Row 44 - Reply re ST

REPLY submitted by Row 44 Inc.

Reply of Row 44, Inc.


This document pretains to SES-STA-20110104-00005 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                           BEFORE THE

         Federal Communications Commission
                                   WASHINGTON, DC 20554

In the Matter of

Panasonic Avionics Corporation                                File No.: SES—STA—20110104—00005

Request for Special Temporary Authority to                    Call Sign: E100089

Operate Up to 10 Technically Identical

Aeronautical Mobile—Satellite Service ("AMSS")
Earth Stations ("AESs") in the 14.0—14.4 GHz and

11.7—12.2 GHz Frequency Bands

To: Chief, International Bureau

                                    REPLY OF ROW 44. INC.

        Row 44, Inc. ("Row 44"), by its attorneys and pursuant to Section 25.154 of the

Commission‘s Rules, hereby replies to the "Opposition of Panasonic Avionics Corporation"

("Opposition") concerning the above—captioned Panasonic Avionics Corporation ("PAC")

application for special temporary authority ("STA"). While Row 44 did not object to grant of

any appropriately—conditioned STA in this proce:ed'mg,l based on the record that has now been

assembled, Row 44 believes that the only appropriate course is for the Bureau to dismiss the

STA Request as fundamentally defective. As discussed further below, PAC has simply failed

to make a showing that grant of an STA in these circumstances is necessary or would

otherwise serve the public interest.

‘ Row 44 has consistently maintained, however, that no STA should issue until PAC provides the
remaining information necessary to complete its application to operate a Ku—band aeronautical mobile—
satellite service ("AMSS") Earth station network, including submission of complete details of its AMSS
system that underpin PAC‘s assurances that it can operate without causing harmful interference to other
Ku—band FSS users.


         In its Petition, Row 44 noted that PAC had not met, nor had it even attempted to meet,

the requirement to articulate a public interest basis for grant of an STA. See 47 C.F.R.

§ 25.120(a) (an STA request must include, inter alia, "all facts sufficient to justify the

temporary authority sought and the public interest therein"). The applicant also failed to show

that delay in commencement of its planned operations "would seriously prejudice the public


         In its Opposition, PAC confuses the issue further. Rather than providing the missing

basis for the relief it seeks, PAC states that "grant of the requested STA is not essential to

support near term operations of its eXConnect AMSS system." Opposition at 1. Instead, it

maintains that it is seeking an STA "out of an abundance of caution ... if such authority is

deemed necessary or appropriate while Panasonic‘s AMSS license application remains

pending." Opposition at 2. PAC appears to be asking the Bureau to write its own rationale for

an STA grant without itself providing any justification for such relief. Simply put, if PAC is

not convinced that it requires immediate temporary operating authority, there is no basis for the

International Bureau to expend its own resources to consider a request for extraordinary

authority that the applicant has deemed "not essential."

         PAC also gratuitously complains that Row 44 is seeking "to examine proprietary and

competitively sensitive information regarding eXConnect operational parameters." Opposition

at 3. This is not correct. Row 44 is simply seeking to ensure that the consideration of PAC‘s

pending application is premised on a complete record, consistent with the information provided

* The FCC‘s rules affirmatively preclude taking private commercial factors into consideration in
processing STA requests. See 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(1) ("‘The Commission may grant a temporary
authorization only upon a finding that there are extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary
operations in the public interest and that delay in the institution of these temporary operations would
seriously prejudice the public interest. Convenience to the applicant, such as marketing considerations
or meeting scheduled customer in—service dates, will not be deemed sufficient for this purpose.").

                                                      13 _

by applicants previously authorized to provide non—conforming MSS services in the Ku—band.

It does not believe that this would require the submission of any proprietary or other sensitive

data. In the absence of any other asserted basis for an STA, however, as well as PAC‘s

specific reliance on Row 44‘s 2009 STA grant, Row 44 threw PAC a lifeline by identifying a

basis, consistent with the Row 44 precedent, upon which PAC could potentially be granted the

STA it seeks —i.e., flight testing in support of the underlying application for a permanent

license. See, e.g., Row 44, Inc., 24 FCC Red 3042 (IB/OET 2009).

         Rather than accept this proffered basis for the STA, when it has not provided one itself,

PAC has chosen not to grab the lifeline it was extended, and to complain instead that the

proposed conditions are "unclear, overly burdensome and internally inconsistent." Opposition

at 3. None of these assertions has merit, particularly given the fact that these are the identical

conditions that were imposed on Row 44 less than two years ago under similar circumstances.

See Row 44, Inc., 24 FCC Red at 3044—45 (([ 7 & 8). The ninety (90) day deadline for

submission of a report on flight testing, for example, specifies an end date by which a report

must be submitted, it does not anticipate that the party authorized under the STA would require

the entire 90—day period for testing and report writing." In Row 44‘s case, it filed its flight test

report less than 60 days after the STA was granted (while also submitting within 30 days of the

STA grant a separate report relating to ground testing), and had its STA extended for an

additional 60 days shortly thereafter. As in Row 44‘s case, PAC could submit a report as soon

as it has gathered sufficient data to provide technical support for its underlying application

Accordingly, PAC‘s complaint that proposed conditions 5 and 6 are inconsistent is baseless.

* Compare Opposition at 4 ("Row 44 proposes that this * report‘ be filed ninety (90) days after grant of the STA
Order, even though Panasonic has only requested an STA for sixty (60) days — making timely renewal impossible
pursuant to the very conditions proposed by Row 44").


       Finally, given the fact that Row 44‘s conditioned STA proposal was offered in the spirit

of cooperation to provide a foundation for an interim STA that was otherwise lacking, there is

particular irony in PAC‘s assertion that Row 44 "fails to set forth the specific reporting

elements and data" to be provided in the required report. Opposition at 3. Submission of the

report in support of the underlying application provides the only basis for an STA offered in

this proceeding to date. In this instance, the report‘s content would be largely within PAC‘s

discretion, as a means to bolster the showing made in its application. It would seem prudent

nonetheless for PAC at least to provide a complete set of off—axis EIRP spectral density plots,

measured antenna gain under maximum skew conditions, and some demonstration of in—flight

antenna pointing accuracy.

       For the reasons set forth herein and in its original Petition, Row 44 urges the FCC to

dismiss the PAC STA request as unsupported.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              ROW 44, INC.

                                              By:     @%/%
                                                      David S. K

                                                      Lerman Senter
                                                      2000 K Street, NW., Suite 600
                                                      Washington, DC 20006
                                                      (202) 429—8970

February 7, 2011                              Its Attorney

                            CERTIEFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, David S. Keir, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregomg
"Reply of Row 44, Inc." was sent by first—class mail, postage prepaid this 7°" day of
February, 2011, to the following:

                              Carlos M. Nalda, Esquire
                              Joshua T. Guyan, Esquire
                              Squire Sanders & Dempsey
                              1201 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
                              Washington, DC 20044

                                             David S. Kelr

Document Created: 2011-02-07 20:05:21
Document Modified: 2011-02-07 20:05:21

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