strike in Joplin on May 22, 2011, NewCom was
contacted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) and Red Cross concerning
the availability of ECR systems for rapid deployment. On May 25, NewCom agreed to provide
two ECR systems to FEMA/Red Cross at no cost to either end user. The ECR systems en route
to Joplin each involve a 1.2 meter Patriot fly-away antenna, which will be deployed in the
parking lot of Freeman Hospital (37-03-15.35 N / 94-31-27.59 W). Once deployed in Joplin,
these antennas will support duplex voice and data services using the Satmex-6 as the underlying
transmission medium to communicate with a cooperating antenna at NewCom’s Miami teleport,
which is interconnected with extensive telecommunications infrastructure in Miami.

        The transmit and receive carriers NewCom seeks to operate pursuant to STA will be
within the conventional Ku-band (14.0-14.5 GHz earth-to-space and 11.7 -12.2 GHz space-to-
earth). Transmit carrier will be a 1024 Kbps circuit with 0.66 forward error correction coding
and QPSK phase RF modulation. Receive carrier will be 12 Mbps circuit with 3/4 forward error
correction coding and 8PSK phase RF modulation. Maximum RF power transmitted from the
1.2m Patriot stations will not exceed 6 dBW/MHz and maximum EIRP will not exceed 49.2
dBW/MHz or 25.22 dBW/4KHz. The proposed Patriot antennas are fully in compliance with
FCC orbital spacing obligations. Moreover, the accompanying radiation hazard analysis
(“Exhibit C”) demonstrates that the earth station can be operated safely within the guidelines
established by the Office of Engineering and Technology (“OET”) for human exposure to RF
electromagnetic fields.

                                          Page 1 of 2

                                                                  NewCom International, Inc.
                                                     Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                                                                   Exhibit A

       In summary, grant of this STA will enable NewCom to provide critical communications
to the disaster recovery effort in Joplin, Missouri, and will support FEMA and Red Cross
personnel. Both antennas proposed for operation under STA comply with 2-degree orbital
spacing obligations and pose no interference threat to other occupants of the Ku-band.
Accordingly, this application is in the public interest and should be granted.

                                       Page 2 of 2

                                                                               NewCom International, Inc.
                                                                     Technical and Operational Description
                                                                                                Exhibit B


A.    Location of Earth Station Site
Geographic Coordinates:
         Deg.     Min.                Sec.        E/W
Lat.     37       15                  15.35       N
Long.    94       31                  27.59       W
Coordinates are NAD 83

During the proposed operations, the earth station will be located in the parking lot of Freeman
Hospital at 932 East 34th Street, Joplin, MO 64804-3932.

Earth Station Point
of Contact                    Office Tel#          Mobile Tel#
Raul Acosta                   305.914.1283         786.412.2278

Site Elevation:
295.0 meters

B.    Points of Communication
Satmex-6 at 113º WL

C.        Earth Station Antenna Facilities
Site           Antenna                                          Size            Antenna Gain Transmit and/or
ID             ID          Quantity Manufacturer          Model (meters)        (dBi at GHz)
1              Ku1         2        Patriot               1.2   1.2             41.8 dBi at 11.725 GHz
                                                          Fly-                  43.4 dBi at 14.25 GHz

D.        Antenna Heights and Maximum Power Limits
                                       Building     Maximum            Total Input Power
Antenna                                Height       Antenna Height     at Antenna Flange       Total EIRP for All
ID      Maximum Height                 (meters)     Above Rooftop      (Watts)                 Carriers (dBW)
1       Above                          0.0          0.0                4                       49.2
        Ground Above Sea
                Level      Level
                (meters)   (meters)
                2.0        297

                                                    Page 1 of 2

                                                                             NewCom International, Inc.
                                                                   Technical and Operational Description
                                                                                              Exhibit B

E.        Particulars of Operation
                                                                          Maximu    EIRP
                                                                          m EIRP    Density per
                                                                          per       Carrier       Description of
Antenna                                T/R    Antenna        Emission     Carrier   (dBW/4K       Modulation and
ID             Frequency Bands (MHz)   Mode   Polarization   Designator   (dBW)     Hz)           Services
Ku1            11700-12200             R      V              7M50G7W                              Data QPSK ¾
                                                                          49.2      25.22         FEC
               14000-14500             T      H              970KG7W                              Data QPSK ¾

Please note that this earth station will be manned during testing and is not operated by remote

                                               Page 2 of 2

                                                               NewCom International, Inc.
                                                               Exhibit C
 3/9/2011                                                                     Page 1

        Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a
                Patriot Flyaway System

This report presents an analysis of the non-ionizing radiation levels for a Patriot
Flyaway 1.2 meter. The calculations used in this analysis were derived from and
comply with the procedures outlined in the Federal Communication Commission,
Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin Number 65, which establishes
guidelines for human exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields.
Bulletin 65 defines exposure levels in two separate categories, the General
Population/Uncontrolled Areas limits, and the Occupational/Controlled Area
limits. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit of the General
Population/Uncontrolled Area is defined in Table (1), and represents a maximum
exposure limit averaged over a 30 minute period. The MPE limit of the
Occupational/Controlled Area is defined in Table (2), and represents a maximum
exposure limit averaged over a 6 minute period. The purpose of this report is to
provide an analysis of the earth station power flux densities, and to compare
those levels to the specified MPE’s. This report provides predicted density levels
in the near field, far field, transition region, main reflector surface area, area
between the main reflector and sub reflector or feed assembly, as well as the
area between the antenna edge and ground.

             MPE Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Area

            Frequency Range (MHz)          Power Density (mW/cm2)
                  1500 – 100,000                     1.0

                                     Table 1

                 MPE Limits for Occupational/Controlled Area

            Frequency Range (MHz)          Power Density (mW/cm2)
                  1500 – 100,000                     5.0

                                     Table 2

                                                                               NewCom International, Inc.
                                                                               Exhibit C
       3/9/2011                                                                               Page 2

                                   1.2 Meter Patriot Flyaway
      Table 3 contains formulas, equations and parameters that were used in
      determining the Power Flux Density levels for the Patriot Flyaway 1.2M:

      Data Type                     Data           Data Formula            Data Value         Unit of
                                   Symbol                                                    Measure
Power Input                          P                  Input                  16               W
Antenna Size                         D                  Input                 1.2               M
Antenna Area                         A             A = (Π D 2 ) ÷ 4           1.13             M2
Subreflector Size                    Sub                 Input                10.2              cm
Subreflector Area                    A sub       A sub = (ΠSub 2 ) ÷ 4        81.71             cm2
Gain dBi                             G dbi               Input                 43.5             dBi
Gain Factor                           G             G = 10Gdbi/10           22387.21        Gain Factor
Frequency                             f                  Input                14250            MHz
Wavelength                            λ               299.79 / f            0.021038          Meters
Aperture Efficiency                   η        η = [(Gλ 2 ) ÷ (4Π )] ÷ A       .70              n/a
Pi                                    Π               Input                  3.14159          Numeric
Constant                            M/Sec             Input                299,792,458        Numeric
Conversion W to mW                   mW          mW = W × 1000                 n/a              n/a
Conversion M to cm                   cm           cm = M × 100                 n/a              n/a
Conversion M2 to cm2                 cm2        cm2 = M 2 × 10000              n/a              n/a
Conversion W/M2 to                 mW/cm2      mW/cm2 = W / M 2 ÷ 10           n/a              n/a

                                                    Table 3

      1. Far Field Analysis
      The distance to the far field can be calculated using the following formula:

               0.6 D 2
      R ff =                 = 41.07 Meters

      The power density in the far field can be calculated using the following formula.
      Note: this formula requires the use of power in milliwatts and far field distance in
      centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

      S ff =                  = 1.690 mW/cm2
               4ΠR ff

                                                               NewCom International, Inc.
                                                               Exhibit C
 3/9/2011                                                                     Page 3

2. Near Field Analysis
The extent of the Near Field region can be calculated using the following formula:

Rnf =       = 17.11 Meters

The power density of the near field can be calculated using the following formula.
Note: this formula requires the use of power in milliwatts and diameter in
centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

S nf =        = 3.961 mW/cm2
         ΠD 2

3. Transition Region Analysis
The transition region extends from the end of the near field out to the beginning
of the far field. The power density in the transition region decreases inversely
with distance from the antenna, while power density in the far-field decreases
inversely with the square of the distance. However the power density in the
transition region will not exceed the density in the near field, and can be
calculated for any point in the transition region (R), using the following formula.
Note: This formula requires the use of distance in centimeters, or requires a post
calculation conversion from W/M2.

       S nf Rnf
St =              = 3.961 mW/cm2

4. Main Reflector Surface Area Analysis
The maximum power density at the antenna surface area can be calculated
using the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of Power in
milliwatts and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation
conversion from W/M2.

S surface =      = 5.664 mW/cm2

                                                                 NewCom International, Inc.
                                                                 Exhibit C
    3/9/2011                                                                    Page 4

  5. Subreflector Area Analysis
  The area between the sub reflector and main reflector presents a potential
  hazard, with the highest density being located at the sub reflector area. The
  power density at the sub reflector can be calculated using the following formula.
  Note: this formula requires the use of Power in milliwatts and Area in
  centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2.

   Subsurface =        = 783.258 mW/cm2

  6. Power Density between Reflector and Ground Analysis

  The power density between the reflector and the ground can be calculated using
  the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of Power in milliwatts
  and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from

   S ground =     = 1.416 mW/cm2

  Tables 4 and 5 present a summary of the radiation hazard findings on the
  MobileSat 1.2M terminal for both the General Population/Uncontrolled Area, as
  well as the Occupational/Controlled area environments.

                   MPE Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Area

            Area                 Range          Power Density             Finding
                                 Meters           (mW/cm2)
Far Field                         41.07         1.690 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
Near Field                        17.11         3.961 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
Transition Region             17.11 – 41.07     3.961 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
Main Reflector Surface             N/A          5.664 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
Sub-reflector Surface              N/A         783.258 mW/cm2        Potential Hazard
Area between Reflector             N/A          1.416 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
and Ground

                                          Table 4

                                                                   NewCom International, Inc.
                                                                   Exhibit C
      3/9/2011                                                                    Page 5

                     MPE Limits for Occupational/Controlled Area

             Area              Range           Power Density             Finding
                               Meters            (mW/cm2)
Far Field                      41.07           1.690 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
Near Field                      17.11          3.961 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
Transition Region           17.11 – 41.07      3.961 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
Main Reflector Surface           N/A           5.664 mW/cm2          Potential Hazard
Sub-reflector Surface            N/A          783.258 mW/cm2         Potential Hazard
Area between Reflector           N/A           1.416 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
and Ground                                                            requirements

                                          Table 5

     Based on the above finding there is a potential hazard of radio frequency
     exposure with use of the Patriot Flyaway 1.2M. In order to mitigate the risk of
     these hazards, this terminal will only be operated in a controlled area, and the
     unit will be shut down prior to performing maintenance in any of the occupational
     hazard areas.

Document Created: 2011-05-26 17:05:37
Document Modified: 2011-05-26 17:05:37

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