Attachment STA

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100405-00395 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                             Exhibit 1

    Request for STA for Additional S-band Transmit/Receive Sites to support SBN-IOT

TerreStar License Inc. (“TerreStar”) hereby respectfully requests, pursuant to Section
25.120 of the Commission’s rules, Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to conduct in-
orbit testing (“IOT”) of the TerreStar-1 satellite in the manner described below. The
proposed operations will be conducted using up to five (5) temporary-fixed facilities at
the locations identified below. Accordingly, TerreStar is submitting a unique STA
request for each of the different locations.

1. Introduction

         TerreStar, in coordination with its contractor Space Systems Loral (SSL), has been
         conducting the SBN-IOT (Satellite Beam-forming Network – In Orbit Testing)
         activity since fall 2009. A set of STA requests was initially filed and granted by
         the Bureau on July 6, 2009; those STA’s were most recently extended to June 30,
         2010 in order to permit TerreStar and SSL to conduct additional beam-forming
         tests via the TerreStar-1 satellite. 1

         During the SBN-IOT tests thus far the S-band transmit/receive facility used has
         been the one located in North Las Vegas (NLV). However, as the overall volume
         of SBN test results and ground based beam forming knowledge have grown in
         the ensuing period, acting upon the advice of SSL, TerreStar has concluded that
         measuring the variability between different pairs of elemental and spot beams to
         create geographic diversity in the measurements would allow for greater
         precision in test results than only measuring from one site. This testing will
         allow for the measurement of gain differential between elemental and formed
         beams and capture gain variances from a geographically diverse beam sample.

         Accordingly, TerreStar has arranged for testing of transmit/receive test signals
         via five additional sites to support the beam-forming advantage tests in the

1 The Bureau granted TerreStar an initial 30-day Special Temporary Authority until August 4, 2009, to
operate, respectively, the gateway antennas licensed under Call Sign E070098 and a 1.8-m mobile earth
terminal pursuant to the application requests submitted as File Nos. SES-STA-20090625-00794 and SES-
STA-20090523-00646. TerreStar’s requests seeking 60-day extensions of those STA’s pursuant to the
application requests submitted as File Nos. SES-STA-20090625-00795 and SES-STA-20090523-00644 were
granted on August 11, 2009.
        Subsequently, TerreStar sought and was issued STA to operate the facilities as part of Phase II
operations in order to test the Satellite Beam-forming Network (SBN). The initial Phase II STA’s were
submitted as File Nos. SES-STA-20090728-00925 and SES-STA-20090728-00926, and were granted on
August 11, 2009. The Phase II STA’s were ultimately extended, for 60 days, pursuant to File Nos. SES-
STA-20090728-00927 and SES-STA-20090728-00922 and for a first 90-day term, pursuant to File Nos. SES-
STA-20091102-01408 and SES-STA-20091102-01409, and a second 90-day term, pursuant to File Nos. SES-
STA-20100208-00167 and SES-STA-20100208-00166.


                                                                                            Exhibit 1

       forward and return channel directions. The tests are designed to
       measure/confirm the increase in S-band beam gain with a formed spot beam
       relative to an unformed (i.e., element) beam at the same location. This STA seeks
       the authority to transmit test signals from these additional five test sites.

       Apart from the addition of the temporary fixed sites, the S-band frequencies to be
       used for the subject STA are the same as those previously authorized by the
       Commission. Moreover, the maximum transmit EIRP for these remaining SBN
       tests is lower than the 72 dBW previously authorized. 2 All of the remaining
       testing will transmit unmodulated CW carriers at maximum EIRP of 47 dBW
       except for one test which requires a peak EIRP of 52 dBW (see Note 3 to the table

       The additional tests are planned to commence the week of April 5, 2010, in
       conjunction with the testing of TerreStar’s overall network as necessary for the
       impending commercial launch of the system.

2. Additional S-band Transmit/Receive Sites

       The locations, frequencies, as well as characteristics of signals that will be used
       for the transmit/receive functions at the five additional sites are described in the
       table below.

Site               Gaithersburg       Seattle           San Diego       Richardson       Reston
State              Maryland           Washington        California      Texas            VA Note 2
Latitude/          39.1522N           47.7919N          32.9507N        32.9867N         38.9561N
Longitude          77.2089W           122.1953W         117.1251W       96.6617W         77.3566W
(in degrees)
Transmit           2004.900           2004.950          2004.950        2004.900         2004.900
(in MHz)
Max Transmit       12.0               12.0              12.0            12.0             12.0
(in dBW)
Transmit signal    CW                 CW                CW              CW               CW

2See Table 1 of Exhibit 1 to TerreStar initial applications for Special Temporary Authority (File Nos.
SES-STA-20090728-00926 et al.; filed Jul. 28, 2009) at 8.


                                                                                          Exhibit 1

Polarization        Linear           Linear          Linear         Linear          Linear
Antenna type        Andrew           Andrew          Andrew         Andrew          Andrew
                    DB992            DB992           DB992          DB992           DB992
                    HG28N-B;         HG28N-B;        HG28N-B;       HG28N-B;        HG28N-B;
                    High-gain        High-gain       High-gain      High-gain       High-gain
                    array            array           array          array           array
                    31cmx31cm        31cmx31cm       31cmx31cm      31cmx31cm       31cmx31cm
                    Note 1
Receive             2193.629         2193.619        2193.609       2193.609        2193.629
(in MHz)
(with element
Receive         2193.599             2193.629        2193.599       2193.629        2193.599
(in MHz)
(with formed
spot beam)
Max Receive      47                   47              47             47              47
per carrier
(in dBW) Note 3

          Note 1 - Detailed antenna characteristics are shown in Attachment 1 to this

          Note 2 - Please note that the Reston, Virginia site is a back-up site to the
          Gaithersburg, Maryland site.

          Note 3 – Note in section 1 above that maximum EIRP for all tests except one will
          be 47 dBW. The exception is a beamforming accuracy/null stability test that will
          require 52 dBW for measurement accuracy.

3. Interference Analysis

    3.1          Broadcast Auxiliary Service (BAS)

    TerreStar has reviewed Sprint Nextel Corporation’s most recent reports filed in
    accordance with a recent OET Order regarding relocation of Broadcast Auxiliary
    Service licensees above 2025 MHz. 3 TerreStar confirms that the DMAs in which the

3See Improving Public Safety Communications in the 800 MHz Band, Order, 2010 FCC LEXIS 732, DA 10-
235 (rel. Feb. 5, 2010).


                                                                                    Exhibit 1

   proposed five additional transmit/receive test sites are located have all been cleared
   of BAS in TerreStar’s operating band of 2000-2010 MHz. Therefore, narrowband CW
   transmission from these temporary fixed sites will not cause interference to any BAS
   receive site still using channel A1 in the original band plan.

   3.2          Fixed Microwave Service (FS)

   As shown in the table above, the test signal frequencies that will be used in the
   satellite forward channel and received at the five sites are exactly the same as those
   that were described in the original TerreStar SBN-IOT STA filing in July 2009, the
   only differences here being: a) the addition of additional test sites so that the tests
   can take into account factors of geographic diversity; and b) the forward channel
   signal power has been reduced to accommodate additional transmission time.
   Because of these changes, TerreStar has performed an updated analysis and
   confirmed that the test transmissions meet TSB-86 criteria that govern the
   interference from MSS (Mobile Satellite Service) to FS. Thus, no interference impact
   is expected from transmissions received at these five additional sites.

4. Radiation Hazard Analysis

         TerreStar has performed an analysis on the estimated radiation exposure levels
         at the near field as well as at the far field of the proposed transmit antennas
         covered in this STA. It concluded that, with the public safety measures it shall
         take, the antennas meet the limits set forth in Appendix A (FCC Exposure
         Criteria) of Supplement C to OET Bulletin 65 document. Specifically, the
         Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for 2 GHz transmission are:

            •   5 mW/cm2 for Occupational/Controlled Exposure;

            •   1.0 mW/cm2 for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure;

         If any of the five proposed sites can be accessed by the general public, TerreStar
         shall: (a) cordon off the area directly in front of the antenna at least 3.0 m from
         the antenna; and (b) place a radiation hazard warning sign near the antenna.
         With these measures, TerreStar has calculated that:

            •   Within the 0.32 m region of the antenna (i.e., the near field) the estimated
                exposure is 1.23 mW/cm2;

            •   At 3.0 m directly in front of the antenna, the estimated exposure is 0.014


                                                                                  Exhibit 1

     It can thus be seen that, with the safety measures to be taken by TerreStar at the
     antenna test sites, the antennas meet the MPE limits set by the FCC for both
     Occupational/Controlled Exposure in the near field and General
     Population/Uncontrolled Exposure at 3.0 m distance and beyond.

5. Conclusion

     TerreStar’s request for STA is supported by good cause. Grant of the instant STA
     request is in the public interest, as it will enable TerreStar to better assess the in-
     orbit testing being conducted on its TerreStar-1 satellite to ensure the proper
     functioning of the satellite’s communications payload in anticipation of
     providing service to the public and public safety agencies during a regional or
     national emergency.


Document Created: 2010-03-25 15:46:36
Document Modified: 2010-03-25 15:46:36

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