Attachment 20100223103727.pdf


DECISION submitted by FCC



This document pretains to SES-STA-20100204-00164 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                  SES—STA—20100204—00164               182010000495
                                      Shell Communications, Inc.

                                                                                                                                  Approved by OMB


APPLICANT INFORMATIONEnter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
Request for STA (BRA—19)
    1. Applicant

              Name:        Shell Communications, Inc.              Phone Number:                            713—245—1303

              DBA Name:                                            Fax Number:                              713—245—1010
              Street:      P.O. Box 20329                  1       E—Mail:                                  mona@fcc—

              City:        Houston                                 State:                                   TX
              Country:     USA                                 _   Zipcode:                                 17282        —0329
              Attention:   Mona Lee

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                                                        2 “) u         Call Sign               Grant Date &l A R( [
                                                          ’I;/         (or other identifiet)
                                                        mrese 4                                Term Dates
                                                         oo,           |mazlaaly                      n2leslio
                                                  ati                § APPIOYES:       Ne    en

$                                                                             Shahnaz ‘GChavan!                                         >




All operations shall be on an unprotected and non—harmful interference basis, i.e., Shell
Communications, Inc. shall not cause harmful interference to, and shall not claim
protection from, interference caused to it by any other lawfully operating station and it
shall cease transmission(s) immediately upon notice of such interference.

                                                                           10 iteConirtzr
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                                               \lCall Sign GrzmtDateg‘_l’zg’/[().

                                                        |C ssefocfo 7~ "slazfr0
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                                                                 Shakhna 3 Chavam:

2. Contact

             Name:         Raul Magallanes                      Phone Number:                       281 317 1397
             Company:      The Law Office of Raul               Fax Number:                         281 271 8085
                           Magallanes, PLLC

             Street:       PO Box 1213                          E—Mail:                   

             City:         Houston                              State:                               TX
             Country:      USA        .                         Zipcode:                            77549       —
             Attention:    Raul Magallanes                      Relationship:                        Other

(If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
 3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.          If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
{p Governmental Entity        g3 Noncommercial educational licensee
{ Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CGX — Fixed Satellite Transmit/Receive Earth Station

5. Type Request

   Use Prior to Grant                                 Change Station Location                          Other
  Use:                                            O                                                L

6. Requested Use Prior Date

7. CityGulf of Mexico                                                      8. Latitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)    28   10     30.0   N
9. State   LA                                                              10. Longitude
                                                                           (dd mm ss.s h)    95   35     72     W
11. Please supply any need attachments.
Attachment 1: Cover Letter                        Attachment 2: SD Tables                           Attachment 3: Preliminary Analysis

12. Description.   (If the complete description does not appearin this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
    Request for STA          (BRA—19)

13. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is              Yes        «y No
subject to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act
of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance.
See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

14. Name of Person Signing                '                                15. Title of Person Signing
  Don Happel                                                                 Director of Technology
                  (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                   (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

           ) )) Terecommunicarions Law                                         FCC Licensing & Recuration
 I                                                                              P.O. Box 1213, Houston, TX 77549
                     The Law Office of                                         (281) 317—1397 T. (281) 271—8085 F
                     Raul     Maga“anes                              

                                                   February 4, 2010
System Analysis Branch
Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:      Request for Special Temporary Authority — Shell Communications

    Pursuant to Section 25.120(a) of the Rules and Regulations ("Regulations") of the Federal
Communications Commission ("Commission"), Shell Communications, Inc. ("Shell") seeks
Commission consideration for a Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate an earth station
while its application for permanent authority is undergoing Commission review.

     According to Section 25.120(b)(3) of the Regulations, the Commission may grant temporary
authority for a period not to exceed 60 days, if the STA request has not been placed on public
notice, and the applicant plans to file a request for regular authority for the service. In the instant
case, the STA request has not been placed on public notice and Shell plans to file an application
for permanent authority. Therefore, Shell respectfully requests an STA for a period not to exceed
60 days.

    According to Section 25.120 (b)(1) of the Regulations, "The Commission may grant a
temporary authorization only upon a finding that there are extraordinary circumstances requiring
temporary operations in the public interest and that delay in the institution of these temporary
operations would seriously prejudice the public interest".

     In the instant case, Shell plans to start operations at the Brazos 19 platform in the Gulf of
Mexico. The planned satellite is Satmex 6 (113WL). It is critical that this platform preserve
communications in order to maintain connection with the platform crew and other personnel. A
satellite link is often the only means of communications in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

    The requested date for prior use is February 12. 2010. In accordanceto Section 25.120(a) of
the Regulations, this STA is being filed at least 3 working days prior to the date of proposed


                                                   /s/ Raul Magallanes


                                                             Shell Communications, Inc.

              Request for Routine Processing of Non—Compliant Antenna

The antenna at issue is an Andrew 2.4m Type 243 Linear C—band ("Antenna"). This
Antenna does not strictly comply with Section 25.209 of the Regulations. However,
according to Section 25.218 of the Regulations, an applicant may request routine
processing of an application if it meets the applicable off—axis EIRP envelopes.

Furthermore, an application pursuant to Section 25.218 must file the corresponding tables
outlined in Section 25.115(h) of the Regulations. Applicant presents below the tables
outlined in Section 25.115(h) and therefore requests routine processing of this

                         EIRP DENSITY TABLE, AZIMUTH — §25.115 (h) (1)
   Antenna Manufacturer               Andrew             Antenna Diameter          2.A      m
   Antenna Model                      243                Antenna Gain            42.0       dBi
   Transmit Frequency                 6.250       GHz    Max EIRP Density        —20.6      dBW/AKHz

 O 950M Adut |mage|

degrees   (dBW/A4KHz)   (dBW/A4KHz)
                                                         O 957M M| magh

                                                        degrees   (dBW/AKHz)   (dBW/4KHz)

  1.5        21.9          2.6         —19.3              7.5        5.3         —24.6            —29.9
  1.6        21.2          0.1         —21.1              7.6        5.3         —23.6          —28.9
  1.7        20.5          —2.4        —22.9              7.7        5.3         —23.1            —28.4
  1.8        19.9          —3.1        —23.0              7.8        5.3         —23.1            —28.4
  1.9        19.3          —2.4        —21.7              7.9        5.3         —22.6            —27.9
  2.0        18.8          —~1.6       —20.4              8.0        5.3         —23.6            —28.9
  2.1        18.2          —1.6        —19.9              8.1        5.3         —23.6            —28.9
  2.2        17.7          —2.4        —20.1              8.2        5.3         —21.6            —26.9
  2.3        17.3          —3.6        —20.9              8.3        5.3         —31.6            —36.9
  2.4        16.8          ~4.9        —21.7              8.4        5.3         —29.6            —34.9
  2.5        16.4          —8.6        —25.0              8.5        5.3         —28.6            —33.9
  2.6        15.9         —11.1        —27.0              8.6        5.3         —26.6            —31.9
  2.7        15.5         —16.1        —31.6              8.7        5.3         —25.6            —30.9
  2.8        15.1         —19.9        —35.0              8.8        5.3         —25.1            —30.4
  2.9        14.7         —16.1        —30.9              8.9        5.3         —24.6            —29.9
  3.0        14.4         —~13.6       —28.0              9.0        5.3         ~24.6            —29.9
  3.1        14.0         12.4         —26.4              9.1        5.3       _ —2524            —30.4
  3.2        13.7         —11.1        —24.8              9.2        5.3         —26.6            —31.9
  3.3        13.3         —~11.1       —24.5              9.3        5.1         —28.6            —33.7
  3.4        13.0         —12.4        ~25.4              9.4        5.0         —32.6            —37.6
  3.5        12.7         —14.9        —27.6              9.5        4.9         —32.6            —37.5
  3.6        12.4         —18.6        —31.0              9.6        4.7         —30.6            —35.4
  3.7        12.1         —23.6        —35.7              9.7        4.6         —29.6            —34.2
  3.8        11.8         —31.1        ~42.9              9.8        4.5         —24.6            —29.1
  3.9        11.5         —22.4        —33.9              9.9        4.4         —24.6            —29.0
  4.0        11.2         —18.6        —29.9              10.0       4.3         —24.6            —28.9
  4.1        11.0         —16.1        —27.1       —      15.0       —0.1        —39.6            —39.5
  4.2        10.7         —14.9        —25.6              20.0       —3.2        —39.6            —36.4
  4.3        10.5         —14.1        —24.6              25.0       —5.6        ~40.6            —35.0
  4.4        10.2         —14.9        —25.1              30.0       —7.6        —38.6            —31.0
  4.5        10.0          —15.6       —25.6              35.0       —9.3        —38.6            —29.3
  4.6         9.7          —17.4       —27.1              40.0      —10.8        —37.6            —26.9

4.7   9.5   —18.6   —28.1   45.0    —12.0   ~44.6   —32.6
4.8   9.3   —19.9   —29.1   50.0    ~12.7   ~46.6   —33.9
4.9   9.0   —18.6   —27.7   55.0    —12.7   ~44.6   —31.9
5.0   8.8   —17.4   —26.2   60.0    —12.7   ~42.6   —29.9
5.1   8.6   —15.6   —24.2   65.0    —12.7   ~46.6   —33.9
5.2   8.A   —14.1   —22.5   70.0    —12.7   —43.6   —30.9
5.3   8.2   —13.6   —21.8   75.0    —12.7   —46.6   —33.9
5.4   8.0   —13.6   —21.6   80.0    —12.7   —42.6   —29.9
5.5   7.8   —14.1   —21.9   85.0    —12.7   —53.6   ~40.9
5.6   7.6   —14.1   —21.7   90.0    —12.7   —48.6   —35.9
5.7   7.4   —16.1   —23.5   95.0    —12.7   —53.6   —40.9
5.8   7.2   —18.6   —25.8   100.0   —12.7   —46.6   —33.9
5.9   7.0   —21.1   —28.1   105.0   —12.7   —34.6   —21.9
6.0   6.8   —27 4   —34.2   110.0   —12.7   —39.6   —26.9
6.1   6.7   —24.6   —31.3   115.0   —12.7   —53.6   ~40.9
6.2   6.5   —25.6   —32.1   120.0   —12.7   —47.6   —34.9
6.3   6.3   —23.6   —29.9   125.0   —12.7   ~41.6   —28.9
6.4   6.1   —21.6   —27.8   130.0   —12.7   —32.6   —19.9
6.5   6.0   —21.6   —27.6   135.0   —12.7   —29.6   —16.9
6.6   5.8   —20.6   —26.4   140.0   —12.7   —30.1   —17.4
6.7   5.6   —20.6   —26.3   145.0   —12.7   —28.6   —15.9
6.8   5.5   —21.6   —27.1   150.0   —12.7   —24.1   —11.4
6.9   5.3   —21.6   —26.9   155.0   —12.7   —25.6   —12.9
7.0   5.2   —24.6   —29.8   160.0   —12.7   —27.1   —14.4
7.1   5.3   —24.6   —29.9   165.0   —12.7   —28.6   —15.9
7.2   5.3   —25.6   —30.9   170.0   —12.7   —28.6   —15.9
7.3   5.3   —25.6   —30.9   175.0   —12.7   —36.6   —23.9
7.4   5.3   —25.6   —30.9   180.0   —12.7   ~44.6   —31.9

                        EIRP DENSITY TABLE, ELEVATION — §25.115 (h) (2)
   Antenna Manufacturer              Andrew           Antenna Diameter        24         m
   Antenna Model                     243              Antenna Gain            42.0       dBi
   Transmit Frequency                6.250     GHz    Max EIRP Density        —20.6      dBW/AKHz

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degrees   (dBW/A4KHz)   (dBW/4KHz)                   degrees   (dBW/4KHz)   (dBW/4KHz)

  1.5        24.9          3.9        —21.0            6.1        9.7         —19.6            —29.3
  1.6        24.2          1.4        —22.8            6.2        9.5         —20.6            —30.1
  1.7        23.5          —2.4       —25.9            6.3        9.3         —22.6            —31.9
  1.8        22.9          —3.6       —26.5            6.4        9.1         —25.6            —34.8
  1.9        22.3          —3.6       —25.9            6.5        9.0         —24.6            —33.6
  2.0        21.8          —3.1       —24.9            6.6        8.8         —24.6            —33.4
  2.1        21.2          —3.1       —24.4            6.7        8.6         —20.6       — —29.3
  2.2        20.7          —3.6       —24.4            6.8        8.5         —19.6            —28.1
  2.3        20.3          ~4.1       —24.4            6.9        8.3         —19.6            —27.9
  2.4        19.8          —6.1       —25.9            7.0        8.2         —20.6            —28.8
  2.5        19.4          —8.6       —28.0            7.1        8.0         —21.6            —29.6
  2.6        18.9         —11.1       —30.0            7.2        7.9         —22.6            —30.5
  2.7        18.5         —18.6       —37.1            7.3        7.7         —26.6            —34.3
  2.8        18.1         —26.1       —44.2            7.A        7.6         —22.6            —30.2
  2.9        17.7         —21.6       —39.4            7.5        7.4         —34.6            —42.0
  3.0        17.4         —13.6       —31.0            7.6        7.3         —33.6            —40.9
  3.1        17.0         —11.1       —28.1            7.7        7.1         —36.6            ~43.8
  3.2        16.7          —9.9       —26.5            7.8        7.0         —40.6            —47.6
  3.3        16.3          —9.9       —26.2            7.9        6.9         —32.6            —39.5
  3.4        16.0         —10.6       —26.6            8.0        6.7         —30.6            —37.3
  3.5        15.7         —11.1       ~26.8            8.1        6.6         —31.6            —38.2
  3.6        15.4         ~12.4       —27.8            8.2        6.5         —26.6            —33.1
  3.7        15.1         —14.9       —30.0            8.3        6.3         —28.6            —34.9
  3.8        14.8         —18.6       —33.4            8.4        6.2         —23.6            —29.8
  3.9        14.5         —23.6       —38.1            8.5        6.1         —20.6            —26.7
  4.0        14.2         —24.9       —39.1            8.6        5.9         —19.6            —25.6
  4.1        14.0         —22.4       —36.3            8.7        5.8         —18.6            —24.4
  4.2        13.7         —18.6       —32.3            8.8        5.7         —17.6            —23.3
  4.3        13.5         —17.4       ~—30.8           8.9        5.6         —17.1            —22.7
  4.4        13.2         —16.1       —29.3            9.0        5.4         —16.6            —22.1
  4.5        13.0         —16.1       —29.1            9.1        5.3         —17.1            —22.4
  4.6        12.7         —17.4       —30.1            9.2        5.2         —17.1            —22.3
  4.7        12.5         —18.6       —31.1            9.3        5.1         —18.1            —23.2

   4.8         12.3         —21.1       —33.4                 9.4         5.0            —19.6           —24.6
   4.9         12.0         —23.6       —35.7                 9.5         4.9            —20.6           —25.5
   5.0         11.8         —23.6       —35.4                 9.6         4.7            —21.1         t —25.9
   5.1         11.6         —21.1       —32.7                 9.7         4.6            —24.1           —28.7
   5.2         11.4         —17.4       —28.8                 9.8         4.5            —24.1           —28.6
   5.3         11.2         —14.9       —26.1                 9.9         4.4            —24.1           —28.5
   5.4         11.0         —14.1       —25.1                10.0         4.3            —26.1           —30.4
   5.5         10.8         —13.6       —24.4                15.0         —0.1           —35.6           —35.5
   5.6         10.6         —13.1       —23.7                20.0         —3.2           —32.6           —29.4
   5.7         10.4         —13.6       —24.0                25.0         —5.6           —28.6           —23.0
   5.8         10.2         —14.1       —24.3                30.0         —7.6           —29.6           —22.0
   5.9         10.0         —15.1       —25.1                35.0         —9.3           —38.6           —29.3
   6.0          9.8         —16.6       —26.5                40.0        —10.8           —35.6           —24.9
                                                             45.0        —12.0           —43.6           —31.6

                        EIRP DENSITY TABLE, HORIZON — §25.115 (h) (3
     Antenna Manufacturer             Andrew          Antenna Diameter           2.4             M
     Antenna Model                    243             Antenna Gain               42.0            dBi
     Transmit Frequency               6.25      GHz   Max EIRP Density           —20.6           dBW/4KHz

A horizon gain table was generated for this particular location and satellite arc, as part of the
frequency coordination report included with the underlying application.

       19700 Janella Farm Boulevard
                   Ashburn, VA 20147
                    (703} 726—5500
        Fax (703} 726—5600                       CCOMSEARCTCH®

         January 29, 2010

          eedlede e eneeentende e stt desiestinientestste e te steis

          * CLIENT COPYy **
          ** PLEASE MAIL ***
          *** TO CUSTOMER ***

          Re:                 Sholl Communications
                              Brazos—19 (Oil Platform}, Gulf of Mexico
                              C—Band, Transmit—Receive Earth Station
                              Job Number: 100128COMSICO4

          Dear Frequency Coordinator:

         This notice is being provided in accordance with Section 25.203(c) of the FCC Rules and Regulations.
         We are forwarding the attached coordination data on behalf of Shell Communications, Houston, Texas
         77252 for a proposed C—band, transmit/receive earth station to be located on an oil platform . designated
          Brazos—19, in the Gulf of Mexico.

         The coordination notice is being circulated to the owners (or their protection agents) of all existing or
         proposed terrestrial facilities operating in a shared frequency band within the coordination contours of the
         proposed station(s).

         We respectfully request that you examine this data for its interference potential with your system(s). In the
         eveont that your analysis identifies potential interference cases that have not been resolved, please
         contact Comsearch by March 1, 2010.

          If there are any questions concerning this coordination notice, please contact Comsearch.


         Jefffey E. Cowles
         Principat Frequency Planner


                                                                                                                            Page 1 of 3
                                                       Earth Station Data Sheet
                                              19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147
                                                {703)726—5660 hitp://

 Date:                                    01/29/2010
 Job Number:                              100129COMSICO4
 Administrative Information
 Status                                   ENGINEER PROPOSAL
 Call Sign
 Licenses Code                            SHEINT
 Licensee Name                            Shelt Communications

Site Information                          BRAZOS—19 (Oil Platform), GULF of MEXICO
Venue Name
Latitude (NAD 83)                         28° 10‘ 30.0" N
Longitude {(NAD 83)                       95° 35‘ 7.2" W
Climate Zone                              B
Rain Zone                                 2
Ground Elevation {(AMSL})                 0.0 m / 0.0 ft

Link Information
 Satellite Type                 Geostationary
 Mode                           TR — Transmnit—Receive
 Modulation                     Digital
 Satellite Arc                  60° W to 143° West Longitude
 Azimuth Range                  123.4° to 246.5°
 Corresponding Elevation Angles 39.1°/29.0°
Antenna Centerline (AGL)        30.48 m / 100.0 ft
Anternna information                            Receive                                 Transmit             .
 Manufacturer                                   Andrew Corporation                      Andrew Corporation
 Model                                          Type 243                                Type 243
Gain / Diameter                                 38.0 dBi / 2.4 m                        42.0 dBi / 2.4 m
3—0B / 15—d4B Beamwidth                         2.16° / 4.00°                           1.36° / 2.54°

                                                                                      1M81GTWN   to   4M30GTW

Max Available RF Power         (dBW/4 kHz)                                              —«20.6          »20.6
                               {dBW/MHz}                                                  3.4              34

 Maximum EIRP                  (dBW/4 kHz)                                               21.4              21.4
                               {dBW/MHz}                                                 45.4              45.4
                               {dBW)                                                     48.0              51.7

 Interference Objectives:    Long Term          ~156.0 dBW/MHz        20%               —154.0 dBW/4 kHz          20%
                             Short Term         —146.0 dBW/AMHz       0.01%             —131.0 dBw/4 kHz          0.0025%
 Frequency Information                          Receive 4.0 GHz                         Transmit 6.1 GHz
 Emission / Frequency Range (MHz)               1tM81GTW — 4M3OGTW /3700.0 — 4200.0     1M§1GTW — 4MB0GTW /5925.0 — §425.0

 Max Great Circle Coordination Distance         484.7 km / 301.1 mi                     141.5 km / 87.9 mi
 Precipitation Scatter Contour Radius           490.2 km / 304.6 mi                     100.0 km / 82.1 mi

                                                                                                                        Page 2 of 3
                                                 Earth Station Data Sheet
                                        19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

Coordination Values              BRAZOS—19 (Oil Platform), GM
Lisensee Namse                   Shell Communications
Latitude (NAD 83)                28° 10 30.0" N
Longitude (NAD 83)               95° 35 7.2" W
Ground Elevation (AMSL)          0.0 m / 0.0 ft
Anterna Centerline (AGL)         30.48 m / 100.0 ft
Antenna Model                    Andrew Corporation Type 243
Antenna Mode                            Receive 4.0 GHz                             Transmit 6.1 GHz
Interference Objectives: Long Term        ~156.0 dBW/MHz       20%                  —~154.0 dBW/4 kHz         20%
                        Short Term        —146.0 dBW/AMHz      0.01%                ~1831.0 dBW/4 kHz         0.0025%
Max Available RF Power                                                              —20.86 (dBW/A kHz)

                                                                 Receive 4.0 GHz                         Transmit 6.1 GHz
                Horizon              Antenna                Horizon         Coordination         Horizon         Coordination
Azimuth (°}     Elevation (°)        Discrimination (°}     Gain (dBi})   _ Distance (km)        Gain (dBi)      Distance (km)
C                0.00                110.37                 —10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
5                0.00                111.69                 »10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44
10               0.00                107.98                 ~10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
15               0.00                104.21                 ~10.00         412.20 —               10.00          12344
20               0.00                100.38                 ~10.00         412.20                 »10.00         123.44
25               0.00                96.53                  ~10.00         412.20                 10.00          123.44
30               6.00                92.66                  ~10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44
35               0.00                88.77                  ~10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44
40               0.00                84.90                  ~10.00         412.20                 10.00          123.44
45               0.00                81.03                  +10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
50               0.00                77.20                  ~10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
55               0.00                73.41                  »10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
60               0.00                69.67                  +10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
65               0.00                66.01                  —~10.00        412.20                 —10.00         128.44
70               0.00                62.43                  —10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
75               0.00                58.98                  10.00          412.20                 —10.00         123.44
80               ©.00                55.67                  ~10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
85               0.00                52.53                  ~10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
90               0.00                49.60                  ~10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
95               0.00                46.93                   —9.79         414.87                  —9.79         124.07
100              0.00                44.56                   —9.22         421.96                  —9.22         125.77
105              0.00                42.54                   —8.72         428.39                  —8.72         127.31
110              0.00                40.95                   —8.31         433.79                  —8.31         128.63
115              0.00                39.81                   —8.00         437.80                  —8.00         129.61
120              0.00                39.18                   —7.83         440.09                  —7.83         130.17
125              0.00                39.08                   —7.80         440.46                  —7.80         130.26
130              0.00                39.52                   —7.92         438.86                  —7.92         129.87
135              0.00                40.47                   —8.18         435.45                  —8.18         129.03
140              0.00                41.90                   —8.56         430.52                  —8.56         127.83
145              £.00                43.77                   +9.03         42442                   —9.03         126.36
150              0.00                46.01                   —9.57         417.54                  —9.57         124.71
155              0.00                48.58                  —~10.00        412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
160              0.00                51.35                  ~10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         123.44
1865             0.00                53.74                  —10.00         412.20                 —~10.00        123.44
170              0.00                55.57                  —10.00         412.20                 ~10.00         128.44
175              0.00                56.72                  —10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44
180              0.00                57.12                  —10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44
185              0.00                56.72                  »10.00         412.20                 —10.00         123.44

                                                                                                                          Page 3 of 3
                                                    Earth Station Data Sheet
                                          19700 Janelia Farm Boulevard, Ashburn, VA 20147

 Coordination Values               BRAZOS—19 (Oil Platform), GNM
 Licensee Name                     Shelt Communications
 Latitude (NAD 83)                 28° 10‘ 30.0" N
 Longituce (NAD 83)                95° 35‘ 7.2" W
 Ground Elevation (AMSL)           0.0 m / 0.0 ft
 Antenna Centertine (AGL)          30.48 m / 100.0 ft
 Antenna Model                     Andrew Corporation Type 243
 Antenna Mode                             Receive 4.0 GHz                            Transmit 6.1 GHz
 Interference Objectives: Long Term         —156.0 dBw/MHz      20%                  ~154.0 dBwW/4 kHz          20%
                          Short Term        —146.0 dBw/MHz      0.01%                —~131.0 dBW/4 kHz          0.0025%
  MaxAvailable RF Power                         '                                    —20.6 (dBW/4 kHz)

                                                                 Recelive 4.0 GHz                        Transmit 6.1 GHz
                 Horizon               Antenna              Horizon        Coordination            Horizon        Coordination
 Azimuth (°)     Elevation (°)         Discrimination (°)   Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)           Gain (dBi)     Distance (km)
 190              0.00                 55.57                 ~10.00         412.20                  ©10.00        123.44
 195              0.00                 53.74                 ©10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
 200              6.00                 51.35                 —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
 205              0.00                 48.49                 +10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        1283.44
 210              0.00                 45.28                  —9.40         419.75             _     940          125.24
 215              0.00                 41.82                  —8.53         430.81                   —8.53        127.90
 220              0.00                 38.53                  —7.64         442.52                   «7.84        130.76
 225              0.00                 35.57                  —~6.78        454.23                   —8.78        133.67
 230              C.00                 33.04                  —5.98         464.70                   +5.98        136.45
 235              0.00                 31.04                  —5.30         474.29                   —5.30        138.88
 240              0.00                 29.69                  —4.81         481.30                   "4.81        140.66
 245              0.00                 29.06                  ~4.58         484.68                   —4.58        141.53
 250              .00                  29.21                  ~4.64         483.86                   —4.64        141.32
 255              0.00                 30.13                  ~4.97         478.98                   —4.97        140.07
 260              0.00                 31.74                  —5.54         470.85                   —5.54        138.01
©265              0.00                 33.96                  —6.27         46118                    —6.27        135.41
 270              0.00                 36.66                  ~711          449.76                    ~7.A1       1832.55
 275              0.00                 39.76                  —7.99         437.99                    ~7.99       129.65
 280              0.00                 4315                   —8.88         426.39                    +8.88       126.83
 285              0.00                 46.79                  —9.75         415.27                    —9.75       124.17
 290              0.00                 50.60                 ~10.00         412.20                 . ~10.00       123.44
 295              ©.00                 54.56                 »10.00         412.20                   —10.00       123.44
 300 —            0.00                 58.63                 ~10.00         412.20                   ~10.00       123.44
 305              0.00                 62.78                 +10.00         412.20                   —10.00       123.44
 310              0.00                 67.00                 ~10.00         412.20                   ~10.00       123.44
 315              0.00                 71.27                 »10.00         412.20                   —10.00       123.44
 320              0.00                 75.59                 —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
  825             0.00                  79.93                —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
  330             0.00                  84.28                ~10.00         412.20                  —~10.00       123.44
  335             0.00                  88.65                —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
  340             0.00                  93.03                ~10.00         412.20                  —10.00        123.44
  345             0.00                  97.39                —10.00         412.20                  +10.00        123.44
  350             0.00                 101.74                —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44
_ 355             06.00                106.08                —10.00         412.20                  ~10.00        123.44

Document Created: 2019-04-26 02:34:25
Document Modified: 2019-04-26 02:34:25

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