Attachment Cover Letter

This document pretains to SES-STA-20101021-01313 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


STA Request – GUSA Licensee LLC – Exhibit 1

October 21, 2010

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th St. SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Request for Special Temporary Authority – 30 Days (Sebring, FL)
       GUSA Licensee LLC
       File Nos. SAT-AMD-20090221-00147; SES-MFS-20091221-01615; SES-MFS-
       20091221-01616; SES-MFS-20091221-01617; SES-MFS-20091221-01618; SES-STA-
       Designation: HIBLEO-4FL (ITU) / S2115 (FCC) and HIBLEO-X (ITU)

Dear Ms. De La Torre:

         GUSA Licensee LLC (“Globalstar”) hereby requests 30-day Special Temporary
Authority under 47 C.F.R. § 25.120 (“STA”) to allow its Commission-licensed earth station at
Sebring, FL to communicate with all of its first and second generation satellites, as well as a
slight modification to one of its previously granted STA requests.1 Globalstar requests expedited
treatment of its request because some of its second-generation satellites were launched on
October 19, 2010 and it needs to communicate with them using the antennas that are the subject
of this request.2 Accordingly, Globalstar requests that the STA be granted for a period of 30

        See Globalstar Licensee LLC, GUSA Licensee LLC, and GCL Licensee LLC –
Application for Modification of Nongeostationary Mobile Satellite Service System License
(S2115) To Launch a Second-Generation System; Application For Modification of Mobile
Satellite Service Earth Station Licenses and Mobile Earth Terminal Licenses To Authorize
Communications with Second-Generation System and To Incorporate Previously-Granted
Ancillary Terrestrial Component Authority, File No. SAT-AMD-20090221-00147 (filed Dec.
21, 2009). On October 14, 2010, the Commission granted Globalstar’s STA request to allow
communications with its second generation constellation from a single antenna at Sebring, FL
(File No. SES-STA-20100927-01214, Call Sign: E050097) and Clifton, TX (File No. SES-STA-
20100922-01188, Call Sign: E970199). This STA request seeks authority for the other Sebring,
FL antennas to communicate with its second-generation constellation, as well as for all of the
antennas at that site to communicate with its first-generation satellites.
        See Globalstar, Globalstar Announces Successful Launch of Six New Second-Generation
Satellites (press release), Oct. 20, 2010, available at

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
October 21, 2010
Page 2

days from October 27, 2010, or until the grant of its pending application to modify its earth
station licenses, whichever is sooner.3

         As explained in its previously filed application, Globalstar has embarked on a transition
to its second-generation satellite constellation. This transition involves the launch of 24 new
satellites, licensed through France, with the first batch of six satellites launched on October 19,
2010. Globalstar’s second-generation constellation will consist of its newly launched satellites,
as well as eight additional first-generation satellites launched in 2007. As such, Globalstar
requires the ability to communicate with all of those satellites from its Commission-licensed U.S.
earth stations. Although Globalstar filed an application to modify its earth station licenses to
provide such authority, that application remains pending. Globalstar understands that the
Commission may not act on that application until the French Minister for Economy and Finance,
France’s satellite regulator, formally approves Globalstar’s authorization to operate its second-
generation constellation and feeder link frequencies in its current nongeostationary orbit at 1414
km.4 The French “Agence Nationale de Fréquences” (“ANFR”) has indicated that, while
Globalstar may launch its second-generation satellites as scheduled, under French law, the
Ministry may not formally approve Globalstar’s authority to operate in the orbital position until
November 2010.5 Globalstar, however, requires the ability to communicate with all of the
satellites in its second generation constellation during the period after launch. In addition,
Globalstar requires the ability to communicate with all other operational, test bed, and deorbiting
first generation satellites from the Sebring telemetry and command (T&C) antennas to ensure
that these satellites are properly deorbited (raised to the highest disposal orbit possible and
depleted of all stored energy).

        Accordingly, Globalstar submits this request for STA to authorize one of its U.S. earth
stations to communicate with its satellites during this interim period.6 Globalstar seeks this

        Concurrent with this application, Globalstar is also filing a 180-day STA request for these
antennas seeking identical relief. The instant 30-day request seeks to ensure communications
authority while the Commission allows public comment on the 180-day request.
        See Exh. 2 (Letter from Alexandre Vallet, Head, Spectrum/Orbit Resources Dept.,
Agence Nationale des Fréquences, to Kathryn Medley, Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch,
Satellite Division, IB, FCC, Sept. 21, 2010)
       Id. at 1.
       To the extent necessary, Globalstar also requests a waiver of footnote NG172 of the U.S.
Table of Frequency Allocations in 47 CFR § 2.106, and Section 25.131(j)(1) of the
Commission's rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.131(j)(1), in connection with reception of space-to-Earth
transmissions in the 7025-7055 MHz band.

Ms. Mindel De La Torre
October 21, 2010
Page 3

authorization for various testing, including T&C, communications from its earth station at
Sebring, FL, with technical details provided in the attached exhibit.7 Specifically, Globalstar
requests the authority to utilize multiple antennas at this site to enable T&C of multiple satellites
in view simultaneously at a ground location, which is a common occurrence for a LEO satellite
constellation. The public interest will be served by the grant of this STA because in addition to
ensuring effective control center communications with recently launched and existing satellites,
this communication will provide crucial information necessary for the successful deployment of
the replacement Globalstar spacecraft to be launched in the coming months. The successful
testing, integration, and maneuvering of these satellites will accordingly ensure the provision of
high quality service to U.S. customers.

        Globalstar also requests a slight amendment to the Commission’s STA grant to allow all
of the antennas at Sebring, FL to communicate with all of Globalstar’s satellites.8 The
Commission’s grant only permits T&C communications with HIBLEO-X constellation satellites.
However, because Globalstar’s second-generation constellation will integrate eight of its first-
generation satellites, and T&C is still required with the remainder of Globalstar’s first-generation
constellation, Globalstar needs to communicate with both the HIBLEO-X (second-generation)
and HIBLEO-4FL / S2115 (first-generation) satellites.

        Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               /s/ Samir Jain
                                               Samir Jain
                                               Counsel to GUSA Licensee LLC


        See Exh. 3 (Earth Station Technical Information).
        See File. No. SES-STA-20100927-01214 (Call Sign E050097) (granted Oct. 14, 2010).

Document Created: 2010-10-21 17:52:35
Document Modified: 2010-10-21 17:52:35

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