Attachment 20110307163756.pdf


DECISION submitted by IB/FCC

STA Grant


This document pretains to SES-STA-20101212-01539 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                          E000343   SES—STA—20101212—01539    182010003797
                                          GUSA Licensee LLC

                                                                                                                 Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
 STA request for Clifton antenna (CLFN—3) with GLOBALSTAR 2.0 — Extension for STA
 1. Applicant

           Name:        GUSA Licensee LLC                Phone Number:                   408—933—4525
           DBA Name:                                     Fax Number:                     408—933—4960
           Street:      461 S. Milpitas Boulevard        E—Mail:               

           City:        Milpitas                         State:                              CA
           Country:     USA                              Zipcode:                        95035        —
           Attention:   Mr Anthony J Navarra

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                                                      File®# CS7/ 2040 12 ; 2 — tz40

                                                      Call Sign Ece2/3 CremDate 12
                                                      {or other identifier)
                                                                                   — 7/ —27/p

                                   Attachment to Grant
                                   GUSA Licensee LLC
       IBFS File Nos, SES—STA—20101212—01538, SES—STA—20101212—01539, SES—
                    STA20101212—01540, SES—STA—20101212—01541
                         (Call Signs EOO0O0342, EO0O0343, EOO0O0344,

Extension of the GUSA Licensee LLC for special temporary authority SES—STA—20101021—
01314, SES—STA—20101021—01315, SES—STA20101021—01316, SES—STA—20101021—01317
IS GRANTED. GUSA Licensee LLC is authorized, for an additional period of 60 days,
commencing December 25, 2010 to operate the Clifton earth stations (Call Signs EOOO0342,
EQ0O0343, E0O00344, and E000345) in the 5091—5250 MHz (Earth—to—space) and 68757055
MHz (space—to—Earth) frequency bands for testing and telecommand, telemetry, and control
communications with HIBLEO—X satellites and U.S.—licensed Global star satellites (Call Sign
$2115), in accordance with the technical parameters specified in the application, except that
the EIRP spectral density of tel ecommand transmissions shall not exceed 55.2 dBW/4kHz.
The request for authority to operate with power spectral density higher than 55.2 dBW/4kHz
IS DEFERRED for further consideration. This temporary authorization is subject to the
following conditions.

1. All operations pursuant to this authorization shall be on an unprotected and non—harmful
interference basis. Operations shall not cause harmful interference to, and GUSA Licensee
LLC shall not claim protection from interference caused by, any other lawfully operating
station. In the event that harmful interference results, operations shall cease immediately
upon notification of such interference, and GUSA Licensee LLC shall immediately inform
the Commission in writing of such event.
2. No authority for commercial operation is granted herein.
3. This action is without prejudice to disposition of the application in IBFS File Nos. SES—
MFS—20091221—01608, SES—MFS—20091221—01609, SES—MEFS—2009122101610, and SES—

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                                     | File# SES—57#—

                                     | Call Sign CLazs?
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                                      (or other identifier)

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            [ International Bureau

STA Request — GUSA Licensee LLC — Exhibit 1

December 12, 2010                                                                                                    Samir C. Jain

Ms. Mindel De La Torre                                                                                          4 ggi ggg 2222:3
Chief, International Bureau                                                                     
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:       Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority
          GUSA Licensee LLC
          File Nos.     SAT—AMD—20091221—00147; SES—MEFS—20091221—01615;
                        SES—MFS—20091221—01616; SES—MFS—20091221—01617;
                        SES—MFS—20091221—01618; SES—AFS—20091221—01607;
                        SES—MFS—20091221—01608; SES—MFS—20091221—01609;
                        SES—MFS—20091221—01610; SES—MFS—20091221—01611;
          ITU Designation: HIBLEO—X

Dear Ms. De La Torre:

         GUSA Licensee LLC ("Globalstar") hereby requests a 60—day extension of previously
granted Special Temporary Authority‘ ("STA") for ten of its Commission—licensed earth stations
to communicate with its existing first—generation constellation and launched second generation
satellites while its Application for modification of its earth station licenses to provide such
authority remains pending." Globalstar requests expedited treatment of this extension request

1      As permitted under 47 C.F.R. § 25.120. The previously granted STA requests were filed
under: SES—STA—20100927—01214 (SBRG—1); SES—STA—20101021—01320 (SBRG—2); SES—
STA—20101021—01319 (SBRG—3); SES—STA—20101021—01318 (SBRG—4); SES—STA—20100922—
01188 (CLFN—1); SES—STA—20101021—01317 (CLFN—2); SES—STA—20101021—01316 (CLFN—3);
SES—STA—20101021—01315 (CLFN—4); SES—STA—20101021—01314 (CLEN—5); SES—STA—
20100922—01189 (CLFN—IOT). Technical exhibits for these antennas are attached to the instant

2         See Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee LLC —
Application for Modification of Nongeostationary Mobile Satellite Service System License
(S2115) To Launch a Second—Generation System; Application For Modification of Mobile
Satellite Service Earth Station Licenses and Mobile Earth Terminal Licenses To Authorize
Communications with Second—Generation System and To Incorporate Previously—Granted
Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority, File No. SAT—AMD—20091221—00147 (filed Dec.
21, 2009) ("Application").

            Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr uur, 1875 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006
Beijing   Berlin   Boston   Brussels   Frankfurt   London   Los Angeles   New York   Oxford   Palo Alto    Waltham      Washington

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
December 12, 2010
Page 2

because its current STAs for these earth stations expire between December 18 and December 28,
2010, and Globalstar requires the continued ability to communicate with its satellites from these
earth stations for control purposes. Accordingly, Globalstar requests that the STA extensions be
granted for a period of 60 days, from thedate the current STAs for these earth stations expire.

      As explained in connection with its previously granted STA applications, Globalstar has
embarked on a transition to its second—generation satellite constellation. This transition involves
the launch of 24 new satellites, with the first batch of six satellites launched on October 19, 2010.
Globalstar‘s second—generation constellation will consist of its newly launched satellites, as well
as eight additional first—generation satellites launched in 2007. As such, Globalstar requires the
ability to communicate with all of those satellites from its Commission—licensed U.S. earth
stations. Globalstar understands that the Commission has now received all necessary
information about the Application and that the Commission is in the final stages of processing it.

        In the event that the Commission does not grant Globalstar‘s Application before its STA
for the antennas at issue expire, Globalstar requests that Commission extend the authorizations
granted under its previous requests for STA for an additional 60 days. The public interest
justifications for granting this authority remain substantially the same as those provided in the
previous requests. In short, the public interest will be served by the grant of these STA requests
because they will ensure effective control center communications with launched satellites, and
these operations are necessary to ensure the provision of high quality service to U.S. customers.

         Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              /s/ Samir Jain

                                               Samir Jain
                                               Counsel to GUSA Licensee LLC


Document Created: 2019-06-05 13:58:49
Document Modified: 2019-06-05 13:58:49

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