Attachment STA extension

This document pretains to SES-STA-20091102-01409 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Earth Station filing.


                                                                                         Exhibit 1


        TerreStar License Inc. (“TerreStar”), pursuant to Section 25.120 of the
Commission’s rules, hereby requests a 90-day extension of its Special Temporary
Authority (“STA”), 1 up to and including February 10, 2010, to conduct in-orbit
testing (“IOT”) of the TerreStar-1 satellite in the manner described below. This
STA request covers “Phase II” IOT operations specific to the Satellite Beam-
forming Network (SBN), following the successful launch of the TerreStar-1
satellite on July 1, 2009.

        In its initial set of applications seeking STA, TerreStar indicated that it was
seeking authority under what was called Phase II operations, in which IOT
would be conducted to test the SBN in the United States via four facilities to test
the communications payload: (1) TerreStar-1, a Canadian-licensed satellite as to
which TerreStar holds a letter of intent (“LOI”) authorization (Call Sign S2633) to
serve the United States; (2) the 6.3-m and 9.3-m antennas associated with
TerreStar’s licensed gateway earth station located in North Las Vegas, Nevada
(Call Sign E070098); (3) an unlicensed 1.8-m mobile earth terminal (“MET”) 2 that
is co-located with TerreStar’s North Las Vegas gateway earth station; and
(4) TerreStar’s Calibration Earth Stations (“CES”). 3 Phase II IOT is on-going
consistent with the parameters sought in TerreStar’s initial STA requests.
TerreStar herein seeks extension of its Phase II STAs in order to complete IOT
before initiating service over the TerreStar-1 satellite.

       This exhibit describes the operational parameters for Phase II IOT in the
United States for the three facilities identified above and the CESs. A copy of this
exhibit accompanies each of the STA extension requests TerreStar is filing in
connection with Phase II IOT. The STA request form this exhibit is attached to
identifies, for each Phase II IOT STA request: (1) the time period for which an
STA is sought; and (2) the facility for which an STA is sought.

  1  The Bureau granted TerreStar initial 30-day STAs, until September 10, 2009, to operate,
respectively, its gateway antennas licensed under Call Sign E070098, a 1.8-m mobile earth
terminal, and a network of 15 technically identical calibration earth stations, pursuant to File Nos.
SES-STA-20090728-00926, SES-STA-20090728-00925, and SES-STA-20090728-00923. Furthermore,
the Bureau granted requests seeking 60-day extensions of those STAs, until November 9, 2009,
pursuant to File Nos. SES-STA-20090728-00927, SES-STA-20090728-00924, and SES-STA-
   2 The 1.8-m MET, operating in a temporary fixed mode, uses a custom antenna that is designed

for the express purpose of testing service link performance on TerreStar-1. The 1.8-m MET is
entirely different from the MET handsets that will be used by TerreStar’s customers.
   3 TerreStar submitted an application (File No. SES-LIC-20090403-00405; Call Sign E090061) on

April 1, 2009, seeking authority to operate a network of 15 technically identical calibration earth
stations, at fixed locations which point to the TerreStar-1 satellite and dynamically calibrate the
channel responses of the satellite beams. TerreStar’s application remains pending.


                                                                          Exhibit 1

      Based on discussions with the FCC’s staff, and in light of the fact that no
FCC radio license has been issued for TerreStar-1, TerreStar did not file any
request for special temporary authority for the satellite in connection with IOT.
Rather, TerreStar identified in the initial IOT STA requests the parameters for
TerreStar-1’s operations during IOT that deviate from the parameters on which
the LOI authorization for TerreStar-1 are based.


       During Phase II IOT, the components related to TerreStar’s Satellite Beam-
forming Network are being tested as engineers check the combined payload
performance with the Ground-Based Beam Forming (“GBBF”) network to
determine how well various S-band beams are formed. As the Commission is
aware, the S-band antenna subsystem of TerreStar-1 satellite system is based on
the so-called GBBF approach. As such, the ground GBBF equipment, which is
housed at the TerreStar gateway sites at both North Las Vegas (“NLV”), NV and
Allan Park (“AP”), Ontario, Canada, are being tested in a combined manner with
the satellite S-band antenna and associated radiating elements to ascertain the
actual beam-forming capabilities and performance. In addition, during its time
in orbit, TerreStar has been obtaining the actual beam patterns of the elemental
beams which are essential to the beam-forming task and to compare them
against the prediction.

       The communication payload of the TerreStar-1 satellite consists of two
repeater subsystems: one associated with the Forward channel and another one
associated with the Return channel. The Forward channel refers to the Ku-to-S
band signal path that originates from a Ku-band gateway facility to the satellite,
and then traverses to an S-band device on the ground: in this instance the 1.8-m
IOT antenna. The Return channel refers to the reverse link, i.e., from an S-band
device such as the 1.8-m IOT antenna to the satellite and then back to the Ku-
band gateway on the ground. As part of its on-going IOT, TerreStar is
conducting various tests of the Forward and Return subsystems consistent with
the technical details outlined in its initial requests for STA.

      STA is needed because the technical operations required for IOT go
beyond the operations authorized by TerreStar’s FCC licenses and
authorizations. In its STA extension requests, TerreStar seeks authority to
continue the following operations that are not already authorized:

             □ TerreStar-1: Use of unmodulated (CW) carriers not covered by
               the LOI authorization and use of power levels higher than are
               authorized by the LOI authorization


                                                         Exhibit 1

□ NLV gateway: Use of unmodulated (CW) carriers in the 12.75-
  13.25 GHz band that are not covered by the license and use of
  power levels higher than are authorized by the license (the
  temporary coordination of the unmodulated carriers is being
  extended by Comsearch through the STA period requested

□ NLV gateway: Use of higher power and wider bandwidth for
  12.751 and 12.999 GHz command carriers than is authorized by
  the license and corresponding changes to the emission
  designators for the carriers. The EIRP, EIRP density, and
  bandwidth of these command carriers have been increased to 72
  dBW, 48.8 dBW, and 832 kHz, respectively, from what is
  currently licensed (the temporary coordination of the higher
  power and wider bandwidth is being extended by Comsearch
  through the STA period requested herein)

□ NLV gateway: Feeder link transmissions on discrete
  frequencies in the upper half of the 12.75-13.25 GHz band (the
  gateway license authorizes transmissions only in the lower half
  of the band; the temporary coordination of the additional
  frequencies is being extended by Comsearch through the STA
  period requested herein)

□ NLV gateway: Use of a different polarization and higher power
  for the 12.992 GHz CW pilot signal than is authorized by the
  license (the license shows right hand polarization; left hand
  polarization will be used). The EIRP and EIRP density of the
  pilot signal has been increased to 80 dBW from what is
  currently licensed (the temporary coordination of the CW
  carriers is being extended by Comsearch through the STA
  period requested herein)

□ NLV gateway: Use of wider bandwidth for 11.2005 GHz and
  11.4495 GHz telemetry carriers than is authorized by the license
  and corresponding changes to the emission designators for the
  carriers. The bandwidth of these telemetry carriers have been
  increased to 400 kHz from what is currently licensed

□ NLV gateway: Use of 5 MHz carriers in the 12.75-13.00 GHz
  band that are not covered by the license (the temporary


                                                                            Exhibit 1

                 coordination of the 5 MHz carriers is being extended by
                 Comsearch through the STA period requested herein)

              □ 1.8-m MET: Operation of this earth station, which has not been

              □ CES terminals: Operation of TerreStar’s 15 technically identical
                U.S. Calibration Earth Stations in accordance with the
                parameters specified in connection with application for a license
                to operate the Calibration Earth Stations

              □ CES terminals: Operation of unmodulated (CW) carriers
                (operation of these CW carriers is not requested in TerreStar’s
                pending CES application), at higher EIRP than requested in
                TerreStar’s CES application, by four of TerreStar’s 15 U.S. CESs,
                located in San Manuel, AZ, Miami, FL, Austin, NV, and North
                Las Vegas, NV


       Extensive testing of this first of its kind GBBF system is continuing.
TerreStar believes that an additional 90 days beyond the November 9 STA
expiration date will be required to complete testing. Accordingly, TerreStar is
requesting 90-day STA extensions.

       TerreStar’s requests for extension of its STAs are supported by good
cause. Grant of the extension requests is in the public interest, as it will enable
TerreStar to conclude in-orbit testing on TerreStar-1 and facilitate proper
functioning of the satellite’s communications payload in anticipation of
providing service to the public via the satellite and associated ground stations.


Document Created: 2009-11-02 13:18:49
Document Modified: 2009-11-02 13:18:49

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