Echo 6 Supplement.pd

SUPPLEMENT submitted by EchoStar Corporation



This document pretains to SES-STA-20110204-00114 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


Pantelis Michalopoulos                                                         1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
202.429.6494                                                                    Washington, DC 20036-1795                                                                      Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                          Fax 202.429.3902

February 10, 2011


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:     EchoStar Corporation, File Nos. SAT-STA-20110204-00025 (Call Sign S2232); SES-STA-
        20110204-00112 (Call Sign E070014); SES-STA-20110204-00113 (Call Sign E070273); SES-
        STA-20110204-00114 (Call Sign E980005); SES-STA-20110204-00115 (Call Sign E980081)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        EchoStar Corporation (“EchoStar”) writes in connection with the above-referenced file numbers
to confirm: (1) that EchoStar has duly notified DIRECTV of the drift of EchoStar 6 to 77 W.L.,
including use of a particular telecommand frequency during drift; and (2) that operations of EchoStar 6
at 77 W.L. will conform to the existing coordination agreement to which operations at 72.5 W.L. and
77 W.L. are subject and EchoStar’s informal operator-to-operator arrangement with DIRECTV for
operations at those orbital locations. On February 4, 2011, the Commission granted EchoStar
emergency special temporary authority (“STA”) to relocate its EchoStar 6 satellite from the 61.5 W.L.
orbital location to the 77 W.L. orbital location.1 Condition 4 of the space station authorization2 and

        See File Nos. SAT-STA-20110204-00025; SES-STA-20110204-00112; SES-STA-20110204-
00113; SES-STA-20110204-00114; SES-STA-20110204-00115 (granted Feb. 4, 2011).
            File No. SAT-STA-20110204-00025.

Marlene H. Dortch
February 10, 2011
Page 2

Condition 2 of the earth station authorizations3 require EchoStar to “notify DIRECTV of its use of the
17305 MHz telecommand frequency during the drift of EchoStar 6” and confirm such notification to the
Commission by February 7, 2011.4

        EchoStar hereby confirms that, on the evening of February 4, 2011, it sent an email to DIRECTV
notifying it of EchoStar’s plans to drift EchoStar 6 to 77 W.L. and summarizing the relocation
procedures. That email is attached to this letter as Attachment 1. In that same correspondence,
EchoStar stated that it would inhibit use of the 17305 MHz telecommand frequency at a safe orbital
separation from the nominal 72.5 W.L. orbital location. EchoStar further stated that Telesat, the
company contracted to perform telemetry, tracking and control (“TT&C”) service for EchoStar 6, would
contact Intelsat, which provides TT&C service for DIRECTV-1R operating at 72.5 W.L., to coordinate
EchoStar 6’s relocation procedures and maintain safe orbital separation.5 DIRECTV acknowledged
receipt of this notice on the morning of February 7, 2011.6

        Additionally, EchoStar confirms that, as stated in the STA application,7 EchoStar 6 will operate
within the specifications of the existing coordination agreement between Mexico and Canada regarding
the Mexican 77 W.L. orbital location and the Canadian 82 W.L. and 72.5 W.L. orbital locations – the
agreement to which DIRECTV’s and EchoStar’s operations at these slots are subject. The companies
have, moreover, established an informal operator-to-operator arrangement to further ensure
compatibility among their satellites operating at 77 W.L. and 72.5 W.L., respectively. EchoStar
confirms that it will operate EchoStar 6 within the terms of that arrangement.

       If you have any questions regarding the information provided in this supplement, please contact

        File Nos. SES-STA-20110204-00112; SES-STA-20110204-00113; SES-STA-20110204-
00114; SES-STA-20110204-00115.
          While EchoStar did immediately notify DIRECTV of its drift operations upon grant of its STA
applications, EchoStar did not file the confirmation by February 7, 2011, due to an oversight. EchoStar
regrets this error.
           See Attachment 1.
           See Attachment 2.
           See File No. SAT-STA-20110204-00025, Narrative at 4.

Marlene H. Dortch
February 10, 2011
Page 3


                                           Pantelis Michalopolous
                                           Counsel for EchoStar Corporation

cc:   (via email)
      Mark Young, International Bureau
      Chip Fleming, International Bureau
      Paul Blais, International Bureau

Attachment 1

                                                                                                                    Page 1 of 1

Vorwig, Petra

From:      Londono. Jaime []
Sent:      Friday, February 04, 2011 8:06 PM
To:        Wengryniuk, Jack
Cc:        Michalopoulos, Pantelis; Hamilton, Darren; Minea, Alison (; Vorwig, Petra
Subject: Echo-6 Fly-by operations

EchoStar is sending this E‐mail to inform DirecTV of the EchoStar planned satellite relocation procedures
for the Echo‐6 satellite. The TT&C operations center for Echo‐6 will coordinate this fly‐by operation
with DirecTV TT&C operations to insure that no interruptions or impact to the DirecTV operations
and/or operational traffic will be caused.

Summary of this relocation procedure:
   ‐   Echo‐6 will be relocated from 61.5WL to 77WL at a drift rate of 1 to 2 degrees/day.
   ‐   This drift maneuver will have Echo‐6 performing a fly‐by along the 72.5WL orbital location
      where DirecTV 1R satellite is presently located
   ‐   Echo‐6 will be utilizing the 17305 MHz telecommand frequency
   ‐   Customary to the standard practices in the satellite industry, EchoStar will inhibit the use of the
      Echo‐6 17305 MHz telecommand frequency at an agreed to safe orbital separation from the
      nominal 72.5 WL orbital location
   ‐   TeleSat, company who conducts the Echo‐6 TT&C functions, will contact Intelsat, company
      which conducts the TT&C functions for DirecTV‐1R, to coordinate these flybys and the safe
      orbital separation for Echo‐6 telecommand inhibit the zone . All the required details of the
      Echo‐6 flyby operations will be provided to Intelsat TT&C operations, including the exact times
      and the inhibit period of the telecommand carriers. This exchange of information will allow the
      coordination and execution of a safe flyby operation by the Echo‐6 satellite.

Do not hesitate to send me any questions you might have with regards to the above Echo‐6 relocation

Please forward this information to the appropriate departments in your organization. Your cooperation
regarding this matter is much appreciated.




Attachment 2

                                                                                                                     Page 1 of 1

Vorwig, Petra

From:       Wengryniuk, Jack []
Sent:       Monday, February 07, 2011 7:53 AM
To:         Londono. Jaime
Cc:         Michalopoulos, Pantelis; Hamilton, Darren; Minea, Alison (; Vorwig, Petra
Subject: RE: Echo-6 Fly-by operations
Dear Jaime,

           Thank you very much for this information. I will forward it to my satellite operations personnel.

Best regards,

From: Londono. Jaime []
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2011 8:06 PM
To: Wengryniuk, Jack
Cc: Michalopoulos, Pantelis; Hamilton, Darren; Minea, Alison (; Vorwig,
Subject: Echo-6 Fly-by operations


EchoStar is sending this E‐mail to inform DirecTV of the EchoStar planned satellite relocation procedures
for the Echo‐6 satellite. The TT&C operations center for Echo‐6 will coordinate this fly‐by operation
with DirecTV TT&C operations to insure that no interruptions or impact to the DirecTV operations
and/or operational traffic will be caused.

Summary of this relocation procedure:
   ‐   Echo‐6 will be relocated from 61.5WL to 77WL at a drift rate of 1 to 2 degrees/day.
   ‐   This drift maneuver will have Echo‐6 performing a fly‐by along the 72.5WL orbital location
      where DirecTV 1R satellite is presently located
   ‐   Echo‐6 will be utilizing the 17305 MHz telecommand frequency
   ‐   Customary to the standard practices in the satellite industry, EchoStar will inhibit the use of the
      Echo‐6 17305 MHz telecommand frequency at an agreed to safe orbital separation from the
      nominal 72.5 WL orbital location
   ‐   TeleSat, company who conducts the Echo‐6 TT&C functions, will contact Intelsat, company
      which conducts the TT&C functions for DirecTV‐1R, to coordinate these flybys and the safe
      orbital separation for Echo‐6 telecommand inhibit the zone . All the required details of the
      Echo‐6 flyby operations will be provided to Intelsat TT&C operations, including the exact times
      and the inhibit period of the telecommand carriers. This exchange of information will allow the
      coordination and execution of a safe flyby operation by the Echo‐6 satellite.

Do not hesitate to send me any questions you might have with regards to the above Echo‐6 relocation

Please forward this information to the appropriate departments in your organization. Your cooperation
regarding this matter is much appreciated.




Document Created: 2011-02-10 19:03:43
Document Modified: 2011-02-10 19:03:43

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