LM STA Update Letter

LETTER submitted by Lockheed Martin Corporation

Lockheed Martin STA Update Letter


This document pretains to SES-STA-20101222-01581 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


             J PLLC

                                                                                       STEPHEN D. BARUCH
   WASHINGTON, DC                                                                   SBARUCH@LERMANSENTER.COM
                                           January 4, 2011

By Electronic Posting

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

               Re:      Lockheed Martin Corporation
                        STA Requests for the LM—RPS1 Satellite Network
                        File Nos. SAT—STA—20101222—00266 and SES—STA—20101222—01581

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        By this letter, Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin®") updates the
Commission on the developments pertinent to the above—referenced requests for special
temporary authority ("December 2010 STA requests") involving Lockheed Martin‘s RPS—1
radionavigation—satellite service ("RNSS") network. In the referenced STA requests, Lockheed
Martin seeks continued authority to operate the LM—RPS1 space station (Call Sign $2372) and its
associated ground earth station (Call Sign EO50272) in Napa, California following an April 2010
anomaly that affected the Galaxy 15 satellite that hosts the LM—RPS1 space station.

        In its December 2010 STA requests, Lockheed Martin informed the Commission that the
RNSS signals from LM—RPS1 had become increasingly unreliable for their intended use, and that
the engineers expected to make a determination on the continued utility of the LM—RPS1
platform sometime in January 2011. As it turns out, the operators of Galaxy 15 were able to
reestablish telemetry and telecommand communications with the Galaxy 15 satellite on
December 23, 2010, and have informed Lockheed Martin that the spacecraft is once again
responding to their commands. The satellite will be drifted to a temporary location of 93° W.L.,
where it is to undergo a series of tests and assessments beginning in less than two weeks. While
the source of the anomaly remains unclear, signs are favorable at this juncture for a resumption
of normal RNSS operations over LM—RPS1 in the next month or so. This is a very welcome
development to Lockheed Martin, its customer, and the millions of air travelers across the United
States who have relied indirectly on the LM—RPS1 signal over the last several years.

         Lockheed Martin is in a position to resume limited, test—mode operations over LM—RPS1
and its Napa earth station at any time during the satellites westward drift to, and through its stay
at, the temporary holding location. Such operation of both LM—RPS1 and the Napa earth station

                         2000 K STREET NW, SUITE 600 | WaASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                        TEL 202.429.8970 | FAX 202.293.7783 | WWW.LERMANSENTER.COM

L          Letter to Marlene H. Dortch
           January 4, 2011
   S       Page —2—

would be within the parameters authorized to Lockheed Martin in the current STAs for those
facilities. This means that the further modification of the authorized parameters for the Napa
earth station that is proposed in the pending STA extension request in File No. SES—STA—
20101222—01581 is not needed; only an extension of the current STA is required (along with the
requested STA extension for LM—RPS1).

        Galaxy 15‘s operator has informed Lockheed Martin that if recovery is successful, the
Galaxy 15/LM—RPS1 spacecraft could be relocated to its assigned slot at 133° W.L., or it could
be stationed at a nearby location (upon receipt of Commission authority). Lockheed Martin will
continue to monitor progress and discuss plans for the spacecraft with the operator of Galaxy 15.
Any appropriate authority that is required for continued testing and operation of LM—RPS1 via
the Napa earth station will be requested in the STA requests Lockheed Martin will file later this
month to extend or replace the above—referenced STA requests, and potentially in applications to
modify the licenses of LM—RPS1 and the associated Napa, CA earth station.

       Lockheed Martin has notified the GPS Directorate (operators of the co—frequency GPS
system) of the change in status of the LM—RPS1 satellite.

       Please direct any questions concerning this submission to me.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                         ephed   D. Barulch

cc (by e—mail): Stephen Duall
                Kathyrn Medley
                Paul Blais

Document Created: 2019-04-15 03:28:10
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 03:28:10

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