Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100219-00219 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
                                              )    File No. SAT-STA-20100219-_____
ECHOSTAR CORPORATION                          )    Call Sign E980005
Application for Special Temporary Authority )      File No. SAT-STA-20100219-_____
to Operate Its Transmit/Receive Earth         )    Call Sign E070014
Stations to Test the EchoStar 14 Satellite at )
138.5° W.L. and to Move the Satellite to      )
118.9° W.L. Once Testing Is Complete          )


       EchoStar Corporation (“EchoStar”) respectfully requests 60-day Special Temporary

Authority (“STA”), commencing on or about March 20, 2010, to permit EchoStar to operate its

two transmit/receive earth stations (Call Signs E980005 and E070014) (1) to test its new

EchoStar 14 satellite at the 138.5° W.L. orbital location in the 12.2-12.7 and 17.3-17.8 GHz

bands, and (2) to perform telemetry, tracking and control (“TT&C”) operations while the satellite

is relocated from 138.5° W.L. to 118.9° W.L. once testing is complete.1 EchoStar’s sister

company, DISH Operating L.L.C. (“DISH”), has filed a minor modification to its authorization

to provide DBS service at 119 W.L. to allow it to launch and operate the EchoStar 14 satellite.2

         Simultaneous with this application, EchoStar’s sister company, DISH Operating L.L.C.,
is requesting (1) STA to launch and test EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L. and to move the satellite to
118.9° W.L. once testing is complete; (2) STA to operate EchoStar 14 at 118.9 W.L.; and (3)
STA to relocate EchoStar 7 to 118.9 W.L.
         See File No. SAT-LOA-20090518-00053, Call Sign S2790 (filed May 18, 2009);
amended by File Nos. SAT-AMD-20090604-00064 (filed June 4, 2009); SAT-AMD-20100212-
00027 (filed Feb. 12, 2010) (“EchoStar 14 Application”).

As discussed below, testing EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L. will avoid disruption to existing

customers at 118.9° W.L. and will not adversely affect the operations of any other spacecraft or

other authorized spectrum users. EchoStar 14 is scheduled to launch on March 20, 2010, and

EchoStar requests action on this request by that date.


       The Commission has a long-standing policy of granting Special Temporary Authority

where such authorization will not cause harmful interference and will serve the public interest,

convenience, and necessity.3 The requested operations meet both of these tests.

       First, testing EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L. will not cause harmful interference to any other

spacecraft or authorized user of the spectrum. Although Canada has Broadcasting-Satellite

Service (“BSS”) assignments in the ITU Region 2 Appendix 30/30A Plan at 137.8° W.L. and

138.2° W.L., there are no operational Canadian satellites at these orbital locations, nor are any

satellites planned to be launched there during the time frame of EchoStar 14’s in-orbit testing at

138.5° W.L. Indeed, the closest operating BSS satellite to the 138.5° W.L. orbital location is

Ciel 2 operating at 129.0° W.L.4 DISH currently leases capacity on Ciel 2 to provide DBS

service to the United States and is confident it will be able to coordinate any potential

interference, to the extent there is any, created by EchoStar 14’s temporary operations at 138.5°

W.L. DISH is not aware of any other BSS satellites planned to be brought into operation near

138.5° W.L. during the time frame of EchoStar 14’s in-orbit testing.

        See, e.g., In the Matter of Newcomb Communications, Inc., Order and Authorization, 8
FCC Rcd. 3631, 3633 (1993); In the Matter of Columbia Communications Corp., Order, 11 FCC
Rcd. 8639, 8640 (1996); In the Matter of American Telephone & Telegraph Co., Order, 8 FCC
Rcd. 8742 (1993).
        Furthermore, DISH has received notice from Industry Canada that it concurs with
DISH’s plan to test EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L.


        Second, testing EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L. serves the public interest, as it will allow

DISH to ensure that the satellite is fully operational when it arrives at 118.9° W.L., thereby

avoiding any interruption in service that otherwise might be associated with spacecraft testing.

In similar circumstances, the Commission has previously allowed testing of new DBS satellites

at the same orbital location.5

        Once testing is complete, all transponders (other than the TT&C transponders) on the

satellite will be turned off and the satellite will be moved to 118.9° W.L. where it will begin

DBS operations.6 Just as it is in the public interest to operate EchoStar 14 at 118.9° W.L.,7 it is

also in the public interest for the satellite to be moved to that location from its in-orbit testing



        In accordance with Section 304 of the Communications Act of 1934, 47 U.S.C. § 304,

EchoStar hereby waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the

electromagnetic spectrum because of the previous use of the same, whether by license or



        For the foregoing reasons, EchoStar respectfully requests the expeditious grant of a 60-

day STA, commencing on or about March 20, 2010, to use its transmit/receive earth station to

         See Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-STA-20060104-00002 (granted Feb. 3, 2006) (granting
STA to launch and test EchoStar 10 at 138.5 W.L.); see also Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-STA-
20050624-00136 (granted Aug. 19, 2005) (granting STA to drift DIRECTV 8 to 138 W.L. to
conduct in-orbit testing).
        DISH is separately requesting authority to move EchoStar 7 from 118.9° W.L. to 118.8°
W.L. to better accommodate EchoStar 14 at 118.9° W.L. See SAT-STA-20100219-_____.
        See EchoStar 14 Application, supra. The discussion contained in the Application is
incorporated by reference.


test EchoStar 14 at 138.5° W.L. and to move the satellite to 118.9° W.L. once testing is

complete. During in-orbit testing, EchoStar will operate its earth stations subject to the

following conditions:

       1.      EchoStar will not cause harmful interference to, and will not claim protection
               from interference caused by, any other lawfully operating satellites or
               radiocommunications systems.

       2.      Upon notification of any harmful interference, EchoStar will cease its test
               operations immediately. In addition, EchoStar will inform the Commission in
               writing that it has received such a notification.

       In addition, during the relocation of EchoStar 14 from 138.5° W.L. to 118.9° W.L., all

transponders other than the TT&C transponders will be switched off, and EchoStar will operate

its earth stations subject to the following conditions:

       1.      No harmful interference will be caused to any lawfully operating satellite network
               or radio communication system, and EchoStar’s operations will cease
               immediately upon notification of harmful interference. Furthermore, EchoStar
               shall notify the Commission immediately, in writing, of such an event.

       2.      EchoStar will accept interference from any lawfully operating satellite network or
               radio communication system.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                               EchoStar Corporation

Pantelis Michalopoulos                         Linda Kinney
Petra A. Vorwig                                Vice President, Law and Regulation
L. Lisa Sandoval                               EchoStar Corporation
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                          1110 Vermont Avenue NW, Suite 750
1330 Connecticut Avenue N.W.                   Washington, DC 20005


Washington, D.C. 20036             (202) 293-0981
(202) 429-3000
Counsel for EchoStar Corporation

February 19, 2010


Document Created: 2010-02-19 18:11:24
Document Modified: 2010-02-19 18:11:24

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