Attachment STA Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100916-01171 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


ViaSat, Inc.
Request for Special Temporary Authority

                                          Attachment A

                   Description of Request for Special Temporary Authority

               ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”) hereby requests special temporary authority (“STA”), to
operate a 7.3 m meter Model VA-73-KA transmit/receive antenna operating in the Ka-band in
Milford, Utah for purposes of antenna testing and performance verification. ViaSat requests
authority commencing on October 25, 2010 for a period of 30 days.

                ViaSat intends to use this antenna as both a traffic gateway and as a TT&C
communications point for its VIASAT-1 satellite, which is scheduled for launch during the
second quarter of 2011. ViaSat has completed construction of this gateway antenna and requests
STA to test the performance of the antenna and related radio frequency components with
currently operating Ka-band satellites prior to the launch of VIASAT-1. The public interest will
be served by the grant of this STA because it will allow ViaSat to conclude testing of the antenna
to ensure the integrity of the ground network that will support the launch of VIASAT-1 next

                 This antenna complies with the antenna performance specifications in Section
25.209 and, during normal operations, it will comply with the off-axis EIRP performance levels
set forth in Section 25.138 of the Commission’s rules. The antenna gain patterns required
pursuant to Section 25.138(d) were generated based on an identical model antenna tested on the
manufacturer’s test range. These patterns are included as Attachment B. These patterns
illustrate that the proposed antenna also complies with Section 25.209. Note that cross-pol
patterns are not included in Attachment B. Cross-pol patterns will be generated as part of the
antenna testing during the STA and will be submitted with the application for the full gateway
earth station license.

               Two types of testing will be performed during the period of the STA – antenna
pattern performance verification, and RF subsystem performance verification.

               In order to perform the antenna pattern verification, a CW carrier will be
transmitted from the antenna while it is moved in the azimuth and elevation planes. The testing
will use a CW carrier (N0N), and the resulting off-axis EIRP density levels will exceed the
values in Section 25.138 during these limited tests. However, these tests will be conducted under
the supervision of the satellite operator who will provide a suitable test frequency that has been
cleared with the adjacent satellite operators for the type of testing operations proposed here.

                The RF subsystem testing will transmit carriers that simulate the actual traffic that
will be transmitted by the gateway earth station when in normal operation. As can be seen in the
pattern plots in Schedule B, off-axis EIRP density levels are well below those of Section 25.138.

                Therefore, the proposed operations will not cause harmful interference into
adjacent satellites. Moreover, the PFD levels emitted by the spacecraft points of communication
during these tests will comply with the limit in Section 25.138(a)(6).

                ViaSat submits a radiation hazard analysis performed pursuant to the
methodology set forth in OET Bulletin 65, attached hereto as Attachment C. The analysis
indicates that harmful levels will not be present in areas occupied by the general population and
that the antenna system does not present a risk to trained personnel in the immediate vicinity of
the antenna.

                ViaSat respectfully requests STA to operate this antenna pursuant to the following

                Location of Earth Station Site:

                         Latitude: 38°27’43.80” N, Longitude: 112°59’07.58” W (NAD-83)

                Points of Communication:

                         WildBlue 1 at 111.1 (Canadian)
                         ANIK F2 at 111.1 (Canadian)
                         AMC-16 at 85 (U.S.)
                         AMC-15 at 105 (U.S.)

Frequency     Polarization Emission    T/R mode        Max           Max EIRP    Modulation/ Services
(GHz)                                                  EIRP/         Density
                                                       Carrier       (/40 kHz)
29.5-30.0     RHCP          52M1G7D    Tx              86            54.85       Mary-PSK / Data
29.5-30.0     LHCP          52M1G7D    Tx              86            54.85       Mary-PSK / Data

                Max Gains: 65.39 dBi @ 29.1 GHz           65.52 dBi @ 30.0 GHz
                Maximum total input power at antenna flange: 110.7 Watts
                Maximum aggregate output EIRP for all carriers: 86 dBW

                Frequency Coordination:

                     Satellite Arc        Elevation              Azimuth         Max EIRP Density
                                                                                 toward Horizon
                                                                                 (dBW/40 kHz)
Frequency        East       West      East        West      East       West
                 Limit      Limit     Limit       Limit     Limit      Limit
29.5-30.0 GHz    85W        111.1W    35.87       38.49     154.57     191.07    -17.15


Document Created: 2010-09-16 09:43:57
Document Modified: 2010-09-16 09:43:57

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