Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100408-00416 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application by                     )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                  ) Call Signs S2807, E920698, E7169,
                                                    )     E090060, KA288, KB27, E040303
For Special Temporary Authority to                  )
Test SES-1 at 142.5º W.L.                           )


               By this application, SES Americom, Inc. (doing business as “SES WORLD
SKIES”), respectfully requests space station and earth station special temporary authority

(“STA”) for a period of up to 30 days, commencing on or about April 24, 2010, to permit SES

WORLD SKIES to perform in-orbit testing (“IOT”) of its SES-1 spacecraft at 142.5º W.L.

Specifically, SES WORLD SKIES requests: (1) authority to perform Tracking, Telemetry,

Command, and Monitoring (“TTC&M”) in order to position SES-1 at 142.5º W.L.; (2) authority

to operate the TTC&M and communications payloads of SES-1 at 142.5º W.L. during IOT; and

(3) authority to perform TTC&M in order to drift SES-1 to 101º W.L. following the completion

of IOT. The call signs of the space station and earth stations for which STA is requested are
listed in the caption above.

               SES WORLD SKIES has a pending application for a Commission license to

operate SES-1 at 101º W.L. in the conventional C- and Ku-bands to replace SES WORLD

     On September 7, 2009, SES S.A. announced that the newly integrated operations of its two
indirect subsidiaries, New Skies Satellites B.V. and SES Americom would be conducted under a
single brand name, SES WORLD SKIES. The new brand name does not affect the underlying
legal entities that hold Commission authorizations or U.S. market access rights.
    The TTC&M frequencies for the SES-1 satellite are at the edges of the conventional C- and
Ku-band. See SES Americom, Inc., File Nos. SAT-RPL-20100120-00014 (Call Sign S2807)
(“SES-1 Application”), Technical Narrative at 6.

SKIES’ AMC-4 spacecraft and recently amended the application to provide technical

information concerning the satellite’s 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service (“BSS”)
payload. SES WORLD SKIES requests authority to test the C-band, Ku-band, and 17/24 GHz

BSS band payloads of SES-1 at 142.5º W.L. As discussed below, temporary operation of SES-1

at 142.5º W.L. rather than 101° W.L. will permit testing to occur without disruption to existing

customers at 101º W.L. and will not adversely affect the operation of any adjacent satellites.

SES WORLD SKIES seeks expedited action on this request because SES-1 is scheduled for

launch on or about April 24, 2010.

                Grant of STAs Will Serve the Public Interest. Grant of SES WORLD SKIES’

request to test SES-1 at the 142.5º W.L. orbital position is in the public interest. By testing SES-

1 at this location, SES WORLD SKIES will minimize the risk of interference and be able to

ensure that SES-1 is fully operational at the time it arrives at its final orbital location, thereby

avoiding any interruption in service that otherwise might be associated with spacecraft testing.

                No Harmful Interference to Other Spacecraft. The testing of SES-1 at

142.5º W.L. will not cause harmful interference to the operations of any other spacecraft. No

spacecraft with Ku-band operations currently operates within six degrees on either side of the

142.5º W.L. position. The closest satellite operating in a portion of the C-band frequencies is

Inmarsat 2 F1 at 142° W.L. The in-orbit testing of SES-1 at 142.5° W.L. has been coordinated

    See SES-1 Application. The “conventional C-band” refers to the 3700-4200 MHz and 5925-
6425 MHz frequencies. The “conventional Ku-band” refers to the 11.7-12.2 GHz and 14.0-14.5
GHz frequencies.
     See SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT-AMD-20100309-00040 (“SES-1 Amendment”).
The “17/24 GHz BSS” refers to the 17.3-17.8 GHz and 24.75-25.25 GHz frequencies. SES
WORLD SKIES is not requesting authority to operate the 17/24 GHz BSS payload of SES-1 at
101º W.L. (see SES-1 Application, Narrative at 1 n.2), but requests authority herein to perform
in-orbit testing of the payload at 142.5° W.L. to verify its performance characteristics.


with Inmarsat. The next closest C-band spacecraft are SES WORLD SKIES’ AMC-7 and AMC-

8 satellites, at 137º W.L. and 139º W.L., respectively. SES WORLD SKIES will manage the

operations of its spacecraft to ensure that no harmful interference occurs. With respect to other

17/24 GHz BSS spacecraft, the only currently in-orbit spacecraft with a payload in the 17.3-

17.7 GHz frequencies – DIRECTV RB-2A – will be located nearly forty degrees away from the
requested IOT location at 102.765º W.L. As a result, there should be no impact on that

spacecraft. Moreover, in-orbit testing of the 17/24 GHz payload will not result in a power flux

density at the earth’s surface in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band that exceeds the applicable limits in

Section 25.208(w) of the Commission’s rules (see Attachment 1).

                There is no material risk of space-path interference to Direct Broadcast Satellite

(“DBS”) spacecraft using the 17.3-17.8 GHz band for feeder links. Although the Commission

has not yet finalized rules regarding the appropriate spacing between DBS and 17/24 GHz BSS

satellites, there is consensus among the commenting parties that an orbital separation of no more
than a few tenths of a degree will suffice to prevent interference. The U.S. DBS orbital location

that is closest to the proposed IOT location is more than five degrees away at 148º W.L., and that

location is not currently occupied by an operational DBS spacecraft. In fact, the nearest

operational DBS spacecraft is the Canadian-licensed Ciel 2 satellite at 129° W.L. – over thirteen

degrees away.

    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085, Call
Sign S2796 (granted Jan. 8, 2010).
     See Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting-Satellite Service at the
17.3-17.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7-17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and
at the 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Band for Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to
the Broadcasting-Satellite Service and for the Satellite Services Operating Bi-directionally in the
17.3-17.8 GHz Frequency Band, Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking,
FCC 07-76, 22 FCC Rcd 8842 at ¶ 186 (2007) (“Reverse Band Order”) (commenters support
minimum separation of 0.2-0.3 degrees between DBS and 17/24 GHz BSS satellites).


               No Harmful Interference to Terrestrial Services. The SES-1 TT&C operations

during the proposed drift and station-keeping maneuvers will not cause harmful interference to

any co-primary terrestrial services. The C-band earth stations to be used in connection with the

drift and in-orbit testing of the satellite (call signs E7169, E090060, KA288 and KB27) have

been coordinated to communicate with satellites in the 101° to 142.5° W.L. orbital arc using the

C-band frequencies. These earth stations will not exceed the maximum output EIRP density

specified in their respective licenses. The TT&C operations will not result in a power flux

density at the earth’s surface that exceeds the applicable limits in Section 25.208(a) of the

Commission’s rules (see Attachment 1).

               The proposed SES-1 IOT operations in the C-band are also not expected to cause

harmful interference to co-primary terrestrial services. Some IOT procedures will require the

satellite transponders to intermittently transmit a CW carrier for a short duration of time (less

than five minutes) over a period of a couple of days. During such transmissions, the maximum

satellite downlink PFD density is expected to exceed the PFD limits specified in

Section 25.208(a), but only for the minimal amounts of time during IOT (see Attachment 1).

               Testing of SES-1 will not cause harmful interference to terrestrial services in the
17.7-17.8 GHz and 24 GHz bands. With respect to terrestrial licensees in the 17.7-17.8 GHz

band, the power flux density at the earth’s surface generated by the in-orbit testing of SES-1 will
not exceed the limit of -115 dBW/m2/MHz in Section 25.208(c) of the Commission’s rules.

    Earth station E040303 is located well outside of the exclusion zones listed in footnote
US402 of the U.S. Table of Allocations for operations in the 17.6-17.7 GHz and 17.375-
17.475 GHz frequencies. See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106.
     SES WORLD SKIES recognizes that the 17.7-17.8 GHz band is allocated to BSS
internationally but not within the United States. See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106; Reverse Band Order at
¶ 55. SES WORLD SKIES respectfully requests a temporary waiver of the U.S. Table of
Allocations for purposes of the in-orbit testing of the SES-1 spacecraft. The Commission has in

               With respect to terrestrial services in the 24 GHz band, SES WORLD SKIES

notes that the earth station it proposes to use for testing, E040303, is located in the Los Angeles-

Riverside-Orange County Economic Area (BEA160). A search of the FCC ULS database

indicates that there is no 24 GHz licensee for the entire BEA160 Economic Area. However,

there are a number of DEMS licenses held by Fibertower Spectrum Holdings LLC authorized to

operate in Standard Metropolitan Statistical Areas (SMSA) located within BEA160, and earth
station E040303 lies within the SMSA for the WPNH293 DEMS license (see Attachment 2).

SES WORLD SKIES is in the process of coordinating the use of the E040303 earth station for

IOT within the WPNH293 DEMS license and to the neighboring DEMS licenses (WPNH 292,

WMT 306, WMT 314, WMT 337), and will notify the Commission of the outcome of that

coordination shortly. SES WORLD SKIES’s assessment, subject to coordination confirmation,

is that harmful interference to DEMS operations within WPNH293 or its neighboring call signs

is not likely given the specific azimuth, high elevation angle, proximity and narrow beamwidth

of the proposed IOT operations (see Attachment 3). The operation of E040303 for IOT is

expected to have no impact on DEMS operations in adjacent SMSAs, as the predicted power flux

the past granted waivers of the U.S. Table of Allocations where such waiver would not result in
harmful interference to lawful users of the band. See, e.g., Northrop Grumman Space & Mission
Systems Corporation, 24 FCC Rcd 2330 (IB 2009) at ¶ 90. In this case, SES WORLD SKIES’s
IOT operations will not exceed the power flux density limits established by the Commission to
protect terrestrial licensees in the 17.7-17.8 GHz band. As a result, terrestrial operations in this
band will be fully protected.
     To the extent that the Commission concludes that 47 C.F.R. § 25.203(l) applies in these
circumstances, SES WORLD SKIES respectfully requests a temporary waiver of the rule for
purposes of the in-orbit testing of the SES-1 spacecraft. A waiver of the Commission’s rules is
warranted when a waiver would not undermine the purpose of the rule. See, e.g., PanAmSat
Licensee Corp., 17 FCC Rcd 10483, 10492 (Sat. Div. 2002). The purpose of the rule in question
is to protect 24 GHz licensees that are authorized to operate within an entire Economic Area
from interference from earth stations transmitting in the 24.25-24.75 GHz band. See Reverse
Band Order at ¶ 127. In this case, there is no such EA-wide licensee and harmful interference is
unlikely to result for the reasons stated herein.


density at the nearest SMSA boundaries is calculated well below the -114 dBW/m2/MHz
coordination trigger designed to protect 24 GHz Economic Area licensees (see Attachment 2).

To ensure Fibertower’s DEMS operations are protected, SES WORLD SKIES will provide

Fibertower with advance notice of its proposed IOT and provide a 24/7 point of contact during


               In addition, and in any event, SES WORLD SKIES will conduct all IOT and drift

operations on a non-harmful interference basis, and will cease transmissions promptly in the

event any harmful interference is caused by such operations.

               Radiolocation and Radionavigation. SES WORLD SKIES notes that there are

Federal Government radiolocation systems allocated on a primary basis in the 15.7-17.3 GHz
band and on a secondary basis in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band.       For the short duration of the

proposed IOT of the 17/24 GHz BSS payload on SES-1, SES WORLD SKIES will accept the

potential for interference caused to its communications links from such radiolocation systems,

and will cease transmissions in the event its operations causes any harmful interference into such

radiolocation systems.

               SES WORLD SKIES also notes that a portion of the 24.75-25.25 GHz band is

allocated on a co-primary basis to Federal government and non-Federal government

radionavigation systems. In its 2007 Reverse Band Order, the Commission indicated that it was
not aware of any radionavigation system operating in this band.       SES WORLD SKIES is also

not aware of any such radionavigation systems. Accordingly, SES WORLD SKIES does not

     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.203(l).
     See Reverse Band Order at ¶¶ 129 et seq.
     Id. at ¶ 116 n.361.


anticipate that its proposed IOT operations could cause any harmful interference to such systems,

but will of course cease transmissions in the event that any harmful interference is caused.

               In addition, to facilitate coordination with Federal Government users, SES

WORLD SKIES will accept conditions similar to the one imposed on grant of a recent

DIRECTV request for an STA to conduct in-orbit testing in the same frequency band – namely,

to provide a 24/7 point-of-contact during IOT and to provide appropriate notification 24 hours in
advance of testing and after testing is completed.

               Protective Conditions. SES WORLD SKIES seeks authority to position and test

SES-1 at 142.5° W.L., and to relocate the satellite to 101° W.L. once testing is completed,

subject to the following (or similar) conditions:

                (a)    SES WORLD SKIES will coordinate its drift and test operations with all
potentially affected operating satellite networks.

              (b)    During the drift of SES-1 to 142.5° W.L., and during the drift from
142.5° W.L. and 101° W.L., only the TT&C payload of the SES-1 spacecraft will be operated.

              (c)    No harmful interference will be caused to any lawfully operating satellite
network or radio communication system and SES WORLD SKIES operations will cease
immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Further, SES WORLD SKIES shall
notify the Commission in writing that it has received such a notification within 14 days of

                (d)     SES WORLD SKIES will accept interference from any lawfully operating
satellite network or radio communication system.

              (e)     Testing authority is limited to the conventional C- and Ku-band
frequencies and the 17/24 GHz BSS frequencies (including the 17.7-17.8 GHz frequencies) at
the 142.5° W.L. orbital location.

               (f)     During in-orbit testing, SES WORLD SKIES shall maintain the SES-1
space station within an east/west longitudinal station-keeping tolerance of +/-0.05 degrees of the
142.5° W.L. orbital location.

                (g)     Operations of the SES-1 space station at 142.5° W.L. are limited to in-
orbit testing, and shall not include any provision of commercial services.
    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-STA-20091202-01525
(granted Feb. 21, 2010).


                 (h)    The authorization is subject to change in any of its terms or cancellation in
its entirety at any time upon reasonable notice, but without hearing, if in the opinion of the
Commission, circumstances require.

             (i)     The temporary authority will commence on the date SES WORLD SKIES
launches SES-1, currently scheduled for April 24, 2010, and terminate 30 days from that date.

              (j)  The 24/7 point of contact for SES WORLD SKIES during IOT and drift
maneuvers is Dave Westlund, (805) 217-4415,

              (k)     SES WORLD SKIES will notify Fibertower (Joe Sandri,, and Angela Parsons, 24 hours prior to the
beginning of IOT in the 17/24 GHz BSS and after IOT has been completed.

               (l)     SES WORLD SKIES will notify the Air Force Frequency Management
Agency (, 703-428-1513) 24 hours prior to the beginning of IOT
operations and after IOT operations have been completed.

               (m)      SES WORLD SKIES shall notify the Commission in writing no later than
seven days after it has completed testing of SES-1 and commenced the move of SES-1 to its
assigned orbital location.

                SES WORLD SKIES hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to

a denial of federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21

U.S.C. § 862.


               For the foregoing reasons, SES WORLD SKIES respectfully requests special

temporary authority to position and test SES-1 at 142.5º W.L. for a period of up to 30 days,

commencing upon the launch of SES-1, and to relocate the spacecraft to 101° W.L. following the

completion of in-orbit testing. Grant of the requested authority will permit testing of the

spacecraft to occur without affecting services to customers and will permit a seamless transition

of services. As noted above, SES WORLD SKIES is preparing to launch SES-1 on or about

April 24, 2010, and requests expedited action on this application to accommodate that schedule.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                              By: /s/ Daniel C.H. Mah

Of Counsel                                        Daniel C. H. Mah
Karis A. Hastings                                 Regulatory Counsel
Hogan & Hartson L.L.P.                            SES Americom, Inc.
555 13th Street, N.W.                             Four Research Way
Washington, D.C. 20004-1109                       Princeton, NJ 08540
Tel: (202) 637-5600

Dated: April 7, 2010


                                       ATTACHMENT 1

               This attachment provides information in support of applications of SES

Americom, Inc. (doing business as “SES WORLD SKIES”) for space station and earth station

special temporary authority in connection with: (1) the proposed in-orbit testing (“IOT”) of the

SES-1 spacecraft, call sign S2807 at 142.5° W.L.; and (2) Tracking, Telemetry, Command, and

Monitoring (“TTC&M”) to position SES-1 at 142.5° W.L. and drift the spacecraft to its assigned

orbital location of 101° W.L. following completion of IOT. The following SES WORLD SKIES

earth stations will be used for IOT and TTC&M functions:

Call Sign   Location                   Function                          Frequencies
E7169     Woodbine, MD         Primary TTC&M to drift        C-band TTC&M
                               and maintain SES-1 at         --Command:            6423.5 MHz
                               142.5º W.L.                   --Beacons/Telemetry: 3700.5 MHz
                                                                                   4199.5 MHz
E090060     Sunset Beach,      Secondary TTC&M to            C-band TTC&M
            HI                 drift and maintain SES-1      --Command:            6423.5 MHz
                               at 142.5º W.L.                --Beacons/Telemetry: 3700.5 MHz
                                                                                   4199.5 MHz
E040303     Somis, CA          17/24 GHz BSS IOT at          17/24 GHz BSS IOT
                               142.5° W.L.                   -- 17.3-17.8 GHz; 24.75-24.25 GHz
KB27        Somis, CA          C-band IOT at 142.5°          C-band IOT
                               W.L.                          -- 3700-4200 MHz; 5925-6425 MHz
KA288       Somis, CA          Ku-band IOT at 142.5º         Ku-band IOT
                               W.L.                          -- 11.7-12.2 GHz; 14.0-14.5 GHz

                               Secondary TTC&M               Ku-band TTC&M
                               during drift from 142.5º      --Command:           14499.0 MHz
                               W.L. to 101° W.L.             --Beacons/Telemetry: 11701.0 MHz
                                                                                  12199.0 MHz
E920698     Woodbine, MD       Primary TTC&M to drift        Ku-band TTC&M
                               SES-1 from 142.5º W.L.        --Command:           14499.0 MHz
                               to 101° W.L. after IOT        --Beacons/Telemetry: 11701.0 MHz
                                                                                  12199.0 MHz

               IOT of SES-1 will involve verifying the performance characteristics of the

transponders and antenna patterns and will utilize in some cases saturating CW carriers in the

conventional C-band, Ku-band and 17/24 GHz BSS frequencies. The IOT will include the

following tests: satellite power amplifier transfer characteristics; satellite transponder

characteristics; antenna mapping; and EIRP and SFD, amplitude linearity, group delay amplitude

response, polarization isolation, and attenuator checks. The earth stations utilized for the

performance of the IOT will not exceed the maximum output EIRP density specified in their

respective licenses.

               The maximum satellite transmit power during IOT will be consistent with the

values in the SES-1 Application, as amended, except for those tests that require the transmission

of CW carriers for short periods of time (less than 5 minutes). These test procedures are required

to verify the performance of the satellite in the linear and non-linear region and to precisely

establish the operational point of the transponder amplifiers.

               With respect to the PFD limits on the earth’s surface, the nominal operation of the

SES-1 TTC&M and the IOT procedures will result in the following:

   •   Satellite TTC&M operations in the C-band frequency bands will not exceed the PFD

       limit of -152 dBW/m2/4 kHz (at the 5 degree elevation angle) specified in

       Section 25.208(a) of the Commission’s rules. The PFD levels for the nominal TTC&M

       operations will be -166 dBW/m2/4 kHz, at all elevation angles, which is less than the

       operational PFD values of the SES-1 C-band transponders as presented in the SES-1


   •   The use of a CW carrier during C-band IOT will result in satellite emissions in the 3700 -

       4200 MHz frequency band that exceed the Commission’s PFD limits on the earth’s

       surface in Section 25.208(a). However, the test duration is very short (in the order of 2 to


       3 minutes, and certainly less than 5 minutes). SES WORLD SKIES will cease

       transmissions in the event of harmful interference.

   •   The use of a CW carrier during 17/24 GHz BSS IOT will result in satellite emissions in

       the 17.3-17.7 GHz frequency band that will not exceed the Commission’s PFD limits on

       the earth’s surface in Section 25.208(w). The resulting PFD values are shown in the

       SES-1 Amendment Technical Appendix at 8, section 7, table 4. In any event, the test

       duration will be very short (in the order of 2 to 3 minutes, and certainly less than 5

       minutes). There should be no impact on other operational 17/24 GHz BSS systems since

       the closest operational system is DIRECTV RB-2A located forty degrees away at

       102.765° W.L.

   •   The use of a CW carrier during 17/24 GHz BSS IOT will result in satellite emissions in

       the 17.7 -17.8 GHz frequency band that will not exceed the PFD limit of

       -115dBW/m2/MHz at the earth’s surface specified in Section 25.208(c) of the

       Commission’s rules. In any event, the test duration will be very short (in the order of 2 to

       3 minutes, and certainly less than 5 minutes). The resulting PFD values are shown in the

       SES-1 Amendment Technical Appendix at 8, section 7, table 4.

SES WORLD SKIES will terminate transmissions immediately upon notification of harmful

interference resulting from the IOT operations.




                                   Moorpark PFD Calculations

Earth Station Name                                     Moorpark        Moorpark       Moorpark
Earth Station Transmitter Power (dBW)                        15.5            15.5           15.5
Earth Station Modulation                                     N0N             N0N            N0N
Earth Station Transmit Power Density (dBW/MHz)               15.5            15.5           15.5
Receive Station Name                                  Carpinteria   Anacapa Isle    Castro Peak
Receive Station Latitude (DD-MM-SS N)                 34-24-03.0      34-00-52.0     34-05-06.0
Receive Station Longitude (DDD-MM-SS W)              119-30-53.4     119-21-42.4    118-46-57.3
Receive Station Ground Elevation AMSL (m)                    11.8            54.9          835.6
Receive Station Antenna Centerline Height (m)                30.0            30.0           30.0
ES to RS Distance (km)                                       48.5            48.3           33.1
ES to RS Azimuth (deg)                                     280.1           224.5           143.6
ES to RS Horizon Gain (dBi)                                 -10.0            -8.5          -10.0
ES to RS EIRP (dBW/MHz)                                       5.5             7.0            5.5
ES to RS EIRP (W/MHz)                                         3.5             5.0            3.5
Free Space PFD at RS (W/m^2/MHz)                         1.2E-10         1.7E-10        2.6E-10
Free Space PFD at RS (dBW/m^2/MHz)                          -99.2           -97.7          -95.9
20% OH Loss (dB)                                             98.8            50.9           43.6
20% PFD at RS (dBW/m^2/MHz)                               -198.0          -148.6          -139.5
0.0025% OH Loss (dB)                                         47.7            40.2           36.5
0.0025% PFD at RS (dBW/m^2/MHz)                           -146.9          -137.9          -132.4

Comsearch                                        1                                         April 2010

                       Pathloss Calculations (NSMA Tropo)

    Path data for case # 3      MOORPARK               CARPINTERIA
    Latitude                     34 19 32.0              34 24 3.0
    Longitude                   118 59 44.0             119 30 53.4
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.     98.43 ft.    30.00 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 1017.11 ft.   310.00 m.     38.72 ft.    11.80 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 1029.12 ft.   313.66 m.    137.15 ft.    41.80 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.     98.43 ft.    30.00 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.27 mi.     0.43 km.     5.67 mi.     9.13 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 1323.23 ft.   403.30 m.   1059.76 ft.   323.00 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle .... 245.46 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht ....... 548.76 ft.    167.25 m.
    Effective Distance .....   85.65 mi.   137.81 km.
    Pathlength .............   30.14 mi.    48.49 km.
    Azimuth ................ 280.06 deg.                 99.77 deg.
    Frequency ..............   25000 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Irregular Terrain
    Free Space Path Loss ...   154.1 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     7.170 dB
    Diff. Loss .... 1053.6 dB (1207.7 dB) Tropo. Loss ...108.5 dB (262.6 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     252.9 dB        98.8 dB        4.4 dB    20.   %     Tropospheric Scatter
     233.0 dB        78.9 dB        8.2 dB    1.    %     Tropospheric Scatter
     219.9 dB        65.9 dB       10.9 dB    0.1   %     Tropospheric Scatter
     210.7 dB        56.6 dB       12.9 dB    0.01 %      Tropospheric Scatter
     201.8 dB        47.7 dB       14.8 dB    0.0025%     Tropospheric Scatter
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 341 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   310.0     3.7     0.0     0.0   24.82   306.4     0.0 -131.9 -166.5
  0.43   403.3     0.0   -92.0   -93.3   25.96   342.4     0.0 -174.3 -208.8
  1.43   470.4     0.0 -164.7 -168.7     26.67   296.4     0.0 -132.3 -166.6
  2.71   688.0     0.0 -389.5 -396.8     27.67   271.2     0.0 -112.7 -146.6
  3.00   592.5     0.0 -295.6 -303.7     28.38   285.6     0.0 -131.1 -164.7
  3.99   369.5     0.0   -78.2   -88.7   29.95   191.4     0.0   -45.7   -78.4
  4.85   231.4     0.0    55.1    42.6   30.38   266.0     0.0 -122.7 -155.1
  5.85   116.5     0.0   164.4   149.7   31.24   204.5     0.0   -65.9   -97.7
  7.70    71.5     0.0   199.0   180.5   32.66   164.3     0.0   -33.7   -64.2
  8.70    76.3     0.0   188.6   168.2   33.80   236.4     0.0 -112.2 -141.5
  9.56    86.3     0.0   173.8   151.8   34.52   320.2     0.0 -200.0 -228.5
 10.55    97.6     0.0   156.9   133.3   35.80   348.7     0.0 -235.7 -262.5
 11.27   154.3     0.0    96.2    71.5   35.94   361.3     0.0 -249.1 -275.7
 12.27   231.2     0.0    13.7   -12.5   37.80   266.5     0.0 -164.7 -188.6
 12.84   257.5     0.0   -15.8   -42.8   38.08   306.4     0.0 -206.2 -229.6
 13.83   168.2     0.0    67.9    39.6   39.37   323.0     0.0 -230.0 -251.2
 15.12   261.7     0.0   -32.8   -62.6   39.79   275.9     0.0 -185.3 -205.7
 15.55   227.0     0.0    -0.5   -30.7   40.79   217.1     0.0 -132.1 -150.6
 16.97   237.6     0.0   -19.1   -50.6   42.22   203.2     0.0 -126.2 -141.8
 18.40   401.7     0.0 -191.2 -223.8     42.79   166.8     0.0   -93.0 -107.4
 19.40   465.4     0.0 -260.5 -293.8     43.79   134.5     0.0   -66.3   -78.5
 19.68   421.8     0.0 -218.5 -251.9     44.64    58.1     0.0     5.3    -4.8
 20.40   414.7     0.0 -215.4 -249.2     45.64    45.5     0.0    12.3     4.6
 21.39   407.9     0.0 -214.2 -248.4     46.64    36.5     0.0    15.7    10.6
 22.68   264.0     0.0   -77.5 -112.0    47.64    18.1     0.0    28.5    26.1
 24.25   228.7     0.0   -51.0   -85.6   48.49    11.8    30.0     0.0     0.0

                       Pathloss Calculation (NSMA Tropo)

    Path data for case # 4      MOORPARK               ANACAPA ISLE
    Latitude                     34 19 32.0              34   0 52.0
    Longitude                   118 59 44.0             119 21 42.4
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.     98.43 ft.    30.00 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 1017.11 ft.   310.00 m.    180.00 ft.    54.86 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 1029.12 ft.   313.66 m.    278.43 ft.    84.86 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.    185.74 ft.    56.61 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.62 mi.     1.00 km.    28.85 mi.    46.42 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 1083.06 ft.   330.10 m.   1094.54 ft.   333.60 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle ....   24.70 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht ....... 238.05 ft.     72.55 m.
    Effective Distance .....   79.43 mi.   127.81 km.
    Pathlength .............   30.01 mi.    48.28 km.
    Azimuth ................ 224.48 deg.                 44.27 deg.
    Frequency ..............   25000 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Two Single Knife Edges
    Free Space Path Loss ...   154.0 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     7.138 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   49.9 dB (204.0 dB) Tropo. Loss ... 74.8 dB (228.8 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     204.9 dB        50.9 dB        3.6 dB    20.   %     Diffraction
     198.7 dB        44.6 dB        3.9 dB    1.    %     Diffraction
     196.8 dB        42.8 dB        4.1 dB    0.1   %     Diffraction
     195.6 dB        41.6 dB        4.3 dB    0.01 %      Diffraction
     194.2 dB        40.2 dB        4.5 dB    0.0025%     Diffraction
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 339 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   310.0     3.7     0.0     0.0   24.28     8.8     0.0   189.8   155.4
  0.71   324.8     0.0   -14.5   -16.5   25.28     6.8     0.0   187.0   152.8
  1.00   330.1    -0.1   -21.1   -23.9   26.43     5.2     0.0   183.2   149.2
  1.86   333.6     0.0   -28.7   -33.8   28.00     4.3     0.0   176.7   143.2
  2.00   329.7     0.0   -25.5   -31.0   28.14     0.0     0.0   180.3   146.9
  3.00   275.3     0.0    24.1    16.1   29.00     0.0     0.0   176.2   143.3
  4.00   267.3     0.0    27.4    17.0   30.00     0.0     0.0   171.5   139.2
  4.86   200.5     0.0    90.1    77.7   31.28     0.4     0.0   165.0   133.7
  5.86   165.9     0.0   120.0   105.4   32.00     0.0     0.0   162.0   131.3
  6.86   147.9     0.0   133.3   116.5   32.85     0.0     0.0   158.0   128.1
  8.14   117.8     0.0   157.3   138.0   33.85     0.0     0.0   153.2   124.4
  8.71   109.5     0.0   162.9   142.5   34.85     0.0     0.0   148.5   120.9
  9.71    94.4     0.0   173.2   151.1   35.85     0.0     0.0   143.8   117.5
 11.57    93.7     0.0   165.1   140.1   36.71     0.0     0.0   139.7   114.6
 11.71    91.1     0.0   167.1   141.8   37.71     0.0     0.0   135.0   111.4
 12.57    63.3     0.0   190.8   164.3   38.71     0.0     0.0   130.2   108.4
 13.57    36.8     0.0   212.6   184.8   39.71     0.0     0.0   125.5   105.4
 14.57    26.5     0.0   218.1   189.1   40.57     0.0     0.0   121.4   103.0
 15.71    22.0     0.0   217.2   187.0   41.57     0.0     0.0   116.7   100.2
 16.43    20.6     0.0   215.2   184.4   42.57     0.0     0.0   111.9    97.6
 18.14    19.2     0.0   208.5   176.2   43.57     0.0     0.0   107.2    95.1
 18.43    19.1     0.0   207.2   174.8   44.42     0.0     0.0   103.1    93.0
 19.43    18.0     0.0   203.6   170.5   45.42     0.0     0.0    98.4    90.7
 20.28    17.2     0.0   200.3   166.8   46.42     0.0     0.0    93.7    88.6
 21.28    16.1     0.0   196.7   162.8   48.14    53.3     0.0    32.2    31.8
 22.28    13.8     0.0   194.3   160.1   48.28    54.9    30.0     0.0     0.0
 23.28    11.2     0.0   192.1   157.8

                       Pathloss Calculation (NSMA Tropo)

    Path data for case # 5      MOORPARK               CASTRO PEAK
    Latitude                     34 19 32.0              34   5 6.0
    Longitude                   118 59 44.0             118 46 57.3
    Antenna Center Agl .....   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.     98.43 ft.    30.00 m.
    Site Elevation Amsl .... 1017.11 ft.   310.00 m.   2741.60 ft.   835.60 m.
    Antenna Center Amsl .... 1029.12 ft.   313.66 m.   2840.03 ft.   865.60 m.
    Effective Antenna Ht ...   12.01 ft.     3.66 m.   2113.26 ft.   644.09 m.
    Horizon Distance .......    0.18 mi.     0.29 km.    20.41 mi.    32.84 km.
    Horizon Elevation Amsl . 1189.36 ft.   362.50 m.   1189.36 ft.   362.50 m.
    Ray Crossover Angle .... 157.67 mr.
    Terrain Delta Ht ....... 468.35 ft.    142.74 m.
    Effective Distance .....   21.83 mi.    35.12 km.
    Pathlength .............   20.59 mi.    33.12 km.
    Azimuth ................ 143.60 deg.                323.72 deg.
    Frequency ..............   25000 MHz
    K Factor ...............    1.33 (K)
    Radio Climate Phrase ... Continental Temperate Climate
    Type of Path ........... Single Knife Edge
    Free Space Path Loss ...   150.8 dB   Atmospheric Loss ...     4.898 dB
    Diff. Loss ....   43.6 dB (194.3 dB) Tropo. Loss ...101.9 dB (252.6 dB)
    Terrain data type ......   1.0 ARC Second
    Losses         L-Fspl         Sigma       Controlling Propagation Mode
    ------         ------         -----       ----------- ----------------
     194.3 dB        43.6 dB        3.6 dB    20.   %     Diffraction
     190.1 dB        39.4 dB        3.7 dB    1.    %     Diffraction
     189.0 dB        38.2 dB        3.8 dB    0.1   %     Diffraction
     188.2 dB        37.4 dB        3.9 dB    0.01 %      Diffraction
     187.3 dB        36.5 dB        4.0 dB    0.0025%     Diffraction
    The OH loss calculations considered a terrain profile of 233 points.
    The list below shows the highest point in each fiftieth of the path length.
                         K=Inf. K= 1.33                          K=Inf. K= 1.33
  Dist. Elev.    Obstr. Clrnce. Clrnce. Dist. Elev.      Obstr. Clrnce.Clrnce.
  (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)    (m.)     (km.) (m.)     (m.)    (m.)   (m.)
--------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
  0.00   310.0     3.7     0.0     0.0   17.13   257.1     0.0   342.0   325.9
  0.29   362.5     0.0   -44.1   -44.6   17.28   267.6     0.0   333.9   317.8
  1.29   297.5     0.0    37.6    35.2   18.42   247.5     0.0   373.1   357.1
  1.43   301.5     0.0    36.0    33.3   18.56   263.6     0.0   359.3   343.4
  2.00   246.5     0.0   100.5    96.8   19.70   233.9     0.0   408.1   392.5
  3.14   295.4     0.0    70.6    65.0   20.27   246.2     0.0   405.3   389.9
  3.86   239.6     0.0   138.3   131.6   21.13   275.2     0.0   390.6   375.6
  4.00   219.0     0.0   161.3   154.4   21.42   346.1     0.0   324.4   309.6
  4.71   171.7     0.0   220.5   212.6   22.27   394.1     0.0   290.7   276.4
  5.43   157.0     0.0   247.1   238.2   22.56   376.6     0.0   313.0   298.9
  6.57   166.0     0.0   257.1   246.8   23.27   294.1     0.0   407.3   393.8
  6.71   134.5     0.0   291.0   280.5   23.99   281.4     0.0   431.9   419.0
  7.42   117.4     0.0   320.0   308.7   24.99   274.2     0.0   455.8   443.8
  8.57   147.7     0.0   308.7   296.3   25.70   274.4     0.0   467.5   456.2
  8.85   220.6     0.0   240.6   227.9   26.13   322.1     0.0   426.9   416.1
  9.85   246.0     0.0   231.8   218.3   26.70   307.0     0.0   451.5   441.4
 10.57   235.1     0.0   254.6   240.6   27.70   408.1     0.0   367.1   358.2
 10.71   215.8     0.0   276.3   262.1   27.84   411.4     0.0   366.2   357.5
 11.28   130.6     0.0   371.0   356.5   29.13   332.1     0.0   466.9   460.0
 11.99    84.3     0.0   429.2   414.3   29.70   433.9     0.0   374.6   368.6
 13.14    83.0     0.0   449.5   434.0   29.84   427.5     0.0   383.4   377.6
 13.85   290.7     0.0   253.7   238.0   31.13   403.5     0.0   428.8   425.1
 13.99   278.7     0.0   268.1   252.3   31.70   544.8     0.0   297.0   294.3
 15.13   200.4     0.0   365.4   349.4   32.41   745.5     0.0   108.2   106.8
 15.71   195.7     0.0   379.7   363.5   32.98   824.3     0.0    38.9    38.6
 16.42   236.0     0.0   351.3   335.1   33.12   835.6    30.0     0.0     0.0

Document Created: 2010-04-08 09:29:29
Document Modified: 2010-04-08 09:29:29

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