Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SES-STA-20100127-00125 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


            January 27, 2010

            Ms. Marlene H Dortch
            Federal Communications Commission
            445 12"" Street, S.W.
            Washington, D.C. 20554
INTELSAT              Re:.__    Request for Special Temporary Authority
                                Clarksburg, Maryland Earth Station KA258

            Dear Ms. Dortch:

           ~ Intelsat North America LLC (“Intelsat”) herein requests a grant of Special
             Temporary Authority ("STA") for 30 days, from March 1, 2010 through
            March 30, 2010 to use its Clarksburg, Maryland Ku—band earth station —— call
            sign KA258 —— to provide telemetry, tracking and command ("TT&C") services
            for the Intelsat 16 satellite at its permanent location of 58.10° W.L. Intelsat
            intends shortly to file an application to modify the KA258 license to add >
            58.10° W.L. as a point of communication.:

            Intelsat 16 is expected to be launched on February 11, 2010. After in—orbit
            testing, Intelsat 16 will be placed at its permanent location of 58.10° W_.L.2

            The Intelsat 16 TT&C operations will be performed at 58.10° W.L. in the
            following frequency bands: 13997.5 MHz and 14499.5 MHz in the uplink and
            12198.25 MHz. and 12198.75 MHz in the downlink. At 58.10° W.L., Intelsat
            will operate the TT&C transmissions in conformance with its coordination
            agreements for the nominal 58.0° W.L. location, as well as with the FCC‘s
            rules designed to allow co—frequency operations in a two—degree separation
            environment.                    "                  ‘

            Operations in the 14499.5 MHz, 12198.25 MHz and 12198.75 MHz
            frequencies will be consistent with the antenna‘s licensed parameters. With
            respect to operations in the 13997.5 MHz frequency, Intelsat is attaching
            Exhibit A, which contains technical information that demonstrates that the
            operation of the earth station will be compatible with its electromagnetic
            environment and will not cause harmful interference into any lawfully

            ‘ Intelsat has filed its STA request, an FCC Form 159, a $1k75 00 filing fee and
            this supporting letter electronically via the Intematlonal Bureau‘s Filing
            System ("IBFS").
           2 See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00610 File
            No. SAT—LOA—20080416—00085 (June 5, 2009) (Public Notice).

            Intelsat Corporation
            3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F+1 202—944—7898

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 27, 2010
Page 2

operating terrestrial facility." In the extremely unlikely event that harmful
interference should occur due to transmissions to or from its earth station,
Intelsat will take all reasonable steps to eliminate the interference.

The provision of TT&C services to the Intelsat 16 satellite at 58.10° W.L. is
critical to ensure the safe station—keeping of the satellite at that location. This,
in turn, will result in additional capacity at the nominal 58.0° W.L. location and
thereby promotes the public interest.              |

Please direct any questions regarding this STA request to the undersigned at _
(202) 944—7848.

Respectfully submitted,

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Susan H. Créndall
Assistant General Counsel                                            _
Intelsat Corporation

Co:                  Kathyrn Medley

* The EIRP levels for transmissions in the 13997.5 MHz frequency will be
consistent with the antenna‘s licensed parameters.

Document Created: 2010-01-27 16:29:43
Document Modified: 2010-01-27 16:29:43

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