Attachment Exhibits A - D

This document pretains to SES-STA-20091204-01561 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


              EXHIBIT A





                             December 4, 2009

                                       Exhibit A

                          Response to Form 312, Question 43

 Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat") requests Special Temporary Authority ("STA")
 to test a new 9.2m Ka—band antenna that will be located at its existing Riverside, CA
‘teleport. Intelsat requests this STA for a period of 30 days, beginning March 22, 2010.

During testing, the Ka—band antenna will transmit in the band 29500—30000 MHz and
receive in the band 19700—20200 MHz. During testing, the antenna will communicate
with Galaxy 28 at 89° W.L. Galaxy 28 will be used for antenna gain patterns verification
— transmit and receive in both azimuth and elevation in both polarizations (linear and
circular) —— and for cross—polarization patterns verification. The relevant technical
parameters are captured in FCC Form 312, Schedule B, which is included as Exhibit B.

Representative antenna patterns from the manufacturer are provided as Exhibit C. As
demonstrated by the antenna manufacturer‘s measurements, the antenna complies with
the antenna gain patterns specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b). Further, the proposed
parameters for testing the new antenna are in compliance with the off—axis EIRP density
mask of 25.138.

A new radiation hazard report is included as Exhibit D.

The proposed antenna is exempt from notification to the FAA under Section 17.14(a) of
the FCC‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 17.14(a). See also 47 C.F.R. § 25.113(c). The proposed
antenna will be located in the existing Riverside, CA teleport and will be shielded by
existing structures of a permanent and substantial character,.   There are several FCC—
licensed earth station antennas located in the teleport at the proposed site that are at
heights above ground level that are comparable to or greater than the height above ground
level of the antenna proposed in the instant application. (See e.g., Call Sign EO60384,
Call Sign EO60388, and Call Sign E020314.) Under these circumstances, it is evident
that the proposed antenna will not adversely affect safety in air navigation.

                                       Page 1 of 1

              EXHIBIT B





                            December 4, 2009

                                                                 t                                          .                          '                         .                                      .                   |              EXHGBIT B
 FCC 312                                     —                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                                                    Page 1: Location
 Schedule B _                                                                   SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                                                            0C                        ‘
      *                                                                  ~>                {(Technical and Operational Description})                                                     ~
                                         L           2                             L                     (Place an*X" in one ofthe blocks below)                             .
[_]License ofNew Station [ "*®SCAtOtOFNE®DORESIC. [Amendmentto aPendingApplication. [__|Modification ofLicense/Registration: [__|Notification ofMinorModification
 B1 Location of Earth Station Site. Ifte%}gorary—fixed, rfiobile, or VSAT remote facility, specify area of opemfion and point of contact. IfVSAT hub station, give its location.
                                    For    VSAT networks attach individnal Schedule B, Page 1 sheets for each hub station and each remote station. Individually provide the
                                    Location, Points of Communications, and Destination Points for each hub and remote station.
Bia. Station Call Sign            Blb; Site Identifier (HUB, REMOTE1, etc.)                                                      B1ic. Telephone Number                  —                   Blj. Geo%phic Caoordinates               N/S,         Bli‘. Lat/Lon.
                                                                                                                      ..                                                                                         eg. — Min. — Sec, — E/W            Coordinates are:
                                                                 .                                         .                   951.928.3446                                                     ~
B1id. SireetAddress of Station orAtea ofOperation            L                                           Ble. Name ofContact Person.                                                 O       [Tap           83         47       421    N           [~ DNAD—_’H

22401 Juniper Flats Road                                             .                                   Dennis Nestor                                                                       Ton,   117                os       225   w               [x]navnss
Bit Cy ~            —                            —                        Big. County                     ns                   Blh. State          L       Bli. Zip Code                                     BIL Site Elevation (AMSL)
Nuevo                                                                         Riverside          _                             CA              l               92567                                             561 «15                                     meters

 B2. I’oi.nts of Communications: List the names and orbit locations of all satellites with which this earth station will communicate. The eatry "ALSAT" is sufficient to
                                 identity the names and locations of all satellite facilities licensed by the U.S. All non—U.S. licensed satellites must be listed individually.
   Satellite Name and Orbit Location                                           .       _   Satellite Name and Orbit Location                           *             —                   Satellite Name and Orbit Location
                     Galaxy 28 at SW


 B3. Destination. points for communications using nonu—U.S. Hicensed satellites. For each non—U.S. licensed satellite facility identified in section B2 above, specify the
       estmation P                               £ destination point(s) (countries) where the services will be provided b;ythis earth station via each non—Us:g. hlgyensed
                                                    satellite              additional sheets as needed.                     .     >
   Satellite Name                                    List ofDestination Points

                                                                                                     —                     —                                    2s                           .                                  — FCC312, ScheduleB —Page 1
                                                                                                                                           —               .                     *                  *                                        ~__      February, 1998

                                                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                   Page 2: Antennas
                                                              SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                                  FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Techmcal and Operational Descnptmn)
B4. Earth Station Antenna Facilities: Use additional pages as needed.
                                                                                                                    ~                                                                  Anteona Gain.         \
  (8)Site ID+*              A   (bg ID+*            C                             (8) Manufacturer                                (e) Model             > Anten?la. Size         Tmnsmxt(g)
                                                                                                                                                                                         it and/orReceive    ©
                                                                                                                                                           (meters)             (___dBiat____GB3
                        _                                                                            a   s                                                                         65.4 dBi @ 28.35 GHz
       1                                           1                   General Dynamics                                   9.2M KaFMA|                        9.2                   62.7 dBi @ 18.30 GHz

            BS5. Antenna Heights and Maximum Power Limits: (The corresponding Auntenna ID in tables B4 and’BS applies tothe same anterna)
                                                                        Maximum AntennaHeight                  (c) Building          (£ Maxim               (g) Total Input:
                    (a)               (b) Autenna Structure          C Above               (8) Above           HeightAbove _         AnmnnaHexght              Poweral            (B) Total ERP
                 Antenf:.                  RegistrationNo.         Ground Level          Mean Sea Level        Ground Level          Above Raoftop          antenna flange        For all camers
                   TD                                                  {meters)             (meters)             (metersy***           (aeters)***             (Watts)               aBw)}
                    4                                                   13.2                 574.95                                                              400.                  814

           Notes: * Ifthis is an application for a VSAT network, identify the site (Item B1b, Schedule B, Page 1) where each antenna is located. Also include this Site—ID on Schedule B, Page 5.
                  ** Tdentify each antenna in VSAT network or mulfi—antenna. station with a unique identifier, such as HUB, REMOTEL, A1, A2, 10M, 12M, 7Metc, Use this same antenna ID
                    throughout tables B4, B5, B6, and B7 when referring to the same antenna.
                 **** Attach sketch ofsite or exemption, See 47 CFR Part 17.                                                                                                   FCC 312, Schedule B —Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                            February, 1998


                                                                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION _                                                                                      Page 3: Coordination
                                                                       SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                                            *                     J
                                                  ~     FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

 B6.                 Coordination Limits: Use additional                        as needed.                                                                                    .      '             —
                                          (b)                       (c) Range of           (d) Range of           (e) Antenma —         (£) Antenna.           (g) Earth Station   (b) Earth Station     ® MaximumEIRP
                                   Frequency Limits                    Satellite Arc           Satellite Arc        ‘Elevation Angle      Elevation Angle        Azimuth Angle       Azimuth Angle       © Densitytoward the
                             *         (MBz])       *                 Eastem Limit**          Westero Limit*®*       Eastern Limit        Western Limit          Eastern Limit       Western Limit         Horizon (JBW/AkHz)

Notes: * Provide the ANTENNA—ID from table B4 to identify the antenna to which each frequency band and orbital are range is associated.
       ** Tfoperating with geostationary satellites, give the orbital arc limits and the associated elevation and azimuth angles. Ifoperating with non—geostationary satellites,
          give the notation "NON—GEO" for the satellite arc and give the minimum operational elevation angle and the maximum azimuth angle range.

                                                                           .                     >                                                                                                FCC 312, ScheduleB —Page 3
                                           —                                                2                                                              .         —                       —                February, 1998

                      '                                 .                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                '                          Page 4: Particulars
       ]                  .                                            SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS                                                           .
                                                        FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description}

 B7. Particulars of                                          are               for each rd.                : Use additional           as needed.
                —                 *
                                      Frequency Bands
                                                                   h |@aAztema |.
                                                                   Mode Polarization
                                                                                              Emission          EIRP per      nerCarrier
                                                                                                                                             .                          |
                                                                                                                                                    (E) Description ofModulation and Services
       TD®                                (MAz)                     tck  (ELV,LR)             Designator
           1                           29500—30000                     T   HV,LR           950KF2D                                                                    Test carmier
           2                           19700—20200                     R   HVLR            850KGTD                                                                   Test cardier

Notes: * Provide the ANTENNA—ID from table B4 to identify the auterna to which each frequency band and emission is assocxated. For VSAT networks, include frequencies and emissions for all HUB and REMOTE units.
      ** Indicate whether the earth station transmits orreceives in each frequency band.

                                                                                                                                                   20                  ~*           ECC312, ScheduleB —Page 4
                              L                                    .                                        .                     —                                                             February, 1998

     n                   S               i0                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                          2o              _       Page5: Questions
           >                                               SATELLITE EARTH STATION AUTHORIZATIONS
                                              FCC Form 312 — Schedule B: (Technical and Operational Description)

IfVSAT Network, provide the SITE—ID (Item B1b ofthe station that B8—B13 are in response to (HUB, REMOTE1, etc.):

BS8. Ifthe proposed antenna(s) operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) with geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s)                   YES                 DNO
     comply with the antenna gain pattems specified in Section 25.209(a) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer‘s qualification.
    measurements? IfNO, provide as an exhibit, a technical analysis showing compliance with two—degree spacing policy.
B9. Ifthe proposed antenna(s) do not operate in the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS), or if they operate in the Fixed Satellite Service                        DYES           —    DN0o
    (FSS) with non—geostationary satellites, do(es) the proposed antenna(s) comply with the antenna gain patterns speclfiedin                                                      .
  ~ Section 25.209(a2) and (b) as demonstrated by the manufacturer‘s qualification measurements?
B10. Is the facility operated by remote control? IfYES, provelde.the locatlop and telephone number of the control poigt:                                    [:IYE5              xjno

          Remote Control Point Location:                                  >                      |
     ..   B102. Street Address .     .                 *           —                                                   —

          Bi0b. City                                         ~           Bibs. Counly        _                    j           ~|Bidd. State / Coumty             ioz ZipCode          _
          E10E Telephone Number                        ——                         ~—             Bi0g. Call Sign ofControl Stafion (ifappropriato)

B1LIs frequency cdozdinafign.reqzfired? HYES, attach a fiequency coordination report as an exhibit.                                                 L.         DYES                1}10

B12. Is coordination with anofher conntry required2 IfYES, attach the name ofthe cotmtry(les)                                 20           e                DYES               . NO
     and plot of coordination contours as an exhibit.

B13. FAA Notification — (See 47 CFR Part 17 and 47 CFR Part 25.113(c))                   —                                    .                             ye5                       no
     Where FAA notification is required, have you attached a copy of a completed FCC Form 854 °                                                  '                              IZ[
     and/or the FAA‘s study regarding the potential hazard of the structure to aviation?

                                                                                    __                                                           >                         FCC 312, ScheduleB —Page 5
                                                                                                                                                            20                        ~ February, 1998

              EXHIBIT C





                            December 4, 2009

                                                                                                                            EXHIBIT C

     9 Meter High Efficiency Ka—Band Antenns
                 For Field Pattern                                        Polarization: Right C.P.
                                                                          Freq = 20.200 GHz
Amplitude (dB)


     9 Meter High. Efficiency Ka—Band Antenna
                 For Field Pattern                                        Polarization: Right C.P.
         9                                                                Freq = 90.000 GHz


  2& T                                                                    A
                                        _*                                 ~          \\
         &                                                                                                s   es     a
         g                     ue                                                            —__|Spetification
           t     ’”__4//                                  ,                                                        [~——_


         3                                           t LE TV
                                              |       F

         &                           di LA                    &          it 1.               db       .
           I-m.uu      —&.00   ~£.00         —1.00   —2.00        a.o0         #.00   4.00     8.40           a.00       10.00

                            (                                                 .                                                 EXHIBIT C

  9 Meter High Efficiency Ka—Band Antenna
                            Far Field Pattern                                           Polarization: Right C.P.
                 ~40.00                                                                 Freq = 20.200 GHz


      # T

                          —180.00   —140.00   —100.00   —80.00                        20.00        61.00   100.00   1411.00   160.00
                                                                     Augle off Axia   (RMegrees)

           9 Meter High Efficiency Ka—Band Antenna
                            Far Field Paitern             .                             Polarization: Right C.P.
                                                                                        Freq = 30.000 GHz
Amplitnde (dB)

                          ~180.00   —140.00   —100.00            .       —20.00     20.00          60.00            1411.00   160.00
                                                                     Angle off Avia   (Degyees)

             EXHIBIT D _





                 s         December 4, 2009

     .     ‘                                                                                 Exhibit D
Radiation Hazard Report                                                                      Page 1 of 5

      Analysis of Non—lonizing Radiation for a 9.2—Meter Earth
                          Station System
This report analyzes the non—ionizing radiation levels for a 9.2—meter earth station system. The analysis and
calculations performed in this report comply with the methods described in the FCC Office of Engineering
and Technology Bulletin, No. 65 first published in 1985 and revised in 1997 in Edition 97—01. The radiation
safety limits used in the analysis are in conformance with the FCC R&O 96—326. Bulletin No. 65 and the
FCC R&O specifies that there are two separate tiers of exposure limits that are dependant on the situation in
which the exposure takes place and/or the status of the individuals who are subject to the exposure. The
Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits for persons in a General Population/Uncontrolled environment
are shown in Table 1. The General Population/Uncontrolled MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is
for an exposure period of thirty minutes or less. The MPE limits for persons in an Occupational/Controlled
environment are shown in Table 2. The Occupational MPE is a function of transmit frequency and is for an
exposure period of six minutes or less. The purpose of the analysis described in this report is to determine
the power flux density levels of the earth station in the far—field, near—field, transition region, between the
subreflector or feed and main reflector surface, at the main reflector surface, and between the antenna edge
and the ground and to compare these levels to the specified MPEs.

                Table 1. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure (MPE)
                    Frequency Range (MHz)           Power Density (mW/cm")
                              30—300                              0.2
                             300—1500                  Frequency (MHz)*(0.8/1200)
                           1500—100,000                           1.0

                     Table 2. Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure (MPE)
                    Frequency Range (MHz)           __Power Density (mW/icm*)
                              30—300                        |     1.0
                             300—1500                  Frequency (MHz)*(4.0/1200)
                           1500—100,000                        _ 5.0

          Table 3. Formulas and Parameters Used for Determining Power Flux Densities
     Parameter                      Symbol              Formula           |        Value             Units
     Antenna Diameter                   D                 Input                      9.2             m
     Antenna Surface Area            Asurtace            1 D/4        _            —66.48            m*
     Subreflector Diameter              Dsr               Input                     107.5            cm
     Area of Subreflector              Asr               x Ds, "/4            _    9076.26          ‘cm*
     Frequency                          F               _ Input                    29500             MHz
     Wavelength                         A                300 / F                  0.010169           m
     Transmit Power                     P                 Input                    400.00           W
     Antenna Gain (dBi)                Ges                Input                     65.4       _     dBi
     Antenna Gain (factor)              G                1 ces                    3467368.5          n/a
     Pi                                 T               Constant                  3.1415927          n/a ~
     Antenna Efficiency                 m              G/(R‘D")                     0.43             n/a

              |                                             ;                       Exhibit D
Radiation Hazard Report                                                             Page 2 of 5

1.       Far Field Distance Calculation
The distance to the beginning of the far field can be determined from the following equation:

      Distance to the Far Field Region                      R; = 0.60 D/A                         (1)
                                                             — = 4993.8 m

The maximum main beam power density in the far field can be determined from the following
equation:                                                                        P

      On—Axis Power Density in the Far Field                S; =GP/(4 1 R;")                      (2)
                                                               = 4,426 Wim*
                                                                 = 0.443 mWi/icm*

2.       Near Field Calculation

Power flux density is considered to be at a maximum value throughout the entire length of the
defined Near Field region. The region is contained within a cylindrical volume having the same
diameter as the antenna. Past the boundary of the Near Field region, the power density from the
antenna decreases linearly with respect to increasing distance.

The distance to the end of the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:

      Extent of the Near Field                              Ry = D/ (4 A)                         (3)
                                         -                       = 2080.7 m              '
The maximum power density in the Near Field can be determined from the following equation:

     — Near Field Power Density    _                        Sy = 16.0 1 P / (@D")                 (4)
                                                                 = 10.332 W/im
                                                                 = 1.033 mW/cm*

3.       Transition Region Calculation

The Transition region is located between the Near and Far Field regions. The power density
begins to decrease linearly with increasing distance in the Transition region. While the power
density decreases inversely with distance in the Transition region, the power density decreases
inversely with the square of the distance in the Far Field region. The maximum power density in
the Transition region will not exceed that calculated for the Near Field region. The power density
calculated in Section 1 is the highest power density the antenna can produce in any of the regions
away from the antenna. The power density at a distance R, can be determined from the following
equation:                                                                                   '

      Transition Region Power Density                       S;

                                                                      Snf Rnf/ Rt                 (5)
                                                                      1.033 mW/cm*

                                                                                   Exhibit D
  Radiation Hazard Report                                                          Page 3 of 5

 4.       Region between the Main Reflector and the Subreflector

 Transmissions from the feed assembly are directed toward the subreflector surface, and are
 reflected back toward the main reflector. The most common feed assemblies are waveguide
 flanges, horns or subreflectors. The energy between the subreflector and the reflector surfaces
 can be calculated by determining the power density at the subreflector surface. This can be
 determined from the following equation:

      Power Density at the Subreflector                      Ssr = 4000 P / Ag                   (6)
                                                                 = 176.284 mWicm*

 5.       Main Reflector Region

 The power density in the main reflector is determined in the same manner as the power ‘density at
 the subreflector. The area is now the area of the main reflector aperture and can be determined
— from the following equation:               —

      Power Density at the Main Reflector Surface      Sgurtace 7 4 P / Asurtace    j            (7)
                                                                = 24.069 W/im*
                  ~              ,                              = 2.407 mW/icm*

 6.       Region between the Main Reflector and the Gfound

 Assuming uniform illumination of the reflector surface, the power denS|ty between the antenna and
 the ground can be determined from the following equation:

      Power Density between Reflector and Ground             Sqg = P / Asurface                  (8)
                                       ©                         = 6.017 W/m"
                                                                = 0.602 mW/cm*

                                                                                  Exhibit D
Radiation Hazard Report                                                           Page 4 of 5

7.     Summary of Calculations

          . Table 4. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Uncontrolled Environment

                                                      Calculated Maximum
                                                Radiation Power Density Level
Region                                                        (mW/icm*"}        Hazard Assessment
1. Far Field (R;= 4993.8 m)                             S¢           0.443       Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field (R,; = 2080.7 m)                          Sn           1.033        Potential Hazard
3. Transition Region (R,;<R, < R;g)                     S;           1.033        Potential Hazard
4.  Between     Main     Reflector        and           Ser        176.284        Potential Hazard
5. Main Reflector                                       Ssurface     2.407        Potential Hazard
6. Between Main Reflector and Ground                    Sq           0.602       Satisfies FCC MPE

            Table 5. Summary of Expected Radiation levels for Controlled Environment

                                                    Célculated Maximum
                                                  Radiation Power Density
Region.                               .                Level (mW/icm*)          Hazard Assessment
1. Far Field (R;= 4993.8 m)                             S¢           0.443      Satisfies FCC MPE
2. Near Field (R,; = 2080.7 m)                          Sn           1.033      Satisfies FCC MPE
3. Transition Region (Rp;<R, < R;)                .     S;           1.033      Satisfies FCC MPE
4. Between       Main    Reflector        and           Ssr        176.284       Potential Hazard
5. Main Reflector                                       Ssurface     2.407      Satisfies FCC MPE
6. Between Main Reflector and Ground                    Sq           0.602      Satisfies FCC MPE

It is the appllcant's responsibility to ensure that the public and operational personnel are not
exposed to harmful levels of radiation.

                                                                                   Exhibit D
Radiation Hazard Report                                                            Page 5 of 5

8.     Conclusions

Based upon the above analysis, it is concluded that FCC RF Guidelines have been exceeded in
the specified region(s) of Table 4. The applicant proposes to comply with the Maximum
Permissible Exposure (MPE) limits of 1.0 mW/cm**2 for the Uncontrolled Areas and the MPE
limits of 5.0 mW/cm**2 for the Controlled Areas.

The antenna will be installed at the Applicant’s teleport facility near Nuevo, California. The facility
is surrounded by a fence, which will restrict any public access. The earth station will be marked
with the standard radiation hazard warnings, as well as the area in the vicinity of the earth station
to inform those in the general population, who might be working or otherwise present in or near the
direct path of the main beam.

The applicant will ensure that the main beam of the antenna will be pointed at least one diameter
away from any building, or other obstacles in those areas that exceed the MPE levels. Since one
diameter removed from the center of the main beam the levels are down at least 20 dB, or by a
factor of 100, these potential hazards do not exist for either the public, or for earth statlon

Finally, the earth station‘s operating personnel will not have access to areas that exceed the MPE
levels, while the earth station is in operation. The transmitter will be turned off during periods of
maintenance, so that the MPE standard of 5.0 mw/cm**2 will be complied with for those regions in
close proximity to the main reflector, which could be occupied by operating personnel.

Document Created: 2009-12-04 11:06:26
Document Modified: 2009-12-04 11:06:26

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