Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20101123-01462 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


   November 23, 2010

   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12"" Street, S.W.
   Washington, DC 20554

   Re:        Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authority for
              Clarksburg, Maryland Earth Station, Call Sign: KA275

   Dear Ms: Dortch:

   Intelsat North America LLC (Intelsat"), pursuant to Section 25.210 of the
   rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission"),
   herein requests an additional 30 days — from December 2, 2010 through
   December 31, 2010 — of the Special Temporary Authority ("STA")‘ previously
   granted Intelsat to use its Clarksburg, Maryland earth station (call sign KA275)
   to provide emergency communications services in the 3700—4200 MHz and
   5925—6425 MHz conventional C—band frequencies." Intelsat will begin                                      _
   providing such services to the AMC—1 satellite at 103° W.L., SES—1 satellite at
   101° WL. and the Galaxy 16 satelhte at 99° W.L.*

   This request seeks extension of the special temporary authority previously
   granted Intelsat to add communications services, including video and data, as:
   approved services for KA275. The emission designators for the proposed
   services are 36M0G7W (digital video and data), 36MOF7D (digital data), and
   36MOFSW (analog video and data).

   ‘ Intelsat has filed this STA request, an FCC Form 159 and a $175.00 filing fee
   electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing System.

   2 See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SES—01292, File
   No. SES—STA—20101027—01352 (Nov. 3, 2010); Actions Taken, Report No.
   SES—01288, File No. SES—STA—20100927—01212 (Oct. 20, 2010) (Public
   Notice); Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SES—01275,
   File No. SES—STA—20100827—01102 (Sept. 1, 2010) (Public Notice).

   * Intelsat anticipates using KA275 with AMC—1 on December 4, 2010, SES—1
   on December 15, 2010 and Galaxy 16 on December 25, 2010. These dates
   may fluctuate based on the Galaxy 15 satellite‘s drift.

  Intelsat Corporation
_ 3400 International Drive NW,—Washington DC —20008—3006 USA— —T +1 202—944—6800— F+1 202—944—7898——

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 November 23, 2010
 Page 2

  The KA275 earth station is not currently licensed to provide communications
  services. Instead, the license specifies telemetry, command and ranging
  services, and the emission designators in the license reflect that use. However,
 the KA275 earth station is authorized to use the conventional C—band
  frequencies from 3700—4200 MHz and 5925—6425 MHz and has been
  coordinated for operations in these frequencies for the portion of the satellite
  arc where AMC—1, SES—1 and Galaxy 16 operate. The KA275 antenna will
  operate consistent with the power levels specified in its existing authorization
 when providing communications services. Moreover, the KA275 earth station
 already contains the ALSAT designation, authorizing communications in the
 conventional C—band with all U.S.—licensed satellites and non—U.S.—licensed
  satellites on the Permitted Space Station List.

  Grant of this STA extension request will serve the public interest. As the
  Commission is aware, the Galaxy 15 satellite (call sign $2387) operated by
 Intelsat‘s sister company, PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat"),
 experienced an anomaly on April 5, 2010 and is currently drifting East in an
 uncontrolled manner toward the AMC—1, SES—1, and Galaxy 16 satellites. The
 requested authority will allow Intelsat to mitigate potential interference and
 minimize service disruptions. Use of the 19 m antenna in Clarksburg, MD will
 facilitate the successful transmission of C—band communications traffic during
 the period of time that Galaxy 15 drifts through the 103° W.L., 101° W.L., and
 ©99° W.L. orbital locations. Specifically, the KA275 earth station will uplink
 communications traffic to AMC—1, SES—1 and Galaxy 16. AMC—1, SES—1 and
 Galaxy 16 will remain in their respective station—keeping boxes. The large size
  and advanced tracking capabilities of the KA275 earth station will best ensure
 uninterrupted signals during this time period. As a result, grant of the
 requested STA will minimize service disruptions for customers on these
  satellites.                         2                  i

 In addition, grant of this extension request will not adversely affect other
 satellite service providers. The C—band satellites within 6° of the orbital
  locations 103° W.L., 101° W.L., or 99° W.L, that are not operated by Intelsat
  or PanAmSat are Anik F1 and Anik FIR, both at 107.3° W.L., and AMC—18 at
  105° W.L. Provision of communications services using the KA275 earth
_ station will not cause harmful interference to these satellites because
  operations will be conducted in compliance with the FCC‘s two—degree
  conditions. Actually, given the earth station size (19 m), the EIRP density
 levels toward any of these satellites will be well within acceptable values. For
 the same reason, Intelsat does not expect that its proposed provision of
 communications services using the KA275 earth station will cause harmful
 interference to any of the satellites operated by Intelsat or PanAmSat.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 23, 2010
Page 3

For the reasons set forth herein, Intelsat respectfully requests that the
Commission expeditiously grant this extension request.


Amo— A UM//
Susan H. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

ce:    Paul Blais
       Kathyrn Medley
       Jeanette Spriggs

Document Created: 2010-11-23 16:06:45
Document Modified: 2010-11-23 16:06:45

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