Attachment STA Requirement

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100324-00351 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


        Special Temporary Authority for VSAT Terminal Operations.


Submitted by

Ronald E Center
The Boeing Company
Frequency Management Services MC: 2T-22
P.O. Box 3707
Seattle, WA 98124-2207
206-544-6044 Office
866-248-1493 Toll Free

This STA is required to support temporary use of a C-band satellite terminal
using leased satellite service from a U.S. licensed provider, via satellite Galaxy-
13/Horizon-1. This STA supports temporary operations at the defined location.

The earth terminal to be used is a Prodelin 2.4 Meter dish, Model 1244. The
system will be operated from Milford, OH. The specifications of the operation are
listed below. The RadHaz study is provided as a separate attachment.

General Information:

Site Location: 39-10-53.8N; 84-17-2.4W, NAD 83

Ground Elevation AMSL: 176.1 Meters

Satellites: Galaxy-13/Horizon-1, located at 127 Degrees West

Period: March 29, 2010 through May 29, 2010.

Antenna Data

Quantity: 1

Antenna Manufacturer: Prodelin

Model: 1244

Antenna Size: 2.4 Meters

Antenna Transmit Gain: 42 dBi at 6137.5 MHz

Antenna Receive Gain: 38 dBi at 3912.5 MHz

        Special Temporary Authority for VSAT Terminal Operations.

Antenna Power Limits

Antenna Height Above Ground Level: 3 Meters

Antenna Height Above Sea Level: 179.1 Meters

Building Height: N/A – Antenna operated at ground level.

Total Input Power at Antenna Flange: 6.4 Watts

Antenna Height Above Rooftop: N/A

Total EIRP for all Carriers: 50.06 dBW

Frequency Limits

Satellite Arc, Eastern Limit: 127 Degrees West

Satellite Arc, Western Limit: 127 Degrees West

Antenna Elevation Angle, Eastern Limit: 27 Degrees

Antenna Elevation Angle, Western Limit: 27 Degrees

Earth Station Azimuth Limit, Eastern Limit: 235.6 Degrees True

Earth Station Azimuth Limit, Western Limit: 235.6 Degrees True

Maximum EIRP density towards the Horizon (dBW/4KHz): -23.77 dBW/4KHz

Particulars of Operation

Frequency Band of Operation:
      Transmit: 5927 - 5963 MHz          Receive: 3700 - 4200 MHz

Antenna Polarization: Linear

Band MHz      T/R Mode     Emission      Max EIRP dBW      Max EIRP Density dBW/4KHz
3700 - 4200   R            1M28G7D       0                 0
5927 - 5963   T            1M28G7D       50.06 dBW         25.01 dBW/4KHz

3/19/2010                                                                   Page 1

    Analysis of Non-Ionizing Radiation for a 2.4M
                   Prodelin 1244
This report presents an analysis of the non-ionizing radiation levels for a 2.4M
Prodelin 1244 system. The calculations used in this analysis were derived from
and comply with the procedures outlined in the Federal Communication
Commission, Office of Engineering and Technology Bulletin Number 65, which
establishes guidelines for human exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic
Fields. Bulletin 65 defines exposure levels in two separate categories, the
General Population/Uncontrolled Areas limits, and the Occupational/Controlled
Area limits. The Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limit of the General
Population/Uncontrolled Area is defined in Table (1), and represents a maximum
exposure limit averaged over a 30 minute period. The MPE limit of the
Occupational/Controlled Area is defined in Table (2), and represents a maximum
exposure limit averaged over a 6 minute period. The purpose of this report is to
provide an analysis of the earth station power flux densities, and to compare
those levels to the specified MPE’s. This report provides predicted density levels
in the near field, far field, transition region, main reflector surface area, area
between the main reflector and sub reflector or feed assembly, as well as the
area between the antenna edge and ground.

             MPE Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Area

            Frequency Range (MHz)          Power Density (mW/cm2)
                  1500 – 100,000                     1.0

                                     Table 1

                 MPE Limits for Occupational/Controlled Area

            Frequency Range (MHz)          Power Density (mW/cm2)
                  1500 – 100,000                     5.0

                                     Table 2

      3/19/2010                                                                        Page 2

                                      2.4M Prodelin 1244
      Table 3 contains formulas, equations and parameters that were used in
      determining the Power Flux Density levels for the 2.4M Prodelin 1244:

      Data Type                 Data            Data Formula            Data Value      Unit of
                               Symbol                                                  Measure
Power Input                      P                   Input                 6.4            W
Antenna Size                     D                   Input                 2.4            M
Antenna Area                     A               A = (Π D 2 ) ÷ 4          4.52          M2
Subreflector Size                Sub                 Input                 12.7          cm
Subreflector Area                Asub         Asub = (ΠSub 2 ) ÷ 4        126.68         cm2
Gain dBi                         Gdbi                Input                  42            dBi
Gain Factor                       G              G = 10Gdbi/10           15848.93     Gain Factor
Frequency                         f                  Input                 6175          MHz
Wavelength                        λ                299.79 / f            0.048549       Meters
Aperture Efficiency               η         η = [(Gλ 2 ) ÷ (4Π )] ÷ A       .66           n/a
Pi                                Π                Input                  3.14159      Numeric
Constant                        M/Sec              Input                299,792,458    Numeric
Conversion W to mW               mW           mW = W × 1000                  n/a         n/a
Conversion M to cm               cm            cm = M × 100                  n/a         n/a
Conversion M2 to cm2             cm2         cm2 = M 2 × 10000               n/a         n/a
Conversion W/M2 to             mW/cm2       mW/cm2 = W / M 2 ÷ 10            n/a         n/a

                                                 Table 3

      1. Far Field Analysis
      The distance to the far field can be calculated using the following formula:

               0.6 D 2
      R ff =             =   71.19 Meters

      The power density in the far field can be calculated using the following formula.
      Note: this formula requires the use of power in milliwatts and far field distance in
      centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

      S ff =             = 0.159 mW/cm2
               4Π R ff

3/19/2010                                                                    Page 3

2. Near Field Analysis
The extent of the Near Field region can be calculated using the following formula:

Rnf =       =       29.66 Meters

The power density of the near field can be calculated using the following formula.
Note: this formula requires the use of power in milliwatts and diameter in
centimeters, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2:

S nf =        =     0.373 mW/cm2
         ΠD 2

3. Transition Region Analysis
The transition region extends from the end of the near field out to the beginning
of the far field. The power density in the transition region decreases inversely
with distance from the antenna, while power density in the far-field decreases
inversely with the square of the distance. However the power density in the
transition region will not exceed the density in the near field, and can be
calculated for any point in the transition region (R), using the following formula.
Note: This formula requires the use of distance in centimeters, or requires a post
calculation conversion from W/M2.

       S nf Rnf
St =              = 0.373 mW/cm2

4. Main Reflector Surface Area Analysis
The maximum power density at the antenna surface area can be calculated
using the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of Power in
milliwatts and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation
conversion from W/M2.

S surface =      = 0.566 mW/cm2

    3/19/2010                                                                  Page 4

   5. Subreflector Area Analysis
   The area between the sub reflector and main reflector presents a potential
   hazard, with the highest density being located at the sub reflector area. The
   power density at the sub reflector can be calculated using the following formula.
   Note: this formula requires the use of Power in milliwatts and Area in
   centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from W/M2.

   Subsurface =        = 202.084 mW/cm2

   6. Power Density between Reflector and Ground Analysis
   The power density between the reflector and the ground can be calculated using
   the following formula. Note: this formula requires the use of Power in milliwatts
   and Area in centimeters squared, or requires a post calculation conversion from

   S ground =     = 0.142 mW/cm2

   Tables 4 and 5 present a summary of the radiation hazard findings on the 2.4M
   Prodelin 1244 terminal for both the General Population/Uncontrolled Area, as
   well as the Occupational/Controlled area environments.

                   MPE Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Area

            Area             Range Meters       Power Density             Finding
Far Field                        71.19          0.159 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
Near Field                       29.66              0.373 mW/cm2        Meets FCC
Transition Region             29.66 – 71.19         0.373 mW/cm2        Meets FCC
Main Reflector Surface             N/A              0.566 mW/cm2        Meets FCC
Sub-reflector Surface              N/A          202.084 mW/cm2        Potential Hazard
Area between Reflector             N/A           0.142 mW/cm2           Meets FCC
and Ground                                                             Requirement

                                          Table 4

     3/19/2010                                                                    Page 5

                     MPE Limits for Occupational/Controlled Area

            Area            Range Meters        Power Density             Finding
Far Field                       71.19           0.159 mW/cm2            Meets FCC
Near Field                      29.66            0.373 mW/cm2           Meets FCC
Transition Region           29.66 – 71.19        0.373 mW/cm2           Meets FCC
Main Reflector Surface           N/A             0.566 mW/cm2           Meets FCC
Sub-reflector Surface            N/A            202.084 mW/cm2        Potential Hazard
Area between Reflector           N/A             0.142 mW/cm2           Meets FCC
and Ground                                                             Requirement

                                          Table 5

     Based on the above finding there is a potential hazard of radio frequency
     exposure with use of the 2.4M Prodelin 1244. In order to mitigate the risk of
     these hazards, this terminal will only be operated in a controlled area.
     Additionally, the unit will be shut down prior to performing maintenance in any of
     the occupational hazard areas.

Document Created: 2010-03-24 08:35:38
Document Modified: 2010-03-24 08:35:38

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