Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100217-00211 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


            February 17, 2010

            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
            Federal Communications Commission
            445 12"" Street, S.W.
           _ Washington, D.C. 20554
                      Re:       Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority
                                Castle Rock, Colorado Earth Station KL92

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

            PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat") herein requests a three—day extension
            —— through February 23, 2010 —— of the Special Temporary Authority ("STA*)‘
            previously granted PanAmSat to use its Castle Rock, Colorado Ku—band earth
            station —— call sign KL92 —— to provide launch and early orbit phase (“LEOP”;
            services for the Intelsat 16 satellite that was launched on February 11, 2010.
            The LEOP mission will extend through February 23, 2010, at which time the
            satellite will be at its in—orbit testing location of 48.0° W.L.*

            The Intelsat 16 LEOP operations will continue to be performed in the _
            following frequency bands: 13997.5 MHz and 14499.5 MHz in the uplink
            (LHCP), and 12198.25 MHz and 12198.75 MHz in the downlink (RHCP).
            The maximum uplink EIRP transmitted during the LEOP operations will be 85
            dBW. The LEOP operations have been coordinated with all operators of
            satellites that use the same frequency bands and are in the LEOP path. All
            operators of satellites in that path have been provided with an emergency
            phone number where the licensee can be reached in the event that harmful
            interference occurs.

            The 24x7 contact information for the Intelsat 16 .LEOP mission is as follows:

            Harry Burnham or Mike Munion
            Ph.: (202) 944—7701

            ‘ PanAmSat has filed its STA request, an FCC Form 159, a $175.00 filing fee
            and this supporting letter electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing
            System ("IBFS").                -
             See Satellite Communications Services Information; Actions Taken, Report
            No. SES—01219, File No. SES—STA—20091230—01637 (Feb. 17, 2010) (Public
            Notice).                                                                    ~                  ~
            * The permanent orbital location of the Intelsat 16 satellite will be 58.1° W.L.
            Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00610, File No.
            SAT—LOA—20080416—00085 (June 5, 2009) (Public Notice).

            Intelsat Corporation
            3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898
                                              >                                                 /

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch —
February 17, 2010
Page 2

The particulars of the Intelsat 16 LEOP operations will continue to be in
conformance with the KL92 license parameters, as reflected in Section B of the
license.* The points of communications listed in the license do not include
communications with a satellite in non—geostationary orbit, as will be the case
during the proposed LEOP operations. As such, PanAmSat is providing
information below to address interference potential with respect to lawfully
operating, co—frequency terrestrial and government radiocommunication

Specifically, continued operations in the frequencies 14499.5 MHz, 12198.25
MHz, and 12198.75 MHz will not create potential interference into terrestrial
services, as these frequencies are not shared with terrestrial services in the area
of proposed operations. Similarly, continued operations in the 13997.5 MHz
frequency will not create interference potential into TDRSS forward links and
the space research services because there is no frequency overlap."
Additionally, the continued operations in this frequency fully conform to the
requirements of US356, with a transmitted EIRP per carrier of 85 dBW.

The above information, as well as the technical information currently on file
with the Commission, including relevant analysis of compliance with FCC
Report & Order 96—377 regarding the 13.75—14.0 GHz band, demonstrates that
the continued operation of the earth station will be compatible with its       ‘
electromagnetic environment and will not cause harmful interference into any
lawfully operating terrestrial or government facility." In the extremely unlikely
event that harmful interference should occur due to transmissions to or from its
earth station, PanAmSat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate the

Grant of this STA extension request will allow PanAmSat to complete the
Intelsat 16 launch mission. This, in turn, will help provide additional capacity
at the nominal 58.0° W.L. location, and thereby promote the public interest.

* See File No. SES—RWL—20080717—00947.
* The requirements of US337 and US357 would not apply.
® The technical information currently on file is incorporated herein by

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
February 17, 2010
Page 3

Please direct any questions regarding this STA request to the undersigned at
(202) 944—7848.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan H. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

‘Co:   Kathyrn Medley

Document Created: 2010-02-17 16:50:38
Document Modified: 2010-02-17 16:50:38

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